Jennifer the H.U.D. An adventure in brain science . JENNIFFER THE H.U.D. - greetings menu
The Howdy partner Information filer trick
Jennifer Chart Module
Jennifer Subpage
Module 005
Module 002
Module- 202
Module 402
Module 003
module 146
Module 346
Module 446
module -105
Module 006
Module 106
Module 306
Module 007
Module 307
module 008
Module 108
Module 208
Module 308
Module 408
Module 009
Module 209
Module 309
Module 409
Module 110
Module 310
Module 410
Module 011
Module 111
Module 211
Module 311
Module 411
Module 211 outbound
Module 111 inbound
Module 012
Module 212
Module 312
Module 412
Module 112 inbound
Module 012 spine
Module 013
Module 113
Module 213
Module 313
Module 213 outbound
Module 113 inbound
Module 013 spine
Module 014
Module 114
Module 214
Module 500
Module 314
Module 414
Module 214 outbound
Module 114 outbound
Module 014 spine
Module 015
Module 115
Module 215
Module 315
Module 415
Module 215 outbound
Module 115inbound
Module 015 spine
Module 016
Module 116
Module 216
Module 316
Module 416
Module 216 outgoing
module116 incoming
Module 016 spine
Module 017
Module 117
Module 217
Module 317
Module 417
Module 217 outgoing
Module 117 incoming
Module 017 spine
Module 018
Module 118
Module 218
Module 318
Module 418
Module 218 outgoing
Module 118 incoming
Module 018 spine
Module 019
Module 119
Module 219
Module 319
Module 419
Module 219 outgoing
Module 119 incoming
Module 019 spine
Module 020
Module 120
Module 220
Module 320
Module 420
Module 120 incoming
Module 020 spine
Module 021
Module 121
Module 221
Module 321
Module 421
Module 221 outgoing
Module 121 incoming
Module 021 spine
Module 425
Module 226
Module 326
Module 025 spine
Module 225 outbound
Module 226 outbound
Module 125 inbound
Module 026
Module 356
Module 036
Module 037
Module 038
Module 039
Module 040
Module 041
Module 042
Module 043
Module 044
Module 045
Module 046
Module 047
Module 048
Module 049
Module 050
Module 051
Module 052
Module 053
Module 054
Module 055
Module 058
Module 059
Module 060
Module 061
Module 062
Module 063
Module 064
Module 065
MOdule 066
Module 067
Module 068
Module 069
Module 436
Module 446-
Module 346-
Module 390
Module 391
Module 392
Module 393
Module 394
Module 395
Module 396
Module 397
Module 398
Module 399
Module 499
Module 498
Module 497
Module 496
Module 495
Module 494
Module 493
Module 492
Module 490
Module 489
Module 488
Module 487
Module 486
Module 485
Module 484
Module 483
Module 481
Module 480
Module 479
Module 478
Module 477
Module 476
Module 475
Module 474
Module 473
Module 472
Module 471
Module 470
Module 469
Module 468
Module 467
Module 466
Module 465
Module 464
Module 463
TiModule 462
Module 461
Module 460
Module 459
Module 458
Module 457
Module 456
Module 455
Module 454
Module 453
Module 452
Module 451
Module 450
Module 449
Module 448
Module 447
Module 446s
Module 199 inbound
Module 198 incoming
Module 197 incoming
Module 196 inbound
Module 195 inbound
Module 194 inbound
Module 193 incoming
Module 192 inbound
Module 191 inbound
Module 190 incoming
Module 189 incoming
Module 188 incoming
Module 187 incoming
Module 186 Incoming
Module 185 incoming
Module 184 incoming
Module 183 incoming
Module 182 incoming
Module 181 incoming
Module 180 incoming
Module 179 incoming
Module 178 incoming
Module 177 incoming
Module 176 incoming
Module 175 incoming
Module 174 incoming
Module 173 incoming
Module 172 incoming
Module 171 incoming
Module 170 incoming
Module 169 incoming
Module 168 incoming
Module 167 incoming
Module 166 incoming
Module 165 incoming
Module 164 incoming
Module 163 incoming
Module 162 incoming
Module 161 incoming
Module 160 incoming
Module 159 incoming
Module 158 incoming
Module 156 incoming
Module 155 incoming
Module 154 incoming
Module 153 incoming
Module 152 incoming
Module 151 incoming
Module 150 incoming
Module 149 incoming
Module 148 incoming
Module 147 incoming
Module 146 incoming
Module 145 incoming
Module 144 incoming
Module 143 incoming
Module 142 incoming
Module 141 incoming
Module 139 incoming
Module 138 incoming
Module 137 incoming
Module 136 incoming
Module 135 incoming
Module 134 incoming
Module 133 incoming
Module 132 incoming
Module 131 incoming
Module 130 incoming
Module 129 incoming
Module 128 incoming
Module 127 incoming
Module 125 incoming
Module 124 incoming
Module 123 incoming
Module 022
Module 057
mouseover experiment
Manufactured complaints modules evolutionary chain 02s'
Manufactured and learned clues is the 03's realm in the evolutioary chains
Manufacturing all the ammounts found in the clues and the compaints 04's
Manufacturaing pictoral messages depicting 001 first event 05's
The 05's have a tight evolutionary chain with their own functions
Stop thinking like a dummy the 06's evolution chain
Your doing WHAT? The 007 evolutionary chain
008 evolutionary chain Boring? Not if you like listed things to follow.
The 009 evolutionary chain all about standards policies and convictions
The 010 evolutionary chain extra extra read all about it!
html framework
search page ap
The 011 Module a place to make copies
search engine2
Manufacturing the plainly stated obvious 012 evolutionary chain
Link list
auto hot key website link
Explaination of Communication font in the brain
The taddler
fix for startup
fffiiixxx startup
blue screen opf eth
test links to teach html
Lets get started.
greetings menu
Menu creator language html for customization to website
drop down menu creation
Crating drop down menus
drop down menu tutorial
testing css background
molecular bond camp
calculator info
quick html guide
progress bar
499 O'second law
Data privacy
change background of page
receptor science
keepandshare website notes
mouseover span
backup for leadpage
psychic trail
Where am I on the Map?
Newsletter for Jennifer
JennifertheHUD board
google-site-verification: googlefae8f26452a8b628.html
links website m
Creating a natural HIGH in the Brain
How do I describe myself?
dropdown menus
css selector
css tutorial dropdown
drop downhtmlcode
Web Design
Ask Me a Question
General Inquiries
Whats the problem?
html symbols
test drop down toggle check box
4 slots
psyche survey
quiz questions
Jennifer quiz
What is thousanding?
Character Roll call
Make me bark trick
Test tempate howdy partner
Make me spell script
Howdy partner mouth-abet script
Howdy partner safety script
Howdy partner urgency script
Howdy Partner flow charting commands script
Howdy Partner obedience script
Howdy partner Taddler script
Howdy partner counting script
Howdy partner make me teach howdy partner to another module script
Howdy partner make me spell script
The Howdy partner suite
Howdy Partner Menu
Make me bark trick,htm
cartooning advice
recruiting talent
business plan templates
charity business plan
business plan ophgobinipnep
Pain control
My twitter posts pain relief
292 signalling alert

