The graph thats above the letter demonstrates the count down that has to happen for a personality to emote before they can chose a letter number or symbol then a count back up so they dont get misunderstood in the words they make when choosing the letter for spelling. every number letter and symbol is like this what get emitted is the letter but thanks to this system a misunderstanding in speech patters like" elel " or L L cant be mistaken for a word unless its actual deliberately spelled that way with a reason. thus whittling away any malicious phrase interpretations forever.
after a little practice they are given the words to choose that say person who is interested in time stamps Joe Smith I have created full words like this now that i can leave the spelling to the spellchecker and basic function is mine to enjoy.
The time stamp is just a clever tool that tells when it happened whenever IT is happening because truth will always yield what happened before anything and what ever happened after anything. leaving a row of habits that explains what happened to create the effect. a 2 part phrase happened before you happened after you does it all. after all the personalities have had all the conversations they could ever have.. only wisdom awaits they are done. all information is there..the brain is THAT fast. you will literally have to encourage them to re enact their learning to be able to teach you in oral. Or if you have a good lock on the neuron that tells you what to do them instant knowledge is the reward.
So when the brain is forced to read the choices of copies of the graphic that supports Joe Smiths name
whatever was the most retained answer to anything is now sitting waiting to be read. apply the same standard to Eddie Murphy Oprah Winfrey Bert Ernie mother Teresa. Shrek Spock President Lincoln etc etc etc and you have a handy backdrop of alternate opinions to weigh in on all decisions so much that forced bias id eraticated and replaced with unarguable fact.