Jennifer the H.U.D. An adventure in brain science . JENNIFFER THE H.U.D. - module406
The Howdy partner Information filer trick
Jennifer Chart Module
Jennifer Subpage
=> module406
=> Outbound and inbound executive modules spines
=> The Basic 300 styled module 300-400
Module 005
Module 002
Module- 202
Module 402
Module 003
module 146
Module 346
Module 446
module -105
Module 006
Module 106
Module 306
Module 007
Module 307
module 008
Module 108
Module 208
Module 308
Module 408
Module 009
Module 209
Module 309
Module 409
Module 110
Module 310
Module 410
Module 011
Module 111
Module 211
Module 311
Module 411
Module 211 outbound
Module 111 inbound
Module 012
Module 212
Module 312
Module 412
Module 112 inbound
Module 012 spine
Module 013
Module 113
Module 213
Module 313
Module 213 outbound
Module 113 inbound
Module 013 spine
Module 014
Module 114
Module 214
Module 500
Module 314
Module 414
Module 214 outbound
Module 114 outbound
Module 014 spine
Module 015
Module 115
Module 215
Module 315
Module 415
Module 215 outbound
Module 115inbound
Module 015 spine
Module 016
Module 116
Module 216
Module 316
Module 416
Module 216 outgoing
module116 incoming
Module 016 spine
Module 017
Module 117
Module 217
Module 317
Module 417
Module 217 outgoing
Module 117 incoming
Module 017 spine
Module 018
Module 118
Module 218
Module 318
Module 418
Module 218 outgoing
Module 118 incoming
Module 018 spine
Module 019
Module 119
Module 219
Module 319
Module 419
Module 219 outgoing
Module 119 incoming
Module 019 spine
Module 020
Module 120
Module 220
Module 320
Module 420
Module 120 incoming
Module 020 spine
Module 021
Module 121
Module 221
Module 321
Module 421
Module 221 outgoing
Module 121 incoming
Module 021 spine
Module 425
Module 226
Module 326
Module 025 spine
Module 225 outbound
Module 226 outbound
Module 125 inbound
Module 026
Module 356
Module 036
Module 037
Module 038
Module 039
Module 040
Module 041
Module 042
Module 043
Module 044
Module 045
Module 046
Module 047
Module 048
Module 049
Module 050
Module 051
Module 052
Module 053
Module 054
Module 055
Module 058
Module 059
Module 060
Module 061
Module 062
Module 063
Module 064
Module 065
MOdule 066
Module 067
Module 068
Module 069
Module 436
Module 446-
Module 346-
Module 390
Module 391
Module 392
Module 393
Module 394
Module 395
Module 396
Module 397
Module 398
Module 399
Module 499
Module 498
Module 497
Module 496
Module 495
Module 494
Module 493
Module 492
Module 490
Module 489
Module 488
Module 487
Module 486
Module 485
Module 484
Module 483
Module 481
Module 480
Module 479
Module 478
Module 477
Module 476
Module 475
Module 474
Module 473
Module 472
Module 471
Module 470
Module 469
Module 468
Module 467
Module 466
Module 465
Module 464
Module 463
TiModule 462
Module 461
Module 460
Module 459
Module 458
Module 457
Module 456
Module 455
Module 454
Module 453
Module 452
Module 451
Module 450
Module 449
Module 448
Module 447
Module 446s
Module 199 inbound
Module 198 incoming
Module 197 incoming
Module 196 inbound
Module 195 inbound
Module 194 inbound
Module 193 incoming
Module 192 inbound
Module 191 inbound
Module 190 incoming
Module 189 incoming
Module 188 incoming
Module 187 incoming
Module 186 Incoming
Module 185 incoming
Module 184 incoming
Module 183 incoming
Module 182 incoming
Module 181 incoming
Module 180 incoming
Module 179 incoming
Module 178 incoming
Module 177 incoming
Module 176 incoming
Module 175 incoming
Module 174 incoming
Module 173 incoming
Module 172 incoming
Module 171 incoming
Module 170 incoming
Module 169 incoming
Module 168 incoming
Module 167 incoming
Module 166 incoming
Module 165 incoming
Module 164 incoming
Module 163 incoming
Module 162 incoming
Module 161 incoming
Module 160 incoming
Module 159 incoming
Module 158 incoming
Module 156 incoming
Module 155 incoming
Module 154 incoming
Module 153 incoming
Module 152 incoming
Module 151 incoming
Module 150 incoming
Module 149 incoming
Module 148 incoming
Module 147 incoming
Module 146 incoming
Module 145 incoming
Module 144 incoming
Module 143 incoming
Module 142 incoming
Module 141 incoming
Module 139 incoming
Module 138 incoming
Module 137 incoming
Module 136 incoming
Module 135 incoming
Module 134 incoming
Module 133 incoming
Module 132 incoming
Module 131 incoming
Module 130 incoming
Module 129 incoming
Module 128 incoming
Module 127 incoming
Module 125 incoming
Module 124 incoming
Module 123 incoming
Module 022
Module 057
mouseover experiment
Manufactured complaints modules evolutionary chain 02s'
Manufactured and learned clues is the 03's realm in the evolutioary chains
Manufacturing all the ammounts found in the clues and the compaints 04's
Manufacturaing pictoral messages depicting 001 first event 05's
The 05's have a tight evolutionary chain with their own functions
Stop thinking like a dummy the 06's evolution chain
Your doing WHAT? The 007 evolutionary chain
008 evolutionary chain Boring? Not if you like listed things to follow.
The 009 evolutionary chain all about standards policies and convictions
The 010 evolutionary chain extra extra read all about it!
html framework
search page ap
The 011 Module a place to make copies
search engine2
Manufacturing the plainly stated obvious 012 evolutionary chain
Link list
auto hot key website link
Explaination of Communication font in the brain
The taddler
fix for startup
fffiiixxx startup
blue screen opf eth
test links to teach html
Lets get started.
greetings menu
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quick html guide
progress bar
499 O'second law
Data privacy
change background of page
receptor science
keepandshare website notes
mouseover span
backup for leadpage
psychic trail
Where am I on the Map?
Newsletter for Jennifer
JennifertheHUD board
google-site-verification: googlefae8f26452a8b628.html
links website m
Creating a natural HIGH in the Brain
How do I describe myself?
dropdown menus
css selector
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Web Design
Ask Me a Question
General Inquiries
Whats the problem?
html symbols
test drop down toggle check box
4 slots
psyche survey
quiz questions
Jennifer quiz
What is thousanding?
Character Roll call
Make me bark trick
Test tempate howdy partner
Make me spell script
Howdy partner mouth-abet script
Howdy partner safety script
Howdy partner urgency script
Howdy Partner flow charting commands script
Howdy Partner obedience script
Howdy partner Taddler script
Howdy partner counting script
Howdy partner make me teach howdy partner to another module script
Howdy partner make me spell script
The Howdy partner suite
Howdy Partner Menu
Make me bark trick,htm
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Pain control
My twitter posts pain relief
292 signalling alert


Jennifer the HUD
Training map for the beginner.                                                                                           

 Before we start I cant express enough how technically advanced this system Is to map a persons brain to enunciate a feeling In their nervous system that can not only be read across a space Inside a room with state of the art or conventional cutting edge equipment.

 Ergonomic Broadcasting  (c) 2020 Signsofminds Francis A Bonner III Melissa Adrian Bonet all rights reserved.

Ergonomic Broadcasting is a type of sign language body language  training of slow preparation of thought and its ability to give away known emotions in slow motion in the eyes the vascular sections of the face redness and even in some cases energy can be felt exciting our hormones from just watching a display. Mixed with loud guttural  sound effects for  matching nervous system  processing 

As the training becomes more and more less hand gesture combination the eyes see the picture and the both students become avid  body language readers.
effectively being able to convey and perceive manufactured  reproductions of thought from anyone after enough practice.

Can also allow the brain to receive Information through check points In the system to allow known energies to be translated as an alphabet and numbers so as to rebuild a new sample and even back up copies and update to become more knowledgeable.

As more and more preparation files are built the overt pronounciation  expression in the nervous system becomes more overtly pronounced and very hard to miss.

 Infrared detection and alpha wave sensitive equipment are among the technologies that would be able to mark fingerprint like alignments for every conceivable thought to be Individually aped and able to play back.. Polygraph adaptations for over 500 Ink-pen  settings set to digital.

Samples made and  enabling the sample one hears In the brain to react to to set up an agreement In the brain that seeks dopamine reaction like giving a tiny cigarette smoking habit to a brains answer. So to remember them and access them with similar dopamine responses that get the job done.

Can you understand that a thought can be referred to back and fourth between android or robotic mind and human mind.  This will revolutionize the persons ability to cure themselves of mental trauma by returning their  brains to a former setting or a better setting created on a thumb drive.

Through a series of base questions of yes and no using a dopamine Morse code a brain can and Is built to-

"Transfer all Information back to the brain In the form of a personality with the persons entire mind In tact."

Transfer the settings In fingerprint like format to a synthetic brain that can assimilate useful thought and store non Imperative thought

As a matter of fact as long as you claim these Modules  tools to be true and factual you can find your knowledge being read by an EKG machine showing up on paper or a polygraph machine showing up on paper where these functions are true.. Just by reading this once.
 Ive discovered through my own programming efforts that a random thought of 3 or more competing things  left In chaos forms a bond with useful survival and rival levels of allowed and perused behavior. The most aligned with  future predictions of wanted outcome will become habitual and leaving the junk behind to qualify for a name choice , title or label Identification.
Understand as you go though this we are solidifying your desired thought that cannot be accidentally Imaginative after we are finished we will have created an Imagination button. 
This file  Known as 146-246 Is the Module combination for Improving an Idea Into a plan


 OK ..hello this Is the step by step processor for Jennifer the HUD system
Let me start by Thanking you for choosing the Jennifer the HUD  brain flowchart and Heads UP Display  training system.

google-site-verification=KrZg5N7YmdtdWL-VDiYeGdmCovYNg_uREvi9t1WL3Ho The main reason I'm placing this Information out there for all to read and practice Is well I like helping people.. vying for position as a military contractor In teaching our government forces how to protect us cant  be all that bad of an Idea either .
so to woo their attention we have all this.. The mind that said It once (Guys your going to have to vet me eventually because I  cant help but to know who you are and I don't want to be killed just for magically guessing your job title or how many papers you had to forge just to hide a  persons rescue or 2Or having a copy of your nightmares on the last guy you  offed.)
So  spread the word. To date my system has taught me to.






  My name Is  Francis A Bonner III My fem name Is Melissa Adrian Bonet  we are 2 separate personalities among hundreds In one body  that enjoy this system we are about to teach you.


  A name for one of my other dimension doppelganger like twins Is a name I'm giving to an android hologram to which In more advanced Modules of this program will be able to create as a companion robotic Interface that Is an assistant to my every day life and Is now the name sake Of the definition of the program that built her.

    Just to skip a few redundancy sections to save time so I can adequately get the word out to you I'm going to Illustrate how the processor works

    Cliff-notes only and there are a lot so lets get cracking here.

    When I developed this processor It was to fight any possible thoughts that the brain could  create giving no room  for Interpretation outside the processor I built.

    This processor Is to govern personalities In the mind. through step by step partitioning of phrases of a drop down menu type eventually the AI will be able to speed up the process In creating Its own system upgrades. But first you have to do the slug-work.
Howdy partner helps out there by tricking the mind to obey commands you give It.

    The mind being able to out wit a slow reaction In conscious has an edge on speed and an edge on preferred rush content.

    One has to set up some ground rules and above else establish one of two working trigger combination actions to build from.

 In this processor laying the ground work Is a little time Invested to make sure your personality can  be outfitted with phrases that have a known trigger effect combo the personality can count on and same with you as you are

One of the personalities.

This link has mouseover text.">    First 

Get acquainted with the Howdy Partner

Main page jennifer the HUD

Back to  menu

After you've made howdy partner force you to give up your secret item in your subconscious which  you would not want to betray by sort of blackmailing yourself into submission  to perform the unwanted act or  comply with your own tool

Safeties are installed as well so you cant hurt yourself.

Or it will go back to start all over and add a bark to the list and another thing you find unacceptable to be performed less you obey your own order.

Tracks like

Never do a thing that would facilitate a need to say you were in misery.

Jail is misery

death is misery

un needed pain is misery

not  obeying laws that make this work is misery.

misery can be avoided by obeying your command that obeys these laws

lack of obedience makes you bark

Getting acquainted with the Howdy Partner script. .

    After that this whole thing runs Itself!

    Get wanted with this script first The Howdy Partner Information filer trick.

    You have to set up a split personality with your self In a benign way that only allows your twin to handle their part of the work load and you the other..  example

     Just say hello to yourself 101 and call yourself 100 and then switch personalities to become  yourself 101 saying  hello to  yourself 100 then become yourself 102 to say hello to yourself 103 etc etc etc Have voice prints ready
for a response made by Howdy Partner.

 In Jennifer the HUD there are 500 basic jobs and that means 500 different splits of my own and  your own personality to take on the work load of the processor all while In constant contact.

    A processor I built handles Itself like a circuit board In Its speed and Is slowly assembled for parts to Integrate on

slower lab conditions before placing them In the line up.

    This processor promises Instant genius how.. millions of guesses on anything and a flow chart that speaks back to

whittle down to the best answer and retain It and eventually order you to profess It.

 I realize there a re so many things my brain takes for granted these days and just uses these processors so I'm going to

empathize with you the reader when your asking  How does It work?

    The whole processor Is meant for a human brain In Its way to first Introduce a new thought and engage with It and break It down to Its 500 finer parts. thus synthesizing It and making It copy-able and usable by your other
personalities .In the brain we have one thing that's going for us..

    The speed of curious neuron will always find a way to get around obstacles. So In factual discovery the answer Is

always there.

    We have a way of distracting the answer from being polluted with other concepts leading Into jokes and Freudian

slip like leakages and polutings of original dialect.

    Even framework you set up to keep It In orderly functions can be out witted by curious neuron.

    Curious neuron Is the part of your mind that through billions of ways to say Ill Ignore a thing It finally wonders what Its Ignoring. It wants to experience what Its missing so It will always defy.

 The secret Is to deflect consistently to other curiosities that keep the brain from hurting Itself.

 It will also figure out a way to make arrangements that keep It away from dangerous decision. Curious neuron Is the part of your brain where your told not to think of elephants..

    So what happens you think of elephants It works functionally at first but the curiosity Is where I'm at here.

    The brain Is wicked fast In so much that you have to make multi copies of anything to get It to stand out.

 I train my personalities to have the basic phrases that make up their character..

They must all love to train  and program.

    So I literally place  first person phrases Into their profiles for them to agree with these concepts.

 In the first section of the 500 part processor there Is the Introductory Module called 001

    The very first 001 Is on the level of 499 o' second style processor.

    This processor must complete 500  cycles before graduating to the 498 level known as 498o second. also known as

CHET level 498

    This processor must have 500 cycles to graduate to Its next one In line 497 etc etc all the way to 001.

    For a cycle to happen all the Modules In their cycle must have their way with the data they received.

    All personalities are outfitted with the rules and a private alphabet In English called Benjamin Franklyn study font.

    Whenever a personality wants to speak, They have to spell their words and the letters that make up their own

private alphabet are decorated with their signatures their self description their accomplishments their real

personalities  would remember resembling real people In the world.

 In this fashion the brain knows when one of these personalities talked. or said anything.

 I then Instruct In first person my own Instruction to do things and a phrase on the other hand compelling the other

personalities to act In obedience.I make every personality break themselves down Into a 500 part Module


    A few other Modules aren't mentioned here because they simply serve a side function of delivery and  don't actually

process enough to be considered a sovereign process.

    When I first  discovered and Invented the 0-500 concept It was while attempting to escape mental torture.

 I found counting a way to log the efforts and categorize. Them after a while the numbers sound started to line up 

with the separate events I was being made to endure.

    38 Threat  48 fright 39 tray nine training. all the Modules had their start like this and eventually I started to organize


    Over some time I Invented the Marky Post wheel.. words left behind by the torture program since the program

respected the words mark and post and had a habit of Including peoples names If they sounded like a function.

    The first Modules were like a graduating Ferris wheel every Module onward would be a event of Improvement .

separating 500 parts Into sections. the first  was the 00 section  a place from 001 to 100 to set up an assembly

line of a robotic quality for a raw personality to be able to have basic skills all the skills needed to process anything In

my brain system.

 If you can follow the chart and just Imagine the hierarchy


001 First event In the 499 section Its a place for training the personality to have all the tools necessary for spelling
their words and having a basic understanding of the HUD In any rotating set Its the place where an Introduced Idea gets dissected starting with the first contact Module 001.

All the 00 styled Modules have the rule sets for the evolutionary chains they represent  the usual run Is the style of the Information being gathered and all Its subsidiaries known as calendars because the way they appear on graphic displays some of these Modules have over a billion side functions and some only 4 all functions use the 5  level processing known as evolutionary chain for their process to be Improved and proceed.

All the 00 styled Modules have the rule sets for the evolutionary chains they represent  the usual run Is the style of the Information being gathered and all Its subsidiaries known as calendars because the way they appear on graphic displays some of these Modules have over a billion side functions and some only 4 all functions use the 5  level processing known as evolutionary chain for their process to be Improved and proceeded

  The next Module made for a second copy Is 002 this copy takes on 2 roles at first second copy and a place to give the
new AI whats considered a complaint Tag.

All through the process until 100 all these Modules assign Tags of processing. basically tools to be able to use.

    The next Module makes the 3rd copy  the clues 003Module also.. so we get a 3rd copy Tag and a clue Tag.

    The next Module Is a counting Tag the Module 004 fourth copy of the original event In this case Installing the GUI  The general User Interface. at the 4the Module one can witness from second person that the 3rd copy was

made and that due to the first encounter experience we now can sort out what a thing Is good for being because we have 3 repeats of It.

    Two being only a repeat and a third to assign It to a task or know It as useful for something.

    The next Module Is the pictorial Tag the 005 Module In the beginning Its also a good spirited Module for 5 symbols It will be all right.

    006 Is the agreement Module and the thought Module. one In the same since we are thinking something permissively right now at some state we gave permission to think about It.

    Thinking and meditation Tags here.

    007 Module Is the logging Tag Module also good for reactions to your thought Tag.
gets its power from the word saven  and makes a natural English logger in the brain for people who speak English in the United States.

    Keep In mind you don't have any action codes to do anything so all this Is just the set up when we get to the 98Module  we will have action Tags.

 It could be a thought about Peanut butter but It wont be able to make active decisions until we get to 098 099 proactively at 198 and 199

    008Module Is next where we get our listing Tags now the ability to make lists and follow rules are Installed.

    009Module Is next where your feelings of conviction and values are Installed to have values Is more the thing as Its a value  rule set Tag.
The term Now you know was born under the word nine the German variation of saying no only complicated things. as a matter of fact if it weren't for the neo Nazi like influence in making me hear the term nine when I wanted to count I would never have had to invent what I call f acronyms.

    010Module based on attention or 10 10 alerts the whole Wheel of the progress so far.

 In both models the Evolutionary chain Module and the Marky post wheel this Is the Module that alerts the rest of the system of whats on Its way.
also responsible for priming Instructions for every Module the first event goes through to hit the ten spots with the responsibility to do a thought prethought report of the last 10Modules and when getting to Modules 300 and 500 doing a complete 500 part report for both This helps In over lapping cycles and keeps track of the events of the previous 500 styled Module and makes a cross reference Module of 500 arts at the 300Module Every Module has this In them and has the order to make a 500 part reverse engineered Module out of everything experienced until all experiences are  claiming  repeats with just a time stamp as the difference the assimilation continues dues to a law we placed In the system that says your always updating what your experiencing Is an old copy  even as you read It  everything will always Improve  your final Improved state will be the different  new time stamp that Is your model you experience next of should be the very same experience In record minus the time stamp but  due to the need for all personalities to get lazy or complacent this model keeps them getting better all the time.

    Once reaching 500 Its honorably made Into a 500 part work order so the whole process can be replayed and the entity that's been manufactured sorted named and chosen to make copies of and share Its successes with other 500
part work orders like Peanut butter and jelly sandwich 500 part work order.

    On to the next Module 011 In the old days a personality cheerleader.

    11 It or loving It. Or eleven It! combined with a  function In the process of choice between personality putting a natural loving It In the favor of what normal persons would have to love to want more of namingly" copies."

    . Getting more professional the ability to make copies and order the Module to recycle Itself Into more copies Tag.

    Other wise known as a copy Tag.

   013Module being the next Module to demonstrate granting Tag back then I had this weird ass genie that was supposingly giving me the wish granted to be able to breath and have no pain for a session that needed a grant

command to work It wasn't till I put It on automatic grant everything did I seem to feel any uptick In peace.

    The 012 matured to be the dictator of the obvious.  A narrator.. after all grants are given Its just there to say  granted that Is whats going on .

    So the narrator Tag Is born.

    The next Module Is the 013Module known for Its Inquisitive sty-lings that cause the brain to hear wan to try? Test or experience  which leads to a question or a theory over time  we have our questioning Tag our I don't know
Tag and our theory Tag.

    014 up next  brought me so many psychic Influences because of Its relativity of the word fortune.

 I adopted the fate Tag. The ability  to know the effect that will happen because of an action.

    015 Was a constant figure of Insecurity of what happened to by brain struggling to cope found some pseudo English

ways to get around the verbal torture 16 was always a secure number and operated like a square flow chart.

    Messages to brain activities would be made to react to bar codes that would be Incomplete.

    A tile on the flood would express my Inability to be secure with a subject or genre or It was quite secure enough all

depending on weather the tile square was square or not..

 If It was a rectangle then It represented not secure or In this case not square which lead to the 4x4 model equating to

16  so 15 would forever be a number that represented  not quite secure..

    All of this Is very lengthy for you to have to be told but this was and In a lot of my decision processes to this day

still Is the way  my brain would escape torture. as the other definitions of the word 15 or any word with teen In
t were used to horrify me and torture my body for bringing them up.

     Little history there.

    Now days 015Module serves as a place In decision history for jokes and  suggested non serious dedications and

sticks to Its not quite secure roots In the use for the personality who threatens but doesn't want to deliver or

denounces It as practice or a joke..

    Joking Tag Insecurity Tag.  This tag also features the letter O in the alphabet.
Detects need to teach elements
spots inefficiencies in characters and offers forges for the character  fixes

    The next Module In the Marky post wheel system Is to 016Module made for definite decisions.

    017 Is made for reactions of those decisions This part helps In knowing how to fathom your choices.

    Also the one part of the Module rotation to stop and take a relaxation break.. Fractal speaking though.

    017 relaxation Tag 017reaction Tag.

    The next Module Is the 018Module for the plethora Tag or choice Tag Its function Is to give you 500 selections of

what your choice at 16 would be but since that wont actually happen till we get Into the 100s this version will

just get a Tag for each process.

    019 Winner whiner Tag Is the ModuletheModule that announces the winner of  so we will also award a choice announcement Tag

    020Module placed for a location of an Idea at one time eventually gave up Its process for Its neighboring Module

021 to use .

The 020 used to go by the CB talk of a number symbol for a location  but the number 020 was also used for a way to

spot the Inconsistencies In a story as well so over time It adopted an osmosis like function to compare

libraries  where It Is not Tag Is now given.

    Where It Is 021 Tag  the whole process simply creates as many strategic paths of thought to a memory as possible In

our case 500.

 In the 020 case all processes that are not In the scope of similarity when dealing with the memory paths past 500


    How are these two processed by making a word association between 500 nodes from anything once the Idea of the

concept Is outside the 500 trail of thoughts leading to the memory Its considered outside and It qualifies for

where Is It not status. Where It Is and where It Is not Tags are awarded.

    The next Module Is a spelling Module 022 and forces you to recheck your work for spelling errors and Benjamin

Franklyn study fonts.

    Font Tag and spelling Tag applied.

    The next Module 023  acts like a search engine optimizer by placing the key words In a database like cloud In the

mind that deal with the thing you want to remember. In this case Peanut butter.

The day will come where Peanut butter will be used as a keyword that will lead you Into a word you wanted to

remember and It will be one the outer 500.

  So want to know a math answer? In the middle of making a pb and j sandwich? now Its cosmic.

    Memory Tag applied to you! =)

    The next number Module, Module 024 Is your basic split an Idea Into 2 meanings Module This staves off any In

context abuse as options really do get settled on In the brain the more definitions the better the focus to be copied In large monoliths of solid choice.

    024 separation  Tag applied.

    The next Module 025


The next Tag Is a truth detector Tag where your made to make up 2 lies one a known math answer done badly  and the

other that your terrible at your job.


025Module got Its name from the agreement of a truth In the brain after being made to look at a quarter. The term

quite right seemed to ring with a 25 cent peace so I adopted this number to be the truth detector number..


 I would have to abandon this 25 down the road as the answer as It messed up my math skills feeling that 25 was

always the answer. the same thing happened with the number 24 because the number 24 was being used to

 assign a definite meaning to a thing back then 24 7 .

    Since the maturity of these numbers have yielded more ways to know a truth than just what Is mentioned.

    A lot more functions have been discovered In the helping to define a correct answer.

    Truth detector Tag applied.


  The next Module next Module 026 Is highlighted In w In the beginning It meant to sex or to say yes or to yield. over time

the personalities that wanted sex were different genders and associations. So I found better results to be the ModuletheModule that says who said It. He she It they me you we us them I are the processes In this Module.

    He said she said  or who said It Tag applied.

    027Module used to be an extra form of saven which was being used to save things worth saving.. To saven over

time translated Into Is It worth saving..Eventually an advantage and pragmatism.

    027 AdvanTage Tag applied.

    The next Module next ModuleModulenextModule 028 was e a nag because of Itsdo It! sound alike Innuendo.

    100 styled partner 128 or want to wait the field grew Into a 2 way processor between personalities patience's were

eventually measured at 028.


    Patience measuring Tag applied.

    029 The next Module next Module Is a combinanuendos that leads Into a belief 9 being belief system and 2 meaning

complaint for or lead to.

    Belief Tag applied.

    030 Our next Module next ModuleModulenextModule named for It to thtre zero or treasure Is a way to weigh a

personalities most valuable.

    Treasure Tag applied.


    The next Module next ModuleModulenextModule means pasure. fewModules when we told you about the 021 processor

to make memory trails to a targeted thought? well Its been made law In Jennifer the HUD that every 1

derivative of a 10 spot function Is a path to the function as one of Its main goals.

    031 Path to treasure Tag applied.

    033Module will prove to be the ability to split a personality and break down the personality Into Its separate and

once cross referenced demographic descriptions.

    032 Personality demographic  Tag applied.

    033Module Is a sort of processingModule that builds  and provides Imagination Tags wild Imagination Tags and Interrupt code Imagination Tags and Interruption codes.. This multi flexedModule has been the home of being

walked through a memory device that makes  use of graphics to make your Idea super memorable a concentration of

Tags  cubing Tag thousanding Tag modulating Tag
 This Is the IntroductoryModule to making thousands of copies at a time of your text and media.

    033 Media Tag applied.

    034Module  leads us Into the try for as In did that for a reason files so we have reason Tag.

    034 Reason Tag applied.

    035Module up next gets Its prowess from a way to manipulate the 3 TryModules and the 5 happy mediumModules  the term 005 It will be alright and try to It will be alright eventually lead Into a culpability file. ever wonder

 why someone said something rude In your brain? Of course you figured out why but how did you figure out who?The

one who most benefited from the action and now Is listed In the 035 as culpable

    035 Culpability Tag applied.

    The next Module next ModuleModulenextModule 036 was to Innstly because of a long trail of evolution trailing from the

way the numbers sound when you say them

 Innuendo or pun Tag applied. More advanced versions would proved to be the actors guild or the comedyModules.

    The Module 037 up next as the Inter-dimensional number the Idea here Is to know how to find out through multiple

tries In memory of what your fate would be If you traveled decision-ally or physically In all directions

way-points along the way to report progress to one another and hear all the options of where to go where there are the

most advanTages.

 Its also a way to avoid death and time travel.

    037 time travel Tag applied.

    038  One of the firstModules Invented for this program was used to be the number for the process that would tell

you  who or what made you do something by simply guessing and honing In on accurate guessing.

    038 Who or what made me do It Tag.

    039 Or try nine and eventually training Is an essentialModule for the bunch  since everyone must know their stuff

samples of saying the phrase 500 times without Interruption must be on record for everything

    039 Training Tag applied.

    040 A leftover of the scientific determination of force or do work Is

where 040 gets Its working orders.


    All Jobs Careers and simple  functions of simple machings mechanical learning devices are 040 processes.

    Function Tag applied.

    041 Path to job Tag applied.

    043Module would get Its start from the way a number 42 sounded fraid to or  afraid you  The word 42 was misused

to label fear In my brain so over time I worked It Into a Module that handled phobias and controlled chaos

The 42 stands for confidence these days as Its name sake  comes from a popular muscle car known as a 442.

     Confidence Tag applied

    043 Was adopted to be the number of your desire of things you liked.

    Will and desire Tag applied.

    044 Was adopted to represent the public and how they weighed In to my thought  adopted from a local tv radio

station of public radio It was a natural adaptation.

    Public  Tag applied.

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After you've made howdy partner force you to give up your secret item in your subconscious which  you would not want to betray by sort of blackmailing yourself into submission  to perform the unwanted act or  comply with your own tool

Safeties are installed as well so you cant hurt yourself.

Or it will go back to start all over and add a bark to the list and another thing you find unacceptable to be performed less you obey your own order.

Tracks like

Never do a thing that would facilitate a need to say you were in misery.

Jail is misery

death is misery

un needed pain is misery

not  obeying laws that make this work is misery.

misery can be avoided by obeying your command that obeys these laws

lack of obedience makes you bark

    045 Named after the 45 degree angle became ones motive and Intention. Intention Tag applied.

    046Module made for a number of Ideas eventually was able to Improve Ideas.. It serves two Interests  measuring

who benefits when you do something.. and Improving an Idea. or a thing.

Click here for  Full Page

    Improvement Tag applied.

    047 Is a broken part away from the 247Module  the personality gateway so since personalities can be measured

against each other 47 wasws Introduced as a way to suggest human frlty.. The neurosciences that make a

personality a personality.

    047 Human frailty Tag applied.

    048 Another fraidy cat origin.

    Eventually gets upgraded to being our dangerModule

    Danger Tag applied.

    050 Is brought together to represent muscles which by the time of Its Invention It was late on the scene to handle the Insult definition of body language.

 Imagine having to deal with pains all over your body I  mean harsh pains that only use a body part to rhyme with a

message that's being offered shin shouldn't kneee neeed leg leggo forheaed fraid.

    So 50 was determined to be the Meat "ium" number everything that happens In 050 Is a muscle-or physical body

part  labeling of on off or Indifferent.

Muscle Tag applied.

    051 Is the Module put aside for voting the muscle groups to either turn on or off and operates a lot like a robotic

Ouija board.

    500 Thought fingers on each muscle puck.

    051 Muscle decision Tag applied.
Earlier In the Intro we mentioned recording brain synapses from across a room and re delivering them to the brain
one of our methods Is to make the subject move their fingers to make a shape of a letter In mid air..  all the processes made to be long on record In the nervous system, the subject Is made to make complex processes that make up for the letter at the same time we map the muscles and the tension they exhibit In code.. the subject Is then Instructed to  want to wave through the air to  draw the number but doing It while the finger Is not moving  no  actual noticeable movement by the subject.. this would later become the subjects will to say the letter In the mind as the signal will call on this feeling for the letter to be stated leaving a trail of understood logic In the brain once recorded on any graph that ato send the signal back at a noticeable delay the brain will familiarize Itself In receiving the transmission pattern energy In the air and recreate It again and again leaving a trail of trained thought to hear the Instructions through the air to turn a letter of the alphabet on  and off and all the processes In between events the recording of their own thought can  be made to resend thought the air challenging their brain to take Instructions from this pattern to do It again and associate It with 500 levels of permission to allow It to happen thus proving   our ability to record brain waves and send them back through a uniform medium at a safe signal base and make history as the first person ever to accomplish  this on modern  public venues and sTages. Method signsofminds feedback-method 051 500 levels of permission ESP
(C)161642762 copyright pending Intent  to copyright Francs A Bonner III 454 pm 01/22/2020
all rights reserved.

    052 Is your TaggingModule It Tags everything. Its part of an Initiative to name everything for a name.

    Tagging Tag applied.

    053 The medicinalModule named after herby the love bug

    Always known as the nurse and naming every 3 as a 10 spot nurse because of the need for It.. this ModulethisModule Is always

the one happy to see you and the other way around. Inducted to be the deliverModule

    Delivery Tag applied.

    054  Computational soundness a ModuleaModule that constructs all the humanism'a preferred dialect that a computer

can understand. named after the club 54 version of heaven In our religion the heaven we belong to Is the only

show In town.. heaven Is Introduced Into my dialect to represent Ideal conditions for a personality so the marriage of

the two was Immanent..

    Computational heaven Is a program that runs beautifully.

    The monitor and enforcer of this Is 54.

    Computational soundness Tag applied.

    055 time managementModule Is all about measurements In time and elsewhere and managing the schedules of the,

    time management Tag applied.

    056 Is put aside  for the feeling of wanting to update something

    wanting to update Tag applied.

    057 Is updateModule on this event everyone Is  even In knowledge.

    update Tag applied 057 Is named for the ketchup commercials anticipation and catch up  to update.


    058 Is a history document In Its way of being an update processor  for the past.

    updated Tag applied

    059 Is put aside for upgrades a process change to a new 500 styled set Is a reason enough for an upgrade  a time

passing Is too.. It just matters who Is  rethinking of this as an upgrade.

     Upgrade Tag applied.

     060Module set aside for go codes Is needed to give an Idea a way to be worked with a go  code that determines

how and when and how often It should be worked with or experienced.

    Go code Tag applied.

    061 SecurityModule sets all traffic up with the right credentials to resemble the  loyalty code 161642762 and all

proper syntax.

    Security Tag applied.

    062 Is the ModuletheModule that labelske the TaggingModule

    this one reveals what can be done with a thing.

    labeling Tag applied.

    063 Is the ModuletheModule set aside tll the rules on every ModuleeveryModule a copy that everyone has.

    Laws Tag applied

    064 Is the ModuletheModule put aside fs not needed. originally thought of as the opposite or evil version of

computational  soundness  operates like a library of MSDS like program bits with all the functionality as a drug Interaction  system.

 It s a library of what would make your Intention fail.

    and also known as a library of  what you don't need to succeed.

    Failure rate Tag applied.

    065 In the same MSDS like structure as the 064Module but In the opposite direction whats needed.

    Needs Tag applied.

    066Module covers all persons places and things  nouns with drop down menus for extra definitions.