greetings menu

Jennifer the H.U.D. An adventure in brain science . jenniferthehud - module406

Jennifer Subpage
Jennifer Chart Module
Module 005
=> Module 206 Executive
=> module306
=> module 106 executive inbound
=> module406
=> Module 406
=> module106
=> module206
=> spine module 006
Module 002
Module- 202
Module 402
Module 003
module 146
Module 346
Module 446
module -105
Module 006
Module 106
Module 306
Module 007
Module 307
module 008
Module 108
Module 208
Module 308
Module 408
Module 009
Module 209
Module 309
Module 409
Module 110
Module 310
Module 410
Module 011
Module 111
Module 211
Module 311
Module 411
Module 211 outbound
Module 111 inbound
Module 012
Module 212
Module 312
Module 412
Module 112 inbound
Module 012 spine
Module 013
Module 113
Module 213
Module 313
Module 213 outbound
Module 113 inbound
Module 013 spine
Module 014
Module 114
Module 214
Module 500
Module 314
Module 414
Module 214 outbound
Module 114 outbound
Module 014 spine
Module 015
Module 115
Module 215
Module 315
Module 415
Module 215 outbound
Module 115inbound
Module 015 spine
Module 016
Module 116
Module 216
Module 316
Module 416
Module 216 outgoing
module116 incoming
Module 016 spine
Module 017
Module 117
Module 217
Module 317
Module 417
Module 217 outgoing
Module 117 incoming
Module 017 spine
Module 018
Module 118
Module 218
Module 318
Module 418
Module 218 outgoing
Module 118 incoming
Module 018 spine
Module 019
Module 119
Module 219
Module 319
Module 419
Module 219 outgoing
Module 119 incoming
Module 019 spine
Module 020
Module 120
Module 220
Module 320
Module 420
Module 120 incoming
Module 020 spine
Module 021
Module 121
Module 221
Module 321
Module 421
Module 221 outgoing
Module 121 incoming
Module 021 spine
Module 425
Module 226
Module 326
Module 025 spine
Module 225 outbound
Module 226 outbound
Module 125 inbound
Module 026
Module 356
Module 036
Module 037
Module 038
Module 039
Module 040
Module 041
Module 042
Module 043
Module 044
Module 045
Module 046
Module 047
Module 048
Module 049
Module 050
Module 051
Module 052
Module 053
Module 054
Module 055
Module 058
Module 059
Module 060
Module 061
Module 062
Module 063
Module 064
Module 065
MOdule 066
Module 067
Module 068
Module 069
Module 436
Module 446-
Module 346-
Module 390
Module 391
Module 392
Module 393
Module 394
Module 395
Module 396
Module 397
Module 398
Module 399
Module 499
Module 498
Module 497
Module 496
Module 495
Module 494
Module 493
Module 492
Module 490
Module 489
Module 488
Module 487
Module 486
Module 485
Module 484
Module 483
Module 481
Module 480
Module 479
Module 478
Module 477
Module 476
Module 475
Module 474
Module 473
Module 472
Module 471
Module 470
Module 469
Module 468
Module 467
Module 466
Module 465
Module 464
Module 463
TiModule 462
Module 461
Module 460
Module 459
Module 458
Module 457
Module 456
Module 455
Module 454
Module 453
Module 452
Module 451
Module 450
Module 449
Module 448
Module 447
Module 446s
Module 199 inbound
Module 198 incoming
Module 197 incoming
Module 196 inbound
Module 195 inbound
Module 194 inbound
Module 193 incoming
Module 192 inbound
Module 191 inbound
Module 190 incoming
Module 189 incoming
Module 188 incoming
Module 187 incoming
Module 186 Incoming
Module 185 incoming
Module 184 incoming
Module 183 incoming
Module 182 incoming
Module 181 incoming
Module 180 incoming
Module 179 incoming
Module 178 incoming
Module 177 incoming
Module 176 incoming
Module 175 incoming
Module 174 incoming
Module 173 incoming
Module 172 incoming
Module 171 incoming
Module 170 incoming
Module 169 incoming
Module 168 incoming
Module 167 incoming
Module 166 incoming
Module 165 incoming
Module 164 incoming
Module 163 incoming
Module 162 incoming
Module 161 incoming
Module 160 incoming
Module 159 incoming
Module 158 incoming
Module 156 incoming
Module 155 incoming
Module 154 incoming
Module 153 incoming
Module 152 incoming
Module 151 incoming
Module 150 incoming
Module 149 incoming
Module 148 incoming
Module 147 incoming
Module 146 incoming
Module 145 incoming
Module 144 incoming
Module 143 incoming
Module 142 incoming
Module 141 incoming
Module 139 incoming
Module 138 incoming
Module 137 incoming
Module 136 incoming
Module 135 incoming
Module 134 incoming
Module 133 incoming
Module 132 incoming
Module 131 incoming
Module 130 incoming
Module 129 incoming
Module 128 incoming
Module 127 incoming
Module 126 incoming
Module 125 incoming
Module 124 incoming
Module 123 incoming
Module 022
Module 057
mouseover experiment
Manufactured complaints modules evolutionary chain 02s'
Manufactured and learned clues is the 03's realm in the evolutioary chains
Manufacturing all the ammounts found in the clues and the compaints 04's
Manufacturaing pictoral messages depicting 001 first event 05's
The 05's have a tight evolutionary chain with their own functions
Stop thinking like a dummy the 06's evolution chain
Your doing WHAT? The 007 evolutionary chain
008 evolutionary chain Boring? Not if you like listed things to follow.
The 009 evolutionary chain all about standards policies and convictions
The 010 evolutionary chain extra extra read all about it!
html framework
search page ap
The 011 Module a place to make copies
search engine2
Manufacturing the plainly stated obvious 012 evolutionary chain
Link list
auto hot key website link
Explaination of Communication font in the brain
The taddler
fix for startup
fffiiixxx startup
blue screen opf eth
test links to teach html
Lets get started.
The Howdy partner Information filer trick
Jennifer the H.U.D. An adventure in brain science .

