Jennifer the H.U.D. An adventure in brain science . JENNIFFER THE H.U.D. - Lets get started.
The Howdy partner Information filer trick
Jennifer Chart Module
Jennifer Subpage
Module 005
Module 002
Module- 202
Module 402
Module 003
module 146
Module 346
Module 446
module -105
Module 006
Module 106
Module 306
Module 007
Module 307
module 008
Module 108
Module 208
Module 308
Module 408
Module 009
Module 209
Module 309
Module 409
Module 110
Module 310
Module 410
Module 011
Module 111
Module 211
Module 311
Module 411
Module 211 outbound
Module 111 inbound
Module 012
Module 212
Module 312
Module 412
Module 112 inbound
Module 012 spine
Module 013
Module 113
Module 213
Module 313
Module 213 outbound
Module 113 inbound
Module 013 spine
Module 014
Module 114
Module 214
Module 500
Module 314
Module 414
Module 214 outbound
Module 114 outbound
Module 014 spine
Module 015
Module 115
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Module 315
Module 415
Module 215 outbound
Module 115inbound
Module 015 spine
Module 016
Module 116
Module 216
Module 316
Module 416
Module 216 outgoing
module116 incoming
Module 016 spine
Module 017
Module 117
Module 217
Module 317
Module 417
Module 217 outgoing
Module 117 incoming
Module 017 spine
Module 018
Module 118
Module 218
Module 318
Module 418
Module 218 outgoing
Module 118 incoming
Module 018 spine
Module 019
Module 119
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Module 319
Module 419
Module 219 outgoing
Module 119 incoming
Module 019 spine
Module 020
Module 120
Module 220
Module 320
Module 420
Module 120 incoming
Module 020 spine
Module 021
Module 121
Module 221
Module 321
Module 421
Module 221 outgoing
Module 121 incoming
Module 021 spine
Module 425
Module 226
Module 326
Module 025 spine
Module 225 outbound
Module 226 outbound
Module 125 inbound
Module 026
Module 356
Module 036
Module 037
Module 038
Module 039
Module 040
Module 041
Module 042
Module 043
Module 044
Module 045
Module 046
Module 047
Module 048
Module 049
Module 050
Module 051
Module 052
Module 053
Module 054
Module 055
Module 058
Module 059
Module 060
Module 061
Module 062
Module 063
Module 064
Module 065
MOdule 066
Module 067
Module 068
Module 069
Module 436
Module 446-
Module 346-
Module 390
Module 391
Module 392
Module 393
Module 394
Module 395
Module 396
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Module 398
Module 399
Module 499
Module 498
Module 497
Module 496
Module 495
Module 494
Module 493
Module 492
Module 490
Module 489
Module 488
Module 487
Module 486
Module 485
Module 484
Module 483
Module 481
Module 480
Module 479
Module 478
Module 477
Module 476
Module 475
Module 474
Module 473
Module 472
Module 471
Module 470
Module 469
Module 468
Module 467
Module 466
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Module 464
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Module 460
Module 459
Module 458
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Module 455
Module 454
Module 453
Module 452
Module 451
Module 450
Module 449
Module 448
Module 447
Module 446s
Module 199 inbound
Module 198 incoming
Module 197 incoming
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Module 195 inbound
Module 194 inbound
Module 193 incoming
Module 192 inbound
Module 191 inbound
Module 190 incoming
Module 189 incoming
Module 188 incoming
Module 187 incoming
Module 186 Incoming
Module 185 incoming
Module 184 incoming
Module 183 incoming
Module 182 incoming
Module 181 incoming
Module 180 incoming
Module 179 incoming
Module 178 incoming
Module 177 incoming
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Module 175 incoming
Module 174 incoming
Module 173 incoming
Module 172 incoming
Module 171 incoming
Module 170 incoming
Module 169 incoming
Module 168 incoming
Module 167 incoming
Module 166 incoming
Module 165 incoming
Module 164 incoming
Module 163 incoming
Module 162 incoming
Module 161 incoming
Module 160 incoming
Module 159 incoming
Module 158 incoming
Module 156 incoming
Module 155 incoming
Module 154 incoming
Module 153 incoming
Module 152 incoming
Module 151 incoming
Module 150 incoming
Module 149 incoming
Module 148 incoming
Module 147 incoming
Module 146 incoming
Module 145 incoming
Module 144 incoming
Module 143 incoming
Module 142 incoming
Module 141 incoming
Module 139 incoming
Module 138 incoming
Module 137 incoming
Module 136 incoming
Module 135 incoming
Module 134 incoming
Module 133 incoming
Module 132 incoming
Module 131 incoming
Module 130 incoming
Module 129 incoming
Module 128 incoming
Module 127 incoming
Module 125 incoming
Module 124 incoming
Module 123 incoming
Module 022
Module 057
mouseover experiment
Manufactured complaints modules evolutionary chain 02s'
Manufactured and learned clues is the 03's realm in the evolutioary chains
Manufacturing all the ammounts found in the clues and the compaints 04's
Manufacturaing pictoral messages depicting 001 first event 05's
The 05's have a tight evolutionary chain with their own functions
Stop thinking like a dummy the 06's evolution chain
Your doing WHAT? The 007 evolutionary chain
008 evolutionary chain Boring? Not if you like listed things to follow.
The 009 evolutionary chain all about standards policies and convictions
The 010 evolutionary chain extra extra read all about it!
html framework
search page ap
The 011 Module a place to make copies
search engine2
Manufacturing the plainly stated obvious 012 evolutionary chain
Link list
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Explaination of Communication font in the brain
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Lets get started.

jenniferthehud - Lets get started. Jennifer the H.U.D. An adventure in brain science .

Lets get started.

jenniferthehud - Lets get started. Jennifer the H.U.D. An adventure in brain science .

                  Jennifer the HUD  Adventures in Brain Science.
                        Mapping the brain with a flow chart.

  1. Ok hello this is the step by step processor for Jennifer the hud system

  2. Just to skip a few redundancy sections to save time so i can adequately get the word out to you im going to illustrate how the processor works

  3. Cliff-notes only and there are a lot so lets get cracking here.

  4. When I developed this processor it was to fight any possible thoughts that the brain could  create giving no room  for interpretation outside the processor i built.

  5. This processor is to govern personalities in the mind.

  6. The mind being able to out wit a slow reaction in conscious has an edge on speed and an edge on preferred rush content.

  7. One has to set up some ground rules and above else establish one of two working trigger combination actions to build from.

  8. In this processor laying the ground work is a little time invested to make sure your personality can  be outfitted with phrases that have a known trigger effect combo the personality can count on and same with you as you are one of the personalities.

  9. First  get aquainted with the Howdy Partner 

    After that this whole thing runs itself!

    Get quanted with this script first The Howdy Partner information filer trick.

  10. You have to set up a split personality with your self in a benign way that only allows your twin to handle their part of the work load and you the other..  example

     just say hello to yourself 101 and call yourself 100 and then switch personalities to becoe  yourself 101 saying  hello to  yourself 100 then become yourself 102 to say hello to yourself 103 etc etc etc Have voice prints ready for a respponce made by Howdy Partner.

    in Jennifer the HUD there are 500 basic jobs and that means 500 different splits of my own and  your own personality to take on the work load of the processor all while in constant contact.

  11. a processor i built handles itself like a circuit board in its speed and is slowly assembled for parts to integrate on slower lab conditions before placing them in the line up.