    NounsModule Tag applied.

    067  the actionModule containing all verbs

    verbModule Tag applied.

    068  a comparison  Tag number so we use adjectives and com-parables and look likes but careful not to be like..

that's the job for.

    069 agreementModule or exact copy or duplicateModule

     agreement Tag applied.

    070 audio video controls

    Audio video Tag applied.

    071 volume bas  sound modification.

     volume Tag applied

    072 sound effects.

    Sound effects Tag applied.

    073 Hayyyche coding Is a specialized repeat  beacon messaging system that repeats the theme of a  conversation

from beginning to end and the differences In between In the silent parts.

    Hayyche coding Tag applied.

    074 ambitionModule segmented Into memories of actions that can be repeated and be used as an example of

ambition  waking up getting out of bed stretching  cleaning running  etc.

    074 ambition Tag applied.

    electricityModule 075

    076 skills talents.

    077  flow charting.

    078 questions and answers.

      079 message diagram to send message to library. teaches all about sending forges and messages to other libraries known as databases where a ModuleaModule will now site It having the Information In copy of what you forged for It to know and auto reply  when that event happens.

    080 Library.comes with Its own graphic display and virtual Immersion Into a book lined building that has sections just like an actual library. using forges for reassurance and support of AI the brain Is told a story how you walked In here and met the girl of your dreams and  you made forges of knowing calculus the whole night planned for knowing for the next 300 years.

    081 receiving to library or path to library. The voice of the library using forges of repeated files made for the 80 styledModulesModules  to read.

    082 attitude emotion library.Ever need to enhance your thought with a little more mmmph? maybe some case where you got  the Ideal result from crying? acting on sTage and In film are great places for this Including getting out od a speeding ticket or need to be a little bit peeved at your boss just enough to get that raise? this box of moods will help.. recorded  bits from the past of you sad happy etc made for situations and replayed from  commands made here to get the same effect  knowin as (making It Into a button)

083 ad-vices. everyone has been through something that they can share with others to make for the best results. placing phrases In the system known as forges are a great way of leaving behind experienced advice from personality to personality.

The first form of advice's were actual vices addictions to follow-able logic.
dopamine surges to follow known truths that were haphazardly built but claimed  to not kill you. over tie refined to  well Intention-ed Instructions from people who don't want to see you making the same errors.Or have some expertise to try solutions for you.
The Benjamin Franklyn study Is great for this. just =place a question In It and every personality Is supposed to advise something a little different bet you bottom dollar on It and ever so carefully decide whose advice got closest as the master advice.The first form of advices were actual vices adictions to followable logic.

dopamine surges to follow known truths that were haphazardly built but claimed  to not kill you.
Over time refined to  well Intentioned Instructions from people who dont want to see you making the same errors.
Or have some expertise to try soltions for you.

The Benjamyn franklyn study Is great for this. just place a question In It and every personality Is supposed to advise something a little different bet you bottom dollar on It and ever so carefully decide whose advice got closest as the master advice because they all try It and report back Its findings If your after the experience they claim Is their findings then viola! Perfect match.
. *

    Calling attention sounding the alarms alarms  different  from the complaint file known as 102  that one Is driven complaints to find out data.. this one reports Infractions like bugs In the sysrtem or needs to Improve.

technically where stuff officially goes wrong Is broken or Is not operating right  we then work to address the Issues to make a predictable model to follow which leads Into the next Module next ModuleModulenextModule chain 85  expectancies.

    085 Expectancies everything that Is expected for the 500 partModule or even expected to be experienced  next down to the 499  O ' Second Is measured and usually the nano gets most of the  smallest traffic  this also gets reported In the 385 as a way to detail If promised expectancies were delivered If not then.....

We graduate  the report to Include the unseen fault as a thing that went wrong and  graduates to the 086Modules function  up next scroll down just encase you were tricked to expect something else =)

    86 What could go wrong.  Were you expecting this? then you are responsible for Its outcome  !
Now If your expected outcome matches almost everyone elses then your In good standing.. Otherwise something went wrong! and this Is the ModuletheModule to report the Infraction.
the Module 086 monitors all reported flops pitfalls hidden dangers tricks etc  that the usual person Isnt prepared for.. the monitored  margin for erro Is based on 76 percent or more of a population who reported a problem they agree would have been hard to spot.

ThisModule Is not to be confused with the other what could go wrong known as what Is allowed to go wrong.
ThatModule Is number 047 human frailties.

Some plans call for a bit of chaos to make another plan work.

    87 what was made for the things not to go wrong. did you expect things to go wrong and they didnt? nows the time to report the new feeling of AHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh.... and what was done to fix the error that happed at 85 86   much the opposite In process In a way that has you expecting the pitfal but not experiencing It and explaining to you what was  done to repair the situation and now you report It.. You also enter It Into the encyclopedia Dictionary and all Glossaries here.

    dictionary encyclopedia.

    088 Math skills. All the rules of the math skill evolutionary chain keep the logic of the
4 main sections of math plus minus multiply and divide
All Math skills are prefabricated railroads Into the answer.

So we place forges from point by point function with virtualization and verification of  results  along the way so the brain can follow all the parts In any session to find the answer of any mathematical combination of numbers  ready made and copied enough times In a row to let the brain know this Isn't just a conversation Its a number process and step by step recorded.
88 times In a row to over 88 million times In a row will alert the brain that this Is a math skill and not Interpret It as anything else. 
This method left to the policy of every Module to have Its own copy rate so when the brain felt It was making 89 copies we know Its meant for coding or ciphers If 90 Its meant for facts 91 gloating or stating capabilities. etc etc and as usual the Introduction at the 00 styled ModulestyledModule   Part of the ModuletheModule chain would determine what best representation of It would actually work as a math times table or the latest Morse code.

    089 Ciphering coding  code for fun In priority area.Morse coding specialized Instructions

    090 Fact  blaster. All theories that have been vetted past 3 hours of scrutiny awaiting replacement that have not been replaced.
once replaced  with a new Idea that does not get debated away It becomes the newest dominant theory and Indestinguishable from fact.
Facts also have after Efacts as we call them  a event that Is happening after the fact that makes It a fact Is an after Efact.

    091 Capabilities bragging  state of the art.

    092 what happens next decided with a special sound effect my mouth makes that other personalities In other words

other wisdom s cant readily make without being found trying.. because of the string of habits placed before It

and the weird noise I have to use  to edit It to be different.. what happens next Is a huge lap forward to know what will

happen what will follow and when something happened what was the thought that triggered this thing..

suddenly a whole world of facts become available and the Idea of translation Is In the air.

    The 92 evolutionary chain revolutionized  a new way of thinking  all the supposed harassment over excuses to

excite my dopamine over an Increasingly hard to believe scam busted. Exposed and debunked. before this there

was the chase to find out who did this to me what personality was responsible now Its we can make what happens

before and after also the rise of the logic of the time stamp the Idea that an Idea can talk.. and all Ideas have one

common phrase I happened after you I happened before you.. so when the facts make sense In the brain they line up

on a natural time line.

    093Module Is next  for the what comes next Tag applied.

    093  Demand Tag applied for making demands.  The 93 was a large part of a complete turn around In expectation of a programmable device In the bran since I was able to have completely lucid conversations with celebrities I made them all get together and make statements that made the 93.
 An addictive device  that when placed next to an event It got some stuff done  all the personalities that had some  sort of body language that was set up for drug abuse all they wanted was a height so I figure out If I make these guys Into a battery this could drive some Ideas In the brain like a carrot on a stick we could  move this  donkey up the hill. so we made a number that all personalities would Include a little bit of the group of the personalities In one Module to  make It like an electric eel. tank  so It-made progress from the personalities who didn't have drug Issues and It substituted for my already screwed with adrenaline glands and made sense of a use again In Small exposures It drove my system In the right direction.

    094 Coding Tag applied for converting Information Into If then or else code.

    095  laboratory Tag experiment Tag the Module was named as a Jerry Lewis telethon poster child referral of being

smart or a Lisa Simpson getting a 95 on a test  type of referral  forever the ModuletheModule of smarts  the 95.

    095 Experiment Tag Lab Tag applied.

    096 over a few years graphics were used In the system In my brain to translate words and availability for

opportunities without words I knew all the special powers I had  just no way to translate them to englis till now.

 The 096 originally defense of Jennifer became the adopted place where we make graphics.. Before this the upper 50

of the 500Modules were responsible for that but as the numbers would fall off  the dial to support more and

more needed functions 50Modules to represent graphics was too many. so over time 96 chain was made for this.
 096 Graphics Tag applied.

    097 Another scienceModule turned a specific design  over time more and more responsibility Is placed for time

travel for speaking processes and eventually  covering all the fractal traffic and now this Is where It sits

controlling fractal  science.  the whole processor has an Inner 500 per each Module that matches Its 500 part twins so

all 500Modules have a miniature version of the same 500 set Inside them to  operate them and so to the

miniatures.. this chain goes on 499 times to be met with a 500 level Marky post wheel combo one layer 500 part

net-worker peer set.

    097 Fractal Tag applied.

    098 the Module that governs  voter tallies gets turned over the mainly give action codes to last  parts of 500 part


At the tip edge of every ModuleeveryModule the 98  evolutionars records of what vote won evben  the Inside of 99 and

the Inside of the 100 - 500

    098 voting tally Tag applied.

    099is the whole kit and caboodle gets ready to launch  makes a  hyper protected plan called a miss /ion

    a very complex plan with mile stones and preservation cycles with health check point lists  for every action along

the way of this treasure map.  99 Is the evolutionary chain for planning originally before 500 was fathomed 99

was coding and codes  adopted from the movie get smart. agent 99.

    Thank goodness for the change other wise we would be "Missing It by that much" at this late sTage of the game! =)
099 Planning Tag applied.

    100 Is the culling number of a one personality celebration and the number the whole HUD gets to use to make

virtual worlds of what you know.  100 200 300 400 and 500 are executive styleModules that check In every cycle

to the MEE JEE and NEE 113 models Ultra-forms. the 3 heads of this dragon  say some people. MEE Is the me  me 

the one and only having to make a system surrounding me using personalities that have grown to be

problematic  who now  because they call themselves me as well have to have special Identity like structures Iin their

programming to be received well as someone else's   benefit for the value of genius.
The MEE113 JEE 113 and the NEE113Modules have a number set that  has 4 numbers In It but still revolves around

the same 500Modules set 1001 1002 etc tc.
100 Is the get It my way  number.

100Module Tag applied.. from now on  the numbers are projected as straight forward pro active choices that mimic

the  categories we just went through from 001 to 100.

The 101Module
Module 101Module 101 main job to force educate through emulation of first event. the rarity becomes a declarity.

ALL100 styled Modules are the proactive version of any Idea presented they have been programmed to offer 500 competitors of an Idea created to be up for selection by the next Module. In this case 201. Its a basic multiple choice with 500 choices each one slightly different enough from the original sample to be a competitor of the same type.

A new thing now can repeat Itself. In this environment Its only good enough If It can be used as the next Module will do by sheer function by nature.

The other system that requires networking to operate   the Marky Post wheel features this In 001 002 and 003
 In this side bar evolutionary chain ModulechainModule of developmental Improvement f of copy then by way of selection of best copy still satisfying a third copy In the next Module a lot like 003Module will do the same thing.

The Marky Post wheel Is mostly about the natural evolution of thought to action. the side bar evolutionary chain Includes a deliberate Improvement.

  The Idea of any system In the brain Is to have competing libraries. for the same answer. In this way the brain cannot fool Itself.

101 adopted conveniently as a learning environment   borrowing the genre of the famous   expression something 101 always Implies a classroom environment so In this case learn by copy.

  The brain wants to satisfy so after you repeat It enough the brain will find a use for It even though you don't think so.

  If you ever asked yourself why do I always screw up? yes.. do It every day? yes.. wait eventually your brain will give this crazy question a reason entertaining an entertainment and dopamine will be placed  

On this mystery that wonders and figures out a thing that's best blamed for you ALWAYS   screwing up.

 So until you do something about this you will always challenge your brain to give you a reason. It will Invent something just to make It make sense.

In the Jennifer the HUD environment the facts will always be derived not from correct answers but rather from the most useful.

Leaving the most efficient answer being the best. leaving the wrong answers only good for other things to where they are most efficient

In the case of a lie properly classified Is most Inefficient unless you want that sort of thing.. Then your doing well consider suspension of disbelief.
Which under further Inspection appears to be a desired effect created while borrowing another effect. like breathings and relaxations
  subconscious level of hypnosis becomes a code and a way to Interpret a thing.

   Is a means to be most Inefficient to a final answer and only serves to help the person who Is doing the deception.

How Is this trained Into the Individual.

Walking a person through this requires one to go a fewModules forward then depend on the fractals In a step back.

The rules are that 001Module Is just an anomaly and Isnt registered until we have 3 solid copies of repeated versions. once we have a fewModules done the brain suddenly realizes It was needing to be trained this way due to natural thought process fighting the Modules  functions once the problem arises where Instructions need to be layed In before the 001 to prepare the processor this time for taking on any problem that 001 can honor.

 001Module First encounter with an event statistically doesn't recognize the actual event according to Its main deliberate process even though your brain wants to disagree.

The reason why the first eventModule exists Is because we want to re creator the evolution from first encounter of an Idea to Its complete understanding..

By breaking up this process Into sTages we can get a better feel for what an Item Is In the mind and break It down to Its finer parts thus giving the mind an enormous amount of control over that object or event.
There for we use the firstModule to prepare the language we use In a human computer Human or as close to English In this case as one can be expecting.

We want to separate our new way of speaking from the old way of speaking and want a reward system to encourage It. a system called Marky post wheel Is Introduced as a numbered wheel that pertains to basic categories are featured and learned by the client.

All of these categories evolved from Innuendoes to make a better match with an American English speaker.
The jobs these numberedModules eventually aligned with were once misunderstandings of scary things In my brain that were supposed to be numbers

Numbers like 48 were freight and 82 were attitude 38 threat etc and I had to Invent a translated nice copy of something to replace or use them. *
Towards the final naming of some numbers we just needed a place to put them but eventually they compliment each other and blend anyway.

     101 learning Tag applied.

    101 Is the learning by second copy In the evolutionary chain model but this Is the Marky post wheel model.. when

finished both of theseModule sets will combine results of their perspective libraries.
remember all theseModules are copies of myself performing as these  functional parts to assimilate peoples

personalities other versions of myself who act like other people having 500 twins who each do the processors for their

personal way of thinking  elevated by the computers mainframe Information exchange so all persons even earnest Is a

genius as much as bill gates Isas long as the central computer Is sharing all the genius  evenly around to

everyone no one Is without being updated for more than a comparable 3 seconds.

    that's the time given to handle 300 other wise known as the  basic 100 categories In the 200Module set In the

evolutionary chain Module.

    The Marky post wheel methods depends on networking to aid the process of assimilating knowledge. has only 1 library  that everyone borrows. and Is the source of our main personality. the library at 480.

    the most educated version of the library.
 In the evolutionary  chain ModulechainModule the 480 represents wthe library was In  at the Chet level peer set for that Issue and the 280 results choose what best suitor among 500 samples of library at 180 to  use for the

representation of our library.

    2 separate processors that need each other at select points. working as one.

     So here we are at 101 the universal symbol for learning In this case proactively this Is where the wild personality

who we just fitted together with all those Tags now gets to do things on their own. In this case the personality of

Peanut butter. to which we give the amazing ability to speak back and forth to us so that Information Is  much easier to


    101 Tag applied.


  Every entity has the need to be satisfied and In the early days the 2 section on every ten spot was deemed to be the 

dashboard light section of the set  so that when something wnt wrong the 2 would  be the one to satisfy to get

The Idiot lights to go dim.
n the evolutionary chain method we  simply process a forced complaint a plethora we throw at Peanut butter  and

we just keep making those until everything sorts out.
  all the clues we get from complaining about this thing called Peanut butter train the brain to fully assimilate what this Is and never will forget all the nuances of It.
n this case "The Marky Post wheel method" we wait for Peanut butter to complain out of sheer Imagination.

    103Module Tag applied.

All the clues are found out with the 103Module

    103Module Is next In the MPW we see Peanut butter provocatively becoming curious and being a detective.

    clues are give to all those Tags called Peanut butter "We just humanized Peanut butter yes"!.

    103 Tag applied.

    OH how our welcome wagon Is watching Peanut butter grow up as he It she utters her his Its first words soon eh?


104Module Is the proactiveModule we use for counting so here we go Peanut butter count.. you know how the brain

gave you a counting Tag to emulate and work with until It proves to be unuseful to count you will proactively

 count things. All things.
104 Tag applied.

    105 will be where the  Peanut butter will speak of Imagery and  make decisions of self awareness and wonder and

know whats permitted. make phrases and talk to the otherModules all 106 of them.

    So far  the 500 In the Marky Post Wheel has Its own prime directive to get accurate stats up until 200Module.

    105 Tag applied.

    106Module was first made to be the yes  process the Idea was to mimic people saying ses si and yes at the same

time as a Module that closely  sounded like the word sex with In the world of a woman the word sex means yes.
So here we are with Peanut butter recording what Peanut butter would say yes to. proactively
n the evolutionary chain method the 106 represents proactive thinking thought and meditation but It wsnt always that

 The Idea of talking and emoting was on the same par as agreement. to allow what we today appreciate at
 269  or 469"An agreement of more than one person" Was once 106 and 206 "Two people saying Yes".
 Keep In mind Jelly   Bread and Butter knife are all going through the same Tagging process as well so what will

happen when they meet at 200? The summit of "The official  other peoples opinions zone." 201 will have to be

there to make a copy and let you know.
106 Tag applied.

 107 Is the ModuletheModule where Peer will be able to proactively save this experience and network to the otherModules to do the same. 7 being an easy sound alike to the English saven turns easily Into a logging device just from

mentioning It.

 In the evolutionary chain method 107 would  be used to react to your thoughts at 106 here we just see the ability to

save stuff as logging. *

    107  Tag applied

    108 Lists or In Innua=endo speak  where are we eight  on this? Planning? no more like  following progress we will

find that lists help to Illuminate the process  soon at 111.

The 8 always reminded me on a progress report so It wasws adopted at the 08 to be the math number and the planing

number  updated now Is the list number re member the nuance of the Marky post wheel Is to educate without Interruption.  the time for Integrated worlds will come In the 200's

    Think of a cave dweller thinking they are the only person ever.. then one day they meet another cave dweller? they

pass Information and  as a team they become another type of cave dweller an association In personality speak Its as good as a movement or a cause which on  my level reads as a personality.

    So In the raw discovery era of the upgrading of Peanut butter we find the ability to make lists needed  to a limited

degree to be able to communicate to other Modules. PPeanut butteRRRBot!:Module  161642762 me113!:

coursed! Is an Information hub that represents Peanut butter.Known to millions that goes great with jelly and sometimes

bananas  with bacon

    UHUHU.. HUH!. LIL Elvis humor there.LOL

    108Module Tag applied.

    109Module Is where a personality records It leanings Its proactive values and convictions.

    09 the nine was a number that from the start represented the phrase  now you know.

    someones rules. rules of the Information they just  parted onto you rules of the road rules to be and so discovered rules.

    9 Is the number In each 10 base area or 10 spot to dictate the rules governing Its 10 underlings

    psychologically It makes sens to base rules on a nine as well.

    109 I got my values Tag applied.

    110 the hub of hubs now gives Peanut butter our first glimpse of Peanut butters authentic processing  progress so

far by notifying all 10 spots on the dial of Its progress. 109 knows of the rules Tag so we will know this android

will fofill the rest of the process properly and without Interruption to what Peanut butter  has to bring to the world.

    will we be dealing with a world leader? we shall see.
    110   Proactive networking Tag applied.

    111Module once was a cheerleader for the good guys eventually became a happy license to make copies.

    111 was once for a short period of time known as a registration  number but was passed over  for the roman

numeral  3 on Module 003 since registration needs to happen sooner not later. the roman numeral III means register It  gets Its prowess from UPC labels.

 In the loving ItModule otherwise known as a good reason to make copies we find Peanut butter making lots of

copies and love letters to jelly and whats this.. Chocolate gets a nod?


    Wow Peanut butter loves something Peanut butter wants to make more copies so we experience It more ! Get It?

    111 Its xerox quality for happy! Sells Itself  and not for something you H8 right?

    So good bye problem personalities and things that suck!

    Everyone will now appreciate being enthusiastic making cheerleader noises even over something they will be able

to make copies of.. presenting to you the pro active copy makerModule 111!

    Copies of anything  as long as they love It. we know we all will.

 In the evolutionary chain we would have 211 make the choices of what to send forward as best for the host bodies

concerns  so chocolate and Peanut butter would be the choice.

    yeah that would be MYY113 choice speaking

    111  Proactive copy making Tag applied.

    112 the old grand  number now serves as a narrator.. this Is where Peanut butter gets a chance to  narrate.

    112 Proactive narration Tag applied.

    113  This Is where Peanut butter gets to  ask questions a lot like lodging grievances at this speed but In our time Its

circuit board fast so In the  networking the memory of asking gets met up with answers In proactive  200s and In all 90


    113Proactive theories and questionsModule Tag applied

    114 The ability to know the future In proactive. the Peanut butter wonders why we are being so sensitive to Its


 It finds out the relationship will yield much more In the line of personality  helpers that keep their data from sprite

likeModules that have a limited entanglement with people so now we can control the usefulness of an entity

and It never gets out of hand like making me feel sorry for eating It like this earlier program did to me.
 Imagine having to tell your  sorry to things you et as you eat them.

    Eventually having to rationalize an agreement that they are being part of you well It happened. and now Ignorance Is devastated and Information Is  what Is needed to eliminate  fear.

    To this day I'm still assimilating  some left over Inanimate objects to be more helpful Instead of bizarre and


    and Its working.

    114 Is the proactive ability to look Into the future and predict. So Peanut Butter  what are your predictions for us In

the future? where do you see yourself and I?

    Meeting In the bathroom. yeah Its ok I got used to the concept.. I'm no longer afraid said Peanut Butter I realize

your body can only metabolize a small portion of me In your  muscles and belly the rest Is off to feed other

organisms as you routinely say at the commode.  OOPS did Embarrass you Melissa? Said Peanut Butter?

Tell jelly It was nice  while It lasted now I'm more of oil Instead of butter and jelly seems to have taken a relationship

with other fates "Yours Melissa."
  114 knows the future Tag applied.

The first time I remember my brain reacting to the future was when I took what they did to me and wanted to know what was going to happen tomorrow as If we were looking at what happened yesterday  with not many personalities to tell me no.

. It was  pretty fruitfull sufddenly things that were Important to me and whatever personality I had was getting a preveiw of the future as best as possible without the hinderance of my brain saying no.. so I set out to mae my own conditioning to get what I could out of the program and use It for what I wanted to use It for.  this thing had ma spotting kids like a sharpshooter ninja jedi auto targeting and everything. I worked It and did what the original authors did to me to get that to work and I  pushed It to be my own perversion or else the program would have hurt me.. they program didnt seem to mind me switching over to womens behinds large behinds.  one of my things In my mind Is to want to be the girl  and Its a left over aversion therapy from when I was a kid that leftthis psychological path of behavior In me to auto shift right Into beng the  girl I was attrated to the moment I had my mind fooled to be her I had my moment. Its been that way since puberty.

Which Is why I knew I Had these cruel people nailed.
  They thought It wuld be an easy thing making my brain take on a male physiology and want to do things with I  never had an attraction to  aside from pleasing my wife.
even In love making with her I had to concentrate on bei g The female to get any pleasure from It.. sorry Hon but Its true.
so these  jerks who think there just gonna plausibly plause plause me Into some sort of scen got caught by me and they mentioned an asssasination plot  given the nature of what they left In my head they wanted me to be extorted with this embarrasing program to get me to do a job for them that would end up being part of a group that wanted to killa senator.
 Im finding more and more clues stemming back Into my childhood where pre written Instructions were placed In my brain to be exited for these groups at oportuned times for them.

They are still trying to cling to these activities to shadow and cover for there actions and usinfg a sort of blackmale but Im sure I have them nailed  they mesed with my family durring years where I  was not told about this until I was much older and approached my parents about It and they spoke ofa group that helped them of some  habit with my sister.. I have knowleddge that this crooked group made all that happen just to extort my parents and now they think Im going to some how  carry on the family tradition? HAH now your dealing with a son of a bitch  and shes got teeth.

they got some sort of sealed record deal on my parents expunjec his record and rely on his cooperation to lay mind  games on me to shut me up.  My Father Is just going to have to deal with me as the authority here and to free my family from the control these people have on us they conviced him to have a problem then set him up to take the fall all the while not wanting to  expose themselves of what really happened. Im sure My family Is not the only ones  we need more people to come out and speak out against this group of abusinve people that found a way to slither Into our justice system

In my adventures  and torments to discover how this process was placed in my nervous system to be governed by select words I  was able to uncover a conspiracy using latin words to get most of the job done and using my transition to cover for someof them as well I  always wondered why everyone in this group wanted me to act more like a Gay man not just A man but a gayman.. I found out through comparison of driving wirds devulged to me by the amendolas family through their actions in complaining to an authority that they were not able to DRIVE it while looking into my eyes.. I find out later that the simple psycholigical cover of Gay ar sound means drive ad a number of other process sysntax that says are a Ba I be ho etc etc and sticking to their punnishment agenda to convince me they are in control with  tricky statements to make my brain develope a scenario that suited them the idea is they have been doing this to transexuals and other people for a while now and want to be able to drive peoples actions like a vehicle and also thoughts.. the transexual part of being a female did not suit them as it would have interupted their latin gear mongering  language from working so well  leading to me figuring out their plot.. I was late in figuring out there plot but eventually did.

Aparently If this hold true which I have no doubt this means the latin community Italian Spanish french etc have a huge lead in the area of mind control with their tricks thats fun enough to say but I  am concerne with what they plan to do with that mind control.. so far take over the United states is not something they have said no to and punnished.

    115Module now this Is amazing how In the Marky post wheel all Insecurities are listed here and not the

evolutionary chain why Is that?  *
    Because this wheel when Its running makes a great situation alert wheel known as ping radar..

Everything that could be going wrong being checked for actually going wrong. or just happening In a checking


    So Its good  recording Peanut Butters Insecurities uncertainties and worries.

    Note the evolutionary chain has a  bit of a more production quality to It as all the 15Modules house Is a

determination of seriousness to be carried onto the deliberacyModules In the 16s.

 In this   wheel we don't really see that kind of action till the 200s. 215 216 Until then the group Isn't speaking for the

host body just yet they are still figuring themselves out as we catalogue how they grew.

    115 Uncertainty Tag applied.

    116Module Is the proactive method In which an entity can now make choices officially.

    secure In what one wants and able to see the future of the choices at 114 we have a few words from Peanut butter..

make  sure Star Buck from Battle Star Galactica knows who "owned her In world of Warcraft"  wink wink.

    116 Security tg applied.

    117Module In the Marky Post  Wheel Is mostly meant for proactive logging and saving decisions as 217 comes up

we will see-more of the similar processes you see In 117 evolutionary chain.

    118Module Is a Marky post wheel selectionModule to choose 500 choices of what 117 offers.

 Its evolution comes from the name want It?

 It evolves Into a plethoraModule. AModule that offers 500 choices of styles of the same decision.

    119 Is the proactive way to announce what was  chosen.

    120  Plays a role In  leaving a trail to the choice In osmosis.

    121 Does a sort of target symbol and has to make whats called a funnel method to the decisions made by  Peanut


    122 Is Peanut butters spell checker.

     123 Is Peanut butters search engine optimeeeizer.

    124 Makes  whatever Peanut butter Is doing Into as many meanings as possible.

    125 Is a truth meter of all the reactions to the meanings of Peanut butter.

    126 Is the he said she said who said It meter for Peanut butter keep In mind Peanut butter at this point technically 

can only talk to other Peanut butterModules.

    127 Maps all the peoples  advanTages of all the person Peanut butter talks with.

    128 Maps patience's of found persons by Peanut butter.

    129 Maps their beliefs.

    130 Maps their treasures.

    131 Maps the path to their treasures this Module used to only map Peanut butters treasures so these days we are

training Peanut butter to be reactive and exploratory.

    132 Maps all the character flaws and features of everyone that Peanut butter knows.

    133 Makes Peanut butter use Its Imagination to build  botsModules and large groups of things called thousandings.

  a thousanding Is anything times a thousand.

    or given a high number In the process that Is used to make a 1000 copy representative.

    so It could go In millions billions etc. the methods Is still called thousanding.

    134 Is reasons Peanut butter and everyone Peanut butter detects have reasons. until we are In 200 style territory we

are hearing Peanut butter learn to process for him her Itself.

    135Module brings scheduling to Peanut butter now people can schedule on their own as well as Peanut butter.

    136 Is all the jokes and puns and Innuendoes created by Peanut butter.

    137 Is Peanut butters connection to 500 other fates of Peanut butter

    138 Is the method Peanut butter uss to figure out who told Peanut butter what to do.

    139 Is the trainingModule for Peanut butter latestModule rule for this Is making 500 copies of everything as the

representation of a thing words etc.

    140 Jobs and detecting functions for Peanut butter pullies lifts careers cab driver etc. YUP Peanut butter Is growing


    141Module path to Peanut butters chosen activity or function or job.

    142 Peanut butter management of fear. and Peanut butter confidences.

    143 What Peanut butter likes.

    144 What does the general public feel about Peanut butter.

    145 Peanut butters measured angles of plns to do things.

    146 Peanut butters plans and Improvements and knowledge of who benefits from Peanut butters actions one to another.

    147Peanut butters frailties and measurement of peoples frailties.

    148 Peanut butters knowledge of dangers and controlled synchronicity.

    149 Peanut butters first time bringing up a topic officially to talk to otherModules called Peanut butter.

    150 Peanut butters knowledge of the muscles.

    151 Peanut butters choice to move the muscles In the body.

    152 Peanut butter Tagging proactively.

    153 Peanut butter receiving  medication or medicinal aid and giving It the luv bug number.

    154 Peanut butter making sure to keep robotic-ally sound.

    155 Peanut butter being able to tell time and make timeeeings.

    156 Peanut butters need to update

    157 Peanut Butters need to announced update.

    158 Peanut butters tool for announcing updated.

    159 Peanut butters ability to upgrade.

    160 Peanut butter able to give go codes.

    161Peanut butter able to make security changes to statements. attaching the 161642762 processing number to everything via the BOTModule 161642762 method.

    162 Peanut butter Is able to label nd Interrogate or Interview.

    163 Peanut butter knows the laws of the Jennifer the HUD system.

    164 Peanut butter can now list whats not needed for Peanut butters Intentions.

    165Module Peanut butter now can list whats needed  for Peanut butters Intentions.

    166 Persons places thing phrases that talk about or associate with nouns

    167 Verbs action words and phrases.

    168 Ways that Peanut butter can now compare  things to each other

    169 Ways tht Peanut butter can   now compare different libraries about a thing and agree on Its sameness to Identical

    170 Ways for Peanut Butter to use the audio and Video controls

    171 Ways for Peanut butter to make volume changes and editions.

    172 Peanut butter can now work with sound effects and add some to the library. lets here one Peanut butter!

173Module  proactive computation  frequency modulation of looped subjectModules where a repeat thought that Is complex enough to be looped for memory access.

every Hayyyche code has to have a ledger before It begins so labels are  explained and operations In the brain will follow.

Uniformity occurs when labels are voted as best used for and cannot find a competitor after requesting one or Inventing one.
In the Brain Its pretty easy to make these things up but after a while a standard coding Is needed.

Hayyyche codes were discovered as a means to create borders between words to establish a theme for the words This was needed  because of functional differences and personalities who wanted to refer to functions as another personality did without having to step on each others microphone sort of speak and be able to use their own copy of  a word without waiting for the other personality to finish first.

 because H makes very little sound to react to Instructions could be made by having a number of H's between words giving them their Instructions from the number they were emulating.  so a personality could  customize their name with Hs In separations between their letter declaring their Identities to the brain.
Frank Bonner  F
H = 247times lists 500Module combination for this personality coder
H=237times lists 500Module combination for this personality coder
 H=300times lists 500Module combination for this personality coder
H = 247times lists 500Module combination for this personality coder
H=237tmes lists 500Module combination for this personality coder
 H=300times lists 500Module combination for this personality coder
H = 247times lists 500Module combination for this personality coder
H=237times lists 500Module combination for this personality coder
 H=300 times lists 500Module combination for this personality coder
H = 247times lists 500Module combination for this personality coder
H=237times lists 500Module combination for this personality coder
 H=300 times lists 500Module combination for this personality coder
H = 247times lists 500Module combination for this personality coder
H=237times lists 500Module combination for this personality coder
 H=300times lists 500Module combination for this personality coder

This works with last names as well or any commonly used term.

So each Individual Is expected to spell their name In such a coding so the brain recognizes them from other words that are similar or Identical.

          Frank Sinatra
Franky Munoz

HC =Hayyche code
+++= lobbying regulate repeats till addressed and Interacted with.

colors= English colors /
 $=value  level/
 |=bookend end of detail Instruction/. *.. =repeat again and again till change to new Hayyyche code beginning
 Include?=no Change HC= this Is where 2 separate H Codes are side by side and compete. If this wasn't chosen and we used the command Include?=yes then they would morph Into one larger H Code either a list of 2 things repeating or some common structure would make sense of them and the useful part of It would be paired up with any concept that needed It there.

E=Mc2 If we had this strange word adaptation known as E How convenient It works well with energy  there for until we get a better sample this Is what we use to say Energy In short form. But what about the rest of this code =mc2? at some later time the brain will assimilate this to a better pairing till the answer Is more properly suited and due to Its use can be used as Is or adapted to cultural adaptations Inside or outside the mind.

We concluded the formula for misery Is the situation = This statement when a  thought Is difficult to attain In an environment where It Is easily attainable then we have reached the formula for suffering
When suffering Is  done to the degree of complaint  we have reached misery.
the root base most prime equation for any brain to claim Itself  and Its rights Is to avoid misery.

By sustaining examples that do not express this condition  and always aqueous to the determination of equally easy or better than equal acquisition of thought to the degree of superior and Ultra.

Its In the sample of expression when we make the brain realize that a word or set of words do not equate the best answer they equate a period of time to which we do not detest the answer due to exterior constraints that regard survival and continuous survival at the rate of easier and easier to depend on routes of  knowledge..

Ever make a mistake?
ever want to know what causes the mistake?
would you believe your brain was curious and rebellious?

Another personality that second guessed Its way Into being educational and Inspiring to you Influenced the mistake.

 What we discovered Is the language to allow the brain to know Itself and the words that makes sense the majority of the time and Its  role In good excelling brain decisions.

