247 Alien
A term referral to another personality the 24 7 of a persons process-able disposition to ones self in company of your 247 familiar.
247 Familiar
A term referral to another personality the 24 7 of a persons process-able disposition to ones self in company of your 247 Alien other personality.
The terminology describing policies that need proof and from competing libraries.
Acronym means anatomy of truth Its a device process to apply proof something has been done in the brain.
AOT Metering
A device and or method of increasing the likeness of the brain knowing something occurred in the mind and or brain. One example is an exercise of a sound effect that covers a scene when it happens as a peace of paper is covered that has a message on it in the mind.. when the paper is covered you hear a tone meant for that event usually a word choice describing it and the event of it being covered is enough to be its own original sound effect. so you vision a paper with the phrase
"My message says you smiled".
Now move the paper away from you as the paper gets smaller and smaller you still know the paper has a message that says
"My Message says that you smiled"
You will always know that.
As soon as a cover goes over it even though you still know what the paper says you get alerted to it being covered.
there for it can only stay in memory and you will always know its fate.
this method of AOT metering helps this control over an object in the mind..
The term admittance of truth or its more recent upgrade to the term Anatomy of truth is the meaning behind the acronym AOT the metering part is when you pace a device that enforced the concept another stile of AOT metering is in the choosing of a letter for spelling the letter is surrounded by numbers the mind has to go over first before choosing the letter so the brain does not interrupt the event with emotion or competing thought the personality is required to count to 0 from 100 and then choose the letter then count from 0 to 100 after isolating the choice so one know why the letter was chosen in this case "Spelling".
This where we get our next device in the glossary.. AOT metered Fonts
AOT Metered Fonts
Are fonts that have been padded with an obstacle course for the user of choosing a letter a font surrounded by numbers or a task first it has now become an AOT Metered font. The most traditional way is a course of numbers before and after the choice
Aversion Therapy
A therapy consisting of comparisons to change behavior by making simulations of thought unattractive leaving behind a set of behaviors that form a boundary of personality activity.
Its a conditioning of the mind method.
In Jennifer the HUD the aversion therapy applies to a stimulus that guides you to the most voted successful design of thought.
Butterfly Effect
The act of a simple butterfly effecting huge events around the world. Its a bit of controlled chaos all plutoforms are trained in taking credit for everything that happens ever to train the effect back to the action they performed.
Cargo Bay Area
The Cargo Bay area is at the graphical section where a subject line is placed in a Benjamyn Franklyn study induction instructional phase.
In the Benjamyn Franklyn study the command is to make as many phrases as possible from one root statement the Cargo bay area is where this goes because in auditory format the placement of a template is difficult to convey while training because the brain has the tendency to go back to the word template as the answer we use the term cargo bay area to emphasize the tooled partition of this induction.
A determination of fractal speed on a virtual playing field of synchronous and asynchronous parts and functions
named after the acronym
Terminal. C.H.E.T. Election terminals are run like the elections they start with small towns named picnic and graduate to a festivale and so on the structured process that aligns the vote is co networked and assimilated through a chain of manufacturing terminals called modules. that have to pass vote from the smallest fractal level Or speediest fractal level 499 O' Second known as a Chet Level they convey 500 modules at this level to participate in a vote and move to slower and slower fractal levels of Chet levels until arriving at Chet level 1 O' Second.
The amount of electricity send from one part of the brain or another caused by a deficit of charge and then an evening to fill a vacuum.
The acronym DATA has been defined as Determined As-similar Talking Algorithm
In the HUD system Its been determined that ever information be outfitted with a human like way of talking about itself to assist in data retention and to avoid misunderstandings.
Any arrangements of actions that create an action. Mental devices are what Jennifer the HUD Often relies on for storage of data and its use.
Quantum Universal Auto-entanglement Gauge
Is a meter gauge meant to graphically display between past and present going into the nano second quality and having the ability to go into the 499 O' Second quality of what is illusionarily known as now
The time of now is measured according to what makes sense or what meter will suffice with its output.
A metered graphic that measures nano second as the typical most used smallest gauge for activity in the brain and other metered processes that time travel depends on Via Butterfly effect.
Quag Circa
The partition known in the Quag metered for an increment of time a graphical platter the shape of an oval to measure past and present by metered unites known as Mollies and Cules.
Mollies are the sections oin the graph that have not been experienced by plan yet then the experience to reflect a metered beginning to end effect like a status bar metered the effect and the past referral to the event is a cule.
adopted from culling method to be considered culled.
A single element is a cule to be in the state of is to be culed. or culled.