jenniferthehud - module406

Jennifer Subpage
Jennifer Chart Module
Module 005
=> Module 206 Executive
=> module306
=> module 106 executive inbound
=> module406
=> Module 406
=> module106
=> module206
=> spine module 006
Module 002
Module- 202
Module 402
Module 003
module 146
Module 346
Module 446
module -105
Module 006
Module 106
Module 306
Module 007
Module 307
module 008
Module 108
Module 208
Module 308
Module 408
Module 009
Module 209
Module 309
Module 409
Module 110
Module 310
Module 410
Module 011
Module 111
Module 211
Module 311
Module 411
Module 211 outbound
Module 111 inbound
Module 012
Module 212
Module 312
Module 412
Module 112 inbound
Module 012 spine
Module 013
Module 113
Module 213
Module 313
Module 213 outbound
Module 113 inbound
Module 013 spine
Module 014
Module 114
Module 214
Module 500
Module 314
Module 414
Module 214 outbound
Module 114 outbound
Module 014 spine
Module 015
Module 115
Module 215
Module 315
Module 415
Module 215 outbound
Module 115inbound
Module 015 spine
Module 016
Module 116
Module 216
Module 316
Module 416
Module 216 outgoing
module116 incoming
Module 016 spine
Module 017
Module 117
Module 217
Module 317
Module 417
Module 217 outgoing
Module 117 incoming
Module 017 spine
Module 018
Module 118
Module 218
Module 318
Module 418
Module 218 outgoing
Module 118 incoming
Module 018 spine
Module 019
Module 119
Module 219
Module 319
Module 419
Module 219 outgoing
Module 119 incoming
Module 019 spine
Module 020
Module 120
Module 220
Module 320
Module 420
Module 120 incoming
Module 020 spine
Module 021
Module 121
Module 221
Module 321
Module 421
Module 221 outgoing
Module 121 incoming
Module 021 spine
Module 425
Module 226
Module 326
Module 025 spine
Module 225 outbound
Module 226 outbound
Module 125 inbound
Module 026
Module 356
Module 036
Module 037
Module 038
Module 039
Module 040
Module 041
Module 042
Module 043
Module 044
Module 045
Module 046
Module 047
Module 048
Module 049
Module 050
Module 051
Module 052
Module 053
Module 054
Module 055
Module 058
Module 059
Module 060
Module 061
Module 062
Module 063
Module 064
Module 065
MOdule 066
Module 067
Module 068
Module 069
Module 436
Module 446-
Module 346-
Module 390
Module 391
Module 392
Module 393
Module 394
Module 395
Module 396
Module 397
Module 398
Module 399
Module 499
Module 498
Module 497
Module 496
Module 495
Module 494
Module 493
Module 492
Module 490
Module 489
Module 488
Module 487
Module 486
Module 485
Module 484
Module 483
Module 481
Module 480
Module 479
Module 478
Module 477
Module 476
Module 475
Module 474
Module 473
Module 472
Module 471
Module 470
Module 469
Module 468
Module 467
Module 466
Module 465
Module 464
Module 463
TiModule 462
Module 461
Module 460
Module 459
Module 458
Module 457
Module 456
Module 455
Module 454
Module 453
Module 452
Module 451
Module 450
Module 449
Module 448
Module 447
Module 446s
Module 199 inbound
Module 198 incoming
Module 197 incoming
Module 196 inbound
Module 195 inbound
Module 194 inbound
Module 193 incoming
Module 192 inbound
Module 191 inbound
Module 190 incoming
Module 189 incoming
Module 188 incoming
Module 187 incoming
Module 186 Incoming
Module 185 incoming
Module 184 incoming
Module 183 incoming
Module 182 incoming
Module 181 incoming
Module 180 incoming
Module 179 incoming
Module 178 incoming
Module 177 incoming
Module 176 incoming
Module 175 incoming
Module 174 incoming
Module 173 incoming
Module 172 incoming
Module 171 incoming
Module 170 incoming
Module 169 incoming
Module 168 incoming
Module 167 incoming
Module 166 incoming
Module 165 incoming
Module 164 incoming
Module 163 incoming
Module 162 incoming
Module 161 incoming
Module 160 incoming
Module 159 incoming
Module 158 incoming
Module 156 incoming
Module 155 incoming
Module 154 incoming
Module 153 incoming
Module 152 incoming
Module 151 incoming
Module 150 incoming
Module 149 incoming
Module 148 incoming
Module 147 incoming
Module 146 incoming
Module 145 incoming
Module 144 incoming
Module 143 incoming
Module 142 incoming
Module 141 incoming
Module 139 incoming
Module 138 incoming
Module 137 incoming
Module 136 incoming
Module 135 incoming
Module 134 incoming
Module 133 incoming
Module 132 incoming
Module 131 incoming
Module 130 incoming
Module 129 incoming
Module 128 incoming
Module 127 incoming
Module 126 incoming
Module 125 incoming
Module 124 incoming
Module 123 incoming
Module 022
Module 057
mouseover experiment
Manufactured complaints modules evolutionary chain 02s'
Manufactured and learned clues is the 03's realm in the evolutioary chains
Manufacturing all the ammounts found in the clues and the compaints 04's
Manufacturaing pictoral messages depicting 001 first event 05's
The 05's have a tight evolutionary chain with their own functions
Stop thinking like a dummy the 06's evolution chain
Your doing WHAT? The 007 evolutionary chain
008 evolutionary chain Boring? Not if you like listed things to follow.
The 009 evolutionary chain all about standards policies and convictions
The 010 evolutionary chain extra extra read all about it!
html framework
search page ap
The 011 Module a place to make copies
search engine2
Manufacturing the plainly stated obvious 012 evolutionary chain
Link list
auto hot key website link
Explaination of Communication font in the brain
The taddler
fix for startup
fffiiixxx startup
blue screen opf eth
test links to teach html
Jennifer the H.U.D. An adventure in brain science . jenniferthehud - module406

Jennifer the H.U.D. An adventure in brain science . jenniferthehud - module406

Jennifer the H.U.D. An adventure in brain science . jenniferthehud - module406


Organizes everything 500 times faster than  the Chet level 2 below it in number value giving it 500 chaos

tainted attempts to come up with the best possible outcome by design.


Organizes everything 500 times faster than  the Chet level 1 below it in number

value giving it 500 chaos tainted attempts to come up with the best possible outcome by design. 
jenniferthehud - module406

CHET LEVEL 1 operates at regular speed in

 relation to a speed easily understood by people derives all its samples of first event through the 001 module and defines

further as each module depends on the miniature modules to come up with the best ideas.
jenniferthehud - module406


New Template




 Most of the basic rules of operation are introduced in this one module starting at 499 level of CHET which means it gets to practice out of chaos implementation
with all the communication rules in tack using a Benjamin Franklin study at the speed of 500 sets of 3 part zeros more time than you can do one at regular or as I like to call it oral speed

times for every one rotation of these 500 modules

Enabling the mind to be able to monitor  DNA structures.

