Jennifer the H.U.D. An adventure in brain science . JENNIFFER THE H.U.D. - Module 140 incoming
The Howdy partner Information filer trick
Jennifer Chart Module
Jennifer Subpage
Module 005
Module 002
Module- 202
Module 402
Module 003
module 146
Module 346
Module 446
module -105
Module 006
Module 106
Module 306
Module 007
Module 307
module 008
Module 108
Module 208
Module 308
Module 408
Module 009
Module 209
Module 309
Module 409
Module 110
Module 310
Module 410
Module 011
Module 111
Module 211
Module 311
Module 411
Module 211 outbound
Module 111 inbound
Module 012
Module 212
Module 312
Module 412
Module 112 inbound
Module 012 spine
Module 013
Module 113
Module 213
Module 313
Module 213 outbound
Module 113 inbound
Module 013 spine
Module 014
Module 114
Module 214
Module 500
Module 314
Module 414
Module 214 outbound
Module 114 outbound
Module 014 spine
Module 015
Module 115
Module 215
Module 315
Module 415
Module 215 outbound
Module 115inbound
Module 015 spine
Module 016
Module 116
Module 216
Module 316
Module 416
Module 216 outgoing
module116 incoming
Module 016 spine
Module 017
Module 117
Module 217
Module 317
Module 417
Module 217 outgoing
Module 117 incoming
Module 017 spine
Module 018
Module 118
Module 218
Module 318
Module 418
Module 218 outgoing
Module 118 incoming
Module 018 spine
Module 019
Module 119
Module 219
Module 319
Module 419
Module 219 outgoing
Module 119 incoming
Module 019 spine
Module 020
Module 120
Module 220
Module 320
Module 420
Module 120 incoming
Module 020 spine
Module 021
Module 121
Module 221
Module 321
Module 421
Module 221 outgoing
Module 121 incoming
Module 021 spine
Module 425
Module 226
Module 326
Module 025 spine
Module 225 outbound
Module 226 outbound
Module 125 inbound
Module 026
Module 356
Module 036
Module 037
Module 038
Module 039
Module 040
=> Module 140 incoming
Module 041
Module 042
Module 043
Module 044
Module 045
Module 046
Module 047
Module 048
Module 049
Module 050
Module 051
Module 052
Module 053
Module 054
Module 055
Module 058
Module 059
Module 060
Module 061
Module 062
Module 063
Module 064
Module 065
MOdule 066
Module 067
Module 068
Module 069
Module 436
Module 446-
Module 346-
Module 390
Module 391
Module 392
Module 393
Module 394
Module 395
Module 396
Module 397
Module 398
Module 399
Module 499
Module 498
Module 497
Module 496
Module 495
Module 494
Module 493
Module 492
Module 490
Module 489
Module 488
Module 487
Module 486
Module 485
Module 484
Module 483
Module 481
Module 480
Module 479
Module 478
Module 477
Module 476
Module 475
Module 474
Module 473
Module 472
Module 471
Module 470
Module 469
Module 468
Module 467
Module 466
Module 465
Module 464
Module 463
TiModule 462
Module 461
Module 460
Module 459
Module 458
Module 457
Module 456
Module 455
Module 454
Module 453
Module 452
Module 451
Module 450
Module 449
Module 448
Module 447
Module 446s
Module 199 inbound
Module 198 incoming
Module 197 incoming
Module 196 inbound
Module 195 inbound
Module 194 inbound
Module 193 incoming
Module 192 inbound
Module 191 inbound
Module 190 incoming
Module 189 incoming
Module 188 incoming
Module 187 incoming
Module 186 Incoming
Module 185 incoming
Module 184 incoming
Module 183 incoming
Module 182 incoming
Module 181 incoming
Module 180 incoming
Module 179 incoming
Module 178 incoming
Module 177 incoming
Module 176 incoming
Module 175 incoming
Module 174 incoming
Module 173 incoming
Module 172 incoming
Module 171 incoming
Module 170 incoming
Module 169 incoming
Module 168 incoming
Module 167 incoming
Module 166 incoming
Module 165 incoming
Module 164 incoming
Module 163 incoming
Module 162 incoming
Module 161 incoming
Module 160 incoming
Module 159 incoming
Module 158 incoming
Module 156 incoming
Module 155 incoming
Module 154 incoming
Module 153 incoming
Module 152 incoming
Module 151 incoming
Module 150 incoming
Module 149 incoming
Module 148 incoming
Module 147 incoming
Module 146 incoming
Module 145 incoming
Module 144 incoming
Module 143 incoming
Module 142 incoming
Module 141 incoming
Module 139 incoming
Module 138 incoming
Module 137 incoming
Module 136 incoming
Module 135 incoming
Module 134 incoming
Module 133 incoming
Module 132 incoming
Module 131 incoming
Module 130 incoming
Module 129 incoming
Module 128 incoming
Module 127 incoming
Module 125 incoming
Module 124 incoming
Module 123 incoming
Module 022
Module 057
mouseover experiment
Manufactured complaints modules evolutionary chain 02s'
Manufactured and learned clues is the 03's realm in the evolutioary chains
Manufacturing all the ammounts found in the clues and the compaints 04's
Manufacturaing pictoral messages depicting 001 first event 05's
The 05's have a tight evolutionary chain with their own functions
Stop thinking like a dummy the 06's evolution chain
Your doing WHAT? The 007 evolutionary chain
008 evolutionary chain Boring? Not if you like listed things to follow.
The 009 evolutionary chain all about standards policies and convictions
The 010 evolutionary chain extra extra read all about it!
html framework
search page ap
The 011 Module a place to make copies
search engine2
Manufacturing the plainly stated obvious 012 evolutionary chain
Link list
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292 signalling alert