The circa name gets its meaning from an ERA in time.. In this case a very tiny measurement of time.
accumulated into larger and larger sections of time.
Intersecting the spelling of a word in the mind with phrases that intersect with its letter choices to be included for the pronunciation of the word to effect its overall feeling and impose a deliberate Freudian slip.
Any action that makes the brain change shape to enforce a thought process.
Flow Chart
A selection of possibilities to channel decision reactions through to pass on logic to a personality that doesn't have the logic yet. some flow charts are made for discovering solutions to problems due to conditions that have been known to be conflicts the flow chart breaks down complex thought to simple thought and reveal an isolated answer that normally is competed against in the brain.
A flow chart can also dictate the assimilation of detail in policies and standards to be reported and placed in front of other flow charts to get to an assimilated and acceptable goal behavior or action.
This last flow chart is highly prized in the training of AI Reactions that mimic sentient behavior all the way to the other end of the scale of being indistinguishable from sentient behavior.
The only difference between sentient intelligence that comes with the human brain and a trained environment that only produces the correct answer is the accuracy and assumed commercial grade quality playable on the social scale.
Otherwise AI Processing is not that complex to perceive.
Flow charts yield to this fact.
The deliberate naming of an entity from the description of a personality as doing or acknowledging something with redundancies Person who isn't into learning suddenly learned. Is a useful forge to escape the obvious phrases that are expected in the socially adjusted world.
Law Law
The Law that makes the law
In every induction there has to be a way to edit. The module 390 a suggestor of reality in theory and experimentation is the closest method of making a crossover module that is known for a flow chart function in coding to make a plan in the brain.
In this system you will have to be familiar with these terms.
Ive discovered a lot of ways the brain sabotages information when your attempting to get something to work the best way is to distract away from interuptions this is why memorization techniques and mantras are sought out to get there results.
The meanings over time blend with what your going through and you develope a common denominator effect or underlying theme to the whole set of items to think of untill the item to be thought of inferrs to being not the item to be thought of or competes with the overlying theme.
A flow chart like reactor that assimilates data with its own behavior
a system of bots and robots that integrate to an overall end answer.
The act of learning from not perceived data thats implied by other known data facts.
Example Larry sayed to his Boss "I quit!"
His former boss says "You didnt quit. your were fired!"
The osmosis is that these 2 will not be working together and have a hard time communicating.
His leg is also trembling (wink).
Having many languages that blend into each other and the use of them.
The process of making a thought unimpeded from other effects that would unpurify its true meaning in the brain. (the act of removing Freudian slips.)
The act of a muscle bounding emitting a larger representation similar to a trophy
Atrophy is the opposite effect. In the HUD system its vital to make meanings for muscles because of body language overload from the meanings can extend into muscle spasms.
The study an use of muscle tissue for communication and auto relaxation techniques controlled by the brain meat.
Mortal Heaven
A state of mind using inception quality adventures that last forever and allow the brain to replicate millions of years before the brain is ac
tually dead.The state of mind we enter that can extend itself in a whole lifetime for a persons personality and ability to be self aware.
Is a negligible content not worthy of getting all upset over.
Originally discovered in my life as a way to communicate with a part of a word where other words we-rent there to make the appropriate message a apostrophe was used in comedy as a piss-trophy to convey that message.
In my adventures this was a way to talk to the Friend in my brain the simbiont.
Plutoform Heaven
A similar to the Mortal Heaven constructs but amplified among multiverses of possible life times to enjoy constructed by the Module 137 where all realities are explored and recorded for the use of comparison of prediction in time travel and for the purpose of the flow charted communication to your cosmic twins that what you found to get yourself out of danger and vice versa.
Leaving a trail of personalities having a relationship of selves and deep sentiment making each other hyper special to want to save and high praise and thank-fullness to those who couldn't make it or cant escape their situations and warned us away from them.
Being an almost job of theirs.
Its a very emotional state of mind when you can feel their suffering for you to make it. Whole lives are built from other realities where you once in a while run into a twin of yours who wants to spend as much time around their mom as much as possible because in their universe their mom died they actually get mad at you and want to just watch her wash dishes or just fill a doorway with her shadow once more and you have places to go..
Wwell Plutoform heaven is all those realities and more with every sensation in the brain mapped all of those realities can be experienced again and again.
Wwell can you see how these typos are important some times? ever want to convey to the world your hurt and not knnow how?
wwel now you knoww.
This stuff doesnt win you any sort of book contract tho does it?
The last entry of plutofom heaven had me crying..
I'm prone to type my feelings.