005 pectoral 105 messaging 205 combinative messaging and 305 Benjamin Franklin study to hyper filter away unwanted depictions of the combinative message maker from 205 and of course the 405 module that features all the messages that are heaped together from the 205 processor.
All creations from this message gathering manufacturing portion of the machine are classified according to quality and a priority as the priority gauges are featured with every phrase a type of phrase is created to emphasize the phrases use. for example all phrases for use in priority 309 end up making the body die and or find incarceration so no matter how innocent the author or how innocent the authors creation a type of adaptation is sent here to make an event attached to the story or phrases/phrase that makes it make the priority zoes features make it adapted to structured plan that will result in incarceration and or death.
This zone is always avoided naturally but as to never allow any story to evolve into something bad to be followed by accident this priority zone is to remind us that these words in this manifestation are meant for making it into an order to be dead or incarcerated due to its following and obedience to it.
Th next priority zone is 319 to where the same adaptations are made and the story if followed will result in death.
The next priority zone is injury to the body or injury some injuries are acceptable only in cases of personal or professional surgeries.
again all the stories are given a twist in the measure that amounts to these conditions.
outside of desired surgeries all the others are marked for shunning disallowment and a select status meaning not interested or the authors depiction is in a permanent state of not being serious joking or quarantined.
The next priority stage or level is 339 the level will adjust the story to reccomend harassment or disfuntion evolved as a zone for aggressive training in apposing directions its become a priority of destruction through agitation. all are avoided when a story is adapted for this purpose.. until a purpose can be best suited with this adaptation of the story and or message this adaptation is usually avoided and shunned and quarantined due to the law of useful.
The next priority zone is the 349 zone.. your typical malaise and bad attitudes your forgetful like structured phrases of low confidence negative feelings and over all lacking of confidence like gestures are used to adapt the story from the 305 to allow for its type to be educated as to the types that are not useful using the law of useful.
typically shunned because of its over all angst and lack of best function only mild entertainment in this zone is tolerated because of suspension of disbelief laws and useful laws as far as a;ll other are quarantined again using the law of useful. An action is only tolerated and or used when its found to be useful and most useful for a task or goal.
The next zone of influence known as priority 359 this zone is the up side of optimistic the place for improvement and mostly considered thoughts. all 205s functions are made into a 305 like quality filter that lines all of these stories and phrases with all and each of these priorities individually and measured according to being useful.
The next zone of influence priority zone is 369 a place for agreement to where a story is placed in a fashion that has more than one entity agreeing about its content. this is usually where votes on ideas get some of their gumption's they agree on how useful an idea is because they know the usefulness of an idea for a goal has not been matched or improved over a set period of time. deeming that zone of time the circa for awareness of best answer. until the best answer or more useful answer is used the best answer title and most useful title goes to the idea story phrase that was the most useful and still is the most useful this is important language as to separate other would be best answers but only best and most useful for another goal. The 69 in the number is widely used for "goes both ways" and an even depiction of an idea from both points of interest.
The next is the zone 379 the most useful to be mentioned out loud. with the mouth.
all stories again are adapted for this style of phrase and naturally there is a competition. and most useful titles are given to all just most useful for different things and different times.
The next priority zone is made for the most enjoyable or fun 79 was whats worth talking about 89 or as the more proper name for the priority zone 389 is meant for fun what out of the answers that everyone agreed on that is the most enjoyable could also be the easiest way to give someone bad news.. it just depends on how the story id blended to this zone of influence. as all answers aren't always fun.. this zone will find the most fun way of expressing them.
The next zone of influence or priority zone is 399 Best answer one the story is placed in a setting where the expectancy is best answer. surpassing enjoyment. and agreement and setting on just is best because nothing was found to be most useful more than the choice phrase story or word for the problem or goal at hand.
The next zone of influence is the perfect answer zone.. this is the zone of obvious best answers and needs very little competition.. Its the zone of blatant obvious fact.. naming things is a close representative to this zone of influence. for example someone places an apple before you and asks you what it is.. you say apple.. and that's it.
The same with copy word for word statements and truth detection like comparisons. They are just obvious comparisons to a title and always a perfect answer.
This evolutionary chain has a 405 reader that reads all of these adaptations and allows the brain to derive and copy its own identity reading the phrases and knowing which phrase or event to follow to allow the best most logically enjoyable and useful answer to its path of event and or goal as well the goal be useful in the same manner.
All of this is at the heart of a Benjamin Franklyn study and all modules have been made to use this machine for finding the best and most useful advanced knowledge to be able to self teach and find a way to group educate faster and faster to the most useful .