Module 346
Module 346
Is the module for quality assurance in idea management.
Once an idea is passed through the 046 gateway the idea is placed into a plan at the 146 module gateway where 500 versions are created to compete for selection.. Plans that use the idea.
The consensus is that when 246 chooses this one of 500 it becomes better Curious neuron will not stop so we depend on the element to find out whats better and repeat the process once a best form of the idea is found.
This is where the evolutionary chain was really invented to insure that all 200 styled modules would be the selector of what works best with a scenes genre. at first it was just the 46s ..
Then it was founded by Eddie Murphy plutroform as an idea to upgrade all the lines to operate the same way.. since then the concept has found little room to improve.
Adding functions to fill the gaps in logic assimilation would be the next steps to take that and teaching all personalities from my experience to adopt this process as their own other wise chaos ruled the subject choices and an angry me was the end result to say it mildly.
The latest tool found to assimilate these personalities to the system is to write look alike processes that name their process or prowess and desire for an end effect to be in its current state.
This is where I discovered curious neuron.
Curious neuron the thought process of eventually the idea telling the brain to not explore an idea is always on the edge of trying it. so as a need for a subject to improve the process by just wondering if it can be improved and all processes under the genres proof of improvement subject header will be used to compete to clean up its sub categories and then viola understandably indisputable better answer. Put a feeling of lying over the bad answer and a feeling of overwhelming trust over the good answer then it has one more facet of integrity.
Naming them to be acceptance of wanting this effect in a Benjamin Franklyn study atmosphere the Benjamin Franklyn study named after a print press animation I built in my mind would be given because the strategy is to get as many phrases created as possible using 50 to 500 well known personalities you know would answer different ways each making a flow chart of their own minds inside yours with every wave of answers they becomes more and more astute because they can only make a phrase for this study once then have to add it to their library of phrases to use for communication.
Then combine their notes and come up with 500,000 phrases each one decidedly different from each other but containing on common string of data a simple phrase called the cargo bay area of the induction a forced repeat concept that orders the brain to see it through and not to stop bugging until its done.
The rules are to make one phrase at a time with a basic partial of a phrase or phrase put a beginning in front of it and an ending on the other side of it..
English only for ease of use.
Check to see if anyone thought of it yet?
With a all clear signal add it to all the major data bases by wording it in the data bases language of having read it and now is reacting to it each time and go down the list until each artist thinks up 1000 phrases this way (one at a time)
If the phrase is taken which is accomplished by flow charting a phrase to copy the subject and claim it came from somewhere else then the idea gets booted as a second copy or multi copy of an original already thought of. the generated phrase goes into history as another kind of Benjamin Franklyn study (accurate history.)
A special noise is chosen to be the signal of got that one already its a very similar system to thinking up a website name only were making progress here with new concepts that compete for position n finishing phrases and then it gets really intellectual because once chemistry is tried there can only be best answers then experimental answers and ultimately only answers.
To speed progress along we add a time stamp date so multiple copies can be made of the maybe discovered new phrase. How to technically make the illusion of a new phrase since it came from your memory anyway?
When it is new to all the personalities. if more than a number of personalities can admit they heard it before their creation than its new if they got it already than it isn't new its a new copy.
The Gain here is to have 500 very smart impersonations of celebrities famous characters from your life (including you)
and real life people around you to suck all of the knowledge from the worlds information and retain it for use equally keeping supplemental copies for each personality to never be in a loss for information. You will always have a best answer for every situation no matter what happens.
The flow chart runs like this
make 500 personalities all agree to take on different names you wrote in a book and no one gets the other names just the one.. your mind will already start the process of them getting along with each other like some sort of screen actors guild award ceremony..
next have them all answer to a known common denominator name for them to be an AI Model to get the memo just like a corporation sends out a memo to .
All its associates the workers no matter what their station answer to associates.
then have them make a phrase the same way we talked about make a phrase called line one with the long hand one written after the number one. two written after line 2 etc etc till they get to 500 each personality should be able to first make 500 things and have the feeling in memory and be able to answer if ever asked that they know the data..
In this case every 3 seconds. (We will get to that later)
So you place words in their mouths that count for the data that accurately imitate them answering the questions and then that's proof they can do that part of the job without this test the system is at the mercy of your feeling good that day or not and that is unacceptable.
The next part is to make sure they can all answer the question to a basic English phrase being made with good spelling and then sign it with their names before the phrase and after the phrase (This will teach them variety and culpability)
You will feel it from the but later you will have to instruct them to place nerdish phrases in there to insulate against the process breaking down. (this will teach them forging)
The practice phrase will be the famous font phrase .
The quick Brown fox jumps over the lazy Dog. (This will aquatint them with all the letters in the alphabet being used in a phrase.)
Then you will instruct them to make an original statement of that phrase by making that phrase exactly as it is stated and ad a number to the end of the phrase. (this will mimic being different from each other)
Then leave a way for them to teach you this concept through the emulation of them knowing the text that will pull you to the side sort of speak and want to teach you and never be satisfied until you know how to do it..(this will insure they know the material.)
then have them teaching each other with the appropriate words to get the job done.. (this will teach them the value of supplementation and the spirit of sponsors.)