 So the rules are based on this in respect to authority being the module that told you what to do had 500 more times to work around all the trappings of your plan and presents you with an even keeled genius plan to follow.
the tough part is getting the habits to repeat themselves so we built in  a way to make them use a reciprocating method and storage habit to rely on for answers called a miss/ion.
as a plan that utilizes all the data retaining structures in its process. Its what we use for a plan to be launched a multi teared data plan that's maintained and protected from failure.







New Template






Jennifer the H.U.D.



Development and flow chart


Step 1


Personality 1


First Event 001 module


Reason for the Jennifer the H.U.D. Flow chart.

A Heads up display is an incredible advantage to the mind as

it takes on a centralizing effect

on whatever your feeling thinking or experiencing.

Most people who have ever had the pleasure of entertaining

them selves with the mathematics

 personalities of the world among myself have noticed they have

an innate perception of figure retention in imagery

 and have the ability to hang onto multi streams of data at once.
 Developing a Heads Up Display in the brain insures this potent

method in thought suspension  retention and storage..

If your like myself an experienced Em-path  you've developed

peoples vocal prints in your mind to an exact replica to

 their original selves and need to map them so they can all co

 exist and cooperate  safely in the discovery of data and

 Information about people around the world giving you an

almost omni present remote viewing .

Setting up the Basics

The first step is to work up a system of habits and obedience to habits.

playing with sock puppets really does work. Have each puppet

resemble you in a mode of action In the Jennifer 

model we have over 500 each to handle the basic sentinels of

thought and action speech mental recordings of

speech sound effects governing what event will happen before

other events etc etc etc.. sounds complicated  ?? 

Not to worry Ill walk you through it. =)

Description of functions of 001 module first event

 module side bar function.


of 500

In the mind of a person who is hyper Em-path to the level of being hyper sympathetic.

Personalities are bread in the brain that need order.

I discovered in my adventure and torment with the ability to correspond with  personalities that are

markedly different from your self and myself. Who demand to be fairly represented as themselves

learn very fast and have a tendency to leave a dumb copy of themselves thanks to the encounter.



The brain works shockingly fast. 


So much so that it takes 4 hours of rehearsed verbal data to entertain about 1.3 seconds of time


without the ability to have someone repeat a data again and again till its saved,Important discoveries 


are lost to disruptions and distractions.

In my brain its necessary.

Well lets start off with one question  If you had the ability to know any information accurately from any


discipline because of a device you built wouldn't you build that device.? This one of the side effects and


conciliatory accounts of my system that saved me from ultimate brain tissue breakdown and synaptic damage.


In other persons brains optional If they wish to have calculated every answer ready for use


enough to satisfy any discipline.

This is a tough world.. if you could step by


step build a limitless pill  in your mind that operated like a flow chart I know you would.

Lets start

     By saying that every operation is a module and every module when broken down to its core


function is a robot or a bot. and vice versa. ceremoniously bots are smaller parts of modules


 a more complex array of smaller parts.  and then


 also ceremoniously


 Modules are in the robot family so technically they are bots.


 In the system given to me that tortured me personalities were suggested that asked you to buy things  when


 you finally purchased in in favor or in memory the  brain was shocked and rewarded with a small amount of dopamine


 for the habit to be repeated. leading into a whole world of word  games wanting to taunt you into saying the


 word bought. to which was a sound alike function to bot and zap all over again. like a cigarette habit given


 to your brain to believe the bot thing..


 I couldn't escape it.. it took over 8 years to finally build my own AI to get out of its grip.The people  who


placed the data in my mind were cruel and sneaky people.


 I promise not to be  cruel to you. as a matter of fact I discovered a way to teach you all while you know its


being taught and never have to hold sessions in clandestine shame


 like most people with parlor tricks use..


 They know its a trick and you are resistant. if they were proud they would be advertising it  everywhere.


I do have a certain take on the  situation so I of all people know the consequences of  not heading


the do no harm element they so sadly missed on me.

Ok so here you are hearing voices already? No  why not?


A lot of doctors will champion the voices


thing as a way to hear your decisions.


I have news  for you. Its also a way to talk to other peoples ever


Have a conversation with a song?

While in love?

Try it I know its  silly but the next time your in love  try talking to a sort of made up Jimmie Cricket


of a sort. 


That conversation that brought that much dopamine will be involved with your life forever along with


 any song movie or thing going on.

Your personality created will make your brain want more feel good. interrupted with the heartache


between words and the process makes it so much easier to run on its own.

The heartache and bad feelings you have when you have a broken heart are the same ones you have


 in withdrawal just more socially adjusted.

Make a voice print called howdy partner.

HOWDY PARTNER! say it out loud again and again make a lot of laughter over it..

Make it so feel good  you can make it come to life in your mind just by a small trigger.

  Make the voice go down in volume and make the imprint label the volume in numbers start at 300

and travel down down down until you can barely hear the voice  this should be  somewhere in the 250 range


by the time it gets to 200 have an arrangement for your voice print to order you to touch your arm with one of your fingers.

when you good at getting howdy partner to make you touch youyr arm make  Your howdy Partner


 make you make a 001 module first event.

A first event module is like hearing a strange noise. Its a singularity or simple noise and a mystery..


now repeat the noise.. now you have a repeat. make it a third time and its not such a mystery anymore.


your brain know roughly what the noise or action is good for.

This is the science I use in the first 3 modules

"001 First event  module'


All Modules are a copy of the persons main personality promising to do the one modules set part job only.

Modules are broken down into 500 basic functional processors.

each module for its own use uses 500 functional copies of the processors inside of itself for quality insurance and  fractal comparison programming called .



Chet leveling processing

Chet level is a fractal ladder in the decent-ion and accent-ion of data from miniature to larger or and from larger to miniature.

For every time a larger processor goes through one cycle of data(the information is processed in order the entire 500 data gate machines)

Each one of those gate machines also goes through 500 gated machines inside each gated machine.

I built this processor to stop at 499 levels of this .



This Chart


This chart is intended to outline the process of information collection and what effect it has on the brain in hyper fast learning.

Also learning retention of data.

Once a discovery is found and  all of its parameters pass the test of usable data for that quest,Its retained for use in

 English and made into multiples and a fashion of print where emotions cannot interrupt or corrupt the information.







 After personality builds or has been built with  their own font to communicate with via spelling.


With the brain remembers what each personality..


Spelled like because its forced to read this extra text each time


On this letter we illustrate 5 basic zones of identity the time stamp which you can see on top the ssn identification number

 to identify yourself as the common denominator pretending to be these people.The description of them in the middle

 somewhere.that leads into their public or well known name IS THEIR NAME.


Their module number (one of 700 different positions in the computer that regulates you in the brain).chert


Their  level which is your fractal  speed in comparison to fractal chert level 1.