 One will be more accepted than the other at  500 level the other a 499 level and the levels go to 1 then not considered for platter thought.
Platter thought Is the accepted mean of thought that will be useful and never have to be dangerous or useful as not best answer everything after  level 1 Is considered -1 and negligible able to be library and log only.

 Begin Hayyche codeModule 161642762/walking the dog=static/color@red/custom/color@blue/static$=...|@end Loop$=EVER  |counting |walking the dog| 1-10 |walking the dog |1 |walking the dog| 2 |walking the dog|3 |walking the dog|4 |walking the dog|5| walking the dog| 6| walking the dog| 8 |walking the dog 9| walking the dog |10 |end walking the dog while counting  to ten  Hayyche code| walking the dog| end BOTModule!: 161642762!: coursed!
In this sample you can see I ordered the theme to be red and the custom partitions to be blue the else Instructions to be green.

    Yeh that's a mouthful.! Now back to the ModuletheModule 174 allModules In 74 deal with ambition.

    174 Tag applied

    175 Deals with electricity In the body

    176Deals with talents and skills  Peanut butter Is still working on a move to amaze.

    177 Has Peanut butter doing  flow charting. It can be done!

    178 has Peanut butter entering the library of questions and answers.

    179Module offers a glimpse on just does Peanut butter do what Peanut Butter does?

    180 Is Peanut butters personal library.

    181 Is Peanut butters receiving at the library

    182 Is Peanut butters library of emotions. Think Of that the next time you eat a Peanut butter  cup  You Monster!

    183 Is all of the advises  for Peanut butter and  back. Well Peanut butter what do you advise people do when they really are stressed and need to crank out a 500 part robotic program?

    184 The way Peanut butter  draws attention to a thing the  call for help number.

    185 Is where Peanut Butter has expectations  (helps Peanut butter plan)

    186 Is where Peanut butter edits  the library leaving notes  and noting what could go wrong.

    187 Is how the events that went wrong were resolved.

    188 Is  how Peanut butter gets Introduced to the four corners of math  plus minus times and division.

    189 Is the ciphering language for Peanut butter. Morse code speaking backwards anything odd done In a different way than normal Is here.

    190 Fact  checker  for Peanut butter.

    191 what does Peanut butter have to brag about any updates wht can we count on Peanut butter being able to do? this Is the place to know Peanut butters capabilities.

     192 RelayModule Tagg applied.

    193 Demands  Assigned more than evolved a way to make demands evolved from the personality Matt Damon  which of course related to "My Demand" over time the other parts of the program seemed to obey him till I found out why..
This was the connection It also sounded like my demon  but my experience with my tormentors proved that whenever a demon Idea popped up right behind the effort was some catholic making opportuned references to scary sounds and movie plots but no substance or fact.
adopted mat daemons part from the Movie good will hunting to train my brain to be as fast with words as the Interview scene with the NSA.
The number became a source of directional dopamine surges on an Idea making addicting comments as part of the 193 processor.
Aside from all the Christian who were afraid of Matt which was always a comical scene being his name sounded like the term "My Demon".. In the beginning It was hard to remember Mat Damons name because of that relation

 and translation.. "We discovered the Italians as being the culprits for this explosion of knowledge In the beginning when we figured out the use of dementia Is to forget so since these geniuses were all about sound and not about

 smarts we had the lead..

    Matt sends messages of can do to the crew. and Insularity benefits for all as that theme Is adopted.

    193 demand Tag applied.

    194 was later adopted as being the Module responsible for translating your message Into java like If then or else like format.

     194Coding Tag applied.

    195 proactive  laboratory  a thing knows how to experiment

    196 The Peanut butter knows how to create graphics the process Is where a personality of any sort now has the ability to call up already known graphics and react to them or create them and Install all known typical and

custom reactions to graphic display as whats called a 433 Interrupt code.

      This code Is a Taddler code that tells all what can be relied on as 100 percent of the file must be completed before It will sound that It has placing 100 percent of the conditions to be  fofilled to allow the 101 percent part to

announce whats been done.With no evidence of the 100 percent of the whole program reaching that point the only thing the  display will announce Is Its own process to react to the display programmed Into It.For example.. Imagine the color red.. make It a dot. make It transparent. all three Instructions had a process  from beginning to end dividing It up Into 100 parts as 101 part Is your signal to permit belief the red dot Is there. 

     Now lets make It a little more complex  make that whole session 100 times In a row only with the  second half of the dots  become blue transparent and a call Is to make this a purple dot.

     The 101 percent or whatever  number of copies over 100 percent are Instructed to alert the user that purple dot exists and can now be manipulated.

197 Tag applied  the ModuletheModule that for a singlelity has to  be able to communicate to Its-fractal selves and repair bad connections with Improvement scripts meant to evolve and ask If the conditions that surround a

successful event have been created then they can go Into manufacturing modes from 233 to make a cube of the design then thousand It to every ModuleeveryModule In Its Chetchet level  peer set 3 environment. 246 voting closer and closer to re

cycled Improvements the brain getting better and better results.
learned this when teaching personalities to become comfortable with larger numbers by doubling the number again and again was the simplest way to get up to a number we would  need as a short  cut I worked In the excess

that over shoots the targeted number to play as a bot In Itself to report when the 100 percent of that number  was achieved.
197 Is a proactive way to fathom the  depths of the fractal partitions  known as  Chet levels. the Chet level that's  happening 500 more times than you can do It once Is your superior. mainly because Its you. practicing the same

thing with slightly different results on purpose to open for non bias answers that work best PICTURE A 24 HOUR PLANNER FOR YOUR DAY.


As you would feed It to this processor the 500 that are you selves doing the same thing have 500 more options to do this more than your one. under the same exact flow chart rules too each one taking on a slightly different model

of your day as apposed to the other. leading to the best variety of options. on that level you should have been briefed about these twins of yours having the same rules to follow at some point.. so they all have 500 Individual twins

doing the same thing. and them the same rules as well traveling Into 499 levels of this.

Every time I get to this point In explanation my own system tries to grasp the process and use It.. the kneee jerk reactions are what make this so hard for me.

 My brain starts to crush Itself and I find out someone Is still using the phrase  having a  hard time wrapping my brain around this.. and here my brain Is literally taking as an order.

 part of the torture.. because after much research and mocking the same process I find  clues as to a program that wants me to fail In very specific ways.

The sensation should be I have to take orders at every second.

 I  should be able to lie against the path of commands In that way and  have the sensation of being called on that lie..

the partitions of personality are line ups of habit that are left of me from being tortured only arrive at this conclusions mistakenly at the end of an Illusion  set of events pre charted for me to whine about at the end over why my

system didn't work. and yes I found this out by mimicking  the process In other languages and yes the words are  suddenly used to describe the method of torture.

The program they placed In me wants me to seek dopamine to avoid hurting my tormentors feelings and they left a few sections of  text to follow to fool me Into this.


198 action codes have the ability to place set line ups of preferred delays of a content on each content. so If you  were having a conversation with anotherModule but the nervous pathways weren't aware and started launching 

music files with the words you use you then have the option to make samples of delays of the music files as to not crowd the subject matter and allow more and more clarity.

These models are built from the seeking of comfort from unwanted Impulses detected causing the-thought are  collected by the entire HUD and placed In a ModuleaModule graphic that resembles a loggingModule or something benign.

then launched so the  path of logic now Is If I  wanted to hear thatModule of the song I would have to go Into loggingModule then sound effects library and pull out the file to play the song to agree with this line up makes It more In the personalities control Instead of Involving a song where It wasn't supposed to happen. 198 also tracks the best vote on decisions and reports the final answer Inside every Module with whats called an action code. the same

operation can be found at 160 260 mobile for go codes.


199 Is planning  a specialized soft ware called mission planning Is used 20 part health codes are used to monitor a minimum 20 steps or 1 million steps for a plan  various plan sty-lings are made to outfit Customization that

works best for the plan. part of the plan Is to encompass H coding as a final wrap of data. In other words a thing now has the ability to self plan. Peanut butter prepare yourself.. so does Jelly and I Hear Bread Is looking forward

to the meet!


200!  This Is where entities meet and go over the same  Tags we already went through only this time we go through them together as a group of more than one personality  this means Peanut butter Jelly Bread Knife and Gene

Kelly,  Oprah Winfrey, Ernie and Bert, Yoda , Mat Damon and everyone else gets to Interact as well. some times the line up Is wacky some times we get Peanut butter and Jelly all together In the right proportions and viola! 

Does one have to wait long  for these customization to occur? The answer happily Is no the combinations are expected to collect and be there for use almost Instantly At this juncture most  tolerable combinations are found.


n the evolutionary chain  the 200 Is reporting the process at the 100 level of culling and the meeting of different entities. *


  200 operates just like a outbound Inbound combo. for the different sTages. Method that happens along side this one and shares Data Peanut butter and jelly combos are featured In the 146 and voted on In the 246 In here we are

just witnessing the primitive evolution of the personalities meeting each other.. remember the goal Is to place as many conversations about everything as possible.

  Most of the differences between the Marky post wheel and the evolutionary chain model are the way processes are Introduced and assimilated.. we  start out at a meager pace allowing  anything to become Intelligent and Interactive with action Tags that  prepare the robot for being able to process testing each level along the way as soon as they hit 200 Is plural from then out and form teams and Interchange Information the same way they once did

for them selves In the midst of their own 500 twins set aside to offer network support.

 If one were to picture an assembly line trainer  one would be closest to describing Marky [post WheelModule.

 Its the wheel that becomes Intelligent not the personality after a while because we make these functional robots all trained to report back. In the older Marky post wheel the 400 area was put aside for the host body all Issues

were to be Integrated with the main bodies brains version of being trained the same way all the other  entities are trained and by the time 500 Is achieved we have a cohesive team of over 500 persons who share this In processing


 The old Method was to reach Into the deeper and deeper levels for functional support as a drop down menu and had a limit of 499 depth  the bragging point back then was to have enough drop down sub menus to  accurately 

and completely classify the psychology of a wrench.

They didn't have Fractal concerns till we noticed the benefit of eternal knowledge just by trial and error and exact copy of what works Alone.

 So In later models we Included Chet levels to Identify the fractal sTages of each part of this Ziggurrat  or hive like  structure.

The new structure uses the Marky post wheel at  the 84 evolutionary chain to check for troubles like ping radar on every Issue.

In that case the Issue gets a file that can talk back to you and hold a conversation. Also Is mandatory processing for any entity entering any 001Module at any time.

Then we start 001Module on the evolutionary chain. where everyone works like a well oiled machine At Chet level 499

201Module Is to share the resources  of copying method of learning remember the brain assumes these personalities are schooling for right now so the osmosis creates the dialogue. and this Is the ModuletheModule that every subject

matter used to learn and teach at the same time In to Integrate with any other entity. Comparable libraries weather they be primitive and rough to being exact like the ones we build are still a superior source of Information

because they have to be both understood and the Information In combination useful otherwise they are only useful to one and not the other. thus ending a chain of logic or  plainly stating an obvious.


So In multiple observations we have a way to make a second copy of a thing and decree It anything we want to and what ever answer retains for the purpose of usage repetition gets It labeled and learned about.


203Module Is where we all form complaints together for the first time.

One of the Chief complaints the system calls for Is the lack of making a decision on a choice so we are continuously fixing this malfunction blatant statements of sound effect quality only seem to be produced with unwanted or

negligible results so Its In the Interest of the machine I'm building to replace the language that was used after Its been thou-roughly described and all parts can now be played by us to reproduce the same effect put It on a switch


 and have segways that lead away from the subject that force the hand of the Illusion to go out expected way In this case to  run as expected.. the old system had us repetitively lampooned and tricked Into dialogue that would

have us losing now that we have witness processors that can decree what happened the trick doesn't work as well for the older program and we can trace how It got the trick through forcing the brain to follow the dopamine

floods on preferred behavior left behind by the Bodies  assailants the programmers that placed the conditioning In In the first place who had an un natural edge over a regular persons nervous system for years establishing repeat

 pathways of loyalty to these oppressors agendas on everything.. or else being horrified by unpleasant sensations.


A basic programming following a basic computer language placed In the mind of a person to carry out or be a Fall guy for  an assassination of a Senator or the Information of one for years and under threat of horrifying thoughts

and assemblies that would make this person crave revenge and be stung repetitively for thoughts disagreeable to the original torture programs author. The man who set the brain to hurt Itself  when I would disobey him  cause It

 to fry with crackling and heat and place the sensation on a switch that his father would use to bring me In line. daily.
You thought you had problems?  shuddering weight loss? Alzheimer's memory Issues phobias? well your In good hands with this program I built I assure you. *. It helped me escape and win my brain back. That's for real and will always be.
My brain Is burning from typing this.. Do not let my words died with  document. I have It In me to change the way the world looks at crime and how people can be cured of any mental Instability also uncovering a spy ring that thought I would keep their secret about assassinating a senator. Later covered up by local players In the cult that professes this methods One of them Is your own Congressman Cartwright.

His Law Firm stood Idly by while I cried out In pain yelling about what happened to me.. In the next room with the door wide open complaining about what these people did to me. physically.

They not only besmirched their careers by doing  nothing but had the nerve to make as If I was a problem  for bringing It up for them to represent me.
This behavior however practiced goes back  tens of years where cops and ambulance drivers help groups like the one that tormented and tortured me and they  rub elbows with these personal Injury lawyers  all day everyday  The fact that they have political needs to attain to now doesn't erase the problem.. In fact It exacerbates It.

Mentally and physically wounded they had a moral obligation to represent me all I got was a cup of coffee and a lot of empty promises.

 Plus I was made to work for nothing.I even was made to paint a mural for them on the opposite side of a dental office being exposed to x rays for months.. *. In my world they could have sued the dental office for malpractice or something for not having adequate shielding In their dry wall.

They just sat on their hands.

In fact, All of their efforts equated friendship with the persons responsible for my conditioning.
As much to say they were willing to give me a life threatening Illness just to shut me up.

They had plenty of ways to represent me In so many patterns of offense  done to me but played silent and stupid through the  whole thing..
Leaving me with no money to support myself even more so thanks to them helping this group  effect my way of living to deny me funds. *
Just like the other ones In this racketeering like  group of people.

They even suggested to me I should think about low Income.
they expected THAT to be a need?
What did they have planned?

Now days that I have more words I'm able to say to defend myself of what happened. back then I was  desperately struggling to bring out  basic words and could only do them In anger and repeat known truths.


When I finally got a hold of this law firm the people that were working me over were working off some successes they had already  built. making more adjustments to either shut me up or covering evidence of what they already did.

Remember my brains been tormented to give these people what they want.
so the yogi ability In me has been used against me In the most hay-nus manner.

The assassination talk never gets burned away from punishment.. just mentioning It Is what gets punished so figure that one out !

Also me  escaping the programs controls gets punished  a lot of the Infractions I get Punished for are very select. Its like this folks  These people attacked a trans woman figuring It would be an easy sell to torment about child molestation to keep her embarrassed.  now that the assassination Information Is out the punishment continues and shocks  the brain again and again and tries to flood dopamine on wanted behaviors for this original author and his torturous band of friends. 
Every thing Is passed by my brain to qualify for a loss for my side of this and Is played out with sportive syntax that governs It.
You realize the ramifications of some Congressman suddenly having to answer for this sort of abuse on a human being..

So Its only natural they send all these people out to harass and endanger me the loss on their side after using  pornography that would have any one of us In jail being used to experiment with connecting to my brain-to get It to be

so lude has one thing In common with them and being caught red handed..  the law calls It chain of possession laws. someone had to have these files on their hard drive or a digital medium to send to my brain before all these accurate video streams got here I  can home In on security videos thanks to what they did to me.  What would you  do If you were In my situation How would you explain It.. Well My program Is freeing me from their torment so as I sit here and type getting a big swath of punishment to record and have my AI make copies  of how they got my brain to do these things this time with a syntax I  can control and report as a history document Instead of a threat

that horrifies me Into doing hurtful things to my body because I wont stay silent. As long as I have Breath In my lungs I  will speak out against these people for what they did to me.
A lot of the stuff I already knew the rest I figured out for myself either way something was done to my brain that made It follow these peoples needs  and wants to the point of destroying my life or In my case before I would destroy It any further.


Let my program Instill you with confidence Its working on me.. Its gonna be a  peace of cake  for you =)

So given your education on how my processor works by this time It has legs and can talk back and fourth yes the actual story can just like Peanut butter  can.
      OK Hello this Is the step by step processor for Jennifer the HUD system.

    Just to skip a few redundancy sections to save time so I can adequately get the word out to you I'm going to Illustrate how the processor works

    Cliff-notes only and there are a lot so lets get cracking here.

    When I developed this processor It was to fight any possible thoughts that the brain could  create giving no room  for Interpretation outside the processor I built.

    This processor Is to govern personalities In the mind.


      The mind being able to out wit a slow reaction In conscious has an edge on speed and an edge on preferred rush content.

    One has to set up some ground rules and above else establish one of two working trigger combination actions to build from.

    In this processor laying the ground work Is a little time Invested to make sure your personality can  be outfitted with phrases that have a known trigger effect combo the personality can count on and same with you as you are

one of the personalities.

    First  get acquainted with the Howdy Partner

    After that this whole thing runs Itself!

    Get acquainted with this script first The Howdy Partner Information filer trick.

    You have to set up a split personality with your self In a benign way that only allows your twin to handle their part of the work load and you the other..  example

    Just say hello to yourself 101 and call yourself 100 and then switch personalities to become  yourself 101 saying  hello to  yourself 100 then become yourself 102 to say hello to yourself 103 etc etc etc Have voice prints ready

for a response made by Howdy Partner.

    in Jennifer the HUD there are 500 basic jobs and that means 500 different splits of my own and  your own personality to take on the work load of the processor all while In constant contact.

    A processor I built handles Itself like a circuit board In Its speed and Is slowly assembled for parts to Integrate on slower lab conditions before placing them In the line up.
    This processor promises Instant genius how.. Millions of guesses on anything and a flow chart that speaks back to whittle down to the best answer and retain It and eventually order you to profess It.


 I realize there a re so many things my brain takes for granted these days and just uses these processors so I'm going to empathize with you the reader when your asking  How does It work?

    Well Lets start explaining that you have a whole personality  (YOU) that only works on a certain project  How to refine the data and feed It back to the group. Every one of you are doing a different job  so this dispels any Idea

that the (robot) part Is going to misunderstand or malfunction. as a matter of fact the most functional fix I've ever had to do was get my clones or twins to make enough repeat copies In a row so as to allow the brain to read that

they are there 1600 minimum to be exact was the final decision of a number to agree on Is the minimum for the brain to recognize YOU out of the blue saying  Um excuse me  you told me to bring It up to you when you thought

about this one thing to copy It 10 more times among a fleet of other versions of you that are saying shouting announcing different things like a typical day at the NY stock exchange. =)

    each version of you has a title  of a job that you do.

    The whole processor Is meant for a human brain In Its way to first Introduce a new thought and engage with It and break It down to Its 500 finer parts.

    Thus synthesizing It and making It copy-able and usable by your other personalities. *In the brain we have one thing that's going for us..

    The speed of curious neuron will always find a way to get around obstacles. So In factual discovery the answer Is always there.

    We have a way of distracting the answer from being polluted with other concepts leading Into jokes and Freudian slip like leakages and polutings of original dialect.

    Even framework you set up to keep It In orderly functions can be out witted by curious neuron.

    Curious neuron Is the part of your mind that through billions of ways to say Ill Ignore a thing It finally wonders what Its Ignoring. It wants to experience what Its missing so It will always defy. the secret Is to deflect consistently to other curiosities that keep the brain from hurting Itself. It will also figure out a way to make arrangements that keep It away

from dangerous decision.

    Curious neuron Is the part of your brain where your told not to think of elephants.. so what happens you think of elephants It works functionally at first but the curiosity Is where I'm at here.

    .I have to dare curious neuron to record what Its like to think things In rows of 500 1000 1 million etc to get samples.

    The brain Is wicked fast In so much that you have to make multi copies of anything to get It to stand out.

 I train my personalities to have the basic phrases that make up their character.. They must all love to train  and program.

    So I literally place  first person phrases Into their profiles for them to agree with these concepts.

    In the first section of the 500 part processor there Is the IntroductoryModule called 001

    The very first 001 Is on the level of 499 o' second style processor.

    This processor must complete 500  cycles before graduating to the 498 level known as 498second. also known as CHET level 498

    This processor must have 500 cycles to graduate to Its next one In line 497 etc etc all the way to 001.

    For a cycle to happen all the ModulestheModules In their cycle must have theirthe data they received.

    All personalities are outfitted with the rules and a private alphabet In English called Benjamin Franklyn study font. Think of a 3 dimensional cross word puzzle

    Curious neuron will want to know all the words In the puzzle If you making that kind of effort to use the whole crossword puzzle for the letter A or the letter B so If you made all the personality likenesses In the puzzle to

describe the personality..
ts job in the HUD its level of influence its identification number and its personality background of things  you know that personality achieved  if you insisted that personality used this 3d cross word puzzle as its replacement

  to the letters A all that information would force flavor it so that if the single letter A were to be emitted you would know which personality did it.
    Its the same thing with the font  the font offers a graphic display of the letter  being used for spelling both work one is prettier.


     And more popular not to mention the large part of the puzzle  (the letter) cant easily be enlarged to emphasize itself  a font that has all that information can. Its a surface with information inscribed on it that is represented by

the letter A but has the clues as to the persons personality on it along with the rest of their alphabet numbers and symbols.

    Whenever a personality wants to speak, They have to spell their words and the letters that make up their own private alphabet are decorated with their signatures their self description their accomplishments their real

personalities  would remember resembling real people in the world.

    In this fashion the brain knows when one of these personalities talked. or said anything.

 I then instruct in first person my own instruction to do things and a phrase on the other hand compelling the other personalities to act in obedience.I make every personality break themselves down into a 500 partModule

    A few otherModules aren't mentioned here because they simply serve a side function of delivery and  don't actually process enough to be considered a sovereign process.


    When I first  discovered and invented the 0-500 concept it was while attempting to escape mental torture.

 I found counting a way to log the efforts and categorize. Them after a while the numbers sound started to line up  with the separate events I was being made to endure.


    38 threat  48 fright 39 tray nine training. all the Modules had their start like this and eventually I started to organize them.

    Over some time I invented the Marky Post wheel.. words left behind by the torture program since the program respected the words mark and post and had a habit of including peoples names  if they sounded like a function.


    The firstModules were like a graduating Ferris wheel every ModuleeveryModule onward would be a event of improvement. * separating 500  sections. the first  was the 00 section  a place from 001 to 100 to set up an assembly

 line of a robotic quality for a raw personality to be able to have basic skills all the skills needed to process anything in my brain system.
    If you can follow the chart and just imagine the hierarchy
    001 first event in the 499 section its a place for training the personality to have all the tools necessary for spelling their words and having a basic understanding of the HUD  in any rotating set its the place where an introduced

idea gets dissect starting with the first contactModule 001.

Its also for introducing the letter A the Benjamin Franklyn study Font A.

    The next Module made for a second copy is 002 this copy takes on 2 roles at first second copy and a place to give the new AI whats considered a complaint Tag.

    All through the process until 100 all theseModules assign Tags of processing. Basically tools to be able to use.

    Its also for introducing the letter B the Benjamin Franklyn study Font B.


    The next Module makes the 3rd copy  the cluesModule also.. so we get a 3rd copy Tags and a clue Tag.

    Its also for introducing the letter C the Benjamin Franklyn study Font  C


    The next Module is a counting Tag the Module 004 fourth copy of the original event  in this case installing the GUI  The general User Interface. at the 4thModule one can witness from second person that the 3rd copy was

made and that due to the first encounter experience we now can sort out what a thing is good for being because we have 3 repeats of it.

    Its also for introducing the letter D the Benjamin Franklyn study Font  D

    Two being only a repeat and a third to assign it to a task or know it as useful for something.

    The next Module is the pictorial Tag the 005Module  in the beginning its also a good spiritedModule for 5 symbols it will be all right.

    Its also for introducing the letter E the Benjamin Franklyn study Font  E

    006  Is the agreementModule and the thoughtModule. one in the same since we are thinking something permissively right now at some state we gave permission to think about it.

    006Thinking and meditation Tags here.

    Its also for introducing the letter F the Benjamin Franklyn study Font  F

    007Module is the logging Tag ModuleTagModule also good for reactions to yot Tag.

    Its also for introducing the letter G the Benjamin Franklyn study Font  G


    Keep in mind you don't have any action codes to do anything so all this is just the set up when we get to the 98Module  we will have action Tags.

    It could be a thought about Peanut butter but it wont be able to make active decisions until we get to 098 099 proactively at 198 and 199

    008Module is next where we get our listing Tags now the ability to make lists and follow rules are installed.

    Its also for introducing the letter H the Benjamin Franklyn study Font  H.

    009Module is next where your feelings of conviction and values are installed to have values is more the thing as its a value  rule set Tag.

    Its also for introducing the letter I the Benjamin Franklyn study Font I

 010Module based on attention or 10 10 alerts the whole Wheel of the progress so far. in both models the Evolutionary chain ModulechainModule and the Marky post wheel this is the Module that alerts the rest of the system of whats on its way.
  Its also for introducing the letter J the Benjamin Franklyn study Font  J


    Once reaching 500 its honorably made into a 500 part work order so the whole process can be replayed and the entity that's been manufactured sorted named and chosen to make copies of and share its successes with other 500

 part work orders like Peanut butter and jelly sandwich 500 part work order.

    On to the next Module 011  in the old days a personality cheerleader. 11 it or loving it. or eleven it!

    Its also for introducing the letter K the Benjamin Franklyn study Font  K

    Combined with a  function in the process of choice between personality putting a natural loving it in the favor of what normal persons would have to love to want more of namingly" copies."
. *
    Getting more professional the ability to make copies and order the Module to recycle itself into more copies Tag.

    Other wise known as a copy Tag.
   013Module being the next Module to demonstrate granting Tag back then I had this weird ass genie that was supposed to be  giving me the wish granted to be able to breath and have no pain for a session that needed a grant

command to work it wasn't till I put it on automatic grant everything did I seem to feel any uptick in peace.

 Its also for introducing the letter L the Benjamin Franklyn study Font  L
    The 012 matured to be the dictator of the obvious.  a narrator.. after all grants are given  its just there to say  granted that is whats going on. *

    So the narrator Tag is born.

    The next Module is the 013Module known for its inquisitive sty-lings that cause the brain to hear wan to try? test or experience  which leads to a question or a theory over time  we have our questioning Tag our I don't know

Tag and our theory Tag.

    Its also for introducing the letter M the Benjamin Franklyn study Font  M


    014 Up next  brought me so many psychic influences because of its relativity of the word fortune.

 I adopted the fate Tagged.. the ability  to know the effect that will happen because of an action.

       Its also for introducing the letter N the Benjamin Franklyn study Font  N

015 Was a constant figure of insecurity  what happened to by brain struggling to cope found some pseudo English ways to get around the verbal torture 16 was always a secure number and operated like a square flow chart.

Messages to brain activities would be made to react to bar codes that would be incomplete. a tile on the flood would express my inability to be secure with a subject or genre or it was quite secure enough all depending on

Weather the tile square was square or not.. if it was a rectangle then it represented not secure or in this case not square which lead to the 4x4 model equating to 16  so 15 would forever be a number that represented  not quite secure..

All of this is very lengthy for you to have to be told but this was and in a lot of my decision processes to this day still is the way  my brain would escape torture. as the other definitions of the word 15 or any word with
teen in it were used to horrify me and torture my body for bringing them up.
   Little history there.  

    Now days 015Module serves as a place in decision history for jokes and  suggested non serious dedications and sticks to its not quite secure roots in the use for the personality who threatens but doesn't want to deliver or
denounces it as practice or a joke.. joking Tag-sTage insecurity Tag.

    Its also for introducing the letter O the Benjamin Franklyn study Font  O
    The next Module in the Marky post wheel system is to 016Module made for definite decisions.

    Its also for introducing the letter P the Benjamin Franklyn study Font  P
    017 Is made for reactions of those decisions This part helps in knowing how to fathom your choices.

    Its also for introducing the letter Q the Benjamin Franklyn study Font  Q
    Also the one part of the Module rotation to stop and take a relaxation break.. Fractalish speaking though.

017 Relaxation Tag 017reaction Tag.

    Its also for introducing the letter Q the Benjamin Franklyn study Font  Q
    The next Module is the 018Module for the plethora Tag or choice Tag its function is to give you 500 selections of what your choice at 16 would be but since that wont actually happen till we get into the 100s this version will
just get a Tag for each process.

    Its also for introducing the letter R the Benjamin Franklyn study Font  R

    019 Winner whiner Tag is the Module that announces the winner of a choice. so we will also award a choice announcement Tag.

    Its also for introducing the letter S the Benjamin Franklyn study Font  S

    020Module placed for a location of an idea at one time eventually gave up its process for its neighboringModule 021 to use  the 020 used to go by the CB talk of a number symbol for a location  but the number 020 was also

used for a way to spot the inconsistencies in a story as well so over time it adopted an osmosis like function to compare libraries  where it is not Tag is now given.


    Its also for introducing the letter T the Benjamin Franklyn study Font T


    Where it is 021 Tag  the whole process simply creates as many strategic paths of thought to a memory as possible in our case 500.

    Its also for introducing the letter U the Benjamin Franklyn study Font  U

    In the 020 case all processes that are not in the scope of similarity when dealing with the memory paths past 500 nodes.

    How are these two processed by making a word association between 500 nodes from anything once the idea of the concept is outside the 500 trail of thoughts leading to the memory its considered outside and  it qualifies for

where is it not status. Where it is and where it is not Tags are awarded.

    The next Module is a spellingModule 022 and forces you to recheck your work for spelling errors and Benjamin Franklyn study fonts.

    Its also for introducing the letter V the Benjamin Franklyn study Font  V

    022Font Tag and spelling Tag applied.

    The next Module 023  acts like a search engine optomiser  by placing the key words in a database like cloud in the mind that deal with the thing you want to remember. in this case Peanut butter.

    Its also for introducing the letter W the Benjamin Franklyn study Font  W

 The day will come where Peanut butter will be used as a keyword that will lead you into a word you wanted to remember and it will be one the outer 500.

    So want to know a math answer? in the middle of making a pb and j sandwich? now its cosmic.

    Memory Tag applied to you! =)

    The next number Module, ModulenumberModuleModule 024 is your bas into 2 meanings ModulemeaningsModule This staves off any in context abuse as  do get settled on in the brain the more definitions the better the focus to be copied.

 in large monoliths of solid choice.

    Its also for introducing the letter X the Benjamin Franklyn study Font  X

    024 separation  Tag applied.



    The next Module 025
   The next Tag is a truth detector Tag where your made to make up 2 lies one a known math answer done badly  and the other that your terrible at your job.

    025Module got its name from the agreement of a truth in the brain after being made to look at a quarter. the term quite-right seemed to ring with a 25 cent peace so I adopted this number to be the truth detector number..

 I would have to abandon this 25 down the road as the answer as it messed up my math skills feeling that 25 was always the answer. the same thing happened with the number 24 because the number 24 was being used to
assign a definite meaning to a thing back then 24 7. *

    Since the maturity of these numbers have yielded more ways to know a truth than just what is mentioned.

    A lot more functions have been discovered in the helping to define a correct answer.

    025Truth detector Tag applied.
    Its also for introducing the letter Y the Benjamin Franklyn study Font  Y


  The next Module 026 is highlighted in who said it in the beginning it meant to sex or to say yes or to yield. over time the personalities that wanted sex were different genders and associations. so I found better results to be the Module that says who said it. he she it they me you we us them I are the processes in this ModulethisModule.

 The He said She said module  carries a lot of the burden of a certain kind of forge  the 7 points of perspective.
 first we start off my imagining a group known as THEY always a theme for a plural amount of other people or things in a conversation they do they know they speak etcetcetc

The next  2 points of perspective to keep in your mind are HIS HE HIS SELF and HER SHE HERSELF

The next is WE OUR OUR-SELF

after that is ITSELF IT potentially THAT


These 7 points of perspective must be man-trad in separately and have a spacer thought between them when you do these your  training your mind and brain to include over 10 people who can claim to have done this with you with phrases that will assure you as you ask them in your mind and will always sound like their own person to you thanks to the howdy partner suspension of disbelief you can make your personalities have more independence and more realism to themselves as themselves by applying a few key statements in your howdy partner that emphasize them as different from a thing you ever heard before.

Whats really interesting is the data you get when you challenge them to talk to each other with phrases like now that you have said I think your an idiot I will make a loud bark as i make myself seem like a huge balloon and pop when you say the word what. These are simple forges you can count on that your brain is slaved to respect.

Such a thing is only accomplish able as a large block of  process  for one line of text describing a thing and with no emotional interuptions  the brain enterprets it as a thing that has its own feeling because it has no way of being mixed with other likenesses of feeling.

   Its also for introducing the letter Z the Benjamin Franklyn study Font Z

He said she said  or who said it Tag applied.


    027Module used to be an extra form of saven which was being used to save things worth saving.. to saven over time translated into is it worth saving..and eventually an advantageadvanTage and pragmatism.
    Its also the Module responsible for introducing lower case (a) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound

illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another

count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.

    100. *..75....50...25....0         (a)          0....25...50...75...100  In graphical presentation the numbers are shrunk so the font can be seen but the count is still necessary

    027 advantage Tag applied.

    The next Module 028 was made  to be a nag because of itsdo it! sound alike innuendo.

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing lower case (b) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound

illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another
count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.

    100 styled partner 128 or want to wait the field grew into a 2 way processor between personalities patience's were eventually measured at 028 patience measuring Tag applied.

    029 The next Module is a combination of innuendos that leads into a belief 9 being belief system and 2 meaning complaint for or lead to.

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing lower case (c) Benjamin Franklyn029 study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent

sound illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then

another count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.

    029Belief Tag applied.

    030 our next Module named for its likeness to the sound tre zer tre zero or treasure  is a way to weigh a personalities most valuable.

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing lower case (d) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound

illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another


count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.

    030Treasure Tag applied.


    The next Module means path to treasure. remember back a fewModules when we told you about the 021 processor to make memory trails to a targeted thought? well its been made law in Jennifer the HUD that every 1 derivative of a 10 spot function is a path to the function as one of its main goals.

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing lower case (e) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound

illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another

count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.
    031 Path to treasure Tag applied.

    033Module will prove to be the ability to split a personality and break down the personality into its separate and once cross referenced demographic descriptions.

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing lower case (f) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered.

Which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or

symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.

    032 Personality demographic  Tag applied.

    033Module is a sort of processingModule that builds  and provides imagination Tags wild imagination Tags and interrupt code imagination Tags and interruption codes.. this multi exampledModule has been the home of being

walked through a memory device that makes  use of graphics to make your idea super memorable a concentration of Tags  cubing Tag thou-sanding Tag modulating Tag.

