What gets the news out there the most?
An agreement that if your a module and your a ten spot like number you have an obligation to share the news with your 9 underlings from what any 010 report says.
In this measure no one gets taken by surprise.
Back to your robotics program in your mind
since we can spend all day on scenarios in one particular arena we have to come up with a way that handles all arena with only answer left processing.
Usually known as the best answer untill your brain doubts it..
The idea is to train the data to be reactive immediately from your body mind and decisions.
Without questions.. so once you realize the parameters of the filters of these mechanical learning machines will put out you will be recorded more and more in your reactions made into print fornt phrases that will be the cause of your reactions and eventually the print font will have made you follow through with the last choice ever and the best. even though you doubt it and think you know better converting the brain to let go in so many let goish forceful by text like ways can take a while.