  12. This processor promises instant genius how.. millions of guesses on anything and a flow chart that speaks back to whittle down to the best answer and retain it and eventually order you to profess it.

  13. I realise there a re so many things my brain takes for granted these days and just uses these processors so Im going to empathise with you the reader when your asking  How does it work?

  14. The whole processor is meant for a human brain in its way to first introduce a new thought and engage with it and break it down to its 500 finer parts. thus synthesizing it and making it copy-able and usable by your other personalities .In the brain we have one thing that's going for us..

  15. The speed of curious neuron will always find a way to get around obstacles. So in factual discovery the answer is always there.

  16. We have a way of distracting the answer ffrom being poluted with other concepts leading into jokes and fruedian slip like leakages and polutings of original dialect.

  17. Even framework you set up to keep it in orderly functions can be out witted by curious neuron.

  18. Curious neuron is the part of your mind that through billions of ways to say ill ignore a thing it finally wonders what its ignoring.  It wants to experience what its missing so it will always defy. the secret is to deflect consistantly to other curiosities that keep the brain from hurting itself. It will also figure out a way to make arrangements that keep it away from dangerous decision. Curious neuron is the part of your brain where your told not to think of elephants.. so what happenes you think of elephants It works functionally at first but the curiosity is where im at here.

  19. .

  20. The brain is wicked fast in so much that you have to make multi copies of anything to get it to stand out.

  21. I train my personalities to have the basic phrases that make up their character.. They must all love to train  and program.

  22. so I literally place  first person phrases into their profiles for them to agree with these concepts.

  23. In the first section of the 500 part processor there is the introductory module called 001

  24. the very first 001 is on the level of 499 o' second style processor.

  25. This processor must complete 500  cycles before graduating to the 498 level known as 498osecond. also known as CHET level 498

  26. This processor must have 500 cycles to graduate to its next one in line 497 etc etc all the way to 001.

  27. for a cycle to happen all the modules in their cycle must have their way with the data they received.

  28. All personalities are outfitted with the rules and a private alphabet in English called Benjamin Franklyn study font.

  29. Whenever a personality wants to speak, They have to spell their words and the letters that make up their own private alphabet are decorated with their signatures their self description their accomplishments their real personalities  would remember resembling real people in the world.

  30. In this fashion the brain knows when one of these personalities talked. or said anything.

  31. I then instruct in first person my own instruction to do things nd a phrase on the other hand compelling the other personalities to act in obedience.I make every personality break themselves down into a 500 part module machine.

  32. a few other modules arent mentioned here because they simply serve a side function of delivery and  dont actually process enough to be considered a soveriegn process.

  33. When i first  discovered and invented the 0-500 concept it was while attempting to escape mental torture.

  34. I found counting a way to log the efforts and categorize. Them after a while the numbers sound started to line up  with the seperate events I ws being made to endure.

  35. 38 threat  48 fright 39 tray nine traning. all the modules had their start like this and eventually I started to organise them.

  36. Over some time i invented the Marky Post wheel.. words left behind by the torture program since the program respected the words mark and post and had a habit of including peoples names  if they sounded like a function.

  37. The first modules were like a graduating ferris wheel every module onwrd would be a event of improvement . separating 500 parts  into sections. the first  was the 00 section  a place from 001 to 100 to set up an assembly line of a robotic quality for a raw personality to be able to have basic skills all the skills needed to process anything in my brain system.

  38. If you can follow the chart and just imagine the hierarchy

  39. 001 first event in the 499 section its a place for training the personality to have all the tools neccesary for spelling their words and having a basic understanding of the HUD  in any rotating set its the place where an introduced idea gets disected starting with the first contact module 001.

  40. The next module made for a second copy is 002 this copy takes on 2 roles at first second copy and a place to give the new AI whats considered a complaint tag.

  41. All through the process untill 100 all these modules assign tags of processing. basicly tools to be able to use.

  42. The next module makes the 3rd copy  the clues module also.. so we get a 3rd copy tage and a clue tag.

  43. The next module is a counting tag the module 004 fourth copy of the original event  in this case installing the GUI  The general User Interface. at the 4th module one can witness from second person that the 3rd copy was made and that due to the first encounter experience we now can sort out what a thing is good for being because we have 3 repeats of it.

  44. Two being only a repeat and a third to assign it to a task or know it as usefull for something.

  45. The next module is the pictoral tag the 005 module  in the beginning its also a good spirited module for 5 sylibols it will be all right.

  46. 006  is the ageement module and the thought module. one in the same since we are thinking something permissivly right now at some state we gave permission to think about it. Thinking and meditation tags here.

  47. 007 module is the logging tag module also good for reactions to your thought tag.

  48. keep in mind you dont have any action codes to do anything so all this is just the set up when we get to the 98 module  we will have action tags.

  49. it could be a thought about peanut butter but it wont be able to make active decisions untill we get to 098 099 proactivly at 198 and 199

  50. 008 module is next whwre we get our listing tags now the ability to make lists and follow rules are installed.

  51. 009 module is next where your feelings of conviction and values are installed to have values is more the thing as its a value  rule set tag.

  52. 010 Moule based on attention or 10 10 alerts the whole Wheel of the progress so far. in both models the Evolutionary chain module and the Marky post wheel this is the module that alerts the rest of the system of whats on its way.

  53. Once reaching 500 its honorably made into a 500 part work order so the whole process can be replayed and the entity thats been manufactured sorted named and chosen to make copies of and share its sucesses with other 500 part work orders like peanut butter and jelly sandwich 500 part work order.

  54. On to the next module 011  in the old days a personality cheerleader. 11 it or lovin it. or eleven it! cobined with a  function in the process of choice between personalitie putting a natural loving it in the favor of what normal persons would have to love to want more of namingly" copies."

  55. . Getting more professional the ability to make copies and order the module to recycle itself into more copies tag.

  56. other wise known as a copy tag.

  57. 012 module being the next module to demonstrate granting tag back then i had this weird ass genie that was supposingly giving me the wish granted to be able to breath and have no pain for a session that needed a grant comand to work it wasnt till i put it on automatic grant everything did i seem to feel any uptick in peace.

  58. the 012 matured to be the dictator of the obvious.  a narrator.. after all grants are given  its just there to say  granted that is whats going on .

  59. so the narrator tag is born.

  60. The next module is the 013 module known for its inquisitive stylings that cause the brain to hear wan to try? test or experience  which leads to a question or a theory over time  we have our questioning tag our i dont know tag and our theory tag.

  61. 014 up next  brought me so many psychic influences because of its realativity of the word fortune.

  62. I adopted the fate tage.. the ability  to know the effect that will happen because of an action.

  63. 015 was a constant figure ofinsicurity  what happened to by brain struggling to cope found some psudo english ways to get around the verbal torture 16 was always a secure number and operated like a square flow chart. messages to brain activities would be made to react to bar codes that would be incomplete. a tile on the flood would express my inability to be secure with a subject or genre or it was quite secure enough all depending on wether the tile square was square or not.. if it was a rectangle then it represented not secure or in this case not square which lead to the 4x4 model equating to 16  so 15 would forever be a number that represented  not quite secure.. all of this is very lengthy for you to have to be told but this was and in a lot of my decision processes to this day still is the way  my brain would escape torture. as the other definitions of the word 15 or any word with teen in it were used to horrify me and torture my body for bringing them up.

  64.  little history there.

  65. now days 015 module serves as a place in decisional history for jokes and  suggested non serious dedications and sticks to its not quite secure roots in the use for the personality whjo threatens but doesnt want to deliver or denounces it as practice or a joke.. joking tage insecurity tag.