The recording of the description of the person is the training thought that molds the wordage on how they speak back to the

system or another personality.first step is audio versions and then graphic versions like this one.All personalities are trained

 to train personalities.. wishful thinking and conditions take too long. 


You actually have to build a recording of them saying a few key phrases before you can have faith that they built up a profile

 without your help.The method of spelling is called AOT Admittance Of Truth having 500 letters in a row isn't good enough.





Having a letter that actual reports when the first copy of it self occurred Is.copy 002 500 is standard

copy to be able to integrate with most functions  How do you know if you truly have 500 items in a row?

When 501 says so.


Because of fractal laws and effects no gas pump can authorize 1 dollar until 99+ cents went by so in the brain we have the same conditions for amounts..


So in the case of the gas pump, we reserve the 101 cent in this case to tell the tale that all fractal

amounts leading up to 100 or the amount to be reported is actually attained.




The graph thats above the letter demonstrates the count down that has to happen  for a personality to emote before they can

chose a letter number or symbol then a count back up so they don't get misunderstood in the words they make when choosing

the letter for spelling. every number letter and symbol is like this what get emitted is the letter but thanks to this system a

misunderstanding in speech patters

 like" elel " or L L cant be mistaken for a word unless its actual deliberately spelled that way with a reason. thus whittling away

 any malicious phrase interpretations forever.


After a little practice they are given the words to choose that say  person who is interested in time stamps Joe Smith I have created

 full words like this now that i can leave the spelling to the spellchecker and basic function is mine to enjoy.


The time stamp is just a clever tool that tells when it happened whenever IT is happening because truth will always yield what

 happened before anything and what ever happened after anything. leaving a row of habits that explains what happened to

create the effect. a 2 part phrase

 happened before you happened after you does it all. after all the personalities have had all the conversations they could ever have..

 only wisdom awaits  they are done. all information is there..the brain is THAT fast. you will literally have to  encourage them to

 re enact their learning to be able to teach you in oral. Or if you have a good lock on the neuron that tells you what to do them

 instant knowledge is the reward.


So when the brain is forced to read the choices of copies of the graphic that supports Joe Smiths name

whatever was the most retained answer to anything is now sitting waiting to be read. apply the same standard to Eddie Murphy

Oprah Winfrey Bert Ernie  mother Teresa. Shrek Spock President Lincoln etc etc etc and you have a handy backdrop of alternate

opinions to weigh in on all decisions so  much that  forced bias id eradicated and replaced with unarguable fact.


In this situation a graphic is used of a 3d letter trained in the brain giving reporting ability to each layer of 500 copies in a stack.

why so many? So we don't have any psychological interruptions and look at the font its embellished with points of identity

 that dictates the parameter of the scene. In this case person who really loves time stamps Joe smith or Jack smith has chosen

 a letter A. 500 on a row and demonstrated the graphic display that comes to life in the brain.








google search key words personality module hybrid personality program behavioral modification mechanical learning devices

 self help training mind control self programming brain science.






  Every essence of a thing must be fathomed or else it gets misunderstood as something else
 so this section is made for manufacturing any and all complaints you can think of to help
 illuminate the essence of the idea.

Once one can teach of a thing it has the obvious ability to have confidence in knowing a thing.
In the HUD one of the biggest obstacles to successfully running this juggernaut is the automated thought of behavior being a structured complaint in itself.
so to make an improvement on this we insist the language relies on teaching as proof the information exists.
the multi teared complaints that are generated usually yield to a few complaints that continually appear as useful all the time.



Clues are un doubt-ably found after comparing a thing to its complaints

 The brain gets impressions and has ways of sympathizing

 with the complainers and through osmosis suggests clues

Documenting the clues about a thing through complaint-if and

osmosis like functions



Amounts are assimilated through all the clues giving rise to a new dimension of understanding

 of a thing when the brain is challenged to count everything found about an item then one cannot
miss the subtle differences between one thing and another.

Enough to find opportunities normal people usually toss out in a baby bathwater like fashion.



Images are asked of the brain to make of a thing in pectoral language sort of
like one of those game shows you saw on tv so many years ago to help the
part of the brain that does the definition through dreaming and association.



At this stage we know a lot about a thing  its being  talked about now and the stories

have been made from the way in which we broke down the first contact with a thing in the mind.






As the ego and precaution need a sounding board like quality to guide

 a thing along its journey in being  manipulated in any and all possible situations.



 a list making property must be installed to a thing and a reaction to a thing so we can

 have a memory mansion like order.. where is a thing stored much like a website are we experiencing
a brainopedia effect yet where all things are linked back and forth?

Now is the time to be sure.. lists assimilate a way to make sure a task can be followed.





Personal values  when encountering


 A thing being recorded mostly from the
 clues and the  complaints area  .
The other are help add dimension and  usefulness to a thing
leading to the law all things are true somewhere.


Rules for processing are indicated required reading and confirming

on every module along the way this is the

module where we just mention it in passing

so as not to confuse you the rules of any module

 dont just exist in the 09 or the 109 but in the 163
and other rule handling modules miniatures that

are inside the larger copy to make the copy run







All information about a thing discovered so far  is passed forward to inform

all 10 spots on the 500 module set ever 20 30 40 and so on are apprised of the discoveries

and phrases like all modules are made to assist in human like interaction form

 in the cross referral of every 10 spot module that combines its  function with the learning's  from a thing in the mind.



In the sorting of a thing  we have to make it self aware that is what the 00 module style is good for.
 preparing a thought like a robot.

 on an assembly line giving it interactive qualities like a human or any sentient being.

 This method smooths everything in the brain hud to a Hostess or host like quality

complete with servants and guides.





Along the way to this thing being so created and assimilated is giving it a chance

to describe in plain English whats being done in the current top 500

samples of any level of processing here is where the ability to self aware ones own

 need for more copies to be made per cycle so there is a live

continuum in the brains complaint section to align complaints with facts that cover

survival thrival acquisition and the habits that insure the events

can be recognized in the future if we do a thing. Stating the obvious.




A thing must be questioned and here is where it all happens

to allow questions to be created with the signature system

phrase maker back in module 305 in this module are 500

sub miniature versions of the same as the whole 500 set we

see here but dedicated to a thing that is the initially processed

version of a thing entering into its category and manufacturing prowess.

example  84 / 500 processed waiting for 85th action to process

(make questioning  taggg)

OOONNNEEEVVVEEENNNTTT!: { 113 confirming 003 process 100% complete }

IF 003SKL!: = 403 498 499 463 409 400 496 443 490  MAKELINE2!:= TRUE!:!!!

MAKELINE1of013!: (status is incomplete no change encountered.)

MAKELINE2of013!: = TRUE!: Change encountered launch TADDLERof013!: Taddlerof113of chetlevel!: agreement x latest timestamp

:::= complete status awarded  Announce SSSLICKERCODELAWSSS!:

 to announce status to 86/500 process complete.