Module 140 incoming

Module 140 incoming

All Incoming text function is to carry on the report that indeed the MEE113Recieved a copy and is not permitted to release a copy Until admitting to knowing how the evolutionary chain made out in their decision MEE113 must make a versed copy of exaggerated and enunciated quality as to the event how it went and how it effects the Mee113 to proved the int-ions been received and then after numerous 499 redundancies depicting much the same choices sends a copy of the incident to  the 10*inbound version of the proactive zone and the Inbound sends to the 0**. spine module to begin a new evolutionary chain in sucess order of forward counting 00* chain rules and introduction10*chain proactive of suggestion to mount 500 suitors for choice in competition. 20* nominative and votive of suitor or suitors for copy to be passed to 40* via 30* modules. 30* comparative module to priority zones 40* holder of launch-able data determined from whole evolutionary chain. 20*outbound reporter of event between 00* first  suggestion level of evolutionary chain module to launch module at 40* to the ultra-form modules JEE MEE and NEE 113  type modules for review. they all show the process has been witnessed and send proof that it has from effect form like reactions and their own individual 499 module  send it back to  10* inbound to send to spine module to send to next element in elevation of counting introductory module 00*

If all this makes  not a lot of sense to you  you can see it this way

A suggested introductory idea is sent along to be featured..

It needs 500 sets of competitions to ensure best choices best choice is made

Assured to be screened through a safety test  the safety test removes unwanted versions of the suitor via deliberate models made never to be  followed and other  models only made to be competed with  the final decision is sent to the last port waiting to be announced in its category 

All this activity must be recorded and passed between the executives and the Ultras for guidance as some of these decisions are everything from

to breathing

to walking forward

to  turning right

and jumping over that manhole.

Without the ok  from the MEE 113 and alike modules the report is based on fear along and fraudulent..

With all this deliberacy fear and fraud and jerky reactions are erased and the model  supplies  smooth reassurance on each step.

Then there are 100 basic categories to be evolved with some sub categories to satisfy..

This happens at lightning fast pace but the decisions must be exercised in a row properly or it malfunctions. what you read above happens only one evolutionary chain 

These evolutionary chains are in a range of first copy of basic learning by copy in raw to at last launching at the culling numbers columbs 01234 all fve having different maturity zones of learning .

Through the fractal levels of 500 full levels of documentation of the same situation only instructed to throw a little bit of indifference in each copy to find a better match  once one is found the subject is settled and the copy that got the most results is adopted as the policy for any given problem.

MODULE 001 First event evolutionary chain  and arrangement from markypost wheel  AOT metering and characters given for spelling numbering and communicating
MODULE101 500 suitor copies made of first event.
MODULE 201 Suitor or suitors are/is is chosen.
MODULE 301 All 3 modules from 0 1 and 2 are placed forward into a priority zone where versions of them are made in comparison to these  zones of priority.
MODULE401 Launch decisions finally made as copies from the social zone and any permitted zones in the pessimistic zones are allowed to be launched recommendations of best answer and copy of first event included.

MODULE OUTBOUND 201 Encapsulates the whole event from 00 module to 400 module and sends it to the main Ultra-form to be notified of the progress. a copy is made for NEE113 MEE113 and JEE113 and returned to
MODULE INBOUND 101 send the  checked report to 001 spine for transfer to Module 002 evolutionary chain.