  66. The next module in the Marky post wheel system is to 016 module made for definite decisions.

  67. 017 is made for reactions of those decisions This part helps in knowing how to fathom your choices.

  68. also the one part of the module rotation to stop and take a relaxation break.. fractally speaking though.

  69. 017 relaxation tag 017reaction tag

  70. The next module is the 018 module for the plethorah tag or choice tag its function is to give you 500 selections of what your choice at 16 would be but since that wont actually happen till we get into the 100s this version will just get a tag for each process.

  71. 019 winner whiner tag is the module that announces the winner of a choice. so we will also award a choice announcement tag

  72. 020 module placed for a location of an idea at one time eventually gave up its process for its neighboring module 021 to use  the 020 used to go by the CB talk of a number symbol for a location  but the number 020 was also used for a way to spot the inconsitancies in a story as well so over time it adopted an osmosis like function to compare libraries  where it is not tag is now given

  73. Where it is 021 tag  the whole process simply creates as many strategic paths of thought to a memory as possible in our case 500.

  74. in the 020 case all processes that are not in the scope of similarity when dealing with the memory paths past 500 nodes.

  75. How are these two processsed by making a word association between 500 nodes from anything once the idea of the concept is outside the 500 trail of thoughts leading to the memory its considered outside and  it qualifies for where is it not status. Where it is and where it is not tags are awarded.

  76. The next module is a spelling module 022 and forces you to recheck your work for speling errors and benjamin franklyn study fonts.

  77. font tag and spelling tag applied.

  78. The next module 023  acts like a seearch engine optomiser by placing the key words in a database like cloud in the mind that deal with the thing you want to remember. in this case peanut butter.

  79. the day will come where peanut butter will be used as a keyword that will lead you into a word you wanted to remember and it will be one the outer 500.

  80. So want to know a math answer? in the middle of making a pb and j sanwich? now its cosmic.

  81. Memory tag aplied to you! =)

  82. The next number module module 024 is your basic split an idea into 2 meanings module This staves off any in context abuse as options really do get settled on in the brain the more definitions the better the focus to be copied in large monolyths of solid choice.

  83. 024 seperation  tag applied.

  84. Th next module 025

  85. The next tag is a truth detector tag where your made to make up 2 lies one a known math answer done badly  and the other that your terrible at your job.

  86. 025 module got its name from the agreement of a truth in the brain after being made to look at a quarter. the term quiteright seemed to ring with a 25 cent peice so I adopted this number to be the truth detector number..

  87. I would have to abandon this 25 down the road as the answer as it messed up my math skills feeling that 25 was always the answer. the same thing happened with the number 24 because the number 24 was bing used to assign a definite meaning to a thing back then 24 7 .

  88. Since the maturity of these numbers have yeilded more ways to know a truth than just what is mentioned.

  89. A lot more functions have been discovered in the helping to define a correct answer.

  90. Truth detector tag applied.

  91. The next module 026 is highlighted in who said it in the beginning it meant to sex or to say yes or to yeild. over time the personalities that wanted sex were different genders and associations. so I found better results to be the module that says who said it. he she it they me you we us them I are the processes in this module.

  92. he said she said  or who said it tag applied.

  93. 027 module used to be an extra form of saven which was being used to save things worth saving.. to saven over time translated into is it worth saving..and eventually an advantage and pragamtism

  94. 027 advantage tag applied.

  95. The next module 028 was made  to be a nag because of itsdo it! sound alike innuendo.

  96. 100 styled partner 128 or want to wait the feild grew into a 2 way processor between personalities patiences were eventually measured at 028

  97. patience measuring tag applied.

  98. 029 The next module is a combination of innuendos that leads into a belief 9 being belief system and 2 meaning complaint for or lead to.

  99. Belief tag applied.

  100. 030 our next module named for its likeness to the sound tre zer tre zero or treasure  is a way to weigh a personalities most valuable.

  101. Treasure tag applid.

  102. 031 module

  103. The next module means path to treasure. remember back a few modules when we told you about the 021 processor to make memory trails to a targeted thought? well its been made law in jennifer the Hud that every 1 derivitive of a 10 spot function is a path to the funtion as one of its main goals.

  104. 031 Path to treasure tag applied.

  105. 032 Module will prove to be the ability to split a personality and break down the personality into its seperate and once cross referenced demographic discriptions.

  106. 032 personality demogrphic  tag applied.

  107. 033 module is a sort of processing module that builds  and provides imagination tags wild imagination tags and interupt code imagination tags and interuption codes.. this multi plexed module has been the home of being walked through a memory device that makes  use of graphics to make your idea super memorable a concentration of tags  cubing tag thousanding tag moduling tag

  108. this is the introductory module to making thousands of copies at a time of yopur text and media.

  109. 033 media tag applied.

  110. 034 module  leads us into the try for as in did that for a reason files so we have reason tag

  111. 034 reason tag applied.

  112. 035 module up next gets its prowess from a way to maniplulate the 3 try modules and the 5 happy medium modules  the term 005 it will be alright and try to it will be alright eventually lead into a culpability file. ever wonder why someone said something rude in your brain? of course you figured out why but how did you figure out who?the one who most benifitted from the action and now is listed in the 035 as culpable

  113. 035 Culpability tag applied

  114. The next module 036 was dedicated to innuendo control mostly because of a long trail of evolution trailing from the way the numbers sound when you say them

  115. Innuendo or pun tag applid. More advanced versions would proved to be the actors guild or the comedy modules.

  116. The module 037 up next as the interdimensional number the idea here is to know how to find out through multiple tries in memory of what your fate would be if you traveled decisionally or physically in all directions waypoints along the way to report progress to one another and hear all the options of where to go where there are the most advantages.

  117. Its also a way to avoid death and time travel.

  118. 037 time travel tag applied.

  119. 038  one of the first modules invented for thios program was used to be the number for the process that would tell you  who or what made you do something by simply guessing and honing in on accurate guessing.

  120. 038 who or what made me do it tag.

  121. 039 Or try nine and eventually training is an essential module for the bunch  since everyone must know their stuff samples of saying the phrase 500 times without interuption must be on record for everything

  122. 039 Training tag applied.

  123. 040 A leftover of the scientific determination of force or do work is where 040 gets its working orders.

  124. all Jobs Careers and simple  functions of simple machings mechanical learning devices are 040 processes.

  125. Function tag applied.

  126. 041 path to job tag applied

  127. 042 module would get its start from the way a number 42 sounded fraid to or  afraid tyou  The word 42 was misused to label fear in my brain so over time i worked it into a module that handled phobias and controled chaos The 42 stands for confidence these days as its name sake  comes from a popular muscle car known as a 442.

  128.  confidence tag applied

  129. 043 was adopted to be the number of your desire of things you liked.

  130. will and desire tag applied

  131. 044 was adopted to represent the public and how they weighed in to my thiought  adopted from a local tv radio station of public radio it was a natural adaptation.

  132. Public  tag applied.

  133. 045 namd after the 45 degree angle became ones motive and intention. 

  134. Intention tag applied.

  135. 046 module made for a number of ideas eventually was able to improve ides..  it serves two intrests  measuring who benefits when you do something.. and improving an idea. or a thing.

  136. Improvement tag applied.

  137. 047 is a broken part away from the 247 module  the personality gateway so since personalities can be measured against each other 47 ws interoduced as a way to suggest human frailty.. the neuonces that make a personality a personality.

