300 style module
Module 301
The Basic 300 styled Module 300-400
Style modules protect their quality assurance samples made in each
module with conditions that drive ideas where
They are known to be most useful and always in experimental
mode before causing the idea to be best option of top 500 options..
Every module has a 300 styled module section that governs its place
in the Gauntlet Hive if you want to call it that.
The term Hive is speculative right now because there really isn't an
actual queen unless you dedicate all queen references
to a placement of non negotiable maintained facts called
…."Goal goals."
Long life
Best possible income potential
Sexual identity
Sexual desires
Obedience to follow the Hive mainframe rules in this case (Jennifer
the H.U.D.
Or any cross understood fact behavior that is always best to never
A goal goals main process is to repeatedly cause you to make a
signature monogram study in having to choose "Other"
Statements to be the guiding principals of one choice over another
Does it make me richer? Yes do it..
Does it make me richer ? NO, Then do other
That is the guiding messaging flowchart filter for a goal goal.
Is the closest thing to a hive queen mentality being considered.
In this hive if it were a hive the Queen is decidedly
unapologetic-ally unopinionated because she agrees the second
opinion 500ths opinion rule is better relying on known success
stories from billions of personalities per second.
It only behooves her to allow them to make personal voice tracks
that obey their findings using the 300 styled module.
How this translates to training the persons mind
The Way the client is worked into this system in their brain is to
allow them to practice the phrases in cube form..
Working up communication samples that cause the mind to do a
graphical check on a cubed version of a practiced
listed rowed and columned version or stacked version of a phrase,
This replacement of the way they would say a word replaces their
version of saying it forever freeing them from emotional
Sessions of obeying some of these phrases that make you do a thing
with the psychological interruptions gone..
When there is no reason to fear a statement as an order there is
nothing standing in the way of it being obeyed.
The mind is free to trust these statements especially if its
found to be the best answer