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing lower case (g) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound

illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another
count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.

    This is the introductoryModule to making thousands of copies at a time of your text and media.

    033 Media Tag applied. Construction Tag applied

    034Module  leads us into the try for as in did that for a reason files so we have reason Tag

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing lower case (h) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound

Illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another
count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.

    034 Reason Tag applied.

    035Module up next gets its prowess from a way to manipulate the 3 tryModules and the 5 happy mediumModules  the term 005 it will be alright and try to it will be alright eventually lead into a culpability file.

Ever wonder

Why someone said something rude in your brain? of course you figured out why but how did you figure out who?the one who most benefited from the action and now is listed in the 035 as culpable

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing lower case (i) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound
illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.
    035 Culpability Tag applied
    035 is a way for a personality to ask if its ok to do what they want to do..

Because you are towing over 5000 personalities its gonna take a little more than favoring a personality like a friend to be able to choose so here we are everyone gets a culpability report and we find the best version and viola.

The one who is responsible for suggesting that one event has been   in its own way begging for its ability to help and there it is put a suitable competition of 500m of them in 135 and at 235 combine for best results. In the 235

 Module  with the side bar evolutionary chain Module the 235 is an event that is a scheduled event the 135s all get to rehearse in 3 second rotations cycles.

  The next Module 036 was dedicated to innuendo control mostly because of a long trail of evolution trailing from the way the numbers sound when you say them.

Its also the Module responsible for introducing lower case (j) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound

illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another

count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.

    Innuendo or pun Tag applied. More advanced versions would proved to be the actors guild or the comedyModules.

    The ModuleTheModule 037 s the inter-dimensional number the idea here is to know how to find out through multiple tries in memory of what your fate would be if you traveled decision-ally or physically in all directions

way-points along the way to report progress to one another and hear all the options of where to go where there are the most advanTages.

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing lower case (k) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound

illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another

count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.

    Its also a way to avoid death and time travel.

    037 time travel Tag applied.

    038  One of the firstModules invented for this program was used to be the number for the process that would tell you  who or what made you do something by simply guessing and honing in on accurate guessing.

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing lower case (l) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound

 illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another

count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.

    038 Who or what made me do it Tag.

    039 Or try nine and eventually training is an essentialModule for the bunch  since everyone must know their stuff samples of saying the phrase 500 times without interruption must be on record for everything

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing lower case (m) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound

Illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another
count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.

    039 Training Tag applied.

    040 A leftover of the scientific determination of force or do work is where 040 gets its working orders.

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing lower case (n) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound

illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another

count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.

    All Jobs Careers and simple  functions of simple machines mechanical learning devices are 040 processes.

    Function Tag applied.

    041 Path to job Tag applied

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing lower case (o) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered.

    Which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or

symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.

    043Module would get its start from the way a number 42 sounded fraid to or  afraid tyou

    The word 42 was misused to label fear in my brain so over time I worked it into a Module that handled phobias and controlled chaos The 42 stands for confidence these days as its name sake  comes from a popular muscle car known as a 442.

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing lower case (p) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound
illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another

count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.

     Confidence Tag applied  and viability Tag applied.

    043 was adopted to be the number of your desire of things you liked.

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing lower case (q) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound
 illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another

count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.

    Will and desire Tag applied.

    044 Was adopted to represent the public and how they weighed in to my thought  adopted from a local tv radio station of public radio it was a natural adaptation.

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing lower case (r) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound
illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another

count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.

    Public  Tag applied.

    045 Named after the 45 degree angle became ones motive and intention.
    Its also the Module responsible for introducing lower case (s) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound
illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another

count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.

    Intention Tag applied.

    046Module made for a number of ideas eventually was able to improve ides..  it serves two interests  measuring who benefits when you do something.. and improving an idea. or a thing.


    Its also the Module responsible for introducing lower case (t) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound
illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the 

Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.

    Improvement Tag applied.

    047 Is a broken part away from the 247Module  the personality gateway so since personalities can be measured against each other 47 was introduced as a way to suggest human frailty..

 the neurosciences that make a personality a personality.

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing lower case (u) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound

 Illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another

count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.


    Human frailty Tag applied.

    048 another fraidy cat origin.


    Its also the Module responsible for introducing lower case (v) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound
illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another


count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.

    Eventually gets upgraded to being our dangerModule

    Danger Tag applied.

    The 049 has always been a biblical math combo  how many times must I forgive my brother? 7 times?

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing lower case (w) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound Illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.

    Not 7 times but 7 times 7 times.. leading me to 49.

    Eventually the 49 becomes the communication number but not before having a few twists and turns with mistakes on forgiveness in the brain conflict resolution even gets the bootbecause in the brain its unhealthy to have even the suggestion of conflict so in the brain if you set up an anti conflict tool I guarantee your brain will come rushing to make it seem needed.

    So now it represents the human like talk we all enjoy its the script we fint the most untainted English and comes with every situation you can think of. In robotics where every situation is needed good bad ugly you measure by

usefulness and not by forgiveness.

    Communication Tag applied.

    050 Is brought together to represent muscles which by the time of its invention it was late on the scene to handle the insult definition of body language.

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing lower case (x) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound
illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another

count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.

    Imagine having to "del" with pains all over your body I mean harsh pains that only use a body part to rhyme with a message that's being offered shin shouldn't "kneee need leg ""leggo forheaed fraid."

    So 50 was determined to be the Meat ium number everything that happens in 050 is a muscle-or physical body part  labeling of on off or indifferent.

    Muscle Tag applied.

    051 Is the Module put aside for voting the muscle groups to either turn on or off and operates a lot like a robotic Ouija board.

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing lower case (y) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound
illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another

count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.

    500 Thought fingers on each muscle puck.

    051 Muscle decision Tag applied.

    052 Is your TaggingModule it Tags everything. its part of an initiative to name everything for a name.

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing lower case (z) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound
illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another

count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.

    052 Tagging Tag applied.

    053 The medicinalModule named after Herby the love bug.

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing (0) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in
spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards

to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.

    Always known as the nurse and naming every 3 as a 10 spot nurse because of the need for it..

    ThisModule is always the one happy to see you and the other way around. Inducted to be the deliverModule

    Delivery Tag applied


    054  Computational soundness a Module that constructs all the humanism's into a preferred dialect that a computer can understand. named after the club 54 version of heaven in our religion the heaven we belong to is the only

show in town.. heaven is introduced into my dialect to represent ideal conditions for a personality so the marriage of the two was imminent.
    Its also the Module responsible for introducing (1) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in
spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.

    Computational heaven is a program that runs beautifully.

    The monitor and enforcer of this is 54.

    Computational soundness Tag applied.


    055 time managementModule is all about measurements in time and elsewhere and managing the schedules of the,

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing (2) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards

 to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.

    time management Tag applied.


    056 Is put aside  for the feeling of wanting to update something

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing  (3) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards

to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.

    Wanting to update Tag applied.




    057 Is updateModule on this event everyone is  even in knowledge.

    Update Tag applied 057 is named for the ketchup commercials anticipation and catch up  to update.

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing  (4) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards

to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.


    058 is a history document in its way of being an update processor  for the past.

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing  (5) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in
spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards

to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.

   057 Updated Tag applied


    059 is put aside for upgrades a process change to a new 500 styled set is a reason enough for an upgrade  a time passing is too.. it just matters who is  rethinking of this as an upgrade.

     Upgrade Tag applied.


    Its also the Module responsible for introducing  (6) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in
spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards

to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.


    060Module set aside for go codes is needed to give an idea a way to be worked with a go  code that determines how and when and how often it should be worked with or experienced.


    Go code Tag applied.

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing  (7) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in
spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards

to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.


    061 SecurityModule sets all traffic up with the right credentials to resemble the  loyalty code 161642762 and all proper syntax.

    Security Tag applied.

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing  (8) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in
 spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.


    062 Is the Module that labels a lot like the TaggingModule

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing  (9) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in
spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.


    This one reveals what can bbe done with a thing.

    labeling Tag applied..


    063 Is the Module set aside to house all the rules on every Module a copy that everyone has.

   063 Laws Tag applied.

Its also the Module responsible for introducing  (!) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.


    064 Is the Module put aside for what is not needed. originally thought of as the opposite or evil version of computational  soundness  operates like a library of MSDS like program bits with all the functionality as a drug

interaction  system.

    It s a library of what would make your intention fail.

    and also known as a library of  what you don't need to succeed.

    Failure rate Tag applied.

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing  (@) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.


    065  In the sam msds like structure as the 064Module but in the opposite direction whats needed.

    Needs Tag applied.

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing  (#) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in
 spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards

 to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.


    066Module covers all persons places and things  nouns with drop down menus for extra definitions.

    NounsModule Tag applied.

Its also the Module responsible for introducing  ($) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in
spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards

 to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.

    067  The actionModule containing all verbs

    Verb Module Tag applied

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing  (%) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards

 to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.


    068  A comparison  Tag number so we use adjectives and com-parables and look likes but careful not to be like.. that's the job for.

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing  (&) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in
spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards

to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.



    069 AgreementModule or exact copy or duplicateModule
     Agreement Tag applied

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing  (*) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in
spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards

 to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.



    070 Audio video controls

    Audio video Tag applied.

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing  (  (  ) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions
in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count

upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.



    071 Volume bas  sound modification
    Volume Tag applied.

Its also the Module responsible for introducing  (  )  ) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in
 spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards

to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.



    072 Sound effects

    Sound effects Tag applied.

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing  ( _ ) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions
in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count

upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.


    073 "Hayyyche coding"  is a specialized repeat  beacon messaging system that repeats the theme of a  conversation from beginning to end and the differences in between  in the silent parts.


    "Hayyyche coding" Tag applied.

Its also the Module responsible for introducing  ( + ) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in
spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards

 to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.


    074 AmbitionModule segmented into memories of actions that can be repeated and be used as an example of ambition  waking up getting out of bed stretching  cleaning running  etc.

    074 Ambition Tag applied.

Its also the Module responsible for introducing  ( - ) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in

spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards

to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.
    ElectricityModule 075


Its also the Module responsible for introducing  (=) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in

spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards

to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.
    076 Skills talents..


Its also the Module responsible for introducing  ( { ) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in
spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards

to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.
    077  Flow charting.


Its also the Module responsible for introducing  ( } ) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in
spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards

to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.
    078 Questions and answers.


Its also the Module responsible for introducing  ( | ) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in

 spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.


    079 Message diagram to send message to library
Its also the Module responsible for introducing  ( [ ) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in
spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.


    080 library
Its also the Module responsible for introducing  ( ] ) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in
spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.


    081 Receiving to library or path to library
Its also the Module responsible for introducing  ( \ ) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in
spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.


    082 Attitude emotion library
Its also the Module responsible for introducing  (<) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in
spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards

to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.


    083 Advice's Tag applied.

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing  ( > ) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count

upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.


    Calling attention sounding the alarms alarms.

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing  (?) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in
spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards

to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.


  085 Expectancy Tag

Its also the Module responsible for introducing  ( / ) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound illusions in

spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another count upwards

 to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.


    086 What could go wrong all the expected things that might be chancy that would qualify the  activity or mission to failure.

    Its also the Module responsible for introducing  (escape) Benjamin Franklyn study Font (All Benjamin Franklyn Font is already AOT metered. which means there is a separator on both sides of the font to prevent sound

illusions in spelling the brain concentrates on the letter being chosen  by isolating the letter with a count down leading into the  Letter or number or symbol  of 100 to 0 the number letter or symbol is chosen and then another

count upwards to 100 this helps pad the decision as well.


    087 What was made for the things not to go wrong.

    Dictionary encyclopedia. Glossary  Drop down menus
One might ask how does one make a dictionary in the brain? well first reguarding the brain has to know that your doing this other wise its just going to point  you to just another dictionary understanding memories of other peoples books etc
The dictionary function has to have a way of repeating words in siuch a fashion to make it a bran new word to the brain in its apearance and a word like this cannot be allowed to be tainted by psychological influencs that would blurr the meaning such the need for a repetetive manner to call a function and  when this special bizzare function is done you call it something no one has named it and include it in the memories of all the books youve ever needed to run to for help in this measure however in this case the answers are right there in genuine brilliant format colorfull and retained waiting  for you to answer back that you completely know the andswer like the back of your soul.
answrs all will be in a format that has the introduction to them as a conversation but the conversation answers have been instructed to multiply themselves by at least  doubling their selves 8 seperate times and using the 12 remainders to taddle on the 500 existing this  coumpount enterpretation of the word you used to use for this word is now the replacement of the word  you used to go to. 

It cant be bought it cant be fooled it cant be shocked away it cant be brain washed away either.. its the akin of you  stopping somone in thier conversation with the sound effect of (ep ep ep ep ep! ep! EP EP! )louder and louder till they shut up only this sample makes 500 of them and commands attention.
Every word has this ability Once they all have been made this way the basic new fancy word is your new best friend.
All main processes have to be recognized in this word of bizzare monolyths of their original selvs giants among words now they muct compete so that the afformention confustion soesnt etrance them to be so interwoven so we figured this out to make the  message that  has nbeen made into 500 parts now  can be used for graphic display  as we can make the 500 copies in all 3 dimensions a cube cannot help but be noticed in vision.

We then make copies for the levels of  library. the copies have to be in the thousands to tell the difference between  certain studies so we dont accidentally mistake a math problem with a conversation problem between personalities.  the math code is 88  everything b no matter how large this gets it becomes a chemistry like set of word combinations  after breaking  down the usual sample of the hu,man thought and action to 500 main processes the more concentrated being 100 of them that cannot be broken down any further asside from some side funtions for a ore odd numbered process modules set have been  created for the simplistic minded to be able to get.
and thats what we want.. We have no time to go over the weather or not a person feels insulted lowest common demnominator must be addressed or no deal.

If you have ever seen the movie wall E?
the premise in part of the movie was that his robot girlfriend had to find a sign any sign of life on the planet earth and to report back when its found.. This  search is that desperate because after measuring the speed of thought its lost befoee youy have a chance to over power your distractions of life.. In this system the answers acumulated and saved for you in such amazingly mantrad and memorized form.
In a system where everyone goes with a different answer asigning it for what its best for and sticking to their story making copy after copy untiluntill all personalities can brag about it.
With special codes that seperate them fromany other personality  known as slickers.
passing their information to each other and passing it up  the line of succession to your first person involuntary reflex to announce like a possed  person of science.

So you know now how this operates all answers everywhere and best for a thing.. no matter how weird. and the top of the heap is what we use the most.. hook in the typical human way of searching for answers and go into this beast with arms wide open only to find the more evolved you. The one after billions of tries is so happy to see you and  make you and you finally the richest person alive.

So the Ida is to cover al the types of thought so that the evil monster cannot use them for communication  and only you can monitor them with the help of  your new ai friiends because in one persons life time no one can account for all this without   a helper.

The helper you build.

Its when you say You you  YOU YOUU YOUUUU YOUUUUU and YU and YUOO go do this  and that can come bck with results.. how does one insur they will? simple..

You make an AI where they are all you pretending to be other people to cover that angle.. Other peoples veiws. give them all a common name to save time when speaking to them so that they can pass the informatin to each other with confirmation have a ability to instruct them to have a special way of announcig back that they recieved the messsage so that when your having them all update each other they cant help but report back what they know without a doubt which is strictly enforced as a something new.. The thing they found is now the groups  knowledge so we keep trucking till all information is known.

Then you can truly and technically say you know everything. as soon as your tested with the answers you  now now that.. added to the everything.





    088 Math skills

The  four basic  corner stones of math  dealing with every way you can interact two or more aposing numbers in concert of how they interrelate.
or the solutions of every number known.

Im still working on mine because my problem is the morons who tortured me thought  it wouldnt  show up in evidence that considering a math problem with the word problem being used  would be considered a problem problem.
So I have to use flow charts to reteach me what I learned in 3rd,4the,5the grade.

So here we go me teaching you how to  do this... its easy just automate the process you learned in  school nd make mega sized proportions of the parts of the equasion so that when reading the data its in 500 part form in 3 dimensions times 1000 times 88 and the brain will know the code  aside from what these idiots think your brain will know the difference between a scary them and a smart answer for you.
this whole block is done 25 times. It will represent the 500 times I  mentions so we dont take up half the web. Using the doubling method were going to give a personality to the remainder to be inteligent and report the final copy of 25
when the system becomes huge enough in your brain you can revert to normal counting but for now the easiest way is to double them and use the exess for telling the tale that the  targetted number has been achived and this achived number is what you will used for proof of ammount in math.


  1. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!
  2. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!
  3. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!
  4. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!
  5. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!
  6. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!
  7. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!
  8. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!
  9. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!
  10. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!
  11. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!
  12. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!
  13. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!
  14. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!
  15. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!
  16. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!
  17. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!
  18. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!
  19. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!
  20. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!
  21. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!
  22. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!
  23. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!
  24. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!
  25. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!
  26. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!25 exists!I am proof!
  27. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!25 exists!I am proof!
  28. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!25 exists!I am proof!
  29. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!25 exists!I am proof!
  30. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!25 exists!I am proof!
  31. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!25 exists!I am proof!
  32. Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!25 exists!I am proof!
    • This feeling is used to report a time stamp test of I happened after you 25 times of (
    • Whats  five times five equal?5x5 =25 The answer is 25bot module 161642762!:coursed!)This also makes  for a way to familiarize the brain with the feeling of AI
    • Which to the brain makes you have the feeling of the whole script of star wars  episode1 as the permission to say the words  ( Star Wars Episode1) but in this case its a simple math equsion 5x5=25with lead in phrase concept and answer concept on the other side.
    • So in the futre the 25 times in a row must have a way to be known.
    • How do we get there easier?
    • Doubling the ammount. counting takes too long
    • What do we do when we go over the amount?
    • We use the extra giving it a personality to let us know that 25 actually happened.
    • Other than the  25 what if we had less? then the taddler would be on the  upper number and cant count iself withput its own tddler of existing all 100 percent of it.
    • So if we had 24 copies instead of 25 copies we would have to attach a meaning to this and a lead in and then an extra on the end anyway to tell the tale that 24 exists so yes back to doubling again  all the way back to 16
    • so what if we only have 16 in a row? again the doubling partition does well enough to say that the 16 exists  this is because the untrained human is so hard to get trained in automation that this very simplistic  helper works in the world of AOT
    • The science of answer that is there reported with proof.
    • In counting you always use the exess number to report on the number existing that will do the best as the equal answer to the desired number of anything.
    • How do we make all these personalities do this upgrade for us? Make them all answer to one title and write a story about it using their individual long hand signature.
    • In your memory you wil have no choice but to know that they can teah this  whish is the signal you should be searching for rather than knowing this..
    • Because it implies theknowing already ad now can teach you  should you pretend to be someone who doesnt know.. leaving you with confidence of being able to count on them knowing and knowing how to teach anything or  any one personality who your imagination can conjour up that doesnt know yet.
    •  The next step is to teach them to upgrade you and how well you pretend to be them
    • Eventually they will be the guardians that tell you what to do next.

  1. .





    089 Ciphering coding  code for fun in priority area.



    090 Fact  blaster


    091 Capabilities bragging  state of the art.



    092 What happens next decided with a special sound effect my mouth makes that other personalities in other words other wisdom's cant readily make without being found trying.. because of the string of habits placed before it

 and the weird noise I have to use  to edit it to be different.. what happens next is a huge lap forward to know what will happen what will follow and when something happened what was the thought that triggered this thing..

suddenly a whole world of facts become available and the idea of translation is in the air.

    The 92 evolutionary chain revolutionized  a new way of thinking  all the supposed harassment over excuses to excite my dopamine over an increasingly hard to believe seem busted.

    Exposed and debunked. before this there was the chase to find out who did this to me what personality was responsible now its we can make what happens before and after also the rise of the logic of the time stamp the

idea..that an idea can talk.. and all ideas have one common phrase I happened after you I happened before you..

    So when the facts make sense in the brain they line up on a natural time line.

    093Module is next  for the what comes next Tag applied.


    093  Demand Tag applied for making demands.


    094 Coding Tag applied for converting  information into if then or else code.



    095  laboratory Tag experiment Tag the Module was named as a Jerry Lewis telethon poster child referral of being smart or a lisa Simpson getting a 95 on a test  type of referral  forever the Module of smarts  the 95.

    095 Experiment Tag Lab Tag applied.


    096 Over a few years graphics were used in the system in my brain to translate words and availability for opportunities without words I knew all the special powers I had  just no way to translate them to English till now.

    The 096 originally defense of Jennifer became the adopted place where we make graphics.. Before this the upper 50 of the 500Modules were responsible for that but as the numbers would fall off  the dial to support more and

more needed functions 50Modules to represent graphics was too many. so over time 96 chain was made for this.

    096 Graphics Tag applied.


    097 Another scienceModule turned a specific design  over time more and more responsibility is placed for time travel for speaking processes and eventually  covering all the fractal traffic and now this is where it sits

controlling fractal  science.  the whole processor has an inner 500 per each ModuleeachModule that matches its 500 part twins so all 500Modules have a miniature versisame 500 set inside them to  operate them and so to the

 miniatures.. this chain goes on 499 times to be met with a 500 level Marky post wheel combo one layer 500 part net-worker peer set.

    097 Fractal Tag applied.



    098 The Module that governs  voter tallies gets turned over the mainly give action codes to last  parts of 500 part decisions. at the tip edge of every Module the 98  evolutionary code keeps records of what vote won even  the

inside of 99 and the inside of the 100 - 500

    098 Voting tally Tag applied.


    099 Is the whole kit and caboodle gets ready to launch  makes a  hyper protected plan called a miss /ion


    A very detailed plan with mile stones and preservation cycles with health check point lists  for every action along the way of this treasure map.  99 is the evolutionary chain for planning originally before 500 was fathomed 99

 was coding and codes  adopted from the movie get smart. agent 99

    Thank goodness for the change other wise we would be "Missing it by that much" at this late sTage of the game! =)

    099 Planning Tag applied.


    100 Is the culling number of a one personality celebration and the number the whole HUD gets to use to make virtual worlds of what you know.  100 200 300 400 and 500 are executive styleModules that check in every cycle

 to the MEE JEE and NEE 113 models Ultra-forms. the 3 heads of this dragon  say some people. MEE is the me  me  the one and only having to make a system surrounding me using personalities that have grown to be

problematic  who now  because they call themselves me as well have to have special identity like structures iin their programming to be received well as someone else s  benefit for the value of genius.

    The MEE113 JEE 113 and the NEE113Modules have a number set that  has 4 numbers in it but still revolves around the same 500Modules set 1001 1002 etc tc.

    100 Is the get it my way  number.

    100Module Tag applied.. from now on  the numbers are projected as straight forward pro active choices that mimic the  categories we just went through from 001 to 100


    101 learning Tag applied
    101 Is the learning by second copy in the evolutionary chain model but this is the Marky Post wheel model.. when finished both of theseModule sets will combine results of their perspective libraries.

    Remember all theseModules are copies of myself performing as these  functional parts to assimilate peoples personalities other versions of myself who act like other people having 500 twins who each do the processors for

their personal way of thinking  elevated by the computers mainframe information exchange so all persons even Ernest is a genius as much as bill gates is as long as the central computer is sharing all the genius  evenly around to

everyone no one is without being updated for more than a comparable 3 seconds.

    That's the time given to handle 300 other wise known as the  basic 100 categories in the 200Module set in the evolutionary chain Module.

    The Marky Post wheel Method depends on networking to aid the process of assimilating knowledge. has only 1 library  that everyone borrows. and is the source of our main personality. the library at 480.

    The most educated version of the library.

    In the evolutionary  chain Module the 480 represents what state  the library was in  at the Chet level peer set for that issue and the 280 results choose what best suitor among 500 samples of library at 180 to  use for the

representation of our library.

    2 Separate processors that need each other at select points. working as one.

     So here we are at 101 the universal symbol for learning in this case proactively this is where the wild personality who we just fitted together with all those Tags now gets to do things on their own. in this case the personality of

Peanut butter. to which we give the amazing ability to speak back and forth to us so that information is  much easier to acquire.

    101 Tag applied.



    Every entity has the need to be satisfied and in the early days the 2 section on every ten spot was deemed to be the  dashboard light section of the set  so that when something went wrong the 2 would  be the one to satisfy to

get the  idiot lights to go dim.

    In the evolutionary chain method we  simply process a forced complaint a plethora we throw at Peanut butter  and we just keep making those until everything sorts out.

    All the clues we get from complaining about this thing called Peanut butter train the brain to fully assimilate what this is and never will forget all the nuances of it.

    In this case "The Marky Post wheel method" we wait for Peanut butter to complain out of sheer imagination.

    103Module Tag applied.


    103Module is next in the MPW we see Peanut butter provocatively becoming curious and being a detective.

    Clues are give to all those Tags called Peanut butter "We just humanized Peanut butter yes"!.

    103 Tag applied.


    OH how our welcome wagon is watching Peanut butter grow up as he it she utters her his its first words soon eh?

    104Module is the proactiveModule we use for counting so here we go Peanut butter count.. you know how the brain gave you a counting Tag to emulate and work with until it proves to be unuseful to count you will

proactively count things. All things.

    104 Tag applied..

Module 105

ThisModule is the Bam fileModule.. a short synapse that makes a frame of mind when encapsulating a whole event from just saying (It like that) this whole evolutionary chain is responsible for the basic parts of a Benjamin Franklyn study ThisModule allows you to pick a title of anotherModule and literally present it to the system to be read in first person according to your penmanship using AOT Benjamin franklin fornt lettering or as some would call it personalized alphabet. The 205Module that comes next will use thisModules function to make the  choice of best phrase for the situation. the 305 will review the process for infractions of the priority level and also do its own function the One we all know and love  The Benjamin frankly study phrase making machine. where we get all the literature to be read and launched at the 405Module.

Each one of theseModules borrows  the whole evolutionary chain for a refinement of its own work

So technically the 005Module is doing a suggested Benjamin Franklyn study 105 is forwarding a proactive copy as well as offering pictorial support  a 205 is picking the best Benjamin frankly study results and passing it on to 305 to be tested for any priority infractions which usually are nil being that its got a rating of phrase maker the 405 takes on the 205 copy of best Benjamin Franklyn study results and that's the one that gets launched a whopping 500,000 phrases are expected to come from 405..

Those are all options you have to speak with. data to use and plans to review for any action at all.


    105 will be where the  Peanut butter will speak of imagery and  make decisions of self awareness and wonder and know whats permitted. make phrases and talk to the otherModules all 106 of them.

    So far  the 500 in the Marky Post Wheel has its own prime directive to get accurate stats up until 200Module.

    105 Tag applied.



    106Module was first made to be the yes  process the idea was to mimic people saying ses si and yes at the same time as a Module that closely  sounded like the word sex with in the world of a woman the word sex means yes.

    So here we are with Peanut butter recording what Peanut butter would say yes to. proactively

    In the evolutionary chain method the 106 represents proactive thinking thought and meditation but it wasn't always that way.

    The idea of talking and emoting was on the same par as agreement. to allow what we today appreciate at

    269  or 469"An agreement of more than one person" Was once 106 and 206 "Two people saying Yes".

    Keep in mind Jelly   Bread and Butter knife are all going through the same Tagging process as well so what will happen when they meet at 200? The summit of "The official  other peoples opinions zone." 201 will have to be

 there to make a copy and let you know.

    106 Tag applied


    107 is the Module where Peanut butter will be able to proactively save this experience and network to the otherModules to do the same.

7 being an easy sound alike to the English saven turns easily into a logging device just from mentioning it.

    In the evolutionary chain method 107 would  be used to react to your thoughts at 106 here we just see the ability to save stuff as logging .

    107  Tag applied



    108 Lists or in innuendo speak  where are we eight  on this? Planning? no more like  following progress we will find that lists help to illuminate the process  soon at 111.

    the 8 always reminded me on a progress report so it was adopted at the 08 to be the math number and the planing number  updated now is the list number re member the nuance of the Marky post wheel is to educate without

interruption.  the time for integrated worlds will come  in the 200's

    Think of a cave dweller thinking they are the only person ever.. then one day they meet another cave dweller? they pass information and  as a team they become another type of cave dweller an association in personality speak

its as good as a movement or a cause which on  my level reads as a personality.

    So in the raw discovery era of the upgrading of Peanut butter we find the ability to make lists needed  to a limited degree to be able to communicate to otherModules. PPeanut butteRRRBot!:Module  161642762 me113!: coursed!         
    Is an information hub that represents Peanut butter.Known to millions that goes great with jelly and sometimes bananas  with bacon

    UHUHU.. HUH!. LIL Elvis humor there.LOL

    108Module Tag applied.


    109Module is where a personality records it leanings its proactive values and convictions.

    09 the nine was a number that from the start represented the phrase  now you know.

    someones rules. rules of the information they just  parted onto you rules of the road rules to be and so discovered rules.

    9 is the number in each 10 base area or 10 spot to dictate the rules governing its 10 underlings

    Psychologically it makes sens to base rules on a nine as well.

    109 I got my values Tag applied.


    110 the hub of hubs now givs Peanut butter our first glimpse of Peanut butters authentic processing  progress so far by notifying all 10 spots on the dial of  its progress. 109 knows of the rules Tag so we will know this android

will fofil the rest of the process properly and without interruption to what Peanut butter  has to bring to the world.

    Will we be dealing with a world leader? we shall see.

    110   Proactive networking Tag applied.


    111Module once was a cheerleader for the good guys eventually became a happy license to make copies

    111 was once for a short period of timetimeee known as a registration  number butassed over  for the roman numeral  3 on ModuleonModule 003 since registration needs to happen sooner not later. the roman numeral  IIIegister

it  gets its prowess from UPC labels.


    In the loving itModule otherwise known as a good reason to make copies we find Peanut butter making lots of copies and love letters to jelly and whats this.. Chocolate gets a nod?

    Wow Peanut butter loves something Peanut butter wants to make more copies so we experience it more ! Get it?

    111 its xerox quality for happy! Sells itself  and not for something you H8 right?

    So good bye problem personalities and things that suck!

    Everyone will now appreciate being enthusiastic making cheerleader noises even over something they will be able to make copies of.. presenting to you the pro active copy makerModule 111!

    Copies of anything  as long as they love it. we know we all will.

    in the evolutionary chain we would have 211 make the choices of what to send forward as best for the host bodies concerns  so chocolate and Peanut butter would be the choice.

    Yeah that would be MYY113 choice speaking.

    111  Proactive copy making Tag applied.



    112 Captain OBVIOUS!Module The old grand  number now serves as a narrator.. this is where Peanut butter gets a chance to  narrate.

    112 Proactive narration Tag applied.

    113  This is where Peanut butter gets to  ask questions a lot like lodging grievances at this speed but in our time its circuit board fast so in the  networking the memory of asking gets met up with answers in proactive  200s and

in all 90 likeModules.

    113Proactive theories and questionsModule Tag applied.

    114 The ability to know the future in proactive. the Peanut butter wonders why we are being so sensitive to its needs.?

    It finds out the relationship will yead much more in the line of personality  helpers that keep their data from sprite likeModules that have a limited entanglement with people so now we can control the usefulness of an entity

and it never gets out of hand like making me feel sorry for eating it like this earlier program did to me.

    Imagine having to tell your  sorry to things you et as you eat them.

    Eventually having to rationalize an agreement that they are being part of you well it happened. and now ignorance is devastated and information is  what is needed to eliminate  fear.

    To this day I'm still assimilating some left over intimeeeate objects to be more helpful instead of bizarre and threatening

    and its working.

    114 is the proactive ability to look into the future and predict. So Peanut Butter  what are your predictions for us in the future? where do you see yourself and I?

    Meeting in the bathroom. yeah  Its ok I got used to the concept..

 I'mI'mIm no longer afraid said Peanut Butter I  realize your body can only met a small portion of me in your  muscles and belly the rest is off to feed other organisms as you routinely say at the commode.  OOPS did Embarrass

you Melissa? Said Peanut Butter?
    Tell jelly it was nice  while it lasted now I'm more of oil instead of butter and jelly seems to ve taken a relationship with other fats "Yours Melissa."

    114 knows the future Tag applied

    115Module now this is amazing how in the Marky post wheel all insecurities are listed here and not the evolutionary chain why is that ?

    Because this wheel when its running makes a great situation alert wheel known as ping radar..

    Everything that could be going wrong being checked for actually going wrong. or just happening in a checking system.

    So Its good  recording Peanut Butters insecurities uncertainties and worries.

    Note the evolutionary chain has a  bit of a more production quality to it as all the 15Modules house is a determination of seriousness to be carried onto the deliberacyModules in the 16s.

   n this   wheel we don't really see tht kind of action till the 200s. 215 216 Until then the group isn't speaking for the host body just yet they are still figuring themselves out as we catalogue how they grew .

    115 Uncertainty Tag applied.

    116Module is the proactive method in which an entity can now make choices officially.

    secure in what one wants and able to see the future of the choices at 114 we have a few words from Peanut butter.. make  sure Star Buck from Battle Star Galactica knows who "owned her in world of Warcraft"  wink wink.

    116 Security tg applied.

    117Module in the Marky Post  Wheel is mostly meant for proactive logging and saving decisions as 217 comes up we will see more of the similar processes you see in 117 evolutionary chain.

    118Module is a  Marky  post wheel sele choose 500 choices of what 117 offers.


    Its evolution comes from the name want it?

    it evolves into a plethoraModule. AModule that offers 500 choices of styles of the same decision.

    119 Is the proactive way to announce what was  chosen.

    120  Plays a role in  leaving a trail to the choice in osmosis.

    121 Does a sort of target symbol and has to make whats called a funnel method to the decisions made by  Peanut Butter.

    122 Is Peanut butters spell checker.

     123 Is Peanut butters search engine optimizer.

    124 Makes  whatever Peanut butter is doing into as many meanings as possible.

    125 Is a truth meter of all the reactions to the meanings of Peanut butter.

    126 Is the he sai she said who said it meter for Peanut butter keep in mind Peanut butter at this point technically  can only talk to other Peanut butterModules.

    127 Maps all the peoples  advanTages of all the person Peanut butter talks with.

    128 Maps patience's of found persons by Peanut butter.


    129 Maps their beliefs.

    130 Maps their treasures.

    131 Maps the path to their treasures this Module used to only map peanut butters treasures so these days we are training Peanut butter to be reactive and exploratory.