MODULE 002 first repeat copy of first event evolutionary chain  and arrangement from markypost wheel  AOT metering and characters given for spelling numbering and communicating
MODULE102 500 complaint  copies made of first event repeat and .
MODULE 202 Suitor or suitors are/is is chosen form the 500.
MODULE 302 All 3 modules from 0 1 and 2 are placed forward into a priority zone where versions of them are made in comparison to these  zones of priority.
MODULE402 Launch decisions finally made as copies from the social zone and any permitted zones in the pessimistic zones are allowed to be launched recommendations of best answer and copy of first event included.

MODULE OUTBOUND 202 Encapsulates the whole event from 00 module to 400 module and sends it to the main Ultra-form to be notified of the progress. a copy is made for NEE113 MEE113 and JEE113 and returned to
MODULE INBOUND 102 send the  checked report to 002 spine for transfer to Module 003 evolutionary chain.

MODULE 003  Clues have been found from reactions to manufactured complaints about 1st event in the evolutionary chain 2 First event evolutionary chain  and arrangement from markypost wheel  AOT metering and characters given for spelling numbering and communicating
MODULE103 500 suitor copies of clues  made of first event.
MODULE 203 Suitor or suitors of clues  are/is is chosen.
MODULE 303 All 3 modules from 0 1 and 2 are placed forward into a priority zone where versions of them are made in comparison to these  zones of priority.
MODULE403 Launch decisions finally made as copies from the social zone and any permitted zones in the pessimistic zones are allowed to be launched recommendations of best answer and copy of first event included.

MODULE OUTBOUND 203 Encapsulates the whole event from 00 module to 400 module and sends it to the main Ultra-form to be notified of the progress. a copy is made for NEE113 MEE113 and JEE113 and returned to
MODULE INBOUND 103 send the  checked report to 003 spine for transfer to Module 004 evolutionary chain.

MODULE 004 All information from First event evolutionary chain  its complaints and  and arrangement from markypost wheel  AOT metering and characters given for spelling numbering and communicating

MODULE104 500 suitor copies made of first event. the idea in this bot module is to count        (e v e r y t h i n g ) measurements if possible amounts mostly 500 best copies are made in this module quality is best copy and 500 suitors are arranged

MODULE 204 Suitor or suitors are/is is chosen.

MODULE 304 All 3 modules from 0 1 and 2  of the 004 evolutionary chain are placed forward into a priority zone where versions of them are made in comparison to these  zones of priority.

MODULE404 Launch decisions finally made as copies from the social zone and any permitted zones in the pessimistic zones are allowed to be launched recommendations of best answer and copy of first event included.

MODULE OUTBOUND 204 Encapsulates the whole event from 00 module to 400 style  module and sends it to the main Ultra-form to be notified of the progress. a copy is made for NEE113 MEE113 and JEE113 and returned to
MODULE INBOUND 104 send the  checked report to 004 spine for transfer to Module 005 evolutionary chain.

MODULE 005 All information from First event evolutionary chain  its complaints and  and arrangement from markypost wheel  AOT metering and characters given for spelling numbering and communicating all the information between 001 and 004 are used to be elements for phrases.

MODULE105 500 suitor copies made of first event. the idea in this bot module is to  make as many phrases from the data as possible. using the tools left in the evolutionary chain left  for a Mechanical learning device called the Benjamin Franklin study to process 500,000 separate and different phrases about the initial event using any information best copy and 500 suitors are arranged with this mechanical learning device for this evolutionary chain.

MODULE 205 Suitor or suitors are/is is chosen. 500-1000 stories about the initial event at 001
passed on to be filtered in the priority zones in the 3 hundred versions of the Benjamin Franklyn study and passed on to the 4 hundred style version of the 05 evolutionary chain as a publication of 500 lists of 500-1000 stories each about the first event at 001

MODULE 305 All 3 modules from 0 1 and 2  of the 005 evolutionary chain are placed forward into a priority zone where versions of them are made in comparison to these  zones of priority.

MODULE405 Launch decisions finally made as copies from the social zone and any permitted zones in the pessimistic zones are allowed to be launched recommendations of best answer and copy of first event included. in this case 250,000 to 500,000 stories are launched about the initial event. or have dialect used from the first event to make a different story. cross referenced with the 500  modules functions to not only serve as a variety creation device  but a way to teach the modules functions through cross reference.