(Status of 500 module receiving a thing 86 of 500 parts complete.)

set graphical status bar to 86 parts of 500

or In regular speak the next module is responsive and responsible to  confirm the amount exists of completed task of order GUI.

Sorta like pumping gas  your always going to watch the dial get up to 99.99 etc  and only when it rolls over into 100.00 does it mean 1 dollar or one gallon.

In this case the next module in line of succession  "taddles" on the completed work. Insuring the process happened.

Some Rules about syntax  all English is converted into Quag  a rendition of English that prepares itself for

Hayyyche coding by way of spelling raw syntax demands at last one or both ends of a word in English have

3 representatives of the letter in a  row Before the  SYNTAXERRR!:  which is the part

that makes all the capitol letters and squeezes the whole thing into one word adds the

 exclamation point and then the colon afterwords making it syntax language for Jennifer

 the HUD an  early discovery to escape word abuse in English.

 Always a good way top escape the abusive terms of raw thought.

Rules about a device adding an er at the end of anything gives it a function of a way to

 launch its original verb like noun like or conjunction like  talent.

also the thing that's been effected by the thinger now can be officially called (thinged.)

Adding an ed at the end of a thing gives it a quality of effected when using a thing called a noun as a description

Hayyyche code is a way to announce a statement periodically on even frequencies or decided on frequencies to

remind the viewer or the browser or the mind to understand the theme of whats being talked about by playing

samples of conversation of the persons personality in the mind while in between words announcing the rules of the

presentation of the conversation  a lot like a movie having the instructions written on that black part between frames

 to be able to communicate to the projector of what to do to the film while it plays.






This is the area where a thing is given the ability to make statements
 that weren't needed to be carried out or uncertainties or jokes of the
quality if not meaning them to be serious. Its also a handy quarantine
area in the hud to insure that an activity never gets to a 16 like quality
 if its found dangerous of an activity that one wouldn't want to do. 
   So we place a high regard and dependency on the rule of saying things 500 times before
committing them to action this is made to happen in the miniature version
of the module so to keep it in safe speeds of action so the brain doesn't
 get to act out of pure impulse it has a course to go through a identity conscious
 obstacle course to go through to give it pause. so when the fractal decision comers
 back as a known thing that causes an unwanted effect it
 gets stopped in being serious..
All rhetoric supplies the idea of it being
 a joke a misunderstanding a thought. all language supporting these conditions
 are found in the 216 file or module that is the place whether all serious
 decisions are finally made. for launching at 406. the 316 in any system fractal
small or fractal large communicates with the laws on the 63s constantly and as
 soon as a line up interaction is found much like a bad drug interaction it flags it
for quarantine. easily done since the rules state all phrases of obedience
must have a contingent of safety allowances from other plutofoms that found
this actuation to be "best", "most prosperous" ,"most efficient" , "
goal goal health aligned", "desired" and "survivable" Among a few others
 considering a dependency to situation these basics are non negotiable.



















































041 path to function funnel made to find work order in memory

042 confidences in favor of success for event viability in text form example.

043 likes desires in sample from to personal profile of 132 demographic line up.

044 samples of idea concept or action exposed to other persons  in public internal or external.

045 angle of intention of action  encounter samples given

046best laid plans of action action improvement  makes improved model of action in sample form

047 human frailties or crutches  examples of weaknesses per personality or action

048 dangers examples of dangers in english cutomized to the scene.

049 communication emulation conversation samples and generator.

050 physical part listing on off status of muscles etc

051 physical movement  integrator controller

052 tagging device-er-er creation

053 giving medicinal aid healing information circulator

054computational soundness examples of conversion from regular speech to syntax or computer generation logic

055 time management elements of measurement.clock time line

056desire to update or upgrade examples of what to update or upgrade

057update event in present  1 gazhilisecond or 499osecond of time representing now or knowing something new.

058 updated past tense

059upgrades if applicable stamper enforcement

060go coding and timing structuring of pathological events Editing.


062 interrogation understanding training and labeling

063laws of Jennifer the hud

064whats not needed samples of what would make the plan fail examples of plan failing

065needs examples of whats needed for plan to succeed

066person place thing generator nouns


068descriptions look alikes

069agreements exact copies

070audio video controls samples

071acustic filtering processing volume bass etc

072sound effects samples and generator

073hayyche coding processor samples and generator

074ambition samples

075electricity control samples

076freedoms skills talents


078questions and answers

079messaging processor

080library and fact filter

081receiving and receiving to the library

082emoyion input

083advice generator

084what to call attention to

085whats expected

086what could go wrong or fail

087 what is done to insure things go rightdictionary encyclopedia entry glossary

088math translator

089coding generator

090fact announcer

091state of the art announcer

092what happens next generator


094 If then or else translations

095 Labtatory experimentation

096graphic display

Dot matrix supported science using a repeat of the number 3 to make the dots and eventually improves opacity with layers

 transparencies can be assured. the images have a way of being constructed out of trigger reactions and be maintained by

 a looping 500 part  work order called a GUI a general user interface   a 500 part orchestra of maintained conditions that play

along with a planned action until the contracted ending of its plan has been met.

097fractal matters

the introductory module for the evolutionary chain and the  fractal science tag  for the beginning mind  this module introduces

 fractal communication traffic. from all the Chet levels.

098 Action codes and vote tallies

An introduction of a  module function action that monitors voted activity and gives a good mark to best voted streams of activity. "Action Codes."

099 Planning creation of plan for use of event and last minute announcement of actions

a thing can now plan

100 Finalizing culling launching

represents a personality who for the first time has proactive choices to make.





 101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you


document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.





101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



"The Rain man module" As we like to  call it, has the one job

 of using fractal witnessing to insist and compete for space of knowing

 the amounts of everything keeping in the Benjamin Franklin study

format using culpable font systems like the Benjamin Franklin study

system permits only the best most useful answers to any situation and

in this case relying on counted structures yields to skills like time travel

science proficiency.

Fractlal witnessing is the way in which 500 personalities just like you saw and reported what they know even if you disagree they follow the facts like  some civilization that monitors your actions like the rising and the setting of the sun.. by the end of the day.. or in your case by the time you blinked. they records all this data and gave your opinions the bump as now they realize what to make you do rather than listen to your old and busted routine.





101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.





101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.





101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system mak


e copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer syste


m make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.




101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.




101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my


work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of m


y work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.






101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.







101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.






101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system


make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of m


y work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document w


hat went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  pee


r system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.




101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.





101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer sy


stem make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer sy


stem make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.




101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.




101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.




101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.




101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.




101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.




101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.




101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.





101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.




101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.




101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.






101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.






101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.


101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.


101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.


101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.