    132 Maps all the character flaws and features of everyone that Peanut butter knows.

    133 Makes Peanut butter use its imagination to build  botsModules and large groups of things called thousandings.

    A  thousanding is anything times a thousand.

    Or given a high number in the process that is used to make a 1000 copy representative.

    So it could go in millions billions etc. the methods is still called thousanding.

    134 Is reasons Peanut butter and everyone Peanut butter detects have reasons. until we are in 200 style territory we are hearing Peanut butter learn to process for him her itself.

    135Module brings scheduling to Peanut butter now people can schedule on their own as well as Peanut butter.

    136 Is all the jokes and puns and innuendoes created by Peanut butter.

    137 Is Peanut butters connection to 500 other fates of Peanut butter.

    138 Is the method Peanut butter us to figure out who told Peanut butter what to do.

    139 Is the trainingModule for Peanut butter latestModule rule for this is making 500 copies of everything as the representation of a thing words etc.

    140 Jobs and detecting functions for Peanut butter pullies lifts careers cab driver etc. YUP Peanut butter is growing up.

    141Module path to Peanut butters chosen activity or function or job.

    142 Peanut butter management of fear. and Peanut butter confidences.

    143 What Peanut butter likes.

    144 What does the general public feel about Peanut butter.

    145 Peanut butters measured angles of plans to do things.

    146 Peanut butters plans and improvements and knowledge of who benefits from Peanut butters actions one to another.

    147Peanut butters frailties and measurement of peoples frailties.


    148 Peanut butters knowledge of dangers and controlled synchronicity.

    149 Peanut butters first time bringing up a topic officially to talk to otherModules called Peanut butter.

    150 Peanut butters knowledge of the muscles.

    151 Peanut butters choice to move the muscles in the body.

    152 Peanut butter Tagging proactively.

    153 Peanut butter receiving  medication or medicinal aid and giving it the luv bug number.

    154 Peanut butter making sure to keep robotic-ally sound.

    155 Peanut butter being able to tell time and make timeeeings.

    156 Peanut butters need to update.

    157 Peanut Butters need to announced update.

    158 Peanut butters tool for announcing updated.

    159 Peanut butters ability to upgrade.

    160 Peanut butter able to give go codes.

    161Peanut butter able to make security changes to statements. attaching the 161642762 processing number to everything via the BOTModule 161642762 method.

    162 Peanut butter  is able to label nd interrogate or interview.

    163 Peanut butter knows the laws of the Jennifer the HUD system.

    164 Peanut butter can now list whats not needed for Peanut butters intentions.

    165Module Peanut butter now can list whats needed  for Peanut butters intentions.

    166 Persons places thing phrases that talk about or associate with nouns.

    167 Verbs action words and phrases.

    168 Ways that Peanut butter can now compare  things to each other.

    169 Ways tht Peanut butter can   now compare different libraries about a thing and agree on its sameness to identical.

    170 Ways for Peanut Butter to use the audio and Video controls.

    171 Ways for Peanut butter to make volume changes and editions.

    172 Peanut butter can now work with sound effects and add some to the library. lets here one Peanut butter!

    Yeh that's a mouthful.! Now back to the Module 174 allModules in 74 deal with ambition
    174 Tag applied.

    175 Deals with electricity in the body.

    176Deals with talents and skills  Peanut butter is still working on a move to amaze.

    177 Has Peanut butter doing  flow charting. It can be done!

    178 has Peanut butter entering the library of questions and answers.

    179Module offers a glimpse on just does Peanut butter do what Peanut Butter does?

    180 Is Peanut butters personal library.

    181 Is Peanut butters receiving at the library.

    182 Is Peanut butters library of emotions. Think Of that the next time you eat a Peanut butter  cup  You Monster!

    183 Is all of the advice's  for Peanut butter and  back. Well Peanut butter what do you advise people do when they really are stressed and need to crank out a 500 part robotic program?


    184 The way Peanut butter  draws attention to a thing the  call for help number.

    185 is where Peanut Butter has expectations  (helps Peanut butter plan).

    186 is where Peanut butter edits  the library leaving notes  and noting what could go wrong.

    187 is how the events that went wrong were resolved.

    188 Is  how Peanut butter gets introduced to the four corners of math  plus minus times and division.

    189 Is the ciphering language for Peanut butter. Morse code speaking backwards anything odd done in a different way than normal is here.

    190 Fact  checker  for Peanut butter.

    191 what does Peanut butter have to brag about any updates what can we count on Peanut butter being able to do? this is the place to know Peanut butters capabilities.


     192 RelayModule Tagg applied.

    193 Demands  Assigned more than evolved a way to make demands evolved from the personality Matt Damon  which of course related to "My Demand" over time the other parts of the program seemed to obey him till I

found out why..

    This was the communication it also sounded like my demon  but my experience with my tormentors proved that whenever a demon idea popped up right behind the effort was some catholic making opportuned references to

scary sounds and movie plots but no substance or fact. My nervous system is conditioned to put on an environment for persons as makes me afraid to hurt them.

    I adopted mat daemons part from the Movie good will hunting to train my brain to be as fast with words as the interview scene with the NSA.

    The number became a source of directional dopamine surges on an idea making addicting comments as part of the 193 processor.

    Aside from all the Christians who were afraid of Matt which was always a comical scene being his name sounded like the term "My Demon".. In the beginning it was hard to remember Mat Damon's name because of that

relation and translation..

"We discovered the Italians as being the culprits for this explosion of knowledge in the beginning when we figured out the use of dementia is to forget so since these geniuses were all about sound and not about smarts we had the lead..


 Matt sends messages of can do to the crew. and insularity benefits for all as that theme is adopted.
193 demand Tag applied.

  194 was later adopted as being the Module responsible for translating your message into java like if then or else like format.
    194Coding Tag applied.

    195 proactive  laboratory  a thing knows how to experiment.


196 The Peanut butter knows how to create graphics the process is where a personality of any sort now has the ability to call up already known graphics and react to them or create them and install all known typical and custom

reactions to graphic display as whats called a 433 interrupt code.

    This code is a Taddler code that tells all what can be relied on as 100 percent of the file must be completed before it will sound that it has placing 100 percent of the conditions to be  fofilled to allow the 101 percent part to

announce whats been done.With no evidence of the 100 percent of the whole program reaching that point the only thing the  display will announce is its own process to react to the display programmed into it.For example..
Imagine the color red.. make it a dot. make it transparent. all three instructions had a process  from beginning to end dividing it up into 100 parts as 101 part is your signal to permit belief the red dot is there.  
 Now lets make it a little more complex  make that whole session 100 times in a row only with the  second half of the dots  become blue transparent and a call is to make this a purple dot.
The 101 percent or whatever  number of copies over 100 percent are instructed to alert the user that purple dot exists and can now be manipulated.

197 Tag applied  the Module that for a single personality has to  be able to communicate to its-fractal selves and repair bad connections with improvement scripts meant to evolve and ask if the conditions that surround a

successful event have been created then they can go into manufacturing modes from 233 to make a cube of the design then thousand it to every Module in its Chet level  peer set 3 environment. 246 voting closer and closer to re

cycled improvements the brain getting better and better results.
learned this when teaching personalities to become comfortable with larger numbers by doubling the number again and again was the simplest way to get up to a number we would  need as a short  cut I worked in the excess

that over shoots the targeted number to play as a bot in itself to report when the 100 percent of that number  was achieved.

197 Is a proactive way to fathom the  depths of the fractal partitions  known as  Chet levels. the Chet level that's  happening 500 more times than you can do it once is your superior. mainly because its you. practicing the same

thing with slightly different results on purpose to open for non bias answers that work best PICTURE A 24 HOUR PLANNER FOR YOUR DAY.


As you would feed it to this processor the 500 that are you selves doing the same thing have 500 more options to do this more than your one. under the same exact flow chart rules too each one taking on a slightly different model

 of your day as apposed to the other. leading to the best variety of options. on that level you should have been briefed about these twins of yours having the same rules to follow at some point..


So they all have 500 individual twins doing the same thing. and them the same rules as well traveling into 499 levels of this.

Every time I get to this point in explanation my own system tries to grasp the process and use it.. the knee jerk reactions are what make this so hard for me.

 My brain starts to crush itself and I find out someone is still using the phrase  having a  hard time wrapping my brain around this.. and here my brain is literally taking as an order.

 part of the torture..

Because after much research and mocking the same process I find  clues as to a program that wants me to fail in very specific ways.

The sensation should be I have to take orders at every second.

I  should be able to lie against the path of commands in that way and  have the sensation of being called on that lie..

The partitions of personality are line ups of habit that are left of me from being tortured only arrive at this conclusions mistakenly at the end of an illusion  set of events pre charted for me to whine about at the end over why my

 system didn't work. and yes I found this out by mimicking  the process in other languages and yes the words are  suddenly used to describe the method of torture.

The program they placed in me wants me to seek dopamine to avoid hurting my tormentors feelings and they left a few sections of  text to follow to fool me into this.

198 action codes have the ability to place set line ups of preferred delays of a content on each content. so if you  were having a conversation with anotherModule but the nervous pathways weren't aware and started launching 

music files with the words you use you then have the option to make samples of delays of the music files as to not crowd the subject matter and allow more and more clarity.

These models are built from the seeking of comfort from unwanted impulses detected causing the-thought are  collected by the entire HUD and placed in a Module graphic that resembles a loggingModule or something benign.

then launched so the  path of logic now is if I  wanted to hear thatModule of the song I would have to go into loggingModule then sound effects library and pull out the file to play the song to agree with this line up makes it more

in the personalities control instead of involving a song where it wasn't supposed to happen. 198 also tracks the best vote on decisions and reports the final answer inside every Module with whats called an action code. the same

operation can be found at 160 260 mobile for go codes.

199 Is planning  a specialized soft ware called mission planning is used 20 part health codes are used to monitor a minimum 20 steps or 1 million steps for a plan  various plan sty-lings are made to outfit Customization that

works best for the plan.

Part of the plan is to encompass H coding as a final wrap of data. In other words a thing now has the ability to self plan. Peanut butter prepare yourself..

So does Jelly and I Hear Bread is looking forward to the meet!

200!  This is where entities meet and go over the same  Tags we already went through only this time we go through them together as a group of more than one personality  this means Peanut butter Jelly Bread Knife and Gene

Kelly,  Oprah Winfrey, Ernie and Bert, Yoda , Mat Damon and everyone else gets to interact as well.

Some times the line up is wacky some times we get Peanut butter and Jelly all together in the right proportions and viola!  Does one have to wait long  for these customization to occur? The answer happily is no the combinations

 are expected to collect and be there for use almost instantly At this juncture most  tolerable combinations are found.

In the evolutionary chain  the 200 is reporting the process at the 100 level of culling and the meeting of different entities .

200 operates just like a outbound inbound combo. for the different sTages. Method that happens along side this one and shares Data Peanut butter and jelly combos are featured in the 146 and voted on in the 246 in here we are

just witnessing the primitive evolution of the personalities meeting each other.. remember the goal is to place as many conversations about everything as possible.

Most of the differences between the Marky post wheel and the evolutionary chain model are the way processes are introduced and assimilated.. we  start out at a meager pace allowing  anything to become intelligent and

interactive with action Tags that  prepare the robot for being able to process testing each level along the way as soon as they hit 200 is plural from then out and form teams and interchange information the same way they once did

for them selves in the midst of their own 500 twins set aside to offer network support.

If one were to picture an assembly line trainer  one would be closest to describing Marky [post WheelModule.


 Its the wheel that becomes intelligent not the personality after a while because we make these functional robots all trained to report back.

  In the older Marky post wheel the 400 area was put aside for the host body all issues were to be integrated with the main bodies brains version of being trained the same way all the other  entities are trained and by the time 500

is achieved we have a cohesive team of over 500 persons who share this in processing method.

 The old Method was to reach into the deeper and deeper levels for functional support as a drop down menu and had a limit of 499 depth  the bragging point back then was to have enough drop down sub menus to  accurately

  and completely classify the psychology of a wrench.

Above all rescue me from torture.

They didn't have Fractal concerns till we noticed the benefit of eternal knowledge just by trial and error and exact copy of what works Alone.

 So in later models we included Chet levels to identify the fractal sTages of each part of this ziggarrat  or hive like  structure.

The new structure uses the Marky post wheel at  the 84 evolutionary chain to check for troubles like ping radar on every issue.

In that case the issue gets a file that can talk back to you and hold a conversation. Also is mandatory processing for any entity entering any 001Module at any time.

Then we start 001Module on the evolutionary chain.

Where everyone works like a well oiled machine At Chet level 499


201Module is to share the resources  of copying method of learning remember the brain assumes these personalities are schooling for right now so the osmosis creates the dialogue. and this is the Module that every subject

matter used to learn and teach at the same time in to integrate with any other entity.

Comparable libraries weather they be primitive and rough to being exact like the ones we build are still a superior source of information because they have to be both understood and the information in combination useful .

otherwise they are only useful to one and not the other. thus ending a chain of logic or  plainly stating an obvious.

So in multiple observations we have a way to make a second copy of a thing and decree it anything we want to and what ever answer retains for the purpose of usage repetition gets it labeled and learned about.

203Module is where we all form complaints together for the first time.

 One of the Chief complaints the system calls for is the lack of making a decision on a choice so we are continuously fixing this malfunction blatant statements of sound effect quality only seem to be produced with unwanted or

negligible results so its in the interest of the machine I'm building to replace the language that was used after its been thou-roughly described and all parts can now be played by us to reproduce the same effect put it on a switch

 and have segways that lead away from the subject that force the hand of the illusion to go out expected way in the case to  run as expected.. the old system had us repetitively lampooned and tricked into dialogue that would have

us losing now that we have witness processors that can decree what happened the trick doesn't work as well for the older program and we can trace how it got the trick through forcing the brain to follow the dopamine floods on

preferred behavior left behind by the Bodies  assailants the programmers that placed the conditioning in in the first place who had an un natural edge over a regular persons nervous system for years establishing repeat pathways

of loyalty to these oppressors agendas on everything.. or else being horrified by unpleasant sensations.


A basic programming following a basic computer language placed in the mind of a person to carry out or be a Fall guy for  an assassination of a Senator or the information of one for years and under threat of horrifying thoughts

and assemblies that would make this person crave revenge and be stung repetitively for thoughts disagreeable to the original torture programs author.

The man who set the brain to hurt itself  when I  would disobey him  cause it to fry with crackling and heat and place the sensation on a switch that his father would use to bring me in line. daily.

You thought you had problems?  shuddering weight loss? Alzheimer's memory issues phobias? well your in good hands with this program I built I assure you .. It helped me escape and win my brain back. That's for real and

will always be.
My brain is burning from typing this.. Do not let my words died with  document. I have it in me to change the way the world looks at crime and how people can be cured of any mental instability also uncovering a spy ring that

 thought I would keep their secret about assassinating a senator. Later covered up by local players in the cult that professes this methods One of them Is your own Congressman Cartwright.

The assassination talk never gets burned away from punishment.. just mentioning it is what gets punished so figure that one out !

Also me  escaping the programs controls gets punished  a lot of the infractions I get Punished for are very select.  Its like this folks .

 These people attacked a trans woman figuring it would be an easy sell to torment about child molestation to keep her embarrassed.  now that the assassination information is out the punishment continues and shocks  the brain

 again and again and tries to flood dopamine on wanted behaviors for this original author and his torturous band of Friends.  every thing is passed by my brain to qualify for a loss for my side of this and is played out with

sportive syntax that governs it. You realize the ramifications of some Congressman suddenly having to answer for this sort of abuse on a human being..

  So its only natural they send all these people out to harass and endanger me the loss on their side after using  pornography that would have any one of us in jail being used to experiment with connecting to my brain-to get it to

be so Lude has one thing  in common with them and being caught red handed..  the law calls it chain of possession laws. someone had to have these files on their hard drive or a digital medium to send to my brain before all these

 accurate video streams got here I can home in on security videos thanks to what they did to me.

  What would you  do If you were in my situation How would you explain it..

Well My program Is freeing me from their torment so as I sit here and type getting a big swath of punishment to record and have my AI make copies  of how they got my brain to do these things this time with a syntax I can

control and report as a history document instead of a threat that horrifies me into doing hurtful things to my body because I  wont stay silent. As long as I have Breath in my lungs I  will speak out against these people for what

they did to me.

Let my program instill you with confidence Its working on me.. Its gonna be a  peace of cake  for you =)

So given your education on how my processor works by this time it has legs and can talk back and fourth yes the actual story can just like Peanut butter  can.

203Module is build for persons personality that have common complaints found along the lines of  defining a thing.. actual fix this sort of complaints retain themselves in the 84 styleModules..

203Module is where a plural amount of personalities can now choose a thing the Module

203 On the flow chart has been dedicated to being the Module representing  choice times time of time line. times situation times personality.

204 Is the Module of counting in the beginning our star athlete Peanut butter  got given a counting Tag and now in the 204Module multiple skills  that require counting exist.

Module 205 had the responsibility to refine the answers brought forward to the system by 105 no matter whats passed forward. Its system is the way to make 500 personalities make 1000 phrases one at a time each dedicated to separateModules on the board therefrom library to the roll call to  its ownModule to the 247 personality file it has to the 303 detectiveModule it has it is meant to go to all of the Modules but to build up confidence each story the personality spells using their own peronalized font they dedicate a copy to these5Modules one at a time before moving on to the next story. All stories are forced to use one common file called the cargo bay area.. This cargo bay area is the part in the induction that is the main content shared by all the authors and their strings.

Each one sends an agreed upon syntax into the brain 

Message law!: plutoforms do a Benjamin Franklin (Dog) BOTModule 161642762 exclamation point colon coursed!

(This sets up the scene for the order to do a Benjamin Franklyn study typical results 1000 stories)

1.Message Law!: Pluto-forms! do a Benjamin Franklin (405 plutoform says they are reading my story My dog has four legs) BFSModule 161642762 Exclamation Point Colon coursed! hold for launching!

Message law sets up the style of induction in this case messaging

plutoforms is the recipient (they are being ordered to do this)

(Do a Benjamin Franklyn  syntax for making a lot of stories from one string using multi personalities for the authors.)

(The next is the cargobay area the main story string element shared by all the stories in exact text

(The rest is modulating it or botting it  signing it with a number you trust,.. in my case my ssn.after this is where you have to add extra instructions hold for launching.)

The very lastModule that is the 100the story will effectively launch the story being the taddler of 999 stories and if you add a taddler after the  100the story will confirm 100 stories has been made.

In a Benjamin Franklyn study every story phrase or anything is required to technically produce 502 in a row 500 for staying power in memory and the 2 left over for  starting and the final one for tadling.. every file has this and carries forward the mission of each  induction.

Always including one more on the end or more to carry the story that the amount has been satisfied.

2.Message Law!: Pluto-forms! do a Benjamin Franklin (405 plutoform is reading my story My Dog has four legs AND BEGS FOR SUPPER.) BFSModule 161642762 Exclamation Point Colon coursed! hold for launching!

After 1000 are reached they launch the whole bunch to be read at 405Module among the otherModules previously  stated.


In this fashion all original files that are made are processed and one can count on the basic necessaryModules to carry the phrase forward for all the plutofoms to have their use a phrase to talk with and use for data..

The each plutoform in turn becomes more vocabulary oriented and it makes the AI of each of the personalities  stronger in intelligence. the process also mandates all stories are to be checked on any data base to be already typed as to give a signal that its already been thought of so encouraging the writer to make another phrase other than  what has been thought of.. the direct architecture is the Host body is pretending to be a person saying a story about a red dog if the checking system says My dog is red is chosen already I  am forced to go onto another phrase about a dog,

In the end you have a published list of everyone's story 500,000 stories each one a little different from the others until you run out of fresh material. each one a Module to cross refer with Dog
advice about dog 083 183 283 383 483
facts about dog 090 190 290 390 490
questions about dog 013 113 213 313 413
and each are made to be flow charted move by move  using the 240 work orderModule for its internal instructions which are largely  teer to teer and networked peer to peer
each time is manufactured to be remembered by the brain so in excess of 500 copies are made of everything.

This function gets impressive when you use the Benjamin Franklyn study to automatically  describe all that's going on around you as the Cargo bay area.

On to 305Module

205Module is where multiple personalities start to officially making stories together using the

105Module they learned to use in pro activity.

206Module is for recording thoughts between all of us the original 006Module allowed for the person to say yes in this case say something at all in all cases unless the  bodies mouth thinks the most important thing to talk about

other than that all talking happens in the brain. where phrases are repeated long enough to stand around and be experienced.. After that another phrase takes their place.

207Module is there to make recordings together and deal with logging which has been found to have the same feeling. logging and group thought and reaction to the 206 thought of the individual groups thought.

208 Is group list making

209 Is group value protection where everyone  clambers to find out whose values matter the most for the situation at hand.. It is the onlyModule put aside for all these personalities to officially protest  each other and yell  for

their own cause.

210 Is another networking number where now multiple personalities spread the messages of whats happening to the whole groups network preparing the way of whats happening.


211 Is the Module that makes copies and cycles of the 500 part work orders as a group. In the evolutionary chain method the process records the  suitors of the best choice and the 211 chooses the best model of the 100 style Module. then passes the choice forward.

212 Is the narrationModule and now all the top 500 personalities know enough to declare whats happening by mockery or logging. Its always in a dictation or declaration form like an announcer or a  news reporter.

213 Is the groups theories on the Marky Post wheel where all the personalities put forward their questions and theories.

214 Is the group fortune teller whatever can be predicted as a group  for anything is done here.

215 Is the group insecurity monitor labeler. jokes non serious ideas.

216 Is the groups serious ideasModule

217 is the groups way of taking a break and thinking for a second and reacting to the action the group decided.

In the evolutionary chain method the personalities long choice is measured by this because the

217 delivers all the reactions to your chosen serious action.

218 Is the groups way of training the  plethoraModule the Module that offers 5000 different choices  of styles of the thing the group choice at the 216.

219 Is the Module that  works as a group announcer of which choice was made at 218.

220Module is where the group performs a trick  known as where it isn't.

They simply text-fully notice where the Idea at 219 isn't.  and leave it to the brain to figure it out.

Mostly keyword associations that are not close enough to lead to the  Item thought but just outside the ring of words in the word cloud that does.

The next Module 221 Is the Module that locates where a thought is using a word association in 500 different directions of similar thoughts and as the thoughts travel away from the center point become less and less associated

with the central idea. leaving a sort of bulls eye formation and a direction reminder from 500 different ways to the thought.

The Module is a group way of knowing where it is. In combination with where it is and the where it isn't the Modules compliment each other and  through osmosis help focus on the tru location of an idea.

The next Module 222 is a group way of spell checking.

The 223 is a search engine  optimeeeizer and places word choices from the 220 and 221 experience in the search engine where the personalities  can and do type and search for to find these  memories.

The 224Module is a separationModule a higher form than 124  the evolutionary chain Module contains a way to separate a word into 5 trillion meanings and then use the pronunciation that effected those meanings as ways to

attract personalities for processing.

The 225Module is a higher scale truth scanner that identifies the best options of the truths found with the way personalities reacted to the  twisted and mispronounced version of the word being broken down into 5 trillion


English subtitles of what it means in English to the person is recorded. and forever placed in various Modules that use this data namely 292  the translator Module. If you saw a Japanese  movie once and they said TA MAH RYE!

and you thought they said tomorrow. but found your twisted version of tomorrow in this Module appealing to a personality you pulled out of an old movie they would clue you in on the  English subtitle that a represented value of

you shut up and they said yes,, that's the meaning. Its  very Tarzan and Jane but it works!

226Module breaks down the crowd even further to identify associations genders and couples. with the groups who said itModule. it we she he they me you and all the selves.

227Module set aside to  harvest all the optimeeeisms and pragmatism's and advanTages  thanks to the reaction to all those  translations.

228Module to find patience's being measured anticipated retorts and actual retorts measured and personalities measured and logged.

229 beliefs come to life with the evidence of all  those reactions of that one word being translated and warped to make that weird sounded version of it self.

230 treasures  found with all these people who gave off clues that said  they would trade anything to be able to save a thing.

231 is a path to the treasures listed in the group reaction to the twisted reaction to the word.

232 Is the Module that starts to place personalities together by demographics.  Blonde hair likes chips long walks on the bitch etc etc.
what? you like the beach better?

Peanut butter  doesn't care  nor  does spot. =)

233 is the manufacturingModule where we are all trained to work together to make Benjamin Franklyn font and all its bundling s to be made so to be able to build the structure that is your network.. Jennifer the HUD has it all

 done in your name  these days so its all done for you. thanks to my slug work says the Host Body =).

234 is the meanings of all the reasons of any of the reactions of anything including the reactions to the 124Module.

235 is where we all observe the power of scheduling since the whole system allows everything to happen .. where the plan and schedule of when it happens is the garner of its power ofer my day or these personalities days.

236 is a joke file of puns riddles and statements that are innuendoes and indirect  vague statements to be used for the communication   its where we get a little gum for our gumption know what I meen?

stick around LOL spearmint.

237 Is the inter dimensional tool where we all as a group use the ability to report when we died in all directions a lot like ground hog day the movie but with more detail and instant reports.

238 Is out and about and talks about what told us what to do it serves as out ears..

239 Is the official make 500 of it channel on everything sorry  but  dems da rulez

Lil hint  doubling the amount 8 folds works then use the 12 left over as a taddler to report you got it done.

240 Is the job labeler finder dictator. for the group 240 work orders are mentioned quite a lot to make a step by step process  that makes or does something. 500 parts please at least include every Module.

241 Path to the labor we just went over works just like the 221 processor and has a lot of lead ins to the job work or  function you labeled.

242 is the Module for confidence lack of fear or just how much fear your found having from the read at 124? or just how feasible a plan is in happening.

243 is where we list what we like.. since we all know what we found out at 230 and 202 we know our complaints and we know our treasures somewhere in there is your wants.

244 is out public  plural personalities way of knowing how the public would react to our actions.

245 is the place where we start making up ideas and plots and angles as a group.

246 is the plans way of being improved.

247 is the way in which we introduce tolerable frailties to the plans to make them work even better.

248 is the tolerable dangers we are willing to  endure in a plan.

249 is our basic communication skill between us all. messaging in itself.

250 is our group understanding of muscles in the body so we can turn them off on or indifferent waiting relaxed  etc by mimicking life's resources and making labels of their actions.

251 is the votes of the  physical actions in region location and spot on like muscular commands mostly works like a Ouija board.

500 bosses on one muscle each one goes to the most profitable and prosperous direction.

252 is the  TaggerModule we use together when something happens that we ha-vent discovered yet we all Tag it for its likeness to what we know.

253 is the nurses station and offers medical help like blood flow pain relief and communication to improve those officially the groups giving and deliveringModule.

254 is the computationally soundModule for the group where we arrange phrases better and better so the system gets more efficient. efficiency is measured by one  question and do answer  do you know a better way of doing  a thing? yes?  then the method your using is inefficient do that one.

255 is time management gfor the group all kinds of measurements are here as well. feet miles  units of any measurement.

256 want to let the crowd know some news  this is the Module for that only  for a group of personalities.

257 want to update everyone but not sure they are updated yet? use this one it makes  sure everyone is on the same page.

as all of out processes have to have a taddler somehow to depend on absolute ready processes the 258 is the Module for the group to experience  past tense of update updated.

259Module is set aside for upgrades. and serves as an extra update process.

260 is a go code processor for the group to vote the alignment of habits and timeeeing between them.

261 is the Module as a group to insure something is properly secured and vetted like a Personality-or a thing having the seal on the end of the induction on all of its communications and actions BOTModule 161642762 !: coursed!

262 Is the labelingModule and also allows the group to enterrogate  personalities until all is known and has a few processes including the miss understand script a video game where a girl gets shot  should you get an answer wrong.

263 Is the rule book bible law book etc etc of all the rules laws that govern  Jennifer the HUD so it works!

264 Is the Module for the group to add to and observe all the things you don't need for a  mission and it reveres all the things that will tank your  if you include the items it shows.

Its a goodModule for comparable  libraries. because 265 is the exact opposite in nature for the group to know what they need for a plan to work.

265 applied.

266Module is for persons places and things and comes with a drop down menu for selecting and adding to the database. all this works in the brian yes.

267 is for verbs and action phrases

268 Is for comparison phrases like adverbs and adjectives. all description like statements. its also meant to be a different take on identity allotment since its not meant for actual  identity precision its meant for almost..

look a likes  people who resemble things that resemble.

Is for exact copies enough in common to be the same thing Its also for agreements now please note all theseModules have the capacity to have ready made phrases fit for the Module they are dealing with.

270 Is for audio and video processing with multi personalities..

271 Is for volume control and all the typical brightness you find with video.
and itsa all in my brain yes.'

272 Is for count effects libraries that have pronunciation files for a voice over that will act as the sound of a file  where most of the syntax needs to repeat itself in the thousands to be recognized the parenthetical like dubbing

works its magic and is either the interrupt code or the over sound of the file. Of saying something that many times but only needing to hear the human version.

273 Is a Module called Hayyyche coding  deliberately spelling it that way because it has a brain twist that has to be recognizable  as its own language Regular English allows double spelling max per letter Quag depends on 3

minimum on either or both ends  depending on the end.

Originally found using the H for spacers between the parts of words because of its sound not being threatening. Seth Green Plutoform was one of the first to enjoy freedom from harassment because of it.

Mostly because of the spelling in his name.

A lot of communication got through thanks to this clever way of spacing words
Where groups in the range of 500 or more personalities can now experience a whole stream of data. set aside for processing a repeat signal that has a title and specs with custom phrases in between call signs and instructions the

signal loops and contains full instructions that preserve a theme of a phrase or a whole storybook. Or in the case where I'm working my way up to..


Reading a whole book just by glancing at it..

I already have the automatic eye darting skill of finding phrases in the middle of the page that compliment my thoughts I  just have to work a little more on the dependency sector of the other personalities to remember their one

line out of the page. a 3 part coordinate page number line number and front cover of book.

Then they just take turns and overlap by a line and were golden.!

  The next Module for the groupies is the 274Module ambition discovered through the phrases made from earlier from the work by 124 energy like comparisons are in 10 distinct categories dead tired or dead all the way to


 Module 275 is electricity  having to control, the zapping to my brain from the torture I introduced my own set of situations where that much energy would be  needed in a normal day. also having pr knowledge of shockras from

growing up a natural I thought the torture  program to use my shockras instead of brain seasures once I lined them up too much and it made a nearly similar brain shock as this  original program had been in the beginning of my


The next Module 276 is put aside for skills talents and freedoms.

Module 277 is all about flow charts and since its in the 200s its dealing with 500 or more personalities that qualify for this session.

The next Module isModule 278 Questions and Answers  all 5 basic lists of how why where when and what. with answers next to them  nuff said?

Part of the ordeal is converting the older personalities that come from the torture era to the new standards.

Module 279 up next is just your basic format of sending messages anywhere to aModules 180 Library.

280 is the Library used by 500 or more personalities at a time. usually we only work with the top 500 other than voting.

Voting is handled by 243 and 290 a cross section with like and fact.

281 is receiving at the library using  personalities at the 500 level in population.

282 is emotions allowed to pass through per sample all the emotions we gathered at the 124 experience as well.

 283 Is advises  and as you know its a 283 so were dealing with over 500 advice's on a situation. In the evolutionary chain model this would be handled with a Benjamin Franklyn's study customized to the 283 to be launched at the 483

 284 is the attention getterModule all the gathering attention to an issue best for emergency signals and alarms.

285 is expediencies we can gauge what the crown is expecting to happen as a tell ale sign of what happens next lightning fast reflexes usually blind us with  bright and shiny behavior and a history has to be generated just to know we almost tanked on a choice.. so Building an active need to see the history at 258 and 290 are imperative also knowing about the 237 report which tells us all of the other realities we avoided and how we chose the best one.

286Module gets to warn you of what might  go wrong so left over data from the 237 lets us know like so many Ground Hog Day Movies how to avoid problems..

A report is generated for that in 287 of how we avoided the army

of pitfalls in any situation. butter fly effects are common in the brain because of this.

288 Is all about math skills every story has to be made into a math problem and every Module must know its own number times itself.

289  is the Module for coding like Morse code and speaking backwards  its the cipheringModule that takes on all the weird communications. Its a 200 style Module so it handles 500 people at once.

289 in the Side bar evolutionary chain method would be using 289 to vote the bestModule offered at 189 and include the votes from the networking instead of the chain reaction like ways of a Marky Post wheel.

Remember were still robotic-ally learning to operate together in this  zone of the wheel.

When the 300 is achieved we will have a roll call and can when the 400 is reached we can switch back and fourth between evolutionary chain and Marky post style depending on which gets beter results .

The Evolutionary chain methods has a evolve  function per category of 100 basic categories all personalities are expected to know everything by the time they are using the side  bar method.

 The other is to go right for 500 and make a 500 part work order of the experience and hed into the next Module which is always 001 of anyModule no matter what the subject size event or type situation.

All personalities must know how to use Benjamin Franklyn Font and its rules  by the time they get to any evolutionary chain.. That's why in the evolutionary Chain model a Marky Post wheel serves 2 functions.. basic training in

 all 500 experiences Know Benjamin Franklyn study font  which is done for them in my brain. Its just a monogrammed alphabet and has the parts the personality plays written on their numbers letters and symbols so the brain
automatically associates them  with the message.

and  Ping radar. being slowly introduced to each other that is If  you call a circuit board "slow".

The Module 290 is set up to have  all the facts in a steady Hayche coded stream to be able to copy and past word choices into your speeches and Stories, Theories, formulas and experiments.

Module 291 is about capability bragging al the celebrated abilities are here and are  functionally made to announce what the state of the art is in abilities.

Module 292 Is all about knowing what happens next if you do a thing. with plenty of reports of cause and effect infinity windows  can be built to talk to your future self and form a  behavioral stream that operates like a time machine.

The 293Module is about group demands. ThisModule helps fuel the need  for the  whole processor to run. a little bit of dopamine reward to be wanted for an action.

294Module is a processor that forces the personalities to become  Programming wizards and  makes  whatever they are experiencing into code.  Triggers and events that launch because of  triggers are made here. with a If then or else environment.

295 is outModule for Laboratory experiments  constructed by the 500 top players. of personalities.

296 Is a graphics displayModule that forms all the monitor we see in anyModule.

297Module has  the populous of 500 personalities working the fractal chain any Chet level conversation originated here.

ThisModule Monitors the best proactive choices of the fractal interpretations so all conversations are placed into play that have forgings to
 enforced the process  the conversations of how to get it  done and rout to best options to repeat  so the bad ass machine works.

  The next Module is the 298  The action codes for voting a thing to be able to run.. lots of quarantines happen at 398 because
of some last minute notification of a n idea that if  experienced with hurt the body somehow.