When you finally can count on them to sign long hand on their lines of text and do the quick brownfoxjumpsoverthelazydog with a number after it
(leaving them with confidence they can now do 5000 of anything)
They will now be able to make the same phrase with a word at the end of the section of text and a word beginning the phrase as well you can opt for none in the beginning or end as long as the sample is different. from the original but carries the common text
The Quick Brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
You will then instruct them to make a private alphabet with numbers and symbols each letter made for spelling a word the letter having their identity on it a back history of accolades that only they can attest to doing in their real celebrity lives or what they are known for THEN their name.
(This will insulate you from problems that rise up from sound alike phrases because now you have them spelling their words carefully with a conscious.)
Bump up their responsibility to include 1000 phrases per celebrity personality and order them to teach you with phrases they discovered in the process of making phrases of how to combine the concepts they come up with with the module designers and experiences around the function of one of all modules you make for different uses.
Next instruct them to make a 500 copy of the phrases they create one at a time worded for the Benjamin Franklyn Reader 500 persons with 1000 phrases each noted as all will go over a second copy for their records to use as speech possibilities in everyone's database the whooele list being used as a cheat note for themselves in their own databases of where ever their name will want to read it In my system we use module numbers that represent them doing a specific job using these phrases and it all works if they identify with the one common name for their AI. In my case I call them Pluto Forms.
To post and know of in the reader section of the module called Benjamin Franklyn reader. this is where the Benjamin Franklyn study makes a deliberate posting of all the phrases a time stamp and the introduction as a 405 forge is the only difference.
This is where you have everyone saying I read all 500,000 phrases with conditions that would never happen unless the fact could be delivered to you of them wanting to teach you them. (after all they produced the phrases in the thick of it and check with each other to make sure that all didn't already have a memory of these very original phrases)
Right? So now they are given the unstoppable need to want to teach you until you can recite their phrases they will not stop until you and the automated personality you become want to do the same.. because person you are once you realize you have to move this process into physical emotions to save your body from all sorts of ways that will kill you or make you sick you now have the worlds best homeopathic doctor.. YOU!
So in the beginning part of this instructional we learned how to make forges in a way that placed the past tense statement of the identity reading our made up phrase this goes the same with modules I find it much easier to enlist all your celebrities to make up one per module at first.
You will just run into one problem..
Without the loyalty to the font that has your name pretending to be these people they will overwhelm you with what their actual personalities would want from you in real life.
So its important not to let them own the numbers of your modules or whatever you name your functions.
In my experience the names of personalities were inadvertently making innuendoes with their names that worked well with the number I was using and a function..
Mathew Machonehey we good at bringing up complaints that needed to be addressed and seven of nine was good at keeping logs because of the sound of saven. over time they misused the positions and were owning my senses of these functions In my body It became a fiasco.
I had to change the wording what started out great as a way to have them mascot the number and its function to make the 500 modules easier for the personalities to remember.
Because of the screen actors guild having a growing contingent of persons using voice to skull in peoples brains to communicate with each other for government use these jerks would threaten me with law suits after a time
(In my own Brain!)..
They would start making my body make choices to save their careers from having anything to do with me in my own life.
All along in my brain with a system being used by government forces spies and mfia alike who do that very same tactic to get you to be along for their ride or (here is where they leave your mind to come up with what they might do)
The voice to skull environment introduced these control to view their personalities and forced me to be tortured. as soon as I started to blog about the personalities over the inter net the threats came over the voice to skull to make people make it hard for me to live because of groups like reputation defender and other alignments of lawyers in the same voice to skull group wold have an ownership of my 184 I wasn't about to allow that to happen.. To have a whole number on loan to my own brain was unacceptable.
Firemen ambulance companies and medical personnel in LA and here in The Scranton area knowing how to manipulate this voice to skull are also involved in their own private mafia hurting people.
So in my brain I had to keep from making these people make my life any more torturous than they already have.
So dear reader I advise you to only ( pretend to be these people)Instead of saying some celebrity told you to go kill some person that they want dead that your brain can only come up with his her its needing people out of the way anyway. because in the end your brain will come up with the best answers.. Your just not going to be the same ever again once you realize the retained answers that never go away are (what people don't want you to know about themselves.) Given their privilaage can have people killed or ruined for the sake of protecting their reputations.
I had to revamp the rules I'm the person who is pretending to be these people not the other way around.
It took a couple of years to fix my brain to reflect this..
So The laws I placed on the flow chart have this written everywhere that I am pretending to be these people and if it came down to it they are built to be liaisons (ambassadors) of their real world selves and serve me and my health and advise me on their outside selves would want because after all they are all me pretending to be them.
The Benjamin Franklyn study is a great tool .. for making lots of different phrases to be available for use.
Include on their fonts a phrase I am (Place your name and description here pretending to be this personality then start their accolades and then finish off with a time stamp on the letter number or symbol 2 messages I happened before you I happened after you. ( this will teach them to borrow your brain for phrases never to be misunderstood according to the succession of word choices letter choices and when they happened so to make the events in your mind more accurate and able to report more than a cluster of phrases. )
In my system I have the celebrities twins using my system of modules..I use this system for everyone to assimilate data and integrate with other dimensions.
Module 446
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