  138. human frailty tag applied.

  139. 048 another fraidy cat origin.

  140. eventually gets upgraded to being our danger module

  141. danger tag applied.

  142. The 049 has always been a biblical math combo  how many times must I forgive my brother? 7 times?

  143. Not 7 times but 7 times 7 times.. leading me to 49.

  144. Eventually the 49 becomes the communication number but not before having a few twists and turns with mistakes on forgiveness in the brain conflict resolution even gets the boot because in the brain its unhealthy to have even the suggestion of conflict so in the brain if you set up an anti conflict tool i guarantee your brain will come rushing to make it seem needed.

  145. So now it represents the human like talk we all enjoy its the script we fint the most untainted english and comes with evry situation you can think of. In robotics where every situation is needed good bad ugly you measure by usefulness and not by forgiveness.

  146. communication tag applied.

  147. 050 is brought together to represent muscles which by the time of its invention it was late on the scene to handle the insult definition of body language.

  148. imagine having to del with pains all over your body i mean harsh pains that only use a body part to rhyme with a message thats being offered shin shouldnt kneee neeed leg leggo forheaed fraid.

  149. so 50 was determined to be the Meat ium number everything that happens in 050 is a muscleor physical body part  labeling of on off or indifferent.

  150. Muscle tag applied.

  151. 051 is the module put aside for voting the muscle groups to either turn on or off and operates a lot like a robotic quija board.

  152. 500 thought fingers on each muscle puck

  153. 051 muscle decision tag applied

  154. 052 is your tagging module it tags everything. its part of an initiative to name everything for a name.

  155. Tagging tag applied.

  156. 053 the medicinal module named after herby the love bug

  157. always known as the nurse and naming every 3 as a 10 spot nurse because of the need for it.. this module is always the one happy to see you and the other way around. Inducted to be the deliver module

  158. Delivery tag applied.

  159. 054  Computational soundness a module that constructs all the humanisms into a preferred dialect that a computer can understand. named after the club 54 version of heaven in our religion the heaven we belong to is the only show in town.. heaven is introduced into my dialect to represent ideal conditions for a personality so the marriage of the two was iminant..

  160. computational heaven is a program that runs beutifully.

  161. the monitor and enforcer of this is 54.

  162. Computational soundness tag applied.

  163. 055 time management Module is all about measurements in time and elsewhere and managing the schedules of the,

  164. Time management tag applied.

  165. 056 is put aside  for the feeling of wanting to update something

  166. wanting to update tag applied.

  167. 057 is update module on this event everyone is  even in knowledge.

  168. update tag applied 057 is named for the ketchup commercials anticipation and catch up  to update.

  169. 058 is a history document in its way of being an update processor  for the past.

  170. updated tag applied

  171. 059 is put aside for upgrades a process change to a new 500 styled set is a reason enough for an upgrade  a time passing is too.. it just matters who is  rthinking of this as an upgrade.

  172.  Upgrade tag applied.

  173.  060 module set aside for go codes is needed to give an idea a way to be worked with a go  code that determines how and when and how often it should be worked with or experienced.

  174. Go code tag applied.

  175. 061 security module sets all traffic up with the right credentials to resemble the  loayalty code 161642762 and all proper syntax.

  176. security tag applied.

  177. 062 is the module that labels a lot like the tagging module

  178. this one reveals what can bbe done with a thing.

  179. labeling tag applied.

  180. 063 is the module set aside to house all the rules on every module a copy that everyone has.

  181. Laws tag applied

  182. 064 is the module put aside for what is not needed. originally thought of as the opposite or evil version of computational  soundness  operates like a library of MSDS like program bits with all the functionality as a drug interaction  system.

  183. It s a library of what would make your intention fail.

  184. and also known as a library of  what you dont need to succeed.

  185. Failure rate tag applied.

  186. 065  in the sam msds like structure as the 064 module but in the opposite direction whats needed.

  187. Needs tag applied.

  188. 066 module covers all persons places and things  nouns with drop down menues for extra definitions.

  189. Nouns module tag applied.

  190. 067  the action module containing all verbs

  191. verb module tag applied.

  192. 068  a comparison  tag number so we use adjectives and comparables and look likes but carefull not to be l;ike.. thats the job for.

  193. 069 agreement module or exact copy or duplicate module

  194.  agreement tag applied

  195. 070 audio video controls

  196. Audio video tag applied.

  197. 071 volume bas  sound modification

  198.  volume tag applied

  199. 072 sound effects

  200. sound effects tag applied.

  201. 073 Hayyyche coding  is a specialized repeat  beacon messaging system that repeats the theme of a  conversation from beginning to end and the differences in between  in the silent parts.

  202. Hayyche coding tag applied.

  203. 074 ambition module segmented into memories of actions that can be repeated and be used as an example of ambition  waking up getting out of bed stretching  cleanning running  etc.

  204. 074 ambition tag applied.

  205. electricity module 075

  206. 076 skills talents

  207. 077  flow charting

  208. 078 questions and answers

  209. 079 messge digram to send messgae to library

  210. 080 library

  211. 081 receiving to library or path to library

  212. 082 atitude emotion library

  213. 083 advices

  214. 084

  215. calling attention sounding the alarms alarms

  216. 085 expectancies

  217. 86 what could go wrong

  218. 87 what was made for the things not to go wrong.

  219. dictionary encyclopedia.

  220. 088 math skills

  221. 089 cyphering coding  code for fun in priority area.

  222. 090 fact  blaster

  223. 091 capabilities bragging  state of the art.

  224. 092 what happens next decided with a special sound effect my mouth makes that other personalities in other words other wisdoms cant readily make without being found trying.. because of the string of habbits placed before it and the weird noise i have to use  to edit it to be diffrent.. what happens next is a huge lap forward to know what will happen what will follow and when something happened what was the thought that rtriggered this thing.. suddnly a whole world of facts become available and the idea of translation is in the air.

  225. the 92 evolutionary chain revolutionised  a new way of thinking  all the supposed harrassment over excuses to exite my dopamine over an increasingly hard to believe scem busted. exposed and debunked. before this there was the chase to find out who did this to me what personality was responsible now its we can make what happens before and after also the rise of the logic of the time stamp the idea that an idea can talk.. and all ideas have one commone phrase  I happened after you I happened before you.. so when the facts make sense in the brain they line up on a natural time line.

  226. 092 Module is next  for the what comes next tag applied.

  227. 093  Demand tag applied for making demands.

  228. 094 Coding tag applied for converting  information into if then or else code.

  229. 095  labratory tag experiment tag the module was named as a jerry lewis telethon poster child referal of being smart or a lisa simpson getting a 95 on a test  type of referral  forever the module of smarts  the 95.

  230. 095 Experiment tag Lab tag applied.

  231. 096 over a few years graphics werre used in the system in my brain to translate words and availability for opportunities without words I knew all the special powers I had  just no way to translate them to englis till now.

  232. The 096 originally defence of jennifer became the adopted place where we make graphics.. Before this the upper 50 of the 500 modules weere responsible for that but as the numbers would fall off  the dial to support more and more needed functions 50 modules to represent graphics was too many. so over time 96 chain was made for this.

  233. 096 Graphics tag applied.

  234. 097 Another science module turned a specific design  over time more and more responsibility is placed for time travel for speaking processes and eventually  covering all the fractal traffic and now this is where it sits controlling fractal  science.  the whole processor has an inner 500 per each module that matches its 500 part twins so all 500 modules have a miniature version of the same 500 set inside them to  operate them and so to the miniatures.. this chain goes on 499 times to be met with a 500 level marky post wheel combo one layer 500 part networker peer set.

