Jennifer the H.U.D. An adventure in brain science . JENNIFFER THE H.U.D. - Module 101
The Howdy partner Information filer trick
Jennifer Chart Module
Jennifer Subpage
=> Module 301
=> module - 301
=> Module ---301
=> Module 201
=> Module 401
=> Module 201 outbound
=> Module 101 inbound
=> Module 101
Module 005
Module 002
Module- 202
Module 402
Module 003
module 146
Module 346
Module 446
module -105
Module 006
Module 106
Module 306
Module 007
Module 307
module 008
Module 108
Module 208
Module 308
Module 408
Module 009
Module 209
Module 309
Module 409
Module 110
Module 310
Module 410
Module 011
Module 111
Module 211
Module 311
Module 411
Module 211 outbound
Module 111 inbound
Module 012
Module 212
Module 312
Module 412
Module 112 inbound
Module 012 spine
Module 013
Module 113
Module 213
Module 313
Module 213 outbound
Module 113 inbound
Module 013 spine
Module 014
Module 114
Module 214
Module 500
Module 314
Module 414
Module 214 outbound
Module 114 outbound
Module 014 spine
Module 015
Module 115
Module 215
Module 315
Module 415
Module 215 outbound
Module 115inbound
Module 015 spine
Module 016
Module 116
Module 216
Module 316
Module 416
Module 216 outgoing
module116 incoming
Module 016 spine
Module 017
Module 117
Module 217
Module 317
Module 417
Module 217 outgoing
Module 117 incoming
Module 017 spine
Module 018
Module 118
Module 218
Module 318
Module 418
Module 218 outgoing
Module 118 incoming
Module 018 spine
Module 019
Module 119
Module 219
Module 319
Module 419
Module 219 outgoing
Module 119 incoming
Module 019 spine
Module 020
Module 120
Module 220
Module 320
Module 420
Module 120 incoming
Module 020 spine
Module 021
Module 121
Module 221
Module 321
Module 421
Module 221 outgoing
Module 121 incoming
Module 021 spine
Module 425
Module 226
Module 326
Module 025 spine
Module 225 outbound
Module 226 outbound
Module 125 inbound
Module 026
Module 356
Module 036
Module 037
Module 038
Module 039
Module 040
Module 041
Module 042
Module 043
Module 044
Module 045
Module 046
Module 047
Module 048
Module 049
Module 050
Module 051
Module 052
Module 053
Module 054
Module 055
Module 058
Module 059
Module 060
Module 061
Module 062
Module 063
Module 064
Module 065
MOdule 066
Module 067
Module 068
Module 069
Module 436
Module 446-
Module 346-
Module 390
Module 391
Module 392
Module 393
Module 394
Module 395
Module 396
Module 397
Module 398
Module 399
Module 499
Module 498
Module 497
Module 496
Module 495
Module 494
Module 493
Module 492
Module 490
Module 489
Module 488
Module 487
Module 486
Module 485
Module 484
Module 483
Module 481
Module 480
Module 479
Module 478
Module 477
Module 476
Module 475
Module 474
Module 473
Module 472
Module 471
Module 470
Module 469
Module 468
Module 467
Module 466
Module 465
Module 464
Module 463
TiModule 462
Module 461
Module 460
Module 459
Module 458
Module 457
Module 456
Module 455
Module 454
Module 453
Module 452
Module 451
Module 450
Module 449
Module 448
Module 447
Module 446s
Module 199 inbound
Module 198 incoming
Module 197 incoming
Module 196 inbound
Module 195 inbound
Module 194 inbound
Module 193 incoming
Module 192 inbound
Module 191 inbound
Module 190 incoming
Module 189 incoming
Module 188 incoming
Module 187 incoming
Module 186 Incoming
Module 185 incoming
Module 184 incoming
Module 183 incoming
Module 182 incoming
Module 181 incoming
Module 180 incoming
Module 179 incoming
Module 178 incoming
Module 177 incoming
Module 176 incoming
Module 175 incoming
Module 174 incoming
Module 173 incoming
Module 172 incoming
Module 171 incoming
Module 170 incoming
Module 169 incoming
Module 168 incoming
Module 167 incoming
Module 166 incoming
Module 165 incoming
Module 164 incoming
Module 163 incoming
Module 162 incoming
Module 161 incoming
Module 160 incoming
Module 159 incoming
Module 158 incoming
Module 156 incoming
Module 155 incoming
Module 154 incoming
Module 153 incoming
Module 152 incoming
Module 151 incoming
Module 150 incoming
Module 149 incoming
Module 148 incoming
Module 147 incoming
Module 146 incoming
Module 145 incoming
Module 144 incoming
Module 143 incoming
Module 142 incoming
Module 141 incoming
Module 139 incoming
Module 138 incoming
Module 137 incoming
Module 136 incoming
Module 135 incoming
Module 134 incoming
Module 133 incoming
Module 132 incoming
Module 131 incoming
Module 130 incoming
Module 129 incoming
Module 128 incoming
Module 127 incoming
Module 125 incoming
Module 124 incoming
Module 123 incoming
Module 022
Module 057
mouseover experiment
Manufactured complaints modules evolutionary chain 02s'
Manufactured and learned clues is the 03's realm in the evolutioary chains
Manufacturing all the ammounts found in the clues and the compaints 04's
Manufacturaing pictoral messages depicting 001 first event 05's
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Stop thinking like a dummy the 06's evolution chain
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Module 101