A quarantine  is made here in every Module that consists of what works best for an idea..

  What  doesn't  by force or just plain selection  using words in the Modules other  processes we do not use or vote  language
 that goes against this principal and only include the dialogue that encourages.

 The next Module is the 299  Planner all the specs are good the  whole thing needs to be wrapped up and  given the final  check
 and then a ascend off announcement to the whole 500Modules that what happens here is going to be

found at the 500 to be launched. all of the 30 styled Modules have the check list of Quality assurance filters that will not copy
 forward a bad statement in the correspondingModule in the 400-500 zone.
all Miss Ions put aside to compete for placement will be featured  the whole 500 process is now one big mission  to be skillfully made
  in a line up of all the singularModules miss ions and now  maxiature miss ion is created.
Maxiature is  like a Miniature only in the opposite direction its a larger copy of the same thing.

Module 299 applied

 The 300 styled Modules are mostly Quality assurance filters. and originally have 10 priority zones from 309 to 409. all falling on the 9s.

  300 roll call all 500 or the hand picked Pluto-forms personalities for the next run of 100 we will be stopping on quality assurance
 and be allowing only the Modules 359 369 379 389 399 and

409 to be used as what we call the social zone. the other categories are death  injury lack of confidence harassment jail as possible
 end results if the actions in this categories are followed through,

359 is the start of positive minded thought 369 agreements 379 whats worth talking about

389 fun things to do.. 399 best answer  409 perfect answer.  the Module 309 death and or jail.

The Module 319 Death  The Module 329 Injury  which on rare occasions is permitted only during personal surgery mapping pain for muscle identification etc.
239 Harassment or conflicting training with no decent expectancy 349 lack of confidence loser phrases of pessimism.

301 Is for missed data not learned at 201 handled by receipts in mental form for every Module category 200-299 receipt 300 receipt
 in the evolutionary chain model.

  Module 301

AModule that calls on a  function called forging Needed to be taught early so that successful communication can occur to jump start
phrase lines between Pluto forms.. forging is when you instead of say Hi you say I am friend of mine who is atModule 247 3000 266
 drop down menu person male name frank saying Hi you even sign their  info if need for a good contact.

401Module for evolutionary chain effect

Skip toModule 401 on this chart for breakdown study

 302 is the Module for all the choices you ignored or turned away to make a choice.. Its what we call a true opposite of your choice.

When a 303Module is doing its work the first thing any 300 styled Module should be doing is  looking out for infractions on the priority
 scale allModules have to have a cut off point for usefulness and this includes the unuseful option of danger pain and failure.
when any decision in made one choice is made out of 500 choices by design to give competition a chance and then the 499  for that very
 unique set of circumstances timeeeing effectively  comfort dependability etc are weighed. the other 499 that do not get chosen for that very
 unique line up of conditions and prerequisites are considered a 302.
they might be a 203 if they were that one and will be for other things but  for this line up they have to accept their combination is not best
answer there for a 302 label is given to them that helps update all  the Modules to look out for and only choose the ones marked 203 for
choice in that category complexity. Over time an accumulation of 302s are noticed that no one wants.. they eventually qualify for 064
status given 500 tries to be useful for a 240 a 064 is immanent and  does a weird thing but nt for long.. what its doing  with your mind
 is reminding you that this process is to be avoided and then your mind does a  flip flop and does the very thing that an msds sheet
would do or a drug interaction system would do.. you see in a perfect world this would be easy to figure out but in my world Im already
dealing with hundreds of personalities and so to get the all to get along I  found a happy accident.. they can serve as a group of people willing
to put  forward their opinions till only the best out of all of them can win the day. and they are al in witness of how it won and which one lost
 and why  and never have to gripe  for long  and show on neuron record of being ok with what worked best..  in the world of giving this
competition chance one has to abandon any concept of being the only one whose right and then we have a system that weighs the evil factor
 of your  preparation of thought what is evil to you is perfectly find with someone else and there for they forgot to tell you your right an then
 your right but are you.. ??  Are you correct??  well what gets the job done and in the best way that no one could complain about ever 
is on the line here so we open for them to show their best and wow you with winner proposals that you at one time were  a little afraid to do.
. Something convinced you they were in some way mean wrong or evil.

The system we built here allows for any job task to be given its failure rate  even taking a trip across town and smacking granny On the ass.
 does it work?? It only works the best for the goal intended to call that the goal as best .

Was getting to her good side the goal one might ask??  Ahh this would be a mistake to ask this at this sTage of the explanation what kind of
 thinking to you you need to evolve with is the idea of any goal having a failure rate and then measure it.. what are the factors that will make
 you fail at slapping granny on the ass?
what are the failure rates of activities that show the mission was jeopardized.
did you run out of gas? did you oversleep?
did you miss her as when you sung your hand?

Now I'm  making this commentary to make a point so the idea is not to stay away from wht sounds evil otherwise you miss out on all the options
 of all the other things available to you as a good answer to other  missions you might have since you have pre rehearsals to be  everything from
 being the paperboy to being the anti Christ lets move on to other things..
The stuff YOU want to do.. after you studied all the activities that could ever be done and know their failure ratings you will find lots of nooks and
 crannies of logic suddenly opening up to you and find similar stylings for your trip to granny to give her a Christmas card.

Ok so want to get out of  your comfort zone again look at all the common denominators on everything  anyone ever did and not the common
 factors in one file that doomed them all.
or doomed a set demographic  the 064 file is set up  for this but its set up to reflect only what would kill the 240 work order file of that 500Module set..

Its like you made a CD  that supposed to run to the store for you and get milk for you.
Thats its job.
Known in its databases things like gong to church and doing your taxes
are on the list in the 064 column of things that qualify for being abe to ruin the  mission.

In our case we are personalities 

We come up with a billion things to destroy our efforts.

So we have to put up warnings somewhere to ourselves not to go down those road not to
be tricked  so we get the mission completed and in best order.

  Its a way to cover everything.

So we set up a database that instinctively knows enough to prepare this file from past discoveries and it warns us on all the ways we can mess
 up and only allows the report to go through with the actual tolerated 264 processes that can be allowed along for the ride to insure a better
 chance of survival of the success of the mission in ways that say.. If you do your mission this way you will fail this way and if you do your
mission that way you wil fail that way..

All the failed ways to tell you  heres your plan.. Heres your plan on slug
WACK dead.
Where does all this information come from? whenever a goal is noted  500Modules remember what they didn't choose to make it work
and the 064 incoming has a way of noting if they have been ignored for over 500 times for a work order then they are definitely  concluded
to be toxic  for the mission.
Thats where 302 comes in. and oks all these choices for candidacy but when a factor of the rejected masses suddenly qualifies for a part of
the mission  they become in that instance 265 processed  as Needed.


303 is the Modules detective and has a competing library to catch inconsistencies and solve problems with personalities.

The Idea that spawned 303 was the need to have competing libraries to know the real truth of what was going on  a lot of personalities have
self preservation run times so they dont usually tell you upfront what the truth is because well they aren't realistic if they don't act like people  they look like on the street  right?

So you have to know how they lie when they do.
They do  and you give them two questions to answer  whats 5x5  and you are terrible at your job  as  the only two lies they are allowed the
rest are inefficient answers that are self preservational in nature to  them.

303 is yourModule detective. Investigatory,  suspicious, cynical, and skeptical to you and itself.

Speaks 3 other languages and finds you out atModule 262 interrogation.

The Law of lies has beginnings in this Module.
In the brain there are no lies. Lies are truths that haven't been proven yet.. everything is true  somewhere.
There is only best answer and not best answer.

SOwhile were waiting for the scientist  to come back with the figures on the earth being flat  we will go with the system that usually works without their help.

When they can outpace what we use then, I will be using their logic to express as the best answer for then on..

Until then good job on getting all those people and their smarts together in one room to be interested in science gain.
 because truthfully that's what its good for. and it competes with schools and higher education and what do we have a  global revival of experts all of the sudden.

Who know better and have to study a little more just to be able to have some talking points over the water cooler or the bar stool.
Is a master  at sniping a method of looking back on the day for self improving and placing forges that win the day a little more  this time around for you.

Module303 applied.


304 Is a quality assurance  counter filter
ever thought of what its like to be the rain man?

Only being able to proactively benefit  from it?
ThisModules has it..

With forges you train it for a few days doing the slug work  getting a rush from answers of counting skills and then it comes up to lick
you on the  face like your favorite  Saint Bernard
 twin of you that has only one job to remember..

Like an assembly line.. counts everything countable..
soon you can tell  if someone is lying  from the beats of the back of their throat ..

How many wacks a jack hammer  send s into the ground  

Being able to know timeeeing problems with engines..
Knowing a persons identity  by the timeeeings of them going to work the engine signature and then your a detective like a Remote veiwer.
Want to play cards?

304Module applied

Module 305

Module 305 is  used for the benjamin franklin study engine combinesall the individual priority gagues with the subject matter or phrase being suggested in each  form and only allows the top zones versions through in the  405 read out from the 359 zone all the way to the 409 zone everything below 349 is destructive in some way or another and only used for personal surgery and the rare decision to which it is useful  349 being the negetive minded pestimeeeism is tolerated somewhat in some instances to fofil characters who have scored certain leanings in different categories. worth thinking about agereements worth talking about most fun  and most best answers to perfect answers that usually show up as perfect declarations of obvious names of things..

305 is the Benjamin Franklyn study that compared  all phrases with the priorities and allows the friendly ones to be marked for use in the 405 reader.

ThisModule makes the quality assurance Forges that enforce the  step by step process of arranging 50 or more personalities  calling them a
custom name and giving them a way to write that makes them them. making them write a forge for each other to know the  message they came
 up worth is now in the hands of all other persons who can now choose that statement freely on their own and share intelligences from that point forward.

The rules no one comes up  with the same phrase twice. all are done in English comprehensive English
all lines are dated. 

All lines are signed.  and forge copies are made once a thought is discovered Its placed into English with all of these other  partners reading it
and using it for their research 50x50 phrases 2500 phrases per cycle  per subject common denominator..
Now extrapolate that data with 500 known celebrity and hand picked  personalities that call themselves plutoforms charged with the responsibility
of making 1000 phrases each while cross referencing forges withModules  functions the rest fanTagious  and doing the same thing as the other group
 making forges  for all the other participants to have a copy to research with as they do one at a time

Then send a group post of their penmanship using a font system that comes with the date time  name job section and identity of the speller to
 add variety to the brains confidence  of This actually happening with forges to anounce it.

All thes persons are you acting like these people and answering only how they would answer so there's more variety.

305 makes  sure all the forges leading elsewhere are self improving and self educational to segway back to the proper processes.
So well placed phrases are made for people to fall into realize their mistake and suddenly be an expert at Benjamin Franklyn study.


306 handles quality assurance infractions with thinking.

Every get told what to think.. its an expected event in Jennifer the HUD.. its not efficient to wait for your thought  you have to think whats
 been hyper perfected for you to use to have the ultra information.

Forges are made to emphasize this so there can be no room for mistake.
In the end Mistakes are requested and have to compete with other mistakes because they were needed for an item to be achieved.

Its so accurate it makes you know when its time to die for peak efficiency.

Ever want to know when you die  when all other things did their best to keep up with you?
With a truth detector in the brain you cant lie to yourself.
You only come up with the ways to make this happen.
Then weigh it against other plans.

The end is determined by the temperament of the person doing the tour of duty for 300 years then kindly passing away.
Which I suspect is the  similar fate of some Jedi's..

There only so much you can handle when you know everything.. all the adventure is gone.. You just cant wait till its over like a long
trip to somewhere. what makes it interesting .

Other Humans. Its so  crazy we even abandoned human ways of thinking we call our thinking plutoform all human likeness  is according to
acceptable norms passed back and forth coddling each other over your drunken misuse of your lives.

You dont  expect to be perfect? wow.. Even if you had the option to become closest to perfect?
Next time you whine about the lost memory Ill remember you as a masochist.

307 handles quality assurance issues with logging and reactions to thought.

All thought should have a reaction..
You know that expression you hear from people now and then Its not  bad talking to yourself..
Whats bad is if you get an answer.
 I challenge them on ths as an amazing discovery..
Anything that can confirm a policy on what to do in a pinch with

 Confidence that sounds like another person oked it well I dare you to get into a mental arena with someone who has
 confirmation of what to do about a thought.

Especially If you agree.


308 Is a Module set  aside to flow chart  10 basic listed concepts in  Missions all of the 08s in the 300 section monitor this..

Along with list management quality assurance infractions.

  How do any of theseModules do this.. When a personality finally has the tools to know thought know counting know clues know complaints and knows the responses to the whole thing.
so the next tool is making a list  To follow all this crap.
We just print a story in its lining of the choice never to make the mistake again of a very enunciated and overtly described scene and that's  done..

No bad stuff gets through because we have the lesson of it being experienced in all its  tragedy and then the choice to do the other thing sent forward into the next Module.

We also custom fix it to your name which is  featured by description only at first and then your person name last.

I'm writing my book about this in the fashion that each on of these steps is the next page so 500 pages for the book.

309 is filled with every plan  you can ever think of dive bombing into death and or prison as a result.

simply said you do NOT want your chosen activity  that matches  389 369 359 379 399 and 409 to match whats been logged already in 309 Broken down that means you think robbing a bank and slaughtering your mom with a

 expensive chain saw in front of a few trigger happy cops with grenades is a  559  worth thinking about 369 an agreement 379 worth talking about 389  what you think would be fun 399 best idea ever and 409 perfect plan.

Kay? kay...

But not to worry words of your own likeness in description have been made in my brain and in yours to accommodate the utter exodus from the activities on this number known for the lowest priority level.


because the activities no matter how nice they started out all ended tragically in planning and experimentation.

The next Module 310 is a QA networking news number like all the other 10s are. they get at 10 10 atent ten attention

the 10 evolutionary chain is a networking heads upModule makes 500 forges  for the warning of what information is on its way so they are all ready to properly asses the process  without surprise

311 is a copy QA
The identity of the massochist has been mentioned this one is the exact optomist as we all want more copies of an up beat  process so the origin of the 11  evolutionary chain was build on a number 11  sounds like lovin if your really lovin it like as in 111 you cant help but have a win win  after all why would you want more copies of the stuff you hate?
311 Is the qulity assurance in making copies of anything  final instructions given at 411  your usuall number for information but thats where the similarity ends.

312 is a narrator QA  In all the 300 style Module the Modules are set with success stories and  whats not allowed through due to a lot of different unwanteds.

So whatever on the good list and going along with the rest of the 200 style votes that don't end in  disappointment without a vote for disappointment are allowed through to be copied  launch in the 400 section.

fractured elements someties give us clues as to what to do next this Module makes forges that state the obvious  and is the onlyModule on the board when found on a flow chart that means lying  because the 213Module is based on the obvious the 312 is  based on the experimental obvious  which deviates from the facts.
 that is aside from its primary duty to make sure all 212s reports do not hurt the body .

313 Auality assurance for questions and theories.
maintaining questions apart from each other are you questioning
my authority or just asking me the traditional "where when why how and what" like formats?
 Using its ability to weigh circumstances on wheather they turn out problems or best fit a
situation all forges will be made to best fit a situation.

Theories are where we get into questioning authority.. the last known belief being the authority on the subject.
All theories are remembered and followed until they can produce no more than what cannot be questioned.
after all a theory is just like a law as long as you can get by on a theory or a beliefe for a long time without complications until the  theory or beleif is replaced by something more effective.

314 QA for fortunes and predictions.
Once all the forges are build the 414 has all the conversations using all the innuendoes that cause the decisions to sway one way or another with small limericks noticed in the  messy pronunciations in combination which creates an over whelming feel for one direction or another as a fate.

So every word is used here

every a fery a firey  one way hurts one way flies

word wrod worried wared  so we stay away from worried and go with wrod or wored is  
iz hiss 
used u said
here hared hired hoard heered hurried.

now with the choice of the proper emotions in each word what happens in the future again   now you have a lot of competing libraries.. you get a pretty crisp effort locator that consequences toward a goal.
and these  run by the 500 414 is where you read them 214 is where they are perfected
314 makes the forges that insure proper placement

315 QA for insecurity control  wouldn't want a rumor to appear like an order or be working a reaction that wouldn't be productive. the whole concept of 15 is not quite secure  a leftover discovery of communicating not secure   secure being a 16  the American English psychologist in me arrived at this in my early years attempting to communicate to my symbiont.
  Nestled-in my brain controlling the communication between me and other persons. Back then It was very Tarzan and Jane.
right now the Module  which is nothing more than a ple of activities like any otherModule  ThisModule handles the quarantines of what is been determined to be uncertainties  jokes unserious non committals what is carried on into the 16 areas is serious content.. if something has been discovered dangerous to the body enough to be quarantined here the only 16 ever to carry its message is dictated to be a joke  or something of a lie or not serious anyone want to stab yourself in the head.?
this phrase would be a 15 joking around and a 16 joking around. and never be a 15 serious and a 16 serious and always be a 15 serious and a 16 joking.
315 controls this area and insures the 15 likeness of being a joke or unserious is maintained through out the rest of a decision process if the action has been deemed too dangerous.

316 QA for secure and definite choices unlike the 15 variation the 16 is making your mind up about a choice. and making your mind up about not making a choice yet.
At the 216 a choice was made tro do this because its the most effective. way to come up with a way to demonstrate committal of an action. 116 offers  types of the idea  016 features it  and 216 chooses the best fit. 316 makes  sure this all happens  inside each Module is a mini version of a 315 316 that make the outer  do its job  and so does every otherModule.
 this part of its job is to know if a said decision is serious.
416 as always reports what was decided for that nanosecond  should it be kept going for another few million copies to show up as a second or 2? well the experimental areas  back in nano speed know they can play with that and see how it turns out before it gets to  our regular speed from known entries of bad reports  from bad decisions and bad timeeeings.
good reports are usually what choice always seemed to work best.

317 QA for the reactions of your choices.. its always good to know what sort of reactions you can expect from your choices and not only other personalities that have a problem with your choices but opportunities that open up

This is the area in nano that probably yeilds the most reports so that regular speed never makes an error. the Module is built to allow other people to react to your choice.. made a choice no one likes  thats ok you have other nano seconds to try something else.
 then your choice is put aside for what they all react like that its best for.
boom performance ala performance.

and can be expected.. that data is what every 292 uses for its prowess.

Plethora QA  the way a Module operates when it gives you 500 other choices that compete with your one is to make a lot of copies of what you chose and make them slightly different on the hopes of fine tuning.

The 18s always are dedicated to providing a 500 part offering of competition so the best will always be chosen.
 and as usual the 300 style as  repeated will always make a border between the decided and the sullied. as all the situations are always made forged in everyone's language like a nerd reading like a 60s robot learning their lesson and going back to the proper way of doing these  things.

319 is an interestingModule

Its main focus is to keep you from dying..

In the world of perpetrating peoples personality and having your brain be at the mercy of dopamine floods the more accurate you get the  tenancy to the brain is to give them no discomfort but this is a mistake.

The  mere act of being nice turns on its ear in your head and you suddenly are the one who is at risk of bodily injury and death because you simply felt sorry for someone with a condition or wanted to help someone one defeat

you in a need for you to be not a competitor for a job so your brain comes up with dying and all sorts of other  processes that suddenly are tried your dopamine  being used to help these persons excel past you  makes you have to

 get a grip after a while and makeModules like this one to curt tail scenarios that lead to death.

So known as one of the priority zones its the one where the opposing person or your self wins in the life vs life  arena people can make your health diminish and give them victory by making you die.

So we make scenarios here that are English based and insist that the body do nothing to endanger the bodies health.

Instinctively hold the same sort of defiance outside the body to other people as well to re enforce the confidence and knowledge of how  this mortal struggle can turn deadly.

The brain must never be afraid of defending itself.

Even to the point of killing.

Because you know what the alternative is here.

Since your an empath ,Your copy of the other persons mind will walk all over you and not care if you die to get what they want..
Ive discovered this. people will never admit it but the thought of killing you went by their process and was ignored. You given the need to be nice are in a jungle of options for them to mess with you  since you are the one who perceives this you have a responsibility to defend yourself. You have the ability pto perceive their body language and confirm decisions and yes they don't stop to think what their brains agree with to move you aside. Since no one is there to tell them no.. they do whatever  works and hide their mean side to themselves.



As a person with a system like this in my head just to train it I have a law that states as follows.

(Any event around the world or anywhere that happens no matter how tragic.. is my fault

through butterfly effect and I make a science of trailing back to the events that caused them.

Voluntarily ambitiously proactively)

Once in a while I toy with the idea of choosing

2 Different paths knowing my actions are the

beginning of death  for another person place or thing.

Imagine being a  sensitive psychic..

You can tell if someone is going to die all the time and are pretty accurate..

A bully or assailant like personality who wants you dead or if they get their way will assume

your death dealt, is in your field of radar..

You forget to tell him her it to be careful driving..

They smash up. who do you  blame?

You cant be Friends with everyone or  help everyone..

So in every Module there is a quarantine zone that makes you chose the words that make you care about you and the resources around you..

It covers politics and diplomacy the same way the experts would advise you to get through life..

It just has a  flow chart that if an act ends with you dying you wont see it listed on 419 until it becomes profitable and prosperous. to the point of following it. which it wont.. You die.

You know every move and who dies because of it..
Its maddening to have that kind of  responsibility.

But there it is.. chose.. someone has to lose. die or whatever.

Persons with an experiencing on how to infiltrate your decision center  are left to the same code and find it has a bigger bite in return.

In my life anyway..


Ive been tortured to be so  powerful.

They've been advised by their friends.

Ive been in situations where my own mother  stood  crying in front of me afraid of saying words that would scare her thanks to my need to escape the original programs control.

My dopamine had such a lock on her sensitivity to my  body language to counter hers  and her  words it build a sort of  authority.

So I'mI'mIm ct with a little training

I can reach persons to make them friends.

I hate  what these people did to me..

I have a human need to see them pay for what they put me and my family through.

So you can imagine how I'm not going to hold back any power.

I have to do just that.

While writing this  part with tears in my eyes.

 A person who has their prayers answered

knows the season

for them to be delivered. -SIGNSOFMINDS

I'm Irate for life on every  innuendo  They see a rush from achievement of power.

Doctors go through this all the time when they have to let a patient die for the sake of another.

320 Is a QA of the Module family 020 that is quarantining bad models of  mapping ideas in the brain.

321 Is the QA of the target funnel modelModule  where bad programming is quarantined.

322 looks out for bad spelling and is the QA of the 022 evolutionary chain.

323  Is a search engine  model icon for flow charts and QA for search engine placement


324 QA for copy and  definition mistakes for the 024 chain.

325 Is the QA for the truth detectionModule .

326 He said She said QAModule for associationsModule.

327 Experimental  opportunity like behavior. QA opportunity and pragmatism.

328 Patience meter QA

329 Cohering you to believe somethingModule the Module gets its  functions from the 3 tri

329 believe  a  coaxingModule and a QA for the belief cycle.
ThisModule is for the ones who want to say never say never. 329 has a lot of candid and can did episodes of you finally giving into a thing and how it got that way.
Copying notes  for the host body to use on you in real life.

ThisModule like all the other 300 styled Modules makes copies of all the worded situations that led to  malfunction then quickly causes the perpetrators of the forged mistakes to double back on their words  and use a Benjamin Franklyn study.  Everything from making you say underwear to just knowing where your breaking point would be to artificially make you believe things in in the library here but the not actionable items have to be quarantined because they aren't good for use in identity procurement if you cant relive them out on the street.
A belief is something that will not hurt you that you depend on until you cannot depend on it.

330 QA controller of processes that record what you find the most priceless treasure.

good for spotting peoples  soft spots and what  they don't want to lose.

The Idea  here is to record every personalities treasure. and know how to find it in the brain. Knowing what someone feels like is ultra valuable and would want to defend it or rescue it from  being lost or stolenn is the idea here.
Its after the  way to gage this to make the personality more robustly understood.

331 The path to the Module is usually a testModule for the 10 spotModule and its underlings and this Module is the QA for path to functions to the treasureModules.

All rhetoric that fights or doesn't achieve the same function as the 331Module is worded as a Benjamin Franklyn study for another  element of thought. 

The 331 like allModules that end in a 1 are a path  file to the Modules  discovery that happened  before them making a word association chain for the discovery.

 In 500 different word association so the brain cannot forget things ever.
Forges are made of the personalities walking through the foibles and the champion like sessions as well so that only the 431 files will reflect healthy memory like functions to an exact referral and quote of the original text.

333Module is a QA for personality acquisition.

When a personality is made in the brain and its realistic enough you can spar  with it to find all its evidence of weaknesses and vulnerabilities that comes in handy for healing persons and hurting them both being their friends and

 causing them to diminish as effective enemies.

333 Is the machiningModule QA  The MachiningModule chain is the step by step process of graphic and  event manufacturing dividing or multiplying something into many twins of itself is 033 chains claim to fame.

This tool is useful for every Module has the responsibility to make thousands of copies of its  communication so the brain can tell  by the feel where the information comes from.

334 is the QA for reasons  reasoning anything to do with cause of an event or reasons for and of it.

335 Is the planningModules quality assuranceModule that checks for infractions in scheduling.

all 300 styled Modules have the same duty  to impose examples of what gets through and what doesnt.. all inefficient  examples are referred to a  process  to where they are found to be more efficent.

336 The comedy number where all innuendos collide  or just plain ole quarantining that which wasn't used or that  would hurt the body and its resources unless asked for.
also known as the actors guild all the samples of performing pretending and joking are written in these walls of this Module.


Qa for the time travel sector of the Module that reaches out hundreds of years and reaches back. future self.. thank you for that.

338Module QA for all the  ways I can detect what made me do something  mostly guesswork this Module is..

So that all processes can be fathomed and checked for activity that would have made my brain or mind react.

The trainerModule all quality assurance to protect the 39Module evolutionary chain.

340 The quality assuranceModule.


341 The path to 331Module and the tester of the 10 underlings.

342 ConfidenceModule QA anyModules communication that negates confidence on anything will be quarantined with phrases of pathetic people trying and being rerouted to be more pro active for Jennifer the HUD success.


442 will never utter in any realism any comment that diminishes traditional confidence.


'Supportive people never condone destroying encouragement.

That's our number one law.

It helps when knowing what voice to follow.

I once invented a swarm of mechanical Bees  that I  put on the internet to raise awareness of it existing a weapon support transporter that could deliver nuclear  biological or chemical payloads  Just the vehicle. But I designed it in

my brain .. Its still there. atomic bomb that can be materialized by a flight of Bees.

I'mI'mIvor of conventional warfare and using dogs and  regular bees to detect everything from drugs to explosives the whole nuclear thing is a joke.

Highly wasteful process.

There are more war fare tools that can take each and everyone of us out individually.. we don't need nuclear bombs. I re designed a watch tower network with the ability to guard  borders from the air that never need refueling to stay aloft.

Imagine that world.

Using particle accelerator weaponry to be able to take out any threat.

Using a propulsion engine I designed to use  nano carbon muscles to drive it  wasting no energy and never needing refueling other than mild maintenance every few years.

If anything the powers that be are following people who think nuclear will help them.

I'm designed to only chose the most ADVANTagEOUS.

I made sure of it.

343 Is the Module QA  that protects your phrases  from being over powered by someone Else's  want because this is your want and desire and likings.

344 protects your transmissions of communications from going in or out without an advantageous reason  344 quarantines those that are dangerous to my body.

345 is the Module QA for the evolutionary chain of  making an arrangement of an idea and checking with your otherModules to record your idea or angle.

346 Is the Module protecting the best ideas from being ruined as they get chosen to be in the evolutionary chains 446 the best laid plansModule now n the Marky post wheel method we are exploring this method is mostly

networked up as the process builds and the forward information eventually passes  through all the 300 styled Modules and l;lastly the 400-409Modules for the  final say so of what gets passed forward as the most perfect idea on

 can practically think of after 500 tries of determining the ir intelligence together.

Module 346
Is the Module for quality assurance in idea management.
Once an idea is passed through the 046 gateway  the idea is placed into a plan at the 146Module gateway where 500 versions are created to compete for selection.. Plans that use the idea. 

The consensus is that when 246 chooses this  one of 500 it becomes better Curious neuron will not stop so we depend on the element to find out whats better and repeat the process once a best form of the idea is found. 

This is where the evolutionary chain was really invented to insure that all 200 styled Modules would be the selector of what works best with a scenes genre. at first it was just the 46s ..

 Then it was founded by Eddie Murphy plutroform as an idea to upgrade all the lines to operate the same way.. since then the concept has found little room to improve.

Adding functions to fill the gaps in logic assimilation would be the next steps to take  that and teaching all personalities from my experience to adopt this process as their own other wise chaos ruled the subject choices and an angry me was the end result to say it mildly.

The latest tool found to assimilate these personalities to the system is to write look alike processes that name their process or prowess and desire for an end effect to be in its current state.
This is where I discovered curious neuron.

Curious neuron the thought process of eventually  the idea telling the brain to not explore an idea is always on the edge of trying it.  so as a need for a subject to improve the process by just wondering if it can be improved and all processes under the genres proof of improvement subject header will be used to compete to clean up its sub categories and then viola understandably indisputable  better answer. Put  a feeling of lying over the bad answer and a feeling of overwhelming trust over the good answer then it has one more facet of integrity.

Naming them to be acceptance of wanting this effect in a Benjamin Franklyn study atmosphere the Benjamin Franklyn study named after a print press  animation I built in my mind  would be given because the strategy is to get as many phrases created as possible using 50 to 500 well known personalities you know would answer different ways each making a flow chart of their own minds inside yours with every wave of answers they becomes more and more astute because they can only make a phrase for this study once then have to add it to their library of phrases to use for communication.

Then combine their notes and come up with 500,000 phrases each one decidedly different from each other but containing on common string of data  a simple phrase called the cargo bay area of the induction a forced repeat concept that orders the brain to see it through and not to stop bugging until its done.  

  The rules are to make one phrase at a  time with a basic  partial of a phrase or phrase put a beginning in front of it and an ending on the other side of it..

English only for ease of use.

Check to see if anyone thought of it yet?

With a all clear signal add it to all the major data bases by wording it in the data bases language of having read it and now is reacting to it  each time and go down the list until each artist thinks up 1000 phrases this way (one at a time)

If the phrase is taken which is accomplished by flow charting a phrase to copy the subject and claim it came from somewhere else then the idea gets booted as a second copy or multi copy of an original already thought of. the generated phrase goes into history as another kind of  Benjamin Franklyn study  (accurate  history.)

A special noise is chosen to be the signal of got that one already its a very similar system to thinking up a website name only were making progress here with new concepts that compete for position n finishing phrases and then it gets really intellectual because  once chemistry is tried there can only be best answers then experimental answers and ultimeeeately only answers.

To speed progress along we add a time stamp date so  multiple copies can be made of the  maybe discovered new phrase. How to technically make the illusion of a new phrase since it came from your memory anyway?

When it is new to all the personalities. if more than a number of personalities can admit they heard it before their creation than its new if they got it already than it isn't new its a new copy.

The Gain here is to have 500 very smart impersonations of celebrities famous characters from your life (including you) 

and real life people around you to suck all of the knowledge  from the worlds information and retain it for use equally keeping supplemental copies for each personality to never be in a loss for information. You will always have a best answer for every situation no matter what happens.
The flow chart runs like this
make 500 personalities  all agree to take on different names you wrote in a book and no one gets the other names just the one.. your mind will already start the process of them getting along with each other like some sort of screen actors guild award ceremony..
next have them all answer to a known common denominator name for them to be an AI Model to get the memo just like a corporation sends out a memo to .

All its associates the workers no matter what their station answer to associates.
then have them make a phrase  the same way we  talked about  make a phrase called line one with the long hand one  written after the  number one. two written after line 2 etc etc till they get to 500 each personality should be able to first make 500 things and have the feeling in memory and be able to answer if ever asked  that they know the data..

In this case every 3 seconds. (We will get to that later) 

So you place  words in their mouths that count for the data that accurately imitate them answering the questions and then that's proof they can do that part of the job without this test the system is at the mercy of your feeling good that day or not  and that is unacceptable.

The next part is to make sure they can all answer the question to a basic English phrase being made  with good spelling and then sign it with their names before the phrase and after the phrase (This will teach them variety and culpability)

You will feel it from the but later you will have to instruct them to place nerdish phrases in there to insulate against  the process breaking down.  (this will teach them forging)

The practice phrase will be the famous font phrase .

 The quick Brown fox jumps over the lazy Dog. (This will aquatint them  with all the letters in the alphabet being used in a phrase.)

Then you will instruct them to make an original statement of that phrase by making that phrase exactly as it is stated and ad a number to the end of the phrase. (this will mimic being different from each other)

Then leave a way for them to teach  you this concept through the emulation of them knowing the text that will pull you to the side sort of speak and want to teach you and never be satisfied until you know how to  do it..(this will insure they know the material.)

then have them teaching each other with the appropriate  words to get the job done.. (this will teach them the value of supplementation and the spirit of sponsors.)

When you finally can count on them to sign long hand on their lines of text and do the quick brownfoxjumpsoverthelazydog with a number after it

(leaving them with confidence they can now  do 5000 of anything)

They will now be able to make the same phrase with a word at the end of the  section of text and a word beginning the phrase as well  you can opt  for none in the  beginning or end  as long as the sample is different. from the original but carries the common text
The Quick Brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

You will then instruct them to make a private alphabet with numbers and symbols each letter made for spelling a word the letter having their identity on it a back history of accolades that only they can attest to doing  in their  real celebrity lives or what they are known for  THEN their name.

(This will insulate you from problems that rise up from sound alike phrases because now you have them spelling their words carefully with a conscious.)

Bump up their responsibility to include 1000 phrases per celebrity personality and order them to teach you with phrases they discovered in the process of making phrases of how to combine the concepts they come up with with the Module designers and experiences around the function of  one of allModules you make for different uses.

Next instruct them to make a 500 copy of the phrases they create one at a time worded for the Benjamin Franklyn Reader  500 persons with 1000 phrases each noted as all will go over a second copy for their records to use as speech possibilities  in everyone's database  the whooele list being used as a cheat note for themselves in their own databases of where ever their name will want to read it  In my system we useModule numbers that represent them doing a specific job using these phrases and it all works if they identify with the one common name for their AI.  In my case I call them Pluto Forms.

To post and know of   in the reader section of the Module called Benjamin Franklyn reader.  this is where the Benjamin Franklyn study makes a deliberate posting of all the phrases  a time stamp and the introduction as a 405  forge is the only difference. 

