Most of the basic rules of operation are introduced in this one module starting at 499 level of CHET which means it gets to practice out of chaos implementation
with all the communication rules in tack using a Benjamin Franklin study at the speed of 500 sets of 3 part zeros more time than you can do one at regular or as I like to call it oral speed
times for every one rotation of these 500 modules
Enabling the mind to be able to monitor DNA structures.
So the rules are based on this in respect to authority being the module that told you what to do had 500 more times to work around all the trappings of your plan and presents you with an even keeled genius plan to follow.
the tough part is getting the habits to repeat themselves so we built in a way to make them use a reciprocating method and storage habit to rely on for answers called a miss/ion.
as a plan that utilizes all the data retaining structures in its process. Its what we use for a plan to be launched a multi teared data plan that's maintained and protected from failure.
Every essence of a thing must be fathomed or else it gets misunderstood as something else
so this section is made for manufacturing any and all complaints you can think of to help
illuminate the essence of the idea.
Once one can teach of a thing it has the obvious ability to have confidence in knowing a thing.
In the HUD one of the biggest obstacles to successfully running this juggernaut is the automated thought of behavior being a structured complaint in itself.
so to make an improvement on this we insist the language relies on teaching as proof the information exists.
the multi teared complaints that are generated usually yield to a few complaints that continually appear as useful all the time.
Clues are un doubt-ably found after comparing a thing to its complaints
The brain gets impressions and has ways of sympathizing
with the complainers and through osmosis suggests clues
Documenting the clues about a thing through complaint-if and
osmosis like functions
Amounts are assimilated through all the clues giving rise to a new dimension of understanding
of a thing when the brain is challenged to count everything found about an item then one cannot
miss the subtle differences between one thing and another.
Enough to find opportunities normal people usually toss out in a baby bathwater like fashion.
Images are asked of the brain to make of a thing in pectoral language sort of
like one of those game shows you saw on tv so many years ago to help the
part of the brain that does the definition through dreaming and association.
At this stage we know a lot about a thing its being talked about now and the stories
have been made from the way in which we broke down the first contact with a thing in the mind.
As the ego and precaution need a sounding board like quality to guide
a thing along its journey in being manipulated in any and all possible situations.
a list making property must be installed to a thing and a reaction to a thing so we can
have a memory mansion like order.. where is a thing stored much like a website are we experiencing
a brainopedia effect yet where all things are linked back and forth?
Now is the time to be sure.. lists assimilate a way to make sure a task can be followed.
Personal values when encountering
A thing being recorded mostly from the
clues and the complaints area .
The other are help add dimension and usefulness to a thing
leading to the law all things are true somewhere.
Rules for processing are indicated required reading and confirming
on every module along the way this is the
module where we just mention it in passing
so as not to confuse you the rules of any module
dont just exist in the 09 or the 109 but in the 163
and other rule handling modules miniatures that
are inside the larger copy to make the copy run
All information about a thing discovered so far is passed forward to inform
all 10 spots on the 500 module set ever 20 30 40 and so on are apprised of the discoveries
and phrases like all modules are made to assist in human like interaction form
in the cross referral of every 10 spot module that combines its function with the learning's from a thing in the mind.
In the sorting of a thing we have to make it self aware that is what the 00 module style is good for.
preparing a thought like a robot.
on an assembly line giving it interactive qualities like a human or any sentient being.
This method smooths everything in the brain hud to a Hostess or host like quality
complete with servants and guides.
Along the way to this thing being so created and assimilated is giving it a chance
to describe in plain English whats being done in the current top 500
samples of any level of processing here is where the ability to self aware ones own
need for more copies to be made per cycle so there is a live
continuum in the brains complaint section to align complaints with facts that cover
survival thrival acquisition and the habits that insure the events
can be recognized in the future if we do a thing. Stating the obvious.
A thing must be questioned and here is where it all happens
to allow questions to be created with the signature system
phrase maker back in module 305 in this module are 500
sub miniature versions of the same as the whole 500 set we
see here but dedicated to a thing that is the initially processed
version of a thing entering into its category and manufacturing prowess.
example 84 / 500 processed waiting for 85th action to process
(make questioning taggg)
OOONNNEEEVVVEEENNNTTT!: { 113 confirming 003 process 100% complete }
IF 003SKL!: = 403 498 499 463 409 400 496 443 490 MAKELINE2!:= TRUE!:!!!
MAKELINE1of013!: (status is incomplete no change encountered.)