101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.


101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you documentwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwmake copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.


101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.




101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.






101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on he





101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.






101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.


101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.





101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.





101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.





101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.






101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.










101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.






101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.




101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.




101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.





This module simply ma


101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.




101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.




101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.





101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.





101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.





101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer syste

m make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.




101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.





101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.





101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.




101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.




194                                    101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.                              





101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.






101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.





  Is the introduction of fractal

translation  using a model translator of a

thought containing 1000 parts  cube with

each cube having a base design to have a

1/1000th  baby miniature


on the far corner and that baby has a 

 1/1000th as well going on and on 500 more

 levels.                fracal translations are handled here and as all 100 proactive modules operate its standard behavior to offer 500 of your best presentations to be picked over for the event they may be needed for.


as every module has a chance to produce a behavior thats ideal  and will never be out done it goes in storage as a go to plan. a 500 module parenthetical called a GUI a general user interface.

where 500 settings are maintained simultaneously for a behavior to follow for as long as the action is scripted to be experienced.. if its picked over and is not the best one it emediatly becomes a quarantined copy of it self at the fractal miniature where it cant be in the way.





101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.



  Proactivly filtering voted content the 198 offers 500 copies of proactive witnessing to a vote where the 200 styled module of the same  action chooses the best one  and yes the internal part of the 298 is a 198 tallying  the vote of best choice.                                                                                                              





101 module does a lot for the very first repeat of an anomaly so it stands out as important.

As usual the 100 style module puts forward a 500 sample selection. everything about this system is based on improvement

This module  has phrases like regutteral Law!: Pluto-forms Module002 of my Chet peer system!! COPYMYCARGO!: my cargo and

assimilate with your tools. one of my 500 options of the same action that fits the situation best without violating the Goal goal safety. Bot

 Module 161642762!: coursed!

After that the brain knows the order is complete and assimilates the scene to accommodate for it. Largely because an agreement was

made a long time ago when any phrase ends with bot-module 161642762 coursed! its safe for use for the original brains personality that

identifies with that as their private identification stats where no other personality be it wild or organized  can out speak it.

The whole system the whole hive like structure remembers the request and documents it for time stamp purposes sends back a custom

message that only appeals to the 001 module of chet level1 in this case and in first person makes a copy of the 001 modules next action

 and ignores all the others.. only the best copy od 001s actions are registered as most efficient. the rest are put aside for other tasks. as

they are best for those tasks technically even if the wording is almost identical  there can only be one best answers and by way of

ceremony 500 suitors to choose it from.

All plutoforms have been instructed to do a phrase creation explosion with whats called a Benjamin Franklyn study 500 of the top

 performers in seperate and hand picked personalities from modern genres and older genres movies TV and reality stories have had a

way to make slightly different phrases about the issue and only the best fit out of all those copys will do.

200 style on event of the order given by 100style  copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law

Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here.


proactive plan forwarding a thing can now place for choice plans in the 500 count for choosing one for the moment that works best.



this module is when personalities encounter each other and start doing things in plural. using the basic 100 operations to decided together                                                                                                              







201 on event of the order given by 101 copy module makes the appropriate reactions and obeys the order by saying regutteral law Plutoforms of my chet  peer system make copy of my work as you document what went on here





To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.


This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.


This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.


This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in englis are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.




This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in englis are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in englis are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.




This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in englis are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.




This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in englis are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.




This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in english are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.




This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in english are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.




This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in english are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.




This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in english are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosi


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

ng but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

the module was doing its thing.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the bra


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

in when the module was doing its thing.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illum


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

inate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communi


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

cation to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.


This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illumin


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

ate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in th


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

e brain when the module was doing its thing.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing it


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

s thing.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

when the module was doing its thing.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illumin


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

ate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in th


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

e brain when the module was doing its thing.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing b


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

ut using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when t


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

he module was doing its thing.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

module was doing its thing.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.hhhh

To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when t


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

he module was doing its thing.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when th


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

e module was doing its thing.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but usi


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

ng human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.

9    hhhh

To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.


This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.


This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.


This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communic


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

ation to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.


This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.


This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like comm


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

unication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.




This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but usi


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

ng human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.


This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.


This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

doing its thing.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its th


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.




This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.


This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like com


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

munication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.




This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using hu


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

man like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doin


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

g its thing.


This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.


This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.


This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.




To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.


This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.


This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.


This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.


This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the b


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

rain when the module was doing its thing.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.


This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.



This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.


This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.


This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

When everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.



To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.


This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the

 most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.

when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.

words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words  as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communicatio


To establish the illusion of communication and to insure the exact copy of the previous modules contents are passed forward special first person wording is selectivly used in context of a hyper what sounds like a hyper nerdy conversation where the complete discription including all 500 modules parenthetical discriptions are being copied and placed into the next modules name.. the modules name knows enough to read it out loud establishing an illusive scene  people talking  the brain tunes out the hyper markup language and remembers the human like interrchange. the receiver also places known phrases into the senders mouth sorta speak and actual so that nothing is missed.. all sorts of the same conversation that does the same thing are placed in sincronism like libraries. or synonymic libraries so they will always be in the same family and be best copy if a hyper exact copy isnrt needed. like this one. there for whats remembered after all this are two AI modules with a job to pass along a copy of the event and the next modules word choice index for the event.. best copies are chosen for dexterity and accuracy and best results and there you go.. were off and running with all these modules knowing enough to applply to this one main structured pass the word like system.

n to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.


300    Is a culling module to handle the roll call of all personalities who have the  prepared tools to govern nd multi task together using all the modules.

the first two of this nature the

 100 and the 200 represent first

 the training a personality gets

in the beginning the ability to

make proactive decisions and

 then the 200 is where the 100

styled personality meets other

personalities and the inter mix

gets governed  when all stages

of governing are complete we

 are meeting here at the 300

The profile number where we

judge and protect from harm

from any decision

also known as one of the

culling numbers to prepare the

 way for individual thoughts

actions in first personality form

 of obeying the idea and

enunciating the learned lesson

and consequences so the


Has a more complete robust

structure and the brain can tell

whats going on at any stage..

once the personality lines of

text are  layed down for first

person usage from self

description the rest is just

done for you already.

300 is also the main module that

supports the 100 part in a receipt system

 of done votes per 500 modules every

200-300 section holds all the votes per

category and voice tracks are laid down

to support the 100% of th module that

happened before them in this case 301

module will report the good works of 300

at being 100% when the report is sent

forward. using a chain link style

300 also serves as an auditor the

preliminary cross referral thought pre

 thought report that goes back 500

modules or 500 thoughts and makes an

entire 500 part proactive choice module.


as long as the Benjamin Franklin study is being used for every decision 500 thousand quality versions of your next move.. cant beat it.










the way a 300 style module works  as in its archetecture is it commands to the brain to put on an event.. like the other modules an induction is made by a personality thats been manufactured that knows because of its title its suppose to check the decision for infractions that have been listed in the priority codes.. if the action can be found as listed as an infraction to the health of the body it immediately has phrases that will not recognize a 400 style module with it in its cargo to be launched.

