499osecond law
The Law governing the speed of a flowchart within
500 larger maxiatures of identicle working models
itself. from the perspective of
499 layers away from 1second based laws governed
by the ideantical flowchart at relative speed of
moment=1000milleseconds x1
In Plain english
Since the module set has 500 rotating modules that takes a set of time to complete and each module has a miniature of the same mental processors inside each module to govern its process and each module has the same mechanical dispositional function inside each model to govern its process minus the 500th level using basic networking functional training of marky Post wheel process of modules to feed 499 levels 001 module
Flow chart frame work allows all modules to share this code for function added to the complexity of level one Prime level or (What we normally perceive as the passage of time in seconds.)
at 1,000,000 stack level.
executive modules to run at a stack rating of 100 level1 at 1000 level3 at 1,000,000
stack level = cubed graphic of data x1000 xmodule code number @ level3osecond=regularsecond or 1000 milliseconds
stack terminology comes from the process of complexing repetitious forms of the same data enough times to be able to recognise its process by its frequency signature.
In reality the stack is a flow chart of obsicles to detain the brain logicly for thousands of times in the amount of the modules function code.
Once the system runs this becomes a memory of repititious memorization attempts of the same data in a mantra. insuring a loop of logic to be the preservation of data in the brain no matter how extravigant complex or lengthy. consider memorizing the alphabet being multiplied in each presentation of a new letter times its apearnce sequence number times itself a -1 b=4 c=9 d=16 e=25 f=36 g=49 h=64 i=81 j=100 k=121 l=144
m=169 n=196 0=225 p=356 q=289 r=324 s=361
t=400 u=441 v=484 ww=529 x= y=625 z=736
If we asigned a process factor to each letter we could tell the difference by the difference in number
if t meant reasons why then anything 400 timess would be considered a subject of reasons and the brain would associate it easily because ofits process repititions. plus never get the answer wrong due to emotional interuption
in our 500 module model we make every module times the data by its modulenumber times 1000 times the cubed data
so in the module 244 an outbound communication prcessor averything is cone 244 thousand times after the data has been perfected times 500 deep times 500 wide and times 500 tall making a cube of data tobe times 1000 times the module number.
hello world looks like a stackof H's 500 a stack of e's500 etc untill the words are finished this is then cpied side by side by 500 then the rowis copied on top of each other 500 this cub is made to double its number untill reaching 1024 this number ignores the exess and used the 24 module as a reporting mechanism that 1000 has been achieve. its then multiplied till it has 244 cpies. this is the dat that 244 puts out on anything. why somany? because the brain has a way of miniaturizing things by nature and we dont retain the memory of anything in numbers smaller than 1600 or so.. as the subject matters get confused the brain needs a robust knowlege of what its working with.
trust me 1 billion copies dissapears without a number of sets of billions to point to it.
this levels out after all the modules have a library ofchoices packed away and just sends the data for every module to copy for its own library. the same message in 288 thousand gets turned into a math problem and only the most usefull will be used.. other than back ground chatter. and everything has a use can be cioed experienced and replicad as a set of 500 modules that wanted that as an answer to something get cubed properly and then fractaled. as a stored fact..
level 3 sets the tone and processes and builds
the other end 499 forsees
problems to avoid and instructs 3 on how to build
level 2 delivers process notes on the progress
and the level 1 simply works with te
best data as a face module..
the hope is tohave all the days of my life moduled and perfected for me to just follow the best models settled for.
as 499 levels of flow charts test
24 hours of activity for a days worth of progrss considering the elements of current day
they are given instructions to make different outcomesand chose the most productive 24 hour model to pass forward and matched up to a regular speed module at 500 modules a second
but in the higher levelsof fractal speed expected to work off of longerandlonger slower pprocesses to perfect and send forward at regular speed at 500 modules a second .. Its as if we had the ability to make one whole module do its job for the wholeday of our 24 hrs.. and then pass the information to the second module and let ittake its time for 24 hrs process the data etc etc 500 days long.. in a few seconds.
divided by 500 @ 2nanoseconds per cycle