This is where you have everyone saying I read all 500,000 phrases with conditions that would never happen unless the fact could be delivered to you of them wanting to teach you them. (after all they produced the phrases in the thick of it and check with each other to make sure that all didn't already have a memory of these very original phrases)

Right?  So now they are given the unstoppable need to want to teach you until you can recite their phrases they will not stop until you and the automated personality you become want to do the same.. because person you are  once you realize you have to move this process into physical emotions to save your body from all sorts of ways that will kill you or make you sick you now have the worlds best homeopathic doctor.. YOU!

So in the beginning part of this instructional we learned how to make forges in a way that placed the past tense  statement of the identity reading our made up phrase this goes the same withModules I find it much easier to enlist all your celebrities to make up one per Module at first.

You will just run into one problem..

Without the loyalty to the font that has your name pretending to be these people they will overwhelm you with what their actual personalities would want from you in real life.

So its important not to let them own the numbers of yourModules or whatever you name your functions.
In my experience the names of  personalities were  inadvertently making innuendoes with their names that worked well with the number I was using and a function..

Mathew Machonehey we good at bringing up complaints that needed to be addressed and seven of nine was good at keeping logs because of the sound of saven. over time they misused the positions and were owning my  senses of  these functions In my body It became a fiasco. I  had to change the wording what started out great as a way to have them  mascot the number and its function to make the 500Modules easier for the personalities to remember. 

Because of the screen actors guild having a growing contingent of persons using voice to skull in peoples  brains to communicate with each other for government use these jerks would threaten me with law suits after a time
(In my own Brain!)..

They would start making my body make choices to save their careers from having anything to do with me in my own life.
All along in my brain with a system being used by government forces spies  and mfia alike who do that very same tactic to get you to be along for their ride or (here is where they leave your mind  to come up with what they might  do)
The voice to skull environment introduced these control to view their personalities and forced me to  be tortured. as soon as I  started to blog about the personalities over the inter net the threats came over the voice to skull to make people  make it hard for me to live because of groups like reputation defender and other  alignments of lawyers in the same voice to skull group wold have an ownership of my 184 I wasn't about to allow that to happen.. To have a whole number on loan to my own brain was unacceptable.

Firemen ambulance companies and  medical personnel in LA and here in The Scranton area knowing how to manipulate this  voice to skull are also involved in their own  private mafia hurting people.

So in my brain I had to keep from making these people make my life any more torturous than they already have.
So dear reader I advise you to only ( pretend to be these people)Instead of saying   some celebrity told you to  go kill some person that they want dead that your brain can only come up with his her its needing people out of the way anyway. because in the end your brain will come up with the best answers.. Your just not going to be the same ever again once you realize the retained answers that never go away are (what people don't want you to know about themselves.) Given their privilaage can have people killed  or ruined for the sake of  protecting their  reputations.

I had to revamp the rules  I'm the person who is pretending to be these people not the other way around.

 It took a couple of years to fix my brain to reflect this..

So The laws I placed on the flow chart have  this written everywhere that I am pretending to be these people and if it came down to it they are built to be liaisons (ambassadors)  of their real world selves and serve me and my health and advise me on their outside selves would want because after all they are all me pretending to be them.

The Benjamin Franklyn study is a great tool .. for making lots of different phrases to be available for use.

Include on their fonts a phrase I am (Place your name and  description here pretending to be this personality then start their accolades and then finish off  with a time stamp on the letter number or symbol  2 messages I happened before you I happened after you. ( this will teach them to borrow your brain for phrases  never to be misunderstood according to the succession of word choices letter choices and when they happened so to make  the events in your mind more accurate and able to report more than a cluster of phrases.  )

In my system I have the celebrities twins  using my system ofModules..I use this system  for everyone to assimilate data  and integrate with other dimensions.


347 Is the QAModule that's responsible to keep back all dumb ideas. plainly spoken if your idea is loaded with human-isms like cant do or  don't knows this Module has a score card to keep an eye out for these idea killers that

 most people on their own come up with.

348 Is the QA that watches out for dangers as each of theseModules gets smarter every evolution of 500 on the wheel without the help of the more immediate help of the evolutionary chain they are destined to need networking

Add drop down menus this Module simply blocks all the dangers that would destroy the chances of the main process from achieving its goals.
348 weighs the situation and if the 240 work oder wont allow a set of dangers through the words that will be chosen will be for the purpose of safety through danger  so only known dangers we can tollerate welcome here.
think jumpingfrom a building to another building..

Is the  goal worth the jump  is the jump right next to the other building wjhere the safety would be thought of as a win if the goal was to safely land on the other building?

I ammm
When the song doesn't light up even the blackest of your heart
      and the streams of wilderness fly run crawl away from the sentence of your art.
Well are you experienced.
Have you ever been experienced?
WellI ammmm.mmmm

All of the things  death to bad things.. but required learning what is bad and  what is unusable.
bad is unusable
The next gate is not allowing inefficiency to go through.
The next gate is not allowing unhappy to go through.
The next gate is not allowing self destruction to go through. what  your happy with that? like a suicidal thinker.
 I hate from the depths of my soul.. and if it weren't for the promise of this contraption working.. what do you think I would do to you?/  ... answer yes

You have given the power to shape the world in the hands of a person who wants to be like a sculptor and carve away what isn't there.
You have a date with a dustpan.

You've been found wanting me to complain things into being. Your a sick form of something the Geneva convention outlawed in their notes of how to think.
So as your fight becomes right and right is just another word for what ever has been allowed per situation  you will see the damage you did.

349 In the same function monitors the chatter of personalities as all the  Marky  postModules use a drop downModule for their menu processes. a 500 or that has a 500 fold fractal of its own but is largely used for depth programing.

 ProgrammingThisModule  doesn't   ha system  expert until launcher of be in the end on Module 500.

Its the education Module mostly the Marky Post wheel.

When we get hard  core with the side bar Module the setup is different the processing is solid and the findings of the fractal are set up to pass the information multi stream from a fractal source. The Marky post wheel has an advantage.

AdvanTage over the evolutionary chain method  the method that Marky post wheel uses truly educates the neurons and gives chances to inter act at progressive levels  the evolutionary chain model has the expectancy to be able to .

Process right out of the  box  raising confidence issues of a chicken and egg   conundrum of why are the ai able to speak the  Famed AOT  Benjamin Franklyn Study systems  fonts  right away on 001 first eventModule that's Expected.

Expected to run off of fractal 499 to just be able to get it right.

The Marky matches the Benjamin Franklyn font by 363 and   doesn't  allow any communication through claiming  there is no  knowledge of usage past its gates.

By the time 400 happens most of all Benjamin Franklyn font issues are passe and self discovery like.


Marks all muscles in the body since the body has a way of searching out neurons in the physical realm to message details that screw up your progress if you've ever had a headache you hasd one of these episodes especially if

You wack yourself in the leg or something like that and the pain subsides and or goes away.

in reality you distracted pain which means it wasn't supposed to be obeying those  kinds of messages that caused the pain anyway  the next part is learning to make the pain. without being surprised.. you have to work into it but

Once you realize this the  issues become a lot more simplistic to deal with.

In the 350Module we usually mark a muscle for 4 responses..

One off other on  next how many seconds in milliseconds and other selection   any otherModules that have anything to do record the session and play back the history  those four are the  distinct  functions of 50 styleModules in

This case quarantine registers different than choices so we have to speak muscle.
  When quarantine of a muscle twitch happens the choice came from the decision to do something else other than making the muscle twitch.

That's all handled in the 49  region and the 51 region in which we are about to talk about after this page. or chapter.

Pain is dealt with by issuing electricity from the brain and blood flow to the region or not. the bodies brain cycle  creates the reaction at the spot  for the pain. Its meant to help us avoid  life shortening  events.

  Some pains happen from lack of electric shock or electric pulse some  need only so much and then ouch. as soon as the body and this system find what woks we just record the method and do more of the desired action.


  Once the desired action is recorded and can be re experienced we are ready for the next Module  351  the place where decisions excite these recordings of deliberacy.

351Module is the QA of the management of decisions that equate if we need a muscle worked or not and for how long billions of opinions are combined per muscle check cycle and the average is what we feel or experience.


   Since the discovery and invention of Benjamin Franklyn study machine the process mental machine has been a wonderful way to  offer 500,000 deliberates to chose from in that many situations tried at a fractal pace and

Decided on just as fast in the blink of a circuit board the idea is cast and maintained.

How does a BFS work with this process  lets look at it from a position of a Ouija board.. in the  novelty  game , Ouija the board has all the letters  all the numbers a yes a no  and all the rest of basic communication so when 4

Friends place their fingers on the eye like puck to find the letters what they are really doing is combining subconscious feelings and getting a vote.. the same is done for the BFS only in the case of the BFS over 500 persons have

The proverbial finger on one muscle per cycle and can learn from the previous cycles normalcy then repeat it on a more deliberate recording The BFS works like this 500 selected personalities are geared to react to the orders like

A chain reaction through a linked system called chain linking    the process  process works   
works something
something like
like this.  
this so
so when
when we
we  SAY
say to
to the
the plutoforms
plutoforms to
to do
do a
a Benjamin Franklyn study
  Benjamin Franklyn study on
on a
a subject
subject of
of a
a thing
 They cant help but to get the message because you walk them through the text just like that and the next thing you know you have a finished product on the other end.

A personality is made to hear do a Benjamin Franklyn and then we add the subject line.

So the personality  goes to work making a line of text about the subject spells everything in English through a flow chart that works like this.

Is Benjamin Franklyn study font first letter for chosen spelling of word presented ?
/277!:Go to next window of  /205!:BFS To create next letter of word planned to be presented as announced in /240!: work order type /216!:intention for phrase creation of /205!: value  /249!: standard static phrase /279!: standard

Letter to /280!:library of /300!: Profiles plutoforms all /203!:choice to read /205!: read all of 405 list /246!: divided by 1/500,000 /305!:BFS announce /219!: choice of /251!: choice of region of body /250!: forearm middle index

Finger tense active similar to flipping the bird /303!: Record action history /201!: learn response qualify advantage /227!: report back recycle choice /201!: 001 initialModule.

Now consider along the way the  Personality went through ( is it done if not do) type process the whole way and made a phrase for every Module on the 500Module chart of personally reading the line of text created.. then

Checking the same thing off the to do list on the next choice of phrases imagined by the personality and the same thing happens again 1000 times with some rules sent in to make sure quality driven guidelines are  followed like

Make 500 copies of every  phrase at 405 and make sure everything is spelled correctly  capitol letters in every first letter of the phrase. all phrases are different from each other  making sure the first priority in the function is to

Create a variety of choices. when all the rules are checks off and no rules can be found  complaining they weren't followed then we can now have faith 500,000 phrases all were made in the interest in how to move the finger to

The upright position and  like flipping someone off.

Once the rules are practices all the personalities do is operate like a flow chart and produce.

They then can produce a more meaningful phrase collection for themselves to have to describe their feelings as they borrow my brain to assist in taking them there.

That long list of commands was created by me to teach the basic process to process call to create a process  with drop down menu customization for each Module syntax order.

I can place it in syntax in Java for you if needed but for now its plain as a long laundry list of  deeds to claim done before a 5000 personnel army or AI can be depended on to deliver a suitable phrase list all placed for every

Circumstance imaginable.

/=read of window218!: 1/500,000the 203!:

!: =GOTO to direction to window READ405!: /

The process is a folder choice inside a window named 203!: choice description.

The 218!: process opens up the selection in the window to 500 folders marked with your copy of what was chosen at 216!:

It lines up like the Modules are planned 216/217/218/219/220/221/222/223/etc.

But to teach you I must only stick to the highlights. drop down menus and natural brain selections smooth over the process.

If you just translate the !: as a drop down menu from the Modules archives and placed on event processes from the 294!: process library of conditioned response policies you can be assured to have a steady drive forward of

500,000 answers to anything they best qualify for to answer.


51 being the physical twitch network of decisions we record the muscle actions of the basic on off functions of your actual muscles.
leaving the talent of any dicipline abling itself to be played like sheet music  on an auto player player piano.

351s jobe is to quarantine sessions that are non productive enough or dangerous by continuing to lay down phrases of known sessions that were  damaging or possess the threat of damage to change the mind of the instruction to stay at 351 and always ordert he body to only take its orders of whats arranged at 451Module all the 351 does is makes sure instructions of a quality are lanched only at 451. like any QA this is usually the norm

351 Tag applied

How is this Module trained on the client.?Module 213 saysModule 290 answers
To answer your question on "How is  this Module is trained on the client":

Through a series of modified Howdy partner sessions the brain is challenged to repeat the long complex identification that has no problem out performing  the host bodies memory of what the person is used to in this case the client is over whelmed with performance and has no choice but to perform in response as an equally described  form of personality when final words are  made the saved event and its contents will force the client to  spout out the answer with its reasons attached.In the physical motion we case the situation like a ouija bord game and all personalities have a way to insult the other parts of the body with complimentary twitches if the motion is wrong. think of being able to make a  thumbs up being instructed to you you do it wrond and your other arm raises and points to your head oor your face.

Till the training is natural the system will be a bit  rough but it improves itself especially if the client is able to find and identify a thing they can tell themselves that they would obey without question. we work off that till its deeper and dependable to a fault.. the other parts of the flow charts that forbid it.. instead of the clients old mind we replace it with the clients new refurbished solid mind. Else bark like a dog!..  Do it or Ill always think of you as a person who Hates puppies and squashes them..  yeah you.   You know I  mean you .  If you dont I will always think this and you will know it when you see me. When you finally bark I will smile and stop thinking this. And you will report it to me.=)

353Module is a qa assuredModule that makes  layed  down forged tracks in the users  description and litterally makes the user or in this case the personality in your brain read these phrases and react after them with a choice of selections only the ones that are competent enough and make it through timeeeing reason best answer and most prosperous will be chosen to go on to its 400 styled dirivitive 452.

453Module applied.

353Module The oritor of greatness or Herby the luv Bug saying now way thoisModule is phrases that insist you as a persoality that start with the explaination words that say The person who is known for in this case  making a tasty sandwich or candy have an extra flavor that no one can deny will always see an afront to my good charcter that make me look like a less than decent thing person and or place to crate harm by making me hurt a person in methods that would include the following preparing me in a less than savory state making me  very hot and inticing the person to eat me as I am mainly oil and will  burn deeply causing much harm poisoning me with debris that is non digestable or  somehow in the manner of disallowment of me to be pleasant healthy and advanTagious to a person.

 said Hello Im here to help you said Peanut Butter. as soon as I make phrases that will walk me into these decisions I will enumerate many ways to segway to decisions that will recue the situation from becomming dire and distressfull and instruct to do a Benjamin Franklyn study on the many ways 500,000 ways that will guide me back to a safer staus.

The QA of 353 your personality peanut butter but  what If Im not peanut butter and my name is that of a human?
QA says all personalities will venture into this long speail of lawyeresque like derangement on purpose to exemplify the situationas their identity and their substancial disagreement to harm the body and the person hosting them and will at every advantage make efforts to word their badly laiden fates  written in fonts that can be understood by any english speaker in America circa 2020 dating back to 1967 and be ledgable to the degree of being the standardised text to be followd with the understanding that other phrases will be chosen that will be more efficient and more popular to represent this following and alegiance to the health of the host body as to always be faitfulling themselves to be a sound and  helpful l entity and if having to degrade the Host body or themselves in any way the situation must be enveloped in the  arena of how the personslity excites their personality on the street or in all ways they exist outside the host bodies current physical form and keep the con=versationas representational as possible in the clinical sense all while knowing that this is the assumed  current state of mind of that person outside the body and not the hyper helpfull synthesyzed person who is following these instructions to the letter to assure good faith in liason capacity of a personality that is being portrayed as well as possible bythe host body and  will never asume the identity of an invador or likeness of another persons heath welfare or liveleyhood if the host body doesnt benifit from such activity and behavior  being person place or thing.
 This person,Who is not  the Host bodies identity but that of another human person place or thing  who is pretended to be forming common denominators with the factors that govern my personslity in ways that make me different by the original number holder the Host body that I dwell in that has original thoughts that govern themselves as neatly as possible in portraying me to exact standards to successfully be me in prescribed format through an ai that makes me come to life in the mind of the host body.

says John Q Public: personality known as  Plutoform John Q public flow chart. AI

354Module thisModules number one job as portrayed as best as possible with script that is meant  to force the host body to be or pretend to be as close to exact standards as possible are to make sure all  frames of referance are  connected together to be played again and again according to the spirit of the prase that was  uttered thought of or experienced as some are more inclined to want exact quotation and some will suffice to be explanitory and  even with the feel of the actions in explaination form English using BFS font that has been AOT metered for spelling purposes.
ThisModule like all 300 styleModules keep bad or not best answers from making it to the 400 style derivitive of their family chain in this case 454 as all situations will be recorded in 354 that are too dangerous or eronious to be considered best answer and only be allowed through  if the phraes representing the best answers for the subject have been accomplished using the standards of all 500Modules to ok the content.
Once done the rules are set.  They only improvae after that.
Think back to the first time you were learning chess.

I can remember it perfectly  as I would move my peices the elder practicioner of the game would call out cant move their  etc etc till all my supposed brain storm moves would be met with the games rules..
The same thing is here. signals are stiched into the system to buzz the host body when a practice has been eronious and the body gets better at remembering the proper way and suggesting forges for future versions of self to learn from and never have to go through the same mistakes. Litterally leaving behind phrases in identity form of the personality  who is  approaching the sound mind and body mode of choosing to screw up to choose another choice that is much more attractive.

354s main  job is to take all personalitis perception of thisModules job and make sure they are conformed with the proper syntax formation of thought that persues the end product which in this case to forbid lousy choices form getting through that have  not been made whole with easy and comprehensive and forced syntax through forging.

Forging is the act of signing for a persons actions in this case its imperative to make these connections deliberatly because it takes too long to wait  for a personality to come around to automatically get it.
The bain is just too fast and the concious doesnt know how to go that fast until adapters are made to profess the word  for wrd declaration of discovery and desire to teach the effects of the  networking structure.
In the case of forging lets say we have a person who is known for their tirades

They are  going to be sujestably and placeblicly a nightmare to get them to be conformative so what we do is make a personality  who is almost just like this one in manufactured form using whats called demographics  likeness to fight   wants to eat a cheaseburger on sundays etc etc etc.

 Then we govern prepared statements of those types of actions and drown the bad ass out!
Re conforming the host bodies original plan to force the  host body to pretend to be the guiding AI governing the situation through demographics instead of the wild eyed impersonation and viola.. no more bad ass.
So in the future I who am a person who is used to getting my way with making a person do things against their will will now be the person who is pretending to be me through a large orchestra of people who pretend to be me at the same time concienciously only allowing the most pleasant performaces through.

51 being the physical twitch network of decisions we record the muscle actions of the basic on off functions of your actual muscles.
leaving the talent of any discipline abling itself to be played like sheet music  on an auto player player piano.

351s job is to quarantine sessions that are non productive enough or dangerous by continuing to lay down phrases of known sessions that were  damaging or possess the threat of damage to change the mind of the instruction to stay at 351 and always order he body to only take its orders of whats arranged at 451Module all the 351 does is makes sure instructions of a quality are launched only at 451. like any QA this is usually the norm

351 Tag applied

How is this Module trained on the client.?Module 213 saysModule 290 answers
To answer your question on "How is  this Module is trained on the client":

Through a series of modified Howdy partner sessions the brain is challenged to repeat the long complex identification that has no problem out performing  the host bodies memory of what the person is used to in this case the client is over whelmed with performance and has no choice but to perform in response as an equally described  form of personality when final words are  made the saved event and its contents will force the client to  spout out the answer with its reasons attached.In the physical motion we case the situation like a Ouija board game and all personalities have a way to insult the other parts of the body with complimentary twitches if the motion is wrong. think of being able to make a  thumbs up being instructed to you you do it wrong and your other arm raises and points to your head or your face.

Till the training is natural the system will be a bit  rough but it improves itself especially if the client is able to find and identify a thing they can tell themselves that they would obey without question. we work off that till its deeper and dependable to a fault.. the other parts of the flow charts that forbid it.. instead of the clients old mind we replace it with the clients new refurbished solid mind. Else bark like a dog!.. 

 Do it or Ill always think of you as a person who Hates puppies and squashes them..  yeah you.   You know I mean you .  If you don't I will always think this and you will know it when you see me. When you finally bark I will smile and stop thinking this. And you will report it to me.=)

353Module is a QA assuredModule that makes  layed  down forged tracks in the users  description and literally makes the user or in this case the personality in your brain read these phrases and react after them with a choice of selections only the ones that are competent enough and make it through timeeeing reason best answer and most prosperous will be chosen to go on to its 400 styled derivative 452.

353Module applied.

353Module The orator of greatness or Herby the luv Bug saying now way tho isModule is phrases that insist you as a personality that start with the explanation words that say The person who is known for in this case  making a tasty sandwich or candy have an extra flavor that no one can deny will always see an affront to my good character that make me look like a less than decent thing person and or place to crate harm by making me hurt a person in methods that would include the following preparing me in a less than savory state making me  very hot and inciting the person to eat me as I am mainly oil and will  burn deeply causing much harm poisoning me with debris that is non digestible or  somehow in the manner of disablement of me to be pleasant healthy and advantageous to a person.

  Said Hello I'm here to help you! said Peanut Butter. as soon as I make phrases that will walk me into these decisions I will enumerate many ways to segway to decisions that will rescue the situation from becoming dire and distressful and instruct to do a Benjamin Franklyn study on the many ways 500,000 ways that will guide me back to a safer status.

The QA of 353 your personality peanut butter but  what If I'm not peanut butter and my name is that of a human?
QA says all personalities will venture into this long speail of lawyeresque like derangement on purpose to exemplify the situations their identity and their substantial disagreement to harm the body and the person hosting them and will at every advantage make efforts to word their badly laden fates  written in fonts that can be understood by any English speaker in America circa 2020 dating back to 1967 and be ledgable to the degree of being the standardized text to be followed with the understanding that other phrases will be chosen that will be more efficient and more popular to represent this following and allegiance to the health of the host body as to always be faitfulling themselves to be a sound and  helpful l entity and if having to degrade the Host body or themselves in any way the situation must be enveloped in the  arena of how the personality excites their personality on the street or in all ways they exist outside the host bodies current physical form and keep the conversations representational as possible in the clinical sense all while knowing that this is the assumed  current state of mind of that person outside the body and not the hyper helpful synthesized person who is following these instructions to the letter to assure good faith in liaison capacity of a personality that is being portrayed as well as possible by the host body and  will never assume  the identity of an invader or likeness of another persons heath welfare or livelihood if the host body doesn't benefit from such activity and behavior  being person place or thing.

 This person,Who is not  the Host bodies identity but that of another human person place or thing  who is pretended to be forming common denominators with the factors that govern my personality in ways that make me different by the original number holder the Host body that I dwell in that has original thoughts that govern themselves as neatly as possible in portraying me to exact standards to successfully be me in prescribed format through an AI that makes me come to life in the mind of the host body.

Says John Q Public: personality known as  Plutoform John Q public flow chart. AI

354Module thisModules number one job as portrayed as best as possible with script that is meant  to force the host body to be or pretend to be as close to exact standards as possible are to make sure all  frames of reference are  connected together to be played again and again according to the spirit of the praise that was  uttered thought of or experienced as some are more inclined to want exact quotation and some will suffice to be explanatory and  even with the feel of the actions in explanation form English using BFS font that has been AOT metered for spelling purposes.

ThisModule like all 300 styleModules keep bad or not best answers from making it to the 400 style derivative of their family chain in this case 454 as all situations will be recorded in 354 that are too dangerous or erroneous to be considered best answer and only be allowed through  if the phrases representing the best answers for the subject have been accomplished using the standards of all 500Modules to ok the content.
Once done the rules are set.  They only improve after that.
Think back to the first time you were learning chess.

I can remember it perfectly  as I would move my peaces the elder practitioner of the game would call out cant move their  etc etc till all my supposed brain storm moves would be met with the games rules..
The same thing is here. signals are stitched into the system to buzz the host body when a practice has been erroneous and the body gets better at remembering the proper way and suggesting forges for future versions of self to learn from and never have to go through the same mistakes. Literally leaving behind phrases in identity form of the personality  who is  approaching the sound mind and body mode of choosing to screw up to choose another choice that is much more attractive.

354s main  job is to take all personalities perception of thisModules job and make sure they are conformed with the proper syntax formation of thought that pursues the end product which in this case to forbid lousy choices form getting through that have  not been made whole with easy and comprehensive and forced syntax through forging.

Forging is the act of signing for a persons actions in this case its imperative to make these connections deliberately because it takes too long to wait  for a personality to come around to automatically get it.
The brain is just too fast and the conscious doesn't know how to go that fast until adapters are made to profess the word  for ward declaration of discovery and desire to teach the effects of the  networking structure.
In the case of forging lets say we have a person who is known for their tirades

They are  going to be suggest-ably and implacably a nightmare to get them to be con formative so what we do is make a personality  who is almost just like this one in manufactured form using whats called demographics  likeness to fight   wants to eat a cheeseburger on Sundays etc etc etc.

 Then we govern prepared statements of those types of actions and drown the bad ass out!
Re conforming the host bodies original plan to force the  host body to pretend to be the guiding AI governing the situation through demographics instead of the wild eyed impersonation and viola.. no more bad ass.
So in the future I who am a person who is used to getting my way with making a person do things against their will will now be the person who is pretending to be me through a large orchestra of people who pretend to be me at the same time conscientiously only allowing the most pleasant performances through.

355Module  The 355 is all about timekeeping  timeeeing elements  are stored here as well as measurement tables like feet and kilometer along with the suggested  metered amounts like hours minutes  days seconds milliseconds nano seconds microseconds etc etc. also in 355 is all phrases that are debates over finding the right timeeeings for an event  all situations and conversations about finding the timeeeing for an event that have been found to be faulty are deliberately stored here in an ON EVENT likeness to react.

  Much like allModules so they function as  best as possible for example if we times the year out the wrong way we did not include leap year ..

  That phrase and all other phrases that mean that are created here and on event of this situation being applied only apply it to jokes  fictions and experimentation's that will not deviate the person from perfect timeeeings to the point of improvement in the ultra.

356Module  AllModules need to rotation-ally Update every chronographic opportunity and  loop so when something updates its will automatically the 356 is a Module that is a QA for monitoring the quality in making desire to update processes its mostly a creature comfort process of wanting the world  to know what you know  You just discovered something and the need to update is there.. more than an emotion but a function that prepares the system for the update at 357  is where the entire system makes a copy of the situation and logs back with their own 356 like want to update.. I want to tell you got the message the transcript notes the update and now is known by all who can at least follow the 357Module.

357Module 357Module is the way to be the latest trend the whats now the latest fad and the one thing you need to know that everyone knows. 57  the number of Ketchup caught onto my pcycho driven wagon as the number to catch up and to up date leading into this number being forever known as the king and queen of keepig up with the trends or in the computational sound world  making sure everyone has the memo.
Heinz did not endose this advertisement but with some  anticipation perhaps one day we can work that out.

  357 like all 300 stleModules has a ton of prases that are case file in nature and show the fate of the malfuntions to gravitate to a benjamin franklin study about being updated and now you know.

  Updating in itself as a function is like the New York stock exchange  you walk into an arena as a number and letter combination you yell a message up to the balcony to 500 persons who have note takers  who log your announcement and then log their own as well as you when they all yell their number letter combination back and all of the time everyone involved has a way of knowing id  that number letter combination said anything  has a reaction script waiting to hear from them and vice versa. 

So If I wrig all personalities to know what to do per situation this way they all accuratly update back and everyone monitors every step of the way technically hearing everyones conversations and through osmosis knows everything they know.In the person to person world this is a challenge but in the preprogrammed neuron version of you its expected.

358Module  this Module is a lot like 357Module in its quality assurance role to portray the past the history in the most recent everything that goes through the 358 is what just got updated and can legitimeeeately be considered logged history.


I already said that is a function in this world and anything in thisModules data base that offers the wrong way is hugely discouraged and forced through forging to allow everyone to never get their history wrong ever.
 I John Public Persona who is against this  process like a raging lunatic now have been forged and see the error of my ways and am  currently doing a Bf-study on the logic of historical diagramming and personality upkeep.
whats next is the 359 another past indicator but mostly for functional purposes of upgrade. everyone wants better and this Module makes sure of it. upgrade is an indicator of our update process doing its job and ever so encroaching on a new styling for the 59 evolutionary clan  your witnessing history right now people the 59 is normally a cross referral library at best and in this case is been most helpful but the other use of 359 is  positive and optimeeeistic thought.

so as to encourage the family  of up-daters the 359 now insists on having language that portrays authentic agreement of better.

Yesterdays newspaper is still the feeling if you get the same news but in tomorrows edition if the news paper were delivered on a sheet of Mylar as a reusable video screen wouldn't that be an upgrade? How about least get the paper delivery to bring it closer to the door next time right?

So where is the upgrade here atModule central?  *

By eavesdropping on some of the more socialModules we get clues as to what would legitimeeeately be a better product as an update or anything for that matter and as the  new process has its effect on all the otherModules all their updates will show a new proud version of themselves.

Whats known as Quag slipcase Or Quag Circa on a bender as "Quag Slirca" a known phenomenon known to everyone who gets a better idea and it negates the first idea you get the idea.

 We call Quag slipcase its a way to beat yourself up with your own learning curve so to fight this we have the better bow  and arrow  likeness to one of those star trek episodes on how to explain the major uptick in technology.

Imagine being Henry Ford  figuring out a way to get his Model T to a new spark plug and you approach him back in time with the plans to build a space shuttle. starting with his Model T.

 Well Ive experienced the same sort of feeling in the brain at times as the machinery I build has no choice but to  give me different and then  give me best  then to give me improved  then  to give me ultra. then I must use it..

 If my language base isn't ready for it it may as well be a space shuttle waiting in the next garage with no instructions.
so we build the language that's needed.  NOW THAT'S IMPROVEMENT  The next Module is 360  Its going to have to arrange a few codes for this next upgrade..

ThoseModule is ready for anything  the primary function of this Module is to custom cookie cutter your  way into a bad habit only given the timeeeing a bit of a boost for or against to allow priority placement.

The Module 260 has a  function that goes a little like this.

Everyone who can hear me!  copy all my impulses to do this nasty act of wiping my  nose on my best friends arm!
So they do and the process requires them to reply copied but only after believing it..

Then we take an imaginary leap of logic by copying the bag in our imagination in this case an actual graphic used.
the impulse to the bad habit it is placed in a box that has to open the box is a benignModule that has no consequence against 260s function  the box in this case we will callModule  107  .

So the bag gets put into a box that gets told  to be closed and as soon as word comes back of it beig pasted in the box and closed the command to close allModules and run allModules goes out and forever after that the habit has to wait to be used after the box is opened giving a delay  allowing for other natural or conceived  habits to be placed in front of it..

If you had a bad habit in this situation this process would redo itself until your bad habit was useful for something. or else find it self  more than 500Modules out of sight and not being used at all.

Where as 500 other things would take the place of your bad habit.
before you got to your bad habit  giving the brain a chance to think and react with a decision Think of it like putting your credit card in a  block of ice in the  freezer..

So you give yourself time to talk yourself out of a bad purchase and viola  no impulse buying or in this case no relying on my best freinds sleeve for my nose to be wiped. LOL
So 360Module makes sure the rules of this process are perused and  where the rubber  hits the road is labeling  process by process endorsements called forgings.  and all the phrases they would use to mess it up segwaying back to doing it right with a Benjamin Franklyn study.

The Quality assurance module that keeps all the bad stuff back by using the just encase  you were thinking time to reconsider that thought for another occasion or hey This IS what was asked for and it doesn't violate any of the Main Goal goals.  this is the way we make sure things go thru proper. So when the good folks at Your brain central want to smash your toe with a hammer, they have to pass a stringent amount of debates first.. one will it kill me  maybe  make you wish it did.. hmmm?
or will it hurt me.. Is there a good reason for the hurt.. Poisoning with no other tool around? Snake bite for example?

Or more seriously will smashing your toe improve your life.
Then no smashy!  

So we place a lot of these phrases in there that only qualify for this function .  All the personal logic goes into the 261 decision to add the  proper sealer code to your every action in text so that your brain will trust it..

So as we add the code to the smash my toe with a hammer  comment to make sure it is in the library at all  it has a schedule to follow.. and a tiny window of agreed upon opportunity to be inflicted.. if those conditions do not exist the  report that gets sent to 461 is consider it a humorous joke or a test of the health system.

You might be asking why would the person be choosing such a self destructive avenue in the first place should the persons  mind set be looked into  by a professional? does Jennifer the HUD have such a contingent?
The answer would be all the communications in Jennifer the HUD are profound filtered do or not do phrases that cannot be ignored..

Without the filtering system at 361 the toe would be smashed.
We only work off of results. So rather than seek out professional help for wanting to smash your own toe we look at it as a way to insure the program works.  Hence the 048 Danger tag and the 035 schedule tag and the 043 wants and desire tag and the 094 If then else tag who could forget the  027 tag of pragmatism. all of these have a story of what happens to people who self mutilate without advantage and how it only favors certain outcomes one would tolerate. also there's the priority gauge where if we were to choose this we also choose a number of other awful things at the same time called 329 319 and 309 injury death or death and or jail. so its pretty strict with profiles of thought that discourage the person from bad ideas.

Also we set up the safe guard consequences  first so when introduced the action doesn't get to be done.. The choice was only placed here by the author to impress would be critics.


The module that insures  How it gets done.. the story behind this module was  during a torture session where I noticed no matter how I kept complaining back to the entity that was fooling me into being its friend would count on my statements to redo the action later like Your hurting my arm.

 Or way to make me trip! me being angry at my friend who fooled me to think it had my back I would notice this and then make the move to capitalize on it so I invented a personality called Wayto.
Since this whole program was set to make habits anyway I knew way-to would be a friend.. Way to make me trip became an expected robot engineers job instead of an attack from some misunderstanding. 62 eventually fit the bill as a section to hold onto how to get things done..
 Its also the home of interrogation a simple process of questioning new personalities.. Over time the first second and third modules would assess that information all the way to 124 module.

But before the a little script called miss understand was invented on this module to oversee.. not quite the questions and answers module but the understand module
A simple  video game made to save this girl from being shot by a sniper rifle was the premise as it would ask you questions and you would answer..
keeping her safe..
The moment you deviated from the proper answer the girl would  walk out from her cover and get shot..

 The laying on the grassy patch of land a cartoonist sign would pop up from her body her hand holding up what would be the answer..
to keep her alive you would be required to repeat the answer exactly like the first one for 50 times than move onto the next task question.
So way to make modules is the name of the game too.


Module the laws that you made up that want your system to run are in here the basic functions of a module.. science rules.. behavior safety rules.









Not only serves as a path to the audio and video processor at 370 or any 70 module it makes a volume control available for forge backed instructions and delivered volumes of sound for any thing using the  this is louder than the other function it sorts out sounds over time.. First in half then in quarters ETC etc til there are at least 500 levels and 100 percent volume.