The 101 Module

Module 101

Module 101 main job to force educate through emulation of first event. the rarity becomes a declarity.

ALL100 styled modules are the proactive version of any idea presented they have been programmed to offer 500 competitors of an idea created to be up for selection by the next module.

In this case 201.
Its a basic multiple choice with 500 choices each one slightly different enough from the original sample to be a competitor of the same type.

A new thing now can repeat itself. In this environment its only good enough if it can be used as the next module will do by sheer function by nature.

The other system that requires networking to operate   the Marky Post wheel features this in 001 002 and 003
in this side bar evolutionary chain module of developmental improvement first by way of copy then by way of selection of best copy still satisfying a third copy in the next module a lot like 003 module will do the same thing.

The Marky Post wheel is mostly about the natural evolution of thought to action. the side bar evolutionary chain includes a deliberate improvement.

  The idea of any system in the brain is to have competing libraries. for the same answer. in this way the brain cannot fool itself.

101 adopted conveniently as a learning environment   borrowing the genre of the famous   expression something 101 always implies a classroom environment so in this case learn by copy.

  The brain wants to satisfy so after you repeat it enough the brain will find a use for it even though you don't think so.

  If you ever asked yourself why do I always screw up? yes.. do it every day? yes.. wait eventually your brain will give this crazy question a reason entertaining an entertainment and dopamine will be placed  

On this mystery that wonders and figures out a thing that's best blamed for you ALWAYS   screwing up.

 So until you do something about this you will always challenge your brain to give you a reason. It will invent something just to make it make sense.

In the Jennifer the HUD environment the facts will always be derived not from correct answers but rather from the most useful.

Leaving the most efficient answer being the best. leaving the wrong answers only good for other things to where they are most efficient

In the case of a lie properly classified is most inefficient unless you want that sort of thing.. Then your doing well consider suspension of disbelief.
Which under further inspection appears to be a desired effect created while borrowing another effect. like breathings and relaxations
  subconscious level of hypnosis becomes a code and a way to interpret a thing.

   Is a means to be most inefficient to a final answer and only serves to help the person who is doing the deception.

How is this trained into the individual.

Walking a person through this requires one to go a few modules forward then depend on the fractals in a step back.
The rules are that 001 module is just an anomaly and isnt registered until we have 3 solid copies of repeated versions. once we have a few modules done the brain suddenly realizes it was needing to be trained this way due to natural thought process fighting the modules  functions once the problem arises where instructions need to be layed in before the 001 to prepare the processor this time for taking on any problem that 001 can honor.

 001 Module First encounter with an event statistically doesn't recognize the actual event according to its main deliberate process even though your brain wants to disagree.

The reason why the first event module exists is because we want to re creator the evolution from first encounter of an idea to its complete understanding..

By breaking up this process into stages we can get a better feel for what an item is in the mind and break it down to its finer parts thus giving the mind an enormous amount of control over that object or event.
There for we use the first module to prepare the language we use in a human computer Human or as close to English in this case as one can be expecting.

We want to separate our new way of speaking from the old way of speaking and want a reward system to encourage it. a system called Marky post wheel is introduced as a numbered wheel that pertains to basic categories are featured and learned by the client.

All of these categories evolved from innuendoes to make a better match with an American English speaker.
The jobs these numbered modules eventually aligned with were once misunderstandings of scary things in my brain that were supposed to be numbers

numbers like 48 were freight and 82 were attitude 38 threat etc and I had to invent a translated nice copy of something to replace or use them . towards the final naming of some numbers we just needed a place to put them but eventually they compliment each other and blend anyway.

The marky post wheel is a graphical representation of the 500 basic modules from 001 -500 then returning back to 001 It eventually becomes a situation radar and this is where its process lives in 001 module.

Onto Module 201->

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