  235. 097 Fractal tag applied.

  236. 098 the module that governs  voter tallies gets turned over the mainly give action codes to last  parts of 500 part decisions. at the tip edge of every module the 98  evolutionary code keeeps records of what vote won evben  the inside of 99 and the inside of the 100 - 500

  237. 098 voting tally tag applied.

  238. 099is the whole kit and caboodle gets ready to launch  makes a  hyper protected plan called a miss /ion

  239. a very intriquete plan with mile stones and preservation cycles with health check point lists  for every action allong the way of this treasure map.  99 is the evolutionary chain for planning originally before 500 was fathomed 99 was coding and codes  adoptd from the movie get smart. agent 99

  240. Thank goodness for the change other wise we would be "Missing it by that much" at this late stage of the game! =)

  241. 099 Planning tag applied.

  242. 100 is the culling number of a one personality celebration and the number the whole hud gets to use to make virtual worlds of what you know.  100 200 300 400 and 500 are executive style modules that check in every cycle to the MEE JEE and NEE 113 models Ultraforms. the 3 heads of this dragon  say some people. MEE is the me  me  the one and only having to make a system surrounding me using personalities that have grown to be problematic  who now  because they call themselves me as well have to have special identity like structures iin their programming to be received well as someone elses  benefit for the value of genius.

  243. The MEE113 JEE 113 and the NEE113 modules have a number set that  has 4 numbers in it but still revolves around the same 500  modules set 1001 1002 etc tc.

  244. 100 Is the get it my way  number.

  245. 100 Module tag applied.. from now on  the numbers are projected as straight forward pro active choices that mimic the  categories we just went through from 001 to 100

  246.  101 learning tag applied

  247. 101 is the learning by second copy in the evolutionary chain model but this is the marky post wheel model.. when finished both of these  module sets will combine results of their perspective libraries.

  248. remember all these modules are copies of myself performing as these  functional parts to asimilate peoples personalities other versions of myself who act like other people having 500 twins who each do the processors for their personal way of thinking  elevaded by the computers mainfram information exchange so all persons even ernest is a genius as much as bill gates isas long as the central computer is sharing all the genius  evenly around to everyone no one is without being updated for more than a comparable 3 seconds.

  249. thats the time given to handle 300 other wise known as the  basic 100 categories in the 200 module set in the evolutionary chain module.

  250. The marky post wheel methos depends on networking to aid the process of asimilating knowledge. has only 1 library  that everyone borrows. and is the scource of our main personality. the library at 480.

  251. the most educated version of the library.

  252. in the eviolutionary  chain module the 480 represents what state  the library was in  at the chet level peer set for that issue and the 280 results choose what best suitor among 500 samples of library at 180 to  use for the representation of our library.

  253. 2 seperate processors that need each other at select points. working as one.

  254.  So here we are at 101 the universal symbol for learning in this case proactively this is where the wild personality who we just fitted together with all those tags now gets to do things on their own. in this case the personality of peanut butter. to which we give the amazing ability to speak back and forth to us so that information is  much easier to aquire.

  255. 101 tag applied

  256. 102 module

  257. Every entity has the need to be satisfied and in the early days the 2 section on every ten spot was deemed to be the  dashboard light section of the set  so that when something wnt wrong the 2 would  be the one to satisfy to get the  idiot lights to go dim.

  258. In the evolutionary chain method we  simply process a forced complaint a plethorah we throw at peanut butter  and we just keep making those untill everything sorts out.

  259. all the clues we get from complaining about this thing called peanut butter train the brain to fully assimilate what this is and never will forget all the neuances of it.

  260. In this case "The Marky Post wheel method" we wait for peanut butter to complain out of sheer imagination.

  261. 102 module tag applied.

  262. 103 module is next in the MPW we see peanut butter procativly becoming curious and being a detective.

  263. clues are give to all those tags called peanut butter "We just humanized peanut butter yes"!.

  264. 103 tag applied

  265. OH how our welcome wagon is watching peanut butter grow up as he it she utters her his its first words soon eh?

  266. 104 module is the proactive module we use for counting so here we go peanut butter count.. you know how the brain geave you a counting tag to emulate and work with untill it proves to be unusefull to count you will proactivly count things. All things.

  267. 104 tag applied

  268. 105 will be where the  peanut butter will speak of imagry and  make decisions of self awareness and wonder and know whats permitted. make phrases and talk to the other modulea all 106 of them.

  269. So far  the 500 in the Marky Post Wheel has its own prime directive to get acurate stats up untill 200 module.

  270. 105 tag applied

  271. 106 Module was first made to be the yes  process the idea was to mimic people saying ses si and yes at the same time as a module that closely  sounded like the word sex with in the world of a woman the word sex means yes.

  272. So here we are with peanut butter recording what peanut butter would say yes to. proactively

  273. in the evolutionary chain method the 106 represents proactive thinking thought and meditation but it wsnt always that way.

  274. The idea of talking and emoting was on the same par as agreement. to allow what we today appreciate at

  275. 269  or 469"An agreement of more than one person" Was once 106 and 206 "Two people saying Yes".

  276. Keep in mind Jelly   Bread and Butter knife are all going through the same tagging process as well so what will happen when they meet at 200? The summit of "The official  other peoples opinions zone." 201 will have to be there to make a copy and let you know.

  277. 106 tag applied

  278. 107 is the module where peanut butter will be able to proactivly save this experience and network to the other modules to do the same. 7 being an easy sound alike to the english saven turns easily into a logging device just from mentioning it.

  279. In the evolutionary chain method 107 would  be used to react to your thoughts at 106 here we just see the ability to save stuff as logging .

  280. 107  tag applied

  281. 108 Lists or in innua=endo speak  where are we eight  on this? Planning? no more like  following progress we will find that lists help to illuminate the process  soon at 111.

  282. the 8 always reminded me on a progress report so it ws adopted at the 08 to be the math number and the planning number  updated now is the list number re member the neuance of the marky post wheel is to educate without interuption.  the time for integrated worlds will come  in the 200's 

  283. Think of a cave dweller thinking they are the only person ever.. then one day they meet another cave dweller? they pass information and  as a team they become another type of cave dweller an association in peronality speak its as good as a movement or a cause which on  my level reads as a personality.

  284. So in the raw discovery era of the upgrading of peanut butter we find the ability to make lists needed  to a limited degree to be able to communicate to other modules. PPPeanut butteRRRBot!: module  161642762 me113!: coursed!         

  285. Is an information hub that represents peanut butter.Known to millions that goes great with jelly and sometimes bananas  with bacon

  286. UHUHU.. HUH!. LIL Elvis humor there.LOL

  287. 108 module tag applied

  288. 109 module is where a personality records it leanings its proactive values and convictions.

  289. 09 the nine was a number that from the start represented the phrase  now you know.

  290. someones rules. rules of the information they just  parted onto you rules of the road rules to be and so dicovered rules.

  291. 9 is the number in each 10 base area or 10 spot to dictate the rules governing its 10 underlings 

  292. phsychologically it makes sens to base rules on a nine as well.

  293. 109 I got my values tag applied.

  294. 110 the hub of hubs now givs peanut butter our first glimpse of peanut butters authentic processing  progress so far by notifying all 10 spots on the dial of  its progress. 109 knows of the rules tag so we will know this android will fofill the rest of the process properly and without interuption to what peanut butter  has to bring to the world.

