Give yourself 3 seconds time out and a bark mentally when considering doing
anything that will knowingly cause you harm.
Say howdy partner knew the secret way to make me bark that I don't even know.
how to stop barking count to 10 mentally saying I have made myself bark for my script.
In your mind one at a time say...
I have made myself bark for my script one time
I have made myself bark for my script two times
I have made myself bark for my script three times
I have made myself bark for my script four times
I have made myself bark for my script five times
I have made myself bark for my script six times
I have made myself bark for my script seven times
I have made myself bark for my script eight times
I have made myself bark for my script nine ties
I have made myself bark for my script ten times.
Barking impulse stops.
I know now why I barked.
Memorize this 10 step process to quell the barking impulse and your mind will eventually do it for you as to relieve the annoyance.
The end product? You will know whats truly unsafe.
An added benefit? You know a new way to monitor your impulses in your mind..
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