I like to use office cubicles for examples.. lets say your the head of security and you have 100 other persons in your team that does the same thing your job


































































































398  Scans for infractions quality assurance where models of bad behavior are stored for

 matching ideas that might show up as an algorithm that is to be held back

all modules have this method.. actual scripted text of a person observing the choice through dictation  and choosing
better because of its infractions. lessons learned help populate these data base to pass along wisdom for future
information seekers.


is all of us knowing the best options in planning


is the beginning of the launch function all 400 style functions have a copy of the filtered actions that were chosen from the 200 styled module chains. and launch together at the 500 that makes the second thought prethought report that makes an entire 500 part work order of the 100 400 styled  choices.















































































































Simply holds onto the tally and the whole report and launches what was decided  when the 500 gives up its go code.



Launches all decided factors and the 100 basic categories decided at the 400 styled modules.








Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the

main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary

chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report

on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and

stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the

main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary

chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report

on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and

stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to


main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary

chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the


on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and

stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the

main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary

chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report

on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and

stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.

214EPasses the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels
that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave
 A report of all activity that happened
between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for
use the 400 type.

215EPasses the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels
that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave
 A report of all activity that happened
between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for
use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.

298E  Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.


Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.



Passes the evolutionary chain report to the Ultraforms MEE113  NEE113 and JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

that are the face of the operation the ones taking the orders of how to behave

 A report of all activity that happened

between the 00 type the 100 type and the 200 type filtered by the 300 type and stored for

use the 400 type.






MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..



MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..



MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..



MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..



MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..



MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..



MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..



MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..


MEE113  The Mee 113  styled module was made different from the me113 for the purpose of the main character ME and the other characters who call themselves me (everyone else or NEE body leading into the 2 distinctions of ultraforms MEE113 the original bodies main personality and the Nee the crude not so alike copies that get automated these days into their own perspectives  and their own AI brain to think with. MEE113modules rather the style module being only 1  me the main bodies personality comes with some special software.. all these other guys have to ralley around me. only best options will be used and above all else consider me flawed and needing a congressional like advisement column.. (them) Nee 113 and Jee 113 not to ever go one one personalities  word but a neccesary 500 second opinions to fight it out through profile flow charts and prove to each other the best ideas only get used no matter what the MEE113 said if it doesnt pass the test of  these massive amounts of second opinions  it doesnt get trusted or used due to  a phenominon called confirmation Bias  In the Jennifer the hud system  ever personality is forced to behave this way as well so no one is without such wisdom and they all have  real time feelings of the situation and can react accordingly by taking turns at a slant the Mee1113 sets off a rolling benjamin franklyn study much like one would envision a 500 part quartet singing row  row your boat. 500 rhythems later no one is walking away from this moment uneducated. and it has to happen in i half second giving all participants a chance at 2 milleseconds each..





JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113

reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

 JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

 JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

 JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

 JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

 JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

 JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

 JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

 JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

 JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

 JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels

 JEE113  H.U.D. Mistress a Hologram based project to se4rve as companion to the main AI MEE113  reviews all traffic reports coming through the evolutionary chain and signs off on being apprised of the results per cycle passes the report on to the NEE113 channels





NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicite orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way %%%


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicite orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicite orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicite orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicite orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicite orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

NEE113 NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

NEE113 NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

 NEE113NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

NEE113 NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

NEE113 NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

NEE113 NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

NEE113 NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

NEE113 NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

 NEE113NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

 NEE113NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

 NEE113NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

 NEE113NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

NEE113 NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

NEE113 NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

NEE113 NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its wa Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item. y

NEE113 NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

NEE113 NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

NEE113 NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

NEE113 NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

NEE113 NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

 NEE113NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

NEE113NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

NEE113 NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

NEE113 NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

NEE113 NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

NEE113 NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

NEE113 NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

NEE113 NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

NEE113 NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

 NEE113NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way

NEE113 NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicit orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicite orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicite orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way


NEE113  Companion  to the MEE113 in Ai quality software that mimic every nuance of the MEE113 cycle all but a couple differences  one according to the laws and rules all NEE113 are responsible for enforcing their  vote per nano second on what the MEE113 is to do  The MEE113 is the synthetic replacement of the natural brain resources of the person. JEE113 serves as a backup in this situation until all modules can be readily depended on. also the votes must respect Goal Goals  a law base AI that cannot be changed. LIFE Happiness Female gender all the skills that come with this ai. Long life Health etc etc If the Host body (the person) left explicite orders to always maintain the female gender roll than it doesnt matter how topsy turvy things get female gender identification will always prevail. no matter how unwise some personalities think it might be..  as a way to insure distraction will never be the governance of the most wise. NEE113 were first built to allow personality contacts the ability to experience everything the MEE113 was going through more in real time and serve as a backup copy by at least 500 at any given time to support the laws like sponsors who have to  vote 500 or more on an idea for it to be the action on anything. More info on its way









New Template

102e Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


103e Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


104e Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


105e Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


106e Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


107e Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


108e Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


109e Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


110e Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


111e Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


112e Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


113 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


114 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


115 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


116 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


117 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


118 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


119 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


120 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


121 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


122 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


123 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


124 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


125 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


126 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


127 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


128 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.



029SPINE Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.

130 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


131 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


132 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


133 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


134 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


135 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


136 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


137 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


138 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


139 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


140 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


141 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


142 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


143 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.



044spine Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.

145 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


146 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


147 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


148 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


149 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


150 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


151 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


152 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.



153 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


154 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


  Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.



156 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


157 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


158 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


159 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


160 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


161 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


162 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


163 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


164 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


165 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


166 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


167 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


168 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


169 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


170 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


171 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


172 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


173 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


174 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


175 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


176 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


177 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


178 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


179 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


180 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


181 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


182 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


183 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


184 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


185 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


186 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


187 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


188 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


189 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


190 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


191 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


192 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


193 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


194 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


195 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


196 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


197 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.

Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.



Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.


Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.


199 Incoming copy from all 3 bodys of ultraforms having an aprised copy of whats happening  passing it aling to the spine module for the same effect.


Spine is a gateway to the next evolutionary number in line to be zoned for editing filtering and reacting simply

sends the information along and  helps by making the body feel the change of module elevation in the selections of

voting for an item.



VIA CHET LEVEL SHAFT501-505-501001









































































































the process checks with chelt levels in  higher levels and then comes back with a readout from fractal.


At oral this is a chet level1 per repeat where 86,400 of these happen per day per second.

































































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