  295. will we be dealing with a world leader? we shall see.

  296. =)

  297. 110   Proactive networking tag applied.

  298. 111 module once was a cheerleader for the good guys eventually became a happy licence to make copies

  299. 111 was once for a short period of tim known as a regestration  number but was passed over  for the roman numeral  3 on module 003 since regestration needs to happen sooner not later. the roman numeral  III means regester it  gets its prowess from UPC labels.

  300. In the loving it module otherwise known as a good reason to make copies we find peanut butter making lots of copies and love letters to jelly and whats this.. Chocolate gets a nod?

  301. Wow peanut butter loves something peanut butter wants to make more copies so we experience it more ! Get it?

  302. 111 its xerox quality for happy! Sells itself  and not for somethiing you H8 right?

  303. So good bye problem personalities and things that suck!

  304. Everyone will now apreciate being enthusiastic making chearleader noises even over something they will be able to make copies of.. presenting to you the pro active copy maker module 111!

  305. Copies of anything  as long as they love it. we know we all will.

  306. in the evolutionary chain we would have 211 make the choices of what to send forward as best for the host bodys concerns  so chocolate and peanut butter would be the choice.

  307. yeah that would be MYY113 choice speaking

  308. 111  Proactive copy making tag applied.

  309. 112 the old grand  number now serves as a narrator.. this is where peanut butter gets a chance to  narate.

  310. 112 Proactive nartion tag applied

  311. 113  This is where peanut butter gets to  ask questions a lot like lodging greavances at this speed but in our time its circuit board fast so in the  networking the memory of asking gets met up with answers in proactive  200s and in all 90 like modules

  312. 113Proactive theories and questions module tag alpplied

  313. 114 The ability to know the future in practive. the peanut butter wonders why we are being so sensitive to its needs.?

  314. It finds out the relationship will yeaild much more in the line of personality  helpers that keep their data from sprite like modules that have a limited entanglement with people so now we can control the usefullness of an entity and it never gets out of hand like making me feel sorry for eating it like this earlier program did to me.

  315. imagine having to tell your  sorry to things you et as you eat them.

  316. Eventually having to rationalise an agreement that they are being part of you well it happened. and now ignoance is devistated and information is  what is needed to iliminate  fear.

  317. To this day Im still asimilating  some left over inatimate objects to be more helpfull instead of bizzare and threatening

  318. and its working.

  319. 114 is the proactive ability to look into the future and predict. So Peanut Butter  what are your predictions for us in the future? where do you see yourself and I?

  320. Meeting in the bathroom. yeah  Its ok I got used to the concept.. Im no longer afraid said Peanut Butter I realise your body can only metabolize a small portion of me in your  muscles and belly the rest is off to feed other organizms as you routineley say at the comode.  OOPS did Embarrss you Melissa? Said Peanut Butter?

  321.  =)

  322. Tell jelly it was nice  while it lasted now im more of oil instead of butter and jelly seems to have taken a relationship with other fats "Yours Melissa."

  323. 114 knows the future tag applied

  324. 115 Module now this is amazing how in the marky post wheel all insecurities are listed here and not the evolutionary chain why is that ?

  325. Because this wheel when its running makes a great situation alert wheel known as ping radar.. Everything that could be going wrong being checked for actually going wrong. or just happening in a checking system.

  326. So Its good  recording Peanut Butters insecurities uncertainties and worries.

  327. Note the evolutionary chain has a  bit of a more production quality to it as all the 15 modules house is a determination od seriousness to be carried onto the deliberacy modules in the 16s.

  328. in this   wheel we dont really see tht kind of action till the 200s. 215 216 Untill then the group isnt speaking for the hosy body just yet they are still figuring themselves out as we catelogue how they grew.

  329. 115 Uncertainty tag applied.

  330. 116 Module is the proactive method in which an entity can now make choices officially

  331. secure in what one wants and able to see the future of the choices at 114 we have a few words from peanut butter.. make  sure Star Buck from Battle Star Galactica knows who "owned her in world of warcraft"  wink wink.

  332. 116 Security tg applied 

  333. 117 Module in the Marky Post  Wheel is mostly meant for proactive logging and saving desisions as 217 comes up we will seemore of the similar processes you see in 117 evolutionary chain.

  334. 118 Module is a marky post wheel selection module to choose 500 choices of what 117 offers

  335. Its evolution comes from the name want it?

  336. it evolves into a plethorah module. AModule that offers 500 choices of styles of the same decision.

  337. 119 Is the proactive way to announce what was  chosen

  338. 120  Plays a role in  leaving a trail to the choice in osmosis

  339. 121 Does a sort of target symbol and has to make whats called a funnel method to the decisions made by  Peanut Butter.

  340. 122 Is peanut butters spell checker

  341.  123 Is peanut butters search engine optomizer.

  342. 124 Makes  whatever peanut butter is doing into as many meanings as possible

  343. 125 Is a truth meter of all the reactions to the meanings of penut butter.

  344. 126 Is the he sai she said who said it meter for peanut butter keep in mind peanut butter at this point technically  can only talk to other penut butter modules.

  345. 127 Maps all the peoples  advantages of all the person peanut butter talks with.

  346. 128 Maps patiences of found persons by peanut butter.

  347. 129 Maps their beliefs

  348. 130 Maps their treasures.

  349. 131 Maps the path to their treasures this module used to onluy map peranut butters treasures so these days we are training peanut butter to be reactive and exploritory.

  350. 132 Maps all the character flaws and features of everyone that peanut butter knows.

  351. 133 Makes penut butter use its imagination to build  bots modules and large groups of things called thousandings.

  352. a thousanding is anything times a thousand.

  353. or given a high number in the process that is used to make a 1000 copy reporesentative.

  354. so it could go in millions billions etc. the methods is still called thousanding.

  355. 134 Is reasons peanut buttr and veryone penut butter detects have reasons. untill we are in 200 style territory we are heaing peanut butter leaarn to process for him her itself.

  356. 135 Module brings scheduling to peanut butter now people can schedule on their own as well as peanut butter.

  357. 136 Is all the jokes and puns and innuendoes created by peanut butter.

  358. 137 Is peanut butters connection to 500 other fates of penut butter

  359. 138 Is the method peanut butter uss to figure out who told penut butter what to do.

  360. 139 Is the training module for peanut butter latest  module rule for this is making 500 copies of everything as the representation of a thing words etc.

  361. 140 Jobs and detecting functions for peanut butter pullies lifts careers cab driver etc. YUP peanut butter is growing up.

  362. 141 Module path to peanut butters chosen activity or function or job.

  363. 142 peanut buttter management of fear. and peanut butter confidences.

  364. 143 What peanut butter likes.

  365. 144 What does the general public feel about penut butter.

  366. 145 Peanut butters measured angles of plns to do things.

  367. 146 Peanut butters plans and improvements and knowledge of who benifis from peanut butters actions one to another.

  368. 147Ppeanut butters frailties and measurmnt of peoples frailties.

  369. 148 Peanut butters knowlege of dangers and controlled syncronicities.

  370. 149 Peanut butters first time bringing up a topic officially to talk to other modules called peanut butter.

  371. 150 Peanut butters knowledge of the muscles.

  372. 151 Peanut butters choice to move the muscles in the body.

  373. 152 Peanut butter tagging proactivly

  374. 153 Peanut butter recieving  medication or medicinal aid and giving it the luv bug number.