MAKELINE2of013!: = TRUE!: Change encountered launch TADDLERof013!: Taddlerof113of chetlevel!: agreement x latest timestamp
:::= complete status awarded Announce SSSLICKERCODELAWSSS!:
to announce status to 86/500 process complete.
(Status of 500 module receiving a thing 86 of 500 parts complete.)
set graphical status bar to 86 parts of 500
or In regular speak the next module is responsive and responsible to confirm the amount exists of completed task of order GUI.
Sorta like pumping gas your always going to watch the dial get up to 99.99 etc and only when it rolls over into 100.00 does it mean 1 dollar or one gallon.
In this case the next module in line of succession "taddles" on the completed work. Insuring the process happened.
Some Rules about syntax all English is converted into Quag a rendition of English that prepares itself for
Hayyyche coding by way of spelling raw syntax demands at last one or both ends of a word in English have
3 representatives of the letter in a row Before the SYNTAXERRR!: which is the part
that makes all the capitol letters and squeezes the whole thing into one word adds the
exclamation point and then the colon afterwords making it syntax language for Jennifer
the HUD an early discovery to escape word abuse in English.
Always a good way top escape the abusive terms of raw thought.
Rules about a device adding an er at the end of anything gives it a function of a way to
launch its original verb like noun like or conjunction like talent.
also the thing that's been effected by the thinger now can be officially called (thinged.)
Adding an ed at the end of a thing gives it a quality of effected when using a thing called a noun as a description
Hayyyche code is a way to announce a statement periodically on even frequencies or decided on frequencies to
remind the viewer or the browser or the mind to understand the theme of whats being talked about by playing
samples of conversation of the persons personality in the mind while in between words announcing the rules of the
presentation of the conversation a lot like a movie having the instructions written on that black part between frames
to be able to communicate to the projector of what to do to the film while it plays.
This is the area where a thing is given the ability to make statements
that weren't needed to be carried out or uncertainties or jokes of the
quality if not meaning them to be serious. Its also a handy quarantine
area in the hud to insure that an activity never gets to a 16 like quality
if its found dangerous of an activity that one wouldn't want to do.
So we place a high regard and dependency on the rule of saying things 500 times before
committing them to action this is made to happen in the miniature version
of the module so to keep it in safe speeds of action so the brain doesn't
get to act out of pure impulse it has a course to go through a identity conscious
obstacle course to go through to give it pause. so when the fractal decision comers
back as a known thing that causes an unwanted effect it
gets stopped in being serious..
All rhetoric supplies the idea of it being
a joke a misunderstanding a thought. all language supporting these conditions
are found in the 216 file or module that is the place whether all serious
decisions are finally made. for launching at 406. the 316 in any system fractal
small or fractal large communicates with the laws on the 63s constantly and as
soon as a line up interaction is found much like a bad drug interaction it flags it
for quarantine. easily done since the rules state all phrases of obedience
must have a contingent of safety allowances from other plutofoms that found
this actuation to be "best", "most prosperous" ,"most efficient" , "
goal goal health aligned", "desired" and "survivable" Among a few others
considering a dependency to situation these basics are non negotiable.
041 path to function funnel made to find work order in memory
042 confidences in favor of success for event viability in text form example.
043 likes desires in sample from to personal profile of 132 demographic line up.
044 samples of idea concept or action exposed to other persons in public internal or external.
045 angle of intention of action encounter samples given
046best laid plans of action action improvement makes improved model of action in sample form
047 human frailties or crutches examples of weaknesses per personality or action
048 dangers examples of dangers in english cutomized to the scene.
049 communication emulation conversation samples and generator.
050 physical part listing on off status of muscles etc
051 physical movement integrator controller
052 tagging device-er-er creation
053 giving medicinal aid healing information circulator
054computational soundness examples of conversion from regular speech to syntax or computer generation logic
055 time management elements of measurement.clock time line
056desire to update or upgrade examples of what to update or upgrade
057update event in present 1 gazhilisecond or 499osecond of time representing now or knowing something new.
058 updated past tense
059upgrades if applicable stamper enforcement
060go coding and timing structuring of pathological events Editing.
062 interrogation understanding training and labeling
063laws of Jennifer the hud
064whats not needed samples of what would make the plan fail examples of plan failing
065needs examples of whats needed for plan to succeed
066person place thing generator nouns
068descriptions look alikes
069agreements exact copies
070audio video controls samples
071acustic filtering processing volume bass etc
072sound effects samples and generator
073hayyche coding processor samples and generator
074ambition samples
075electