The 012 evolved in the brain as a way to say granted and after so much use over the genie version the admittance declaration of the obvious won out..
The name tw elve has a lot of innuendos that mean to you will have and to will have as a description of what happened. you will have..
In the fast pace of brain ware one has to know what happened when and any sort of logical fluff to better round off the definition of an event is a good thing.
212 is obviously the best choice of 500 suitors from 112 and 012 presents the ideas..
312 actually is a good place to find the malfunction of whats obviously going on.. "The lie" as it hosts three main functions like all 300 style modules do..
Presents experimental ways to operate the modules finds examples of the 12 style module malfunctioning in priority and because of the deviation in any extreme from the blatant obvious..
A inefficient version of the story or a deception.. As all evolutionary chains are named after their evolving like status of improving the data. Anything that retains the data gets used for whatever its best at..