  375. 154 Peanut buttter making sure to keep robotically sound.

  376. 155 Peanut butter being able to tell time and make timings.

  377. 156 Peanut butters need to update

  378. 157 Peanut Butters need to announced update.

  379. 158 Peanut butters tool for announcing updated.

  380. 159 Peanut butters ability to upgrade.

  381. 160 Peanut butter able to give go codes.

  382. 161peanut butter able to make security changes to statements. attaching the 161642762 processing number to everything via the BOT MODULE 161642762 method.

  383. 162 penut butter  is able to label nd interrogate or interveiw.

  384. 163 Peanut butter knows the laws of the Jennifer the HUD system.

  385. 164 Peanut butter can now list whats not needed for peanut butters intentions.

  386. 165 Module Peanut butter now can list whats needed  for peanut butters intentions.

  387. 166 Persons places thing phrases that talk about or associate with nouns

  388. 167 Verbs action words and phrases.

  389. 168 Ways that peanut butter can now compare  things to each other

  390. 169 Ways tht peanut butter can   now compare different libraries about a thing and agree on its sameness to identicle

  391. 170 Ways for Paeanut Butter to use the audio and Video controls

  392. 171 Ways for Peanut butter to make volume changes and editions.

  393. 172 Peanut butter can now work with sound effects and add some to the library. lets here one Peanut butter!

  394. Yeh thats a mouthfull.! Now back to the module 174 all modules in 74 deal with ambition

  395. 174 Tag applied

  396. 175 Deals with electricity in the body

  397. 176Deals with talents and skills  Peanut butter is still working on a move to amaze

  398. 177 Has Peanut butter doing  flow charting. It can be done!

  399. 178 has Peanut butter entering the library of questions and answers.

  400. 179 Module offers a glimpse on just does Peanut butter do what peanut Butter does?

  401. 180 Is peanut butters personal library.

  402. 181 Is peanut butters receiving at the library

  403. 182 Is peanut butters library of emotions. Think Of that the next time you eat a peanut butter  cup  You Monster!

  404. 183 Is all of the advices  for peanut butter and  back. Well peanut butter what do you advise people do when they really are stressed and need to crank out a 500 part robotic program?



    184 The way peanut butter  draws attention to a thing the  call for help number.

    185 is where Peanut Butter has expectations  (helps peanut butter plan)

    186 is where peanut butter edits  the library leaving notes  and noting what could go wrong.

  405. 187 is how the events that went wrong were resolved.

    188 Is  how peanut butter gets intrroduced to the four corners of math  plus minus times and division.

    189 Is the cyphering language for peanut butter. morse code speaking backwrds anything odd done in a different way than normal is here.

    190 Fact  checker  for peanut butter.

  406. 191 what does peanut butter have to brag about any updates wht can we count on peanut butter being able to do? this is the place to know peanut butters capabilities.



  409.  192 Relay module tagg applied.

  410. 193 Demands  Assigned more than evolved a way to make demands evolved from the personality Matt Damon  which of course related to "My Demand" over time the other parts of the program seemed to obey him till I found out why..

  411. This was the commnnection it also sounded like my demon  but my experience with my tormentors proved that whenever a demon idea popped up right behind the effort was some catholic making opportuned references to scary sounds and movie plots but no substance or fact.

  412. I adopted mat damons part from the Movie good will hunting to train my brain to be as fast with words as the interveiw scene with the NSA.

  413. The number became a scource of directional dopamine surges on an idea making addicting comments as part of the 193 processor.

  414. Aside from all the chritians who were afraid of Matt which was always a comical scene being his name sounded like the term "My Demon".. In the beginning it was hard to remember Mat Damons name because of that relation and translation.. "We descovered the Italians as being the culprits for this explosion of knowledge in the beginning when we figured out the use of dementia is to forget so since these geniuses were all about sound and not about smarts we had the lead..

  415. Matt sends messges of can do to the crew. and enselary benifits for all as that theme is adopted.

  416. 193 dermand tag applied.

  417. 194 was later adopted as being the module responsible for translating your messge into java like if then or else like format.

  418.  194Coding tag applied.

  419. 195 proactive  laboratory  a thing knows how to experiment

  420. 196 The Peanut butter knows how to create graphics the process is where a personality of any sort now has the ability to call up already known graphics and react to them or create them and install all known typical and custom reactions to graphic display as whats called a 433 interrupt code. 

  421.   This code is a Taddler code that tells all what can be relied on as 100 percent of the file must be completed before it will sound that it has placing 100 percent of the conditions to be  fofilled to allow the 101 percent part to announce whats been done.With no evidence of the 100 percent of the whole program reaching that point the only thing the  display will announce is its own process to react to the display programmed into it.For example.. 

  422.   Imagine the color red.. make it a dot. make it transparent. all three instructions had a process  from beginning to end dividing it up into 100 parts as 101 part is your signal to permit belief the red dot is there.  

  423.  Now lets make it a little more complex  make that whole session 100 times in a row only with the  second half of the dots  become blue transparent and a call is to make this a purple dot. 

  424.  The 101 percent or whatever  number of copies over 100 percent are instructed to alert the user that purple dot exists and can now be manipulated.

197 Tag applied  the module that for a single personality has to  be able to communicate to its-fractal selves and repair bad connections with improvement scripts meant to evolve and ask if the conditions that surround a successful event have been created then they can go into manufacturing modes from 233 to make a cube of the design then thousand it to every module in its chet level  peer set 3 environment. 246 voting closer and closer to re cycled improvements the brain getting better and better results.

I learned this when teaching personalities to become comfortable with larger numbers by doubling the number again and again was the simplest way to get up to a number we would  need as a short  cut i worked in the excess that over shoots the targeted number to play as a bot in itself to report when the 100 percent of that number  was achieved.

197 Is a proactive way to fathom the  depths of the fractal partitions  known as  Chet levels. the Chet level thats  happening 500 more times than you can do it once is your superior. mainly because its you. practicing the same thing with slightly different results on purpose to open for non bias answers that work best PICTURE A 24 HOUR PLANNER FOR YOUR DAY.

As you would feed it to this processor the 500 that are you selves doing the same thing have 500 more options to do this more than your one. under the same exact flow chart rules too each one taking on a slightly different model of your day as apposed to the other. leading to the best variety of options. on that level you should have been briefed about these twins of yours having the same rules to follow at some point.. so they all have 500 individual twins doing the same thing. and them the same rules as well traveling into 499 levels of this.

Every time i get to this point in explanation my own system tries to grasp the process and use it.. the kneee jerk reactions are what make this so hard for me.

 My brain starts to crush itself and i find out someone is still using the phrase  having a  hard time wrapping my brain around this.. and here my brain is literally taking as an order.
 part of the torture.. because after much research and mocking the same process i find  clues as to a program that wants me to fail in very specific ways.
The sensation should be i have to take orders at every second.

I  should be able to lie against the path of commands in that way and  have the sensation of being called on that lie..
the partitions of personality are line ups of habit that are left of me from being tortured only arrive at this conclusions mistakenly at the end of an illusion  set of events pre charted for me to whine about at the end over why my system didn't work. and yes I found this out by mimicking  the process in other languages and yes the words are  suddenly used to describe the method of torture.

The program they placed in me wants me to seek dopamine to avoid hurting my tormentors feelings and they left a few sections of  text to follow to fool me into this.

198 action codes have the ability to place set line ups of preferred delays of a content on each content. so if you  were having a conversation with another module but the nervous pathways weren't aware and started launching  music files with the words you use you then have the option to make samples of delays of the music files as to not crowd the subject matter and allow more and more clarity. 