MODULE OUTBOUND 205 Encapsulates the whole event from 005 module to 405 style  module and sends it to the main Ultra-form to be notified of the progress. a copy is made for NEE113 MEE113 and JEE113 and returned to
MODULE INBOUND 105 send the  checked report to 005 spine for transfer to Module 006 evolutionary chain

MODULE 006 All information from First event evolutionary chain  its complaints and  and arrangement from markypost wheel  AOT metering and characters given for spelling numbering and communicating all the information between 001 and 005 are used to be elements for phrases. In this set its all about thought
because of the 305 and its mechanical learning capability there is a chance  for osmosis and direct phrasee placement now where we did have a phrase before.

MODULE106 500 suitor copies made of first event. the idea in this bot module is to  make as many phrases from the data as possible. using the tools left in the evolutionary chain left  for a Mechanical learning device called the Benjamin Franklin study to process 500,000 separate and different phrases about the initial event using any information best copy and 500 suitors are arranged with this mechanical learning device for this evolutionary chain of thought  in this case the suitor is your best thought in text that you use to think with and chose weather to speak with..

MODULE 206 Suitor thoughts  chosen. 500-1000 stories about the initial event at 001
passed on to be filtered in the priority zones in the 3 hundred versions of the Benjamin Franklyn study and passed on to the 4 hundred style version of the 05 evolutionary chain as a publication of 500 lists of 500-1000 stories each about the first event at 001 (NOTE) after this section its comon knowledge that every module has a benjamin frankly study module bot to do its thinking of variety and championing a competition of phrase choices cross referenced with module subject matter or any subject matter thats held by a subject matter module. since every module has 500 main functional parts to process data 1 of them being the Benjamin franklin study it is assured phrases exsist in multitudes that satisfy conditions filtered through safety modules called priority gages and  goal goals..

MODULE 306 All 3 modules from 0 1 and 2  of the 005 006 evolutionary chain are placed forward into a priority zone where versions of them are made in comparison to these  zones of priority.

MODULE 406 Launch decisions finally made as copies from the social zone and any permitted zones in the pessimistic zones are allowed to be launched recommendations of best answer and copy of first event included. in this case 250,000 to 500,000 stories are launched about the initial event. or have dialect used from the first event to make a different story. cross referenced with the 500  modules functions to not only serve as a variety creation device  but a way to teach the modules functions through cross reference.

MODULE OUTBOUND 206Encapsulates the whole event from 005 module to 405 style  module and sends it to the main Ultra-form to be notified of the progress. a copy is made for NEE113 MEE113 and JEE113 and returned to
MODULE INBOUND 106 send the  checked report to 006 spine for transfer to Module 007 evolutionary chain
(logging and reacting to thought processes when launched.)

MODULE 007 All information from First event evolutionary chain  its complaints and  and arrangement from markypost wheel  AOT metering and characters given for spelling numbering and communicating all the information between 001 and 004 are used to be elements for phrases.

MODULE107 500 suitor copies made of first event. the idea in this bot module is to  make as many phrases from the data as possible. Using the tools left in the evolutionary chain left  for reactionary thought

MODULE 207 Suitor or suitors are/is is chosen.  that are the best reactive thought

MODULE 307 All 3 modules from 0 1 and 2  of the 007 evolutionary chain are placed forward into a priority zone where versions of them are made in comparison to these  zones of priority.

MODULE407 Launch decisions finally made as copies from the social zone and any permitted zones in the pessimistic zones are allowed to be launched recommendations of best answer and copy of first event included.
all reactionary thoughts and the original first encounter thought known as the first event.

MODULE OUTBOUND 207 Encapsulates the whole event from 005 module to 405 style  module and sends it to the main Ultra-form to be notified of the progress. a copy is made for NEE113 MEE113 and JEE113 and returned to
MODULE INBOUND 107 send the  checked report to 005 spine for transfer to Module 008 evolutionary chain
(list maintainance and upkeep of sceduled items on a list itemizing)
As always an accompanying Benjamin Franklyn Study to help in processing is along for the ride inside the module. as the module 007 is now technically a first event of its own like any other module where its own function needs copying and manufacturing just like youve been able to read up intil now and beyond.

100 culling for singular module of individual personality.                                        
200 culling for pears
300 culling for the entire group
400 culling for launch prepertation
500 culling launch 
099 scripting intruduction module to planning and scripts Miss/Ion
199 proactive plans using Miss Ions
299 suitor is chosen of best miss ions

399 499

Module spine 040 right this way>


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