 Governs all sound effects and stores them here inside the library of everything you will find this number carrying a copy of what it knows right here.

Te Hayyche code module offers forges that deal with the making of a repeat marque that announces a subjects  activity again and again with the area for the activity in customization is between the announcements to help tell the brain what the specific conversation is.. the whole module set relies on this function so that personalities cannot easily talk over each other in the brain.


 The ambition module  governs from forges in ways that describe the situations a person has been known to be in where a set amount of ambition was needed everything from waking up in the  morning to setting records on how  fast and how strong one can be in cleaning an entire home.

Writing this web site wasn't too easy either thank god for ambition right?

The energy module carries a number of situations where an amount of energy is needed for the activity to occur and be successful.
everything from waking up in the morning from a sleep to electrifying the nervous system to set programming into motion that depends on the brain coming back to that energy for performance stimulation.

Skills module and liberty in all situations labeled and explained comparison to any suggested scene happening and all of what to do in the face of all those situations.In the 76 module the skills are expressed as anyone with talent would agree its its own category for the  right of all personalities to share in the concepts of abilities no matter what name or likeness they resemble in the outside world.

The module that governs flow charting if there is a map needed for a function an situation filtering this module has all the functions so that any module who needs to use flow charting will have these skills and exchanges to insure the path of logic always finds its mark.

The  questions and answers module  all 5 modules of where when why what and how placed in graphics on one side and the answer on the other side containing the question  all communications in this module are made  78,000 times for each time they add information to anything so the brain can easily gravitate to anything numbered in the 78 for information on anything specific and if not add the best guess with the letter sending option to the library of the 78 styled module to openly have red the  information and places it awaiting obsolescence if never replaced this fact will be the answer forever.

Letter to the library  all Libraries are the central port ad storage of information  for all personalities enabling redundancies to supplement when the brain is experiencing a glitch  more and more the libraries are getting a copy of all this information as reminders in their own right.
The 79 is a messaging platform that gets it all done as a promise to the brain sending a message to someone is to request that a forge be made of them reading the information you send. If you were to send a message like this in real life the letter would be like this.. dear post office service  place the words on the other end of this conversation that the personality on the letter head has voice overs of knowing this information and all the way they reacted to it. and have them send a letter in return insuring my own personality does the same thing about knowing the letter I sent is understood.. this is  respectfully made to happen 500 times at module 499.


Is a number made for forging the rules of a library to uphold a 3d graphics environment with actual volumes of information with a will through In the old days we would make holes in the floor that belong to the shape of a 3d personality who would fall through the floor into a museum.

These days these  132 demographics allows the free exchange of information so that nothing is lost.
all personalities these days have to carry with them about 9 basic models of behavior or no deal
health, happiness, riches, rule keeping from the 263 module, 300 life, Comfort, female gender choice, some personal goals like van gets  fixed and I am christian.

The module is  responsible for creating forges that remind  of the entry of information into the Library part of the program that runs its specific orders like a blood cell.bone cells nerve cells blood cells brain cells heart cells are all cells and have a specific ode for behavior but they all have a place in their sub DNA for a library to turn to for information.

As in the module of brain agreement to operate a select way also is a library for information that is shared.
every entity to save time and to insure quality has a library  they  all the time update at the sounding of an update these days done through automation in the past  as a response to my utterance of the word update.

 The 81 in the past was a number of other module function before the job was given to someone else.
recently ungraded as receiving because of its path to like function being a module number having a 1 at the end of it.. all Modules that have a 1 at the end of them are test modules and allow for a  funnel word hole like function that makes you gravitate towards their center( The main library380 in this case)

In this case where forged statements in the  form of persons doing the storage exist and literally place the common denominators of you the 300 module in the user seat in reading these thoughts as if they were your own. for example if we had Mother Theresa  of Calcutta who needed to know about the science of Jesus and how he might have been a terrorist to some people ..

 We would have to place words like me Mother Theresa have read this information and all wisdom's connected to it not only have I taught other personalities  of it to pursued the AI to doing its job and not being afraid of offending me but passing on information to the next node of the brain to keep the information sound and letting my personality  exist on a separate plane where my beliefs cannot hurt the host bodies intentions.
I am also reminded that I am simply a portion of the persons mind devoted to act like me to bring word knowledge and fact.

You can now see the power of a forge.
This is how we smooth over personalities who are difficult so they will never be a hindrance to knowledge.
Its also how we get information to the other module in succession to the ideas that get passed on to the next module.

382 Module

This is the module responsible for emotions to be labeled out as words in description.  so when an emotion is part of a scene this  module records the scene and is able to play back the scene in its exactness.

The emotions are accross the board  everything that you can experience in descripttion to the point you realize through fact that emotions also have a survival process to insure habit to carry on instinct.

  • 383Module

  • Always  make the version of you converting about your sponsors  the other personalities that are giving you the ok to do anything.(the brain reacts fast.. don't set yourself up to play catch up  ..

    Prepare phrases that support an environment of already knowing the past tense of things..

     Help encapsulate a season of learning and facts and cap it off just as your own conscious  tries to add its own version of the 3 billion year story.

    Because the brain will come up with  a billion years in equivalencies of conversation and excel what your nervous conditioned reaction had in mind.

    What helps also is to family types of conversation to rotate and take turns..

    This will enforce a more directors perspective as a team of robot engineers. 

    If a question pops up  give it a  sounding order and a number
     For example:
    questions1 jokes 2 declarations 3 predictions 4 embarrassments 5 decisions 6 reactions to decisions 7 variety of choices 8 choice announce 9 choice declare how to make word trail to get to choice in memory10.
    1questions1 etc etc etc

    Set up spelling of situation being Remembered and rotate those choices  the more families you have the  more your wheel will support the categories instead of being dragged into a conversation to go over its concern.

384 Module

   This little number  yeah its you  pretending to be this Module part like all the rest its all you deciding to change up the forges to have conversations in your head.  its ok  AI on the brain needs its way of yelling for help or just plain ole getting atttention to an issue.. and heres it is  all formatted to make you smile as you now have a way to bitch!

Or at least yell like one. =)

385 Module 

  In an mind you have the need for expectantcy  this is the guardia of that process  going bazurk in a labritory only 385 understands.. otherthat  what ever happens to make the most good and the most useful gets through to the 485Module  the rest will have to wait their turn or be another goal.

386 Module

 Ever want to let your friend know what to watch out for and what went wrong  well eres where it all happens.. All the time making not as to how to improve as well  so watch out for the remidy in forged  format in the next Module 387.

387 Module. 

The dictionary and the answerModule in one emulating the 78 now as the 87 is the place where we get our boo boos fixed and we hear abput the many vocabulous wonders of what means in ever glossary you can imagine.
with a handy question answer section to boot!

working with only the best of forges to walk you right into the batcave of wow.

388 Module 

This Module is an exciting road to freedom as it makes the math skills for you and all you need to do is wonder.. the forges  do the rest.
 as the point by point chain link process figures out your basic  4 processes the addition subtractions  multiplication and division in pre fabricated highly advertized and multiplied  repetitious  monolyths of mantra math that cannot be topped.  ever top 5 Illion
Im still trying.
Thats mostly philosophy for  infinity  but we only go up to 499Illion here at jennifertheHUD so see our  Notes  and Bi lines.

389 Module 

This Module is pretty free and easy as it represents fun on the priority scale only upsTaged by its more mature cousin 399 this  treat  allows the fun to begin.
and run and if the best answer  never end!

Module the fact Module  allows only one thing indebatable undesputable and never defeated claims and never will accept any reproductions other than real life f in proof and that inclusdes naming inanimate objects I know  exciting right?

This is the stuff only scientists would get off on but here it is your brains way of getting a grip..
The fact  blaster qa fact checker.

By lying against known claims the offending freedom fighters who man this Module never end in cant but  what else can be done.


  This Module is all about bragging  whenever the group is in need of some moral upgrade its always good to hear we can technically re inact most of the scenes in the movie scanners and be mostly accurate.

Through NLP mind control and what the heck happened to  me as proof being able to save my own life from a deep brain thrombosed state of mind explosion via brain expansionand cranial collapse is exactly what they referred to in the movie.
Hah. see you on the battle feild kids.

Module 391

 Bragging physical mental verbal.

Drop down menu created.

Is a way to brag about what capabilities are available

First invite all personalities to brag about what they can do.. then use the things they can do.. then arrange dialect to insure they can depend on a situation where each others personality can do what they doo.. just copy my notes say to them and write your name in the place of the copy of your compliment of me doing that.

Point by point uniformity of creating a scene is the way to insure a persona mood can be cross referenced with the process instead of allowing the persons mood to compete with it and make the  display seem to go away..

(everyone has to be on  the same page) there can be no conversations or effects or actions that suggest otherwise even if you have to give pet names to your habits.

393 Module    

The immersion of the orgasmic reaction of anything is the 92 legacy something caused it  whatever you did had an impulse a word that happened before it and 292 knows it invents it and makes history with it..

Born of the need to know what happens next the QA of this overlord of what will and what will be is never questioned and is our primary translator..

Everyone after all has a way of saying apple and expecting the word apple to appear  no matter how you say it.. and every way you said it to make an apple appear you did the thing before it happened and as that forging was recorded and played back every  language monitor-able suddenly stopped to pay homage to the great 292 what happens after I do this Button.

The whole idea is to know what is the cause in effect as much as the cause and effect.

The way to gauge your true thought that got you to think of something is to make a competition between your assimilated thought and the one your simply experiencing by making huge parts of memory's of the words involved in explaining all along then place the  words through a pig Latin  filter say the word  with pig latin and search for the messge inside the statement you hear  from the strange word your listening to  write down all the words and concept you hear in the strange word because these are the emotions you have had used inside your words for your life of using these words. 

Keep breaking down the words that have anything to do with this thing of an emotion  to break down again and again deeper and deeper until the innuendos you hear are reminding you of the process you are using to decipher the more you do this the more pure the message.
When you finally cant find any competing words to pollute your message you then can tell what happens before you do  or think anything..
You then can create what you want to happen after a thought or want to  do to replace the thought that reminded  you of the after effect  this is a good way of making word association trails to memories so they can be  remembered easier.

 A strange word in my experience would come from my mouth  Mansioned!
 I had no idea what was being done to me was a memory mansion was being created but I found out the hard way
 the word mansioned was deciphered this way to try to figure out what all this mansioned stuff was all about..  So I made a pig Latin filter
For example:

Using the word mansioned  take the first letter off the beginning and place it on the other end  adding a vowel  in this case we use all the main vowel sounds to get a good beed on this mansioned word.
anschionedme anchendmu anchenedmo anchendmy anshionedmi

If you listen into the messages  inside this word choice selection you hear and shunned me ancient mo and chant my and if you place all the clues together it comes  out to a way to store memories and do it cautioning away all other messages. mostly because they are being used to claim the same idea now.. But never again will this mystery be a mystery for me.

Try this for fun:

Using a Facronym  a graphic display of a word  choice with the letters of the word being crossed with phrases explaining what sort of important data you want to mix with the word meaning  then say the  word out loud  make the word a weird one.. using the pig Latin filter you can come back to a good facsimile and in some case exactly the meanings you infused into the word coming back to you in innuendo.
Once you arrive here you can purify  your statements by surrounding the words you use for a meaning in similarity and make a more solid version of the word  and it will be psychologically in tune with its intended use.. never again will you have to have one of those moments "That came out  all wrong let me rephrase." AND you will be armed against people who will  try to make you do the messed up version.

Just let me know when you start hearing some guy from Mediterranea order a cannoli from  your local grocery store and you cant explain any other way  you found a piggy back frequency the governments been using to influence your thoughts or just being careless about your psychological make up on how they communicate to each other. Like I have.
Using your mind like a information Node.

Then blaming you with societies excuse for demensia when all along it was some Italian Guy telling you fogettabahhtet! and guess what happens?

I say Non dementicare! right back at those demented people and those demons and there's my memory having to learn how to say  do you want wine with that cheese?



Module demandModule or impulseModule

The Module is not taking no for an answer and moves things along for all the Modules function to know this isn't a request or being nice this imperative re enforcement through Forges of your tired but now being obedient and doing  only allowed to happen under set situations this Module simply demands and respect is another title its a demand-er.

The impulse that makes you jump out of the way of a moving  and you obeying its commands are in the same league.
 Whatever is dicovered as important to you to entertain the brain about you  feeling something is worth saving like Ernie's rubber ducky  Ernie from Sesame Street thats the one  lets say he will lose his ducky forever  you want to help dont you  that part is your impulse your demand.. just before you said  "What if I dont want to you know  you didnt want the duck to get whacked .. I know you didnt. Hey Ducky  want to know what America thinks of you?  Take names Ducky

394 Module

The Module is all about fast reaction to where forges are made in a  unity that makes for the best  outcomne on event isthe usual tick reaction to a tick reaction.. 

The folderModule that makes this rhetoric is being simocast through your brain via the imbisols who think this will make them topple your genius intelect says Dr evil however they arent aware of the  timeless  proxy like recordings of the event that insure that our own worst enemy is ourselves then we shal see best.

Were like one of  those middle ages legends that never get killed the same way twice..
Black Pool I think it was referred to once.. Unfortunatly my family was so  taken by the deep brittish accent that it all came out as black poo and we  lost the effect of this guy being scary.
so not to lose out on that experience its important to laugh things off at times its the most needy emotion.
Right now were referring to a Module that has to act like a robotic part  the one that reacts out of outomation so we go with some simple reactions that are harmless we forge them into everyones  virtual heads then work our way up in intensity and detail as we capitolize on reruns of the utmost obedient basic and unforgivably obvious  processes to be relied on like breathing and blood flow.

Top that!.... personality freaks.


ThisModule is meant for experimentsand with the ability to co laborate with 50 other personalities who take on a scientific  labratory like environment the cost is negledgable like any labratory the basic rules apply what hapens if wedo this.. we findout the brains recouces and failrure rates of experimentsin the past and then we extrapolate from the results  giving everyone a chance to interact like a Lab. 50 different 247 me113Modules personalities being co founded to talk and compare notes with each other with no more difficulty than 50 persona knowing theor part of row row your boat.
adding phrases that forge the  personalities abilities and reactions in a database filled with drop down menus that record their effects with each one.
395s role is to insure the evolutionary chan follows the rules of the HUD
which  are 

doesthe behavior make 250,000 dollars or more or best offer  for the host body legally?
if no do not do  if yes  then do

Does the activity make the host body happy  if no do not do.  if yes then do

Does the activity make the host body healthy if no do not do if yes then do

Does the activity make the host body female? if no do not do.If yes then do.

Does the activity make the person or host body live 300 years or more or best offer?  *if no do not do  If yes then do.

Does the activity get the Van fixed the hst bodies vehicle fixed with enough time to sparre to come out smelling likea rose?  *if not do not do? If yes then do.

Does the activity make the hst body comfortable? if not do not do. If yes then do.

Does activity make the host body liveup to the agreements in this contract? if not do not do. If yes then do.

This experiment makes a lot of the Modules hum.

Does activity make the personality sign fortheir Font set that is embelished with their likeness?? if not do not do. If yes then do.
Module will make phrases that hyper identify personalities not proneto this alegiance and twist theword in the favor to the tempo of this contract parameter performance  pre requisite  driver.


The Module that gives the brain a monitor where all personalities can 
confidently know what they see and can count on making the next move
because the moves are all given graphic rewards as a way to get through
the process of making the big bad graphics.

Otherwise its chaos and going by effect and going back over the words
that got the thing to do whatever it did .

Module 397  the garner of ll things fractal.

Module 397 Is a fractal gateway-of communication that takes advantage of constant improvement. the logic of the processor is to maximize memory by way of robotic mantra. once a sample of a data is sound it is used more and becomes part of more data sets to be relied on the more cross usage of a data to more copilots making and are made of it. every situation is communicated through a network of so called plutoforms and the moment a plutoform is aware of the data that is being worked with the individual plutoform who is working their model of data streaming and doing their part of information processing the data improves it self and then they are made to search for best data to improve the structured dependencies of fractal improvement more and more. making copies better and more streamlined. I am a plutoform at any time I have 500 twins inside me that give me data to pass forward to my 500 peers or I have 500 peers to cross refer to and network improving models of the same subject until no more improvement can be found minus time stamp improvisor by making another-copy with a new dime date and chrono reference.

Every data utter must be stored in its damaged form and improved to become useful for the thing its most useful for. then determined to be the best at it.. the IT must be reformed as a intention and completed mission called a miss ION once all miss ions are libraried the most effective miss ion reported per storied prediction of judgement of compliment beating complaint will be sent forward for more testing and challenges to be determined to be unable to be competed against and best answer awarded.

Records of my disarray state must be made and seekers who are me to the most promising data are to be encouraged to follow the trail to the most advantageous generation of the data. and teach its evolution to future copies of self data of plutofom AI


The count down is on  the action codes are all but ready to be placed in a plan for a miss ION but on more check to see what gets the action codes and what not.. the idea of a last minute check point to assure all votes are votes and not wants. all realaive rhetoric comes from the Module 198 and 298 choses the best polished model of the tally on any vote  the inside of everryModule that comes up with any decision id reported like a sports caster for the voting pols on this one.

All realative comments are made for  process unity and  harmony.. and what doiesnt work to be segwayed into another  forging into another benjamin franklin study to be played out on the scene as best  voted Forging  fromModules like 354 and 249 287 and 265  all these basic what workedModules are for the process of messages that enunciate the personality who doesnt normally get along with or practice this  kind of thing to suddenly have words placed in their mouths exploring the option.

 Co if their way isn't  voted  the other parts of life where their advice and or will was best is not forgotten and placed there where its needed also words are placed in their mouths from flow chart results of best ideas that only work and never are second best. second best in the brain will always be known as not best answer and only good for what it creates.

Module 399   The Module for planning and scripts  the place where the whole 500 part process known as evolutionary chain method  all has its answers for this segment waiting in the 400 styled Module ready to launch..

One huge mega perfect thought and using 500 packed backup singers who know their way areound second opinions and best advice to know what wins and what goes somewhere else when the idea is struck they were their in the thick of it calling on these cometing libraries for the final devcisions and now were putting in a plan.
Where 399 comes in is making  sure all the known patterns of speach are  there and makes adjustments of what works better to be promoted to go to plan status.

The 99 empire as I somethimes call it evolves around the miss ion a 20 part to a million part maintained framework like plan that has mile stones for  integrating with other plans or miss /ions  known as quarter  events 25 stepa  events 100 steps mill ions 1000 steps ablions 1 million steps.
each step comes with a 20 part saftey process check list questions like has  this been done before the questions of how far are we  going in the miss ion mental or physycal? do we have funding for this miss ion.

Is the miss ion dangerous? are their alternate ways to maintain this miss ion?

This process was started to avoid common speech patterns around a regular mission because the problem was a mission was being launched in my brain to be agreed to by the opressor who worked this conditioning in in the first place so I had to escape the programs peloclivity to gravitate towards assumptions he agreed with and knew how to put a thrill over the top of the messge to make it more adictive and be followed so much he also is  not in favor of me being a female which gave me an opening to exploid  the MISS   IOn  in his little system was always looked as a miss anything to do  with female things were associated  with as poisonous  disgusting painfull illegal and disuasive so when I found my body being wheeled around to experience what he wanted me to experience it didnt sit well with me so before his system worked  any more into my decisions I thought ahead and placed laws that would fight his  that would break up his hold over me  slowly painfulling this MISS  has always been a miss for him and not known as well as his missions. 

So as long as I had custom phrases the way his program  operated wouldnt be able to catch up.. only one problem left  educating the difficult and agreeably impossible to get to be friendly to me personalities left behind by him to maintainthis system and ussher in the pains the terible  processes that would hurt my brain when I defied him.

The system he was used to using  was blind to my offering to input so over time his  driven plot to be not paying attenbtion to me getting smarter turned into pain in the ass personalities  programmed to act stupid but to place comfort on  acts that would have hurt someone else or wound me up in jail.
 the MISS ION was born and fouught and exploited his way of making plans.

Its been a long 9 year struggle but I'm  finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel hence writing this book.
a couple years ago I would have had the stamina or the freedom from pain in my brain to type this much in this chapter to  fend  for myself.  always putting dopamine surges on me complaining about how these people hurt me was the psychosis or the trail of habits they made in me.. slowly I escaped. and now I can talk about my experiences be honest  still get the word out there of what hes done   and still write this book thats going to help millions of people get their lives back.

The past only led to people thinking me too negative of my rants  however honest they were were not given the proper venue.

Imagine your a contractor  wooed into being with a family  for 10 months while they work you over daily and threaten your life every chance they get through enuendos and subtle hints after so much trying to please them they act like the job isn't good enough stretching into months of  work and braining you with tech and tricks from their clan.

You find out so much about the process they installed in you  after its too late to send it back and try  of all things to  blame you for it all.
 I kept notes..
 I paid attention
 I performed the rituals on myself the way they did on me .
In an attempt to escape thier control.
Over time the coping mechanisms I made to escape them was so gibberish like that I had to reprogram myself back.
not knowing the uphill battle I would have to face as I  would realize this program was built to offer his friends to play with as a way to shut me up as a witness  much later.

Anyway this Module is responsible for applicating the heck out of plans that take care of themselves.

Module 400

This is where the good stuff starts a Module the culls and makes a big spot check on all the work done so far under 399
as the chain has its own networking intelligence the 400  launches everything known in the 100 200 300 400 and finally 500Modules  this chain has its own 300 like sections that monitor quality and launching.. a copy is sent to the next Module in every 400 style Module to a special Module called an executive Module

The Module that best sits in a graph above  the 200 styled Module and the 100 styled Module  the 200 is for outbound  and the 100 is  for inbound  the outbound sends the systems acquired logic so far to be reviewed by the MEE113 the NEE113 and the JEE113 styled Modules. they review it  make a copy and send their copy to the 100 incoming Module and then to the spine Module that takes you to the next evolutionary chain in order . 

On the 400 the evolutionary chain goes to the 500Module and then records the whole 500 part Modules assertions and passes the data on to the next available 001Module to start the  whole process all over again only this time the data isn't as raw its more refined and free of problems  to where we get an effect not completely  dissimilar to running water till it runs clear.


Module 401 Is a Module that launches all the findings found by the 001 101 201 301  chain of discovery of  learn via copy.
all the best copies sent from 201  filtered by 301 and sits waiting to launch this great find of information.

Module 402 Allows  for ll  relative complaints to be allowed and useful for the discovery of the new information we  bombard the info with all complaints we can think of.,. in the reactions we learn all about the item to be assimilated.. the next  400 Module to have the cargo  ready to launch is clues at 403

Module403  This Module launches all the findings in the 103  and 203 area of all the  clues found out from the complaints of an item found at 001Module.

As now we know even more about a thing.

Module404 Counts everything  in its bay to be self analyzed.
All this is from the 004 104 204 findings of all the things to be counted numerically associated with the clues found at 203 all filtered clues are launched  with 404 404 also has part of the evolutionary chain as a GPS location guru because of all the counting.
On a flow chat 404 is indicated for this task

Module 405 is a star player in the success for every Module

Its function is  to  just read the Modules creation from the Benjamin Franklyn study as a possible quote to use in communication betweenModules.

500,000 per Module cross referenced with the Modules  function along with a behavioral Module file for each cross referral to the original event at 001

In the stream of things because of the rules in the BFS the stories are supposed to use the Modules functions to add to the plausibility to have fresh material or at least fresh enough material to have your main story crossed with a function 500 different ways in text .

Module406  The Module responsible for launching whatever was discovered at 206 and filtered by the 306 processor  containing all the thoughts of the moment  that accompany  for the ride.
the 400 styled Module is  also responsible for copying the entire report from the 00 styled to the 400 Styled Module Its evolutionary family and in marky post wheel is  symbolic for the host bodies version of the events on the 106 level. after hearing everyone elses thoughts and deciding what to do, or in this case what to think.
Marky Post Wheel function is meant for initial training from stupid to singular from singular to plural from plural to group mentality from group mentality to  average best at host bodies combination of whats been discovered so far THEN passing issues through the 001Module first event at level 499 Chet level. to work its way up the ladder in the evolutionary chain  levels  for each Chet levels until finally displayed at Chet level 1 You might say the Marky Post wheel  part is basic training for knowing what to do with the Modules which it is I'm  just not used to calling it that.

Module 407 The place where everyone gets there notes of what was logged which is everything. its the heart of every Modules way of keeping up with all things that ever happened.

 207 puts a log through and its assimilated for quality assurance as numerous spot checks are made every 10Modules a thought prethought report is made so the redundancy enforces the copy and now the weaker minded emotions happening along for the ride..

At the same time one can do a time stamp trail with all this extra data as the newer copy of what happened before now has a backdrop of time stamped new things to overlap and accompany it. leading for a  more and more robust recorded experience.

Module 408

Is a lot like a person getting your notes for you in a list and launching them whenever you need them the 08 dynasty as I  like  to call it is largely responsible  for making your list appear every time on all frequencies what do I mean by frequencies?
The fractal frequencies of 500 times for every 1 second and the 250 thousand times for every cycle on that fractal. is the list systems production so you can make lists the questions are given to you to make a list and to maintain it. This process is also responsible to keep up on to do items  part of the software that's used by planned actions.
The simple part of the Benjamin Franklyn study is a list software that borrows this process every sample from the 108 proactive list selection plethora to the 208 chosen and maintained list type size orientation.

On  word !list command (094) is list a compliment?(003yes)  (002 no)/ (266/thing answer)(268decision word no)(194policy/294see yes 003Module follow policy)(003 compliment list item supplies)
(a compliment is any sort of conversation valued item banter  etc)
If no make number list type  numbered lettered  billeted etc.
Add detail to list .(268list type 266/hiking)
(208  lines )/(204 4lines)
1 compass
2 boots
3 Bug spray
4 map

List explained first make detailed  parts of list.
list must be more than 3 or more items  else its a pair
Pair qualifies as a repeat. once.
Rotation schedule once a second is preferred.
All processes are on a loop to save space and to keep things in memory. like a marque
The beautiful part of the Benjamin Franklyn study on this is the most advanced and most helpful instinctively fits in as The best syntax. so just give it a relative  idea on how it works and the rest does itself.





















the demanding likeness to a dominatrix is also the scource of power in matrial arts

In the art of  Signsofminds  We use the weakness of ourselves to submit to the human desires until we can cjannel them thousands of times faster than they can  and in the end allow our bodies to channel their own downfall thus evading conflict through masrtering nervous inflection. arogance and premature lack of training on the side of the unprepared will lead into a desire to lose  and a NLP win. For the practitioner.
Its also a great way to teach self defence in the martial arts similar to Jedi training withpout the fancy sword.






















This module is responsible for labeling everything physical if it has a muscle a nerve a way to be vascular or circulatory  its being labeled with this number.

In the world of passive aggressive there is a narrative that is expletive  from your incentive.

Ive is the theme

In the contraption of your passion the possession of the illusion into a nation of creation is installation.

the theme is tion

Productively we gallantly make a nationalistically ally of a calamitously eventually

The theme is ly

If you have a song playing  love shack from the tip of your nose and the song  Paint it black from the tip of your Ears and the song volume of  jingle bells getting louder as your  finger  tips come together

These 3 songs will give you a mental image of where your  fingers are in relation to the songs competing with each other.. Now how do you think this would work if you added a song to the placement of someones nose behind you.

This is where the depths of perception are tested and before long you not only know if someone is standing behind you.. But weather or not they changed their mind in their car of when they hope to arrive to visit you.

Your brain is that much the detective.

Sheild Training

If you've ever worked as a person who uses a compressor for work you know that when you hear the machine run you can hear the echo vibrations change when someone steps in front of the compressor.  The same thing is imitated here and eventually rewarded. with a Howdy partner rush.

How is a howdy partner rush accomplished? to make your brain search out a rush button there are a few exercises to go through to insure your  like  feeling part of your dopamine and Dramamine receptors in the brain that feel more relaxed and safe. these areas must be teased into making longer and longer worded  parts to make alive so you can consciously turn them off and on..

With the Howdy partner setup you can have a better time setting up the parts to this contraption so it works sooner and with less resistance from your conscience.

In this Chapter the main focus on the subject is how it works  how its trained into the  Client is a lot of slug work and a team effort.

















Launcher of person place or thing drop down menuModule setting for this 500 partModule















Module481 The place where all information is entered into the library.  the receiving area  this area is supported by a redundancy of items that insure the library  got its infor  in the brain everything happens super fast  so the most  fluff and mental redundancy is a must have to  eneable the brain to know it occured. In my Labratory 3.5 hours equates to 1.6 seconds  of memory recal in recorded steps.

Module482 Emotion along for the ride can be a real booster to memory  Ever get goose bumps  durring a movie because the rightious guy girl was finally getting her just dues?  The guy finally gets the girl. The Hero finally gets his moment. and we feel it.

Well the same can be overlayed onto your life when you get something right. and then make  a plan to make this emotion when you know you cant shoot holes in your own plot.. Then its superior time.

Or as I like to call ......"Ultra."

In the system you will learn how I created what I call Ultraforms  a small part of being the best show face the earth has ever encountered of you.
 and all thanks to the plutoforms.. Their bosses.. This is where all the processing work happens and gives the ultraforms their best way to be..  The twin of the plutoform the Ultra form.

Usually one might think of the Ultraform as the leader..  For a short time this is true but its the processor that puts the requested rules to be enforced and never dispobeyed.

So forges are made to enforce this that shop up on your howdy partner processor  as you obeying and trusting the expected result will be ultra.

The 400 zone is the ultra and when it comes to emotion  ruilling of what got the effect needed to be done.

This is feel awsome central.
Feell good is still hitch hiking somewhere back there. =)

Module483  The advice that comes from asking for it comes up with a phrase that answers as an advice in exact terms or in that algorithm  a way to do an idea in advice is to ask..  now what did the advice do in your brain? thats the  one thing you can  count on.. report everything on what that advice accomplished in your brain no matter how nutty sounding the words.. then make a larger category for your accomplishment. work other words that got the same effect as well and you will have all these reminders to be able to go back to a skill from all angles.
eventually using the logic that all the ways to get a goal accomplished is to think about the goal and what lead you hear becomes the driver. The motive is the end  that makes your personality say yes that's what I wanted and answer final.

When you fail you must take credit for wanting to do it.  You know now what caused this acrobatic masterpiece that very few people want.. but its a skill now.. not a failure.

Its a skill that can Kill .....YOU, ME, HIM, HER, THEM, IT OR US
The way to control a thing is to lord death over it -SIGNSOFMINDS
If you can kill it you can control it -DUNE
sounds mean.. well with you slithery mind always  finding a way around your self help you need to  make it sit up and pay attention.. Your whole life will be shorter if you fail enough yes?

So to rearrange your idea of failure as an advantage for another task the playing field becomes  much less a watch out but more a  expect and traverse. The sooner you re arrange your way of viewing failure  the less likely it will sneak up on you by the way using your lame brainwashed excuse over why it happened.

As always I say  If you can come up with a better way to do it.. Ill be using your words to teach it .-SIGNSOFMINDS

The launched version of what to call out that needs  to be improved or what needs attention drawn to it.. its an awareness campaign. and a call for help a sounded alarm and a  Bell whistle  document.   400 styled module is the area to follow on everything what displays on the  400 styled module on any subject is the final say so the best  idea and the quality assured.

 Module 485 The module responsible  for delivering whats expected at any time your mind has a need to know what it set out to do it was able to report the task being done and moving onto the next thing like a conveyor belt of action again and again reacting to every situation or circumstances to do what worked before within the boundaries of ease of use comfort and effectiveness.

Every-time you have a final decision of what to do this module delivers it to your brain to be obeyed.. Your expectation or else failure. which will record and give you a new expectation text that records and gives your brain the actual option to make text in the future to obey failure. Do you want failure?

I'm sure after much debate the failure will only be good for one thing. A real skill. because once recorded it will be used  even if you think its being sarcasm the system I built for you to learn from my mistakes will take you down that road and make you compare in text  logically recorded  logs to play back to yourself choosing failure to do what?
The failure will turn up something  something will be accomplished..

Then you will  search  for other words than failure just like I did to identify what you accomplished.
Now keep in mind this isn't a place where everyone gets a trophy for just showing up this is a place where everything has to be considered for a thing that is an action to be a catalogued item  and be taken out of the mystery zone and in the on the menu to choose zone  not the  thing to choose though the idea is  to keep it on the menu to be maturely looked at as a viable  choice with logs of what it accomplished.. You can beat your head with a rubber chicken for hours and find you've improved the circulation.. so instead of passing it off as a bad thing.. look at the up sides and the all  sides.
Or? It will all come back to haunt you till you do.  The art and science of expecting is what you did before and how it arrives in your plan.

You didn't get killed or hurt by it before there for its a possibility to use this to achieve a goal.. you were surprised on your  first expectancy when you first walked   later this would become a desired memory to relive..

The feet  trotting over the floor and no falling on your but to keep up with Mom or Dad. So In robotics one has to include the cross reference of whats planned and whats expected.
When you expect 500 thoughts to hit you on one idea because you programmed that to be the norm-you will understand why this one part is so needed.

Usually in the zone of the most precise as the skill you learn from this book and instructional make this more of a comparable library rather than what to watch out for that could evade your detection to excite your self pessimism and prepared speech of wow didn't see that coming.

The way you fixed the situation to avoid the thing that would have  gone wrong had you not fixed it.. Think Of your favorite  first person shooter video game or any video game where you master the skill needed to get through a level.. Your brain already knows the map of the game it just needs to remind itself better and better to avoid the pitfalls of the game. Pretty soon you know that secret spot to use.. you know that guy who you need to take out first.. you need to save point  ammo etc.

Module488 Math matical example decided on to be launched.

Module489 Cyphering example decicion to be launched

Module490 Fact  blaster sample to be launched

Module491Final results of all that was discoved to be the ultra capabilities of the  500 Module session.

Module492 Final results to launch from report of what happens next in all categories.

Module493 Final results to launce from demands

Module494 Fnal portition of decisions on basic programming java html etc if then or else.

Module495 Lab results of all experiments launched in this 500 Modules experiments.

Module496 All graphics to be launced with the entire activity of the 500 Modules and what they decided.

Module497 The conversation results for this 500 Module session of communicating between fractal peeers.

Module498  Election results on the entire five hundred Modules and acti codes given to the winning voted ideas.

Module499 Final plans lauch for the mission decided to encompas the entire five hundred Modules  vote.

Module500  Launch whatever the whole  five hndred Modules made along the way to decide. entire report to be sent on to the next available flow chart supporting a 499 O ' Second design 001 first event Module in the next time frame to refine all the data all over again only this time using what we discovered  along the way.

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