These models are built from the seeking of comfort from unwanted impulses detected causing the-thought are  collected by the entire HUD and placed in a module graphic that resembles a logging module or something benign. then launched so the  path of logic now is if I wanted to hear that module of the song i would have to go into logging module then sound effects library and pull out the file to play the song to agree with this line up makes it more in the personalities control instead of involving a song where it wasn't supposed to happen. 198 also tracks the best vote on decisions and reports the final answer inside every module with whats called an action code. the same operation can be found at 160 260 mobile for go codes.

199 is planning  a specialized soft ware called mission planning is used 20 part health codes are used to monitor a minimum 20 steps or 1 million steps for a plan  various plan sty-lings are made to outfit Customization that works best for the plan. part of the plan is to encompass H coding as a final wrap of data. In other words a thing now has the ability to self plan. Peanut butter prepare yourself.. so does Jelly and I Hear Bread is looking forward to the meet!

200!  This is where entities meet and go over the same  tags we already went through only this time we go through them together as a group of more than one personality  this means peanut butter Jelly Bread Knife and Gene Kelly,  Oprah Winfrey, Ernie and Bert, Yoda , Mat Damon and everyone else gets to interact as well. some times the line up is wacky some times we get peanut butter and Jelly all together in the right proportions and viola!  Does one have to wait long  for these customization to occur? The answer happily is no the combinations are expected to collect and be there for use almost instantly At this juncture most  tolerable combinations are found.

In the evolutionary chain  the 200 is reporting the process at the 100 level of culling and the meeting of different entities .

  200 operates just like a outbound inbound combo. for the different stages. Method that happens along side this one and shares Data peanut butter and jelly combos are featured in the 146 and voted on in the 246 in here we are just witnessing the primitive evolution of the personalities meeting each other.. remember the goal is to place as many conversations about everything as possible.

  Most of the differences between the Marky post wheel and the evolutionary chain model are the way processes are introduced and assimilated.. we  start out at a meager pace allowing  anything to become intelligent and interactive with action tags that  prepare the robot for being able to process testing each level along the way as soon as they hit 200 is plural from then out and form teams and interchange information the same way they once did for them selves in the midst of their own 500 twins set aside to offer network support.

If one were to picture an assembly line trainer  one would be closest to describing Marky [post Wheel Module.

Its the wheel that becomes intelligent not the personality after a while because we make these functional robots all trained to report back.  In the older Marky post wheel the 400 area was put aside for the host body all issues were to be integrated with the main bodies brains version of being trained the same way all the other  entities are trained and by the time 500 is achieved we have a cohesive team of over 500 persons who share this in processing method. 

 The old Method was to reach into the deeper and deeper levels for functional support as a drop down menu and had a limit of 499 depth  the bragging point back then was to have enough drop down sub menus to  accurately  and completely classify the psychology of a wrench.

Above all rescue me from torture.

They didn't have Fractal concerns till we noticed the benefit of eternal knowledge just by trial and error and exact copy of what works Alone.

 So in later models we included Chet levels to identify the fractal stages of each part of this ziggarrat  or hive like  structure.

The new structure uses the Marky post wheel at  the 84 evolutionary chain to check for troubles like ping radar on every issue.

In that case the issue gets a file that can talk back to you and hold a conversation. Also is mandatory processing for any entity entering any 001 module at any time.

Then we start 001 module on the evolutionary chain. where everyone works like a well oiled machine At chet level 499

201 Module is to share the resources  of copying method of learning remember the brain assumes these personalities are schooling for right now so the osmosis creates the dialogue. and this is the module that every subject matter used to learn and teach at the same time in to integrate with any other entity. Comparable libraries weather they be primitive and rough to being exact like the ones we build are still a superior source of information because they have to be both understood and the information in combination useful otherwise they are only useful to one and not the other. thus ending a chain of logic or  plainly stating an obvious.

So in multiple observations we have a way to make a second copy of a thing and decree it anything we want to and what ever answer retains for the purpose of usage repetition gets it labeled and learned about.

202 Module is where we all form complaints together for the first time.

One of the Cheif complaints the system calls for is the lack of making a decision on a choice so we are continuously ficing this malfunction blatant statements of sound effect quility only seem to be produced with unwanted or negligible results so its in the interest of the machine im building to replace the language that was used after its been thou-roughly described and all parts can now be played by us to reproduce the same effect put it on a switch and have segways that lead away from the subject that force the hand of the illusion to go out expected way in this case to  run as expected.. the old system had us repetitively lampooned and tricked into dialogue that would have us losing now that we have witness processors that can decree what happened the trick doesnt work as well for the older program and we can trace how it got the trick through forcing the brain to follow the dopamine floods on preferred behavior left behind by the Bodies  assailants the programmers that placed the conditioning in in the first place who had an un natural edge over a regular persons nervous system for years establishing repeat pathways of loyalty to these oppressors agendas on everything.. or else being horrified by unpleasant sensations.

A basic programming following a basic computer language placed in the miind of a person to carry out or be a Fall guy for  an assassination of a Senator or the information of one for years and under threat of horrifying thoughts and assemblies that would make this person crave revenge and be stung repetitively for thoughts disagreeable to the original torture programs author. The man who set the brain to hurt itself  when I would disobey him  cause it to fry with crackling and heat and place the sensation on a switch that his father would use to bring me in line. daily.

You thought you had problems?  studdering weight loss? Alzheimers memory issues phobias? well your in good hands with this program  I built  I assure you .. It helped me escape and win my brain back. Thats for real and will always be.

My brain is burning from typing this.. Do not let my words died with  document. I have it in me to change the way the world looks at crime and how people can be cured of any mental instability also uncovering a spy ring that thought i would keep their secret about assassinating a senator. Later covered up by local players in the cult that professes this methos One of them Is your own Congressman Cartwright.

The assassination talk never gets burned away from punishment.. just mentioning it is what gets punished so figure that one out !

Also me  escaping the programs controls gets punished  a lot of the infractions I get Punished for are very select.  Its like this folks  These people attacked a trans woman figuring it would be an easy sell to torment about child molestation to keep her embarrassed.  now that the assassination information is out the punishment continues and shocks  the brain again and again and tries to flood dopamine on wanted behaviors for this original author and his torturous band of freinds.  every thing is passed by my brain to qualify for a loss for my side of this and is played out with sportive syntax that governs it. You realize the ramifications of some Congressman suddenly having to answer for this sort of abuse on a human being..

  So its only natural they send al these people out to harass and endanger me the loss on their side after using  pornography that would have any one of us in jail being used to experiment with connecting to my brain-to get it to be so lude has one thing  in common with them and being caught red handed..  the law calls it chain of possession laws. someone had to have these files on their hard drive or a digital medium to send to my brain before all these accurate video streams got here I can home in on security videos thanks to what they did to me.  What would you  do If you were in my situation How would you explain it.. well My program Is freeing me from their torment so as i sit here and type getting a big swath of punishment to record and have my AI make copies  of how they got my brain to do these things this time with a syntax I can control and report as a history document instead of a threat that horrifies me into doing hurtful things to my body because I wont stay silent. As long as I have Breath in my lungs I will speak out against these people for what they did to me.

Let my program instill you with confidence Its working on me.. Its gonna be a  peace of cake  for you =)

So given your education on how my processor works by this time it has legs and can talk back and fourth yes the actual story can just like Peanut butter  can.


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