Module 002
Everyone can agree with this concept a thought needs to be challenged to give it definition and explore what can be done with it. allow as many complaints to be made about a thought and remembered per situation. after the issues have been noted. not to be confused with aguments there are no answers for its just a way to process what a thought is good for.
This is also needed when dealing with a landscape of personalities each one will have a problem. Better to artificially make these proacrtively rather than being a victim.
The next stage is 102 where a proactive complaint is made for the processing keep in mind no one is fighting.. This area of programming took me a long time to escape that misconception from the personalities.
Now that they know how to word it like a scientist who knows this is supposed to instruct and flavor items of interest rather than going into a debate. The debate comes in 209 module and is handled for a 1/500th of the time of any time element you can think about where everyone shouts at once and says NO WAY $%^& OFF AND Thank you for your cooperation Jennifer whoever is left behind is chosen by 209 for the very individual thought every thought has this moment where people like Oprah Winfrey Bert and Ernie Spok Dr drew Beavis and Buthead and Jack Black among all get together and salute it with a I Hate it!
Well not really, but they have to bring their best game face so protestor that the one persons point of view that is retained is used for this cycle..
The next time it could be someone else.
Every 500 modules same thing like a pulse. a chance to protest whatever it is. on purpose just to see where the chips fall and they will fall into a place that no one can argue.
Very cleverly placed phrases all at once where the best of any argument to face any thought is allowed through only one and usually everyone's protest out of function allows one to be the best one to compliment the idea.
In the 02s will always be a sort of idiot light system until satisfied.. sort of like a dashboard on your car is the oil low.
The oil is low would be one of the known complaints are your taxes properly lubed? that light will be on till you satiate it.
.. So problem? really.. where
So the 02's are for deliberate complaints too cold too blue too bright to soft etc
The next coarse of modules in the 03s will be all about clues we learned from your thought
Taken care of.
Now onto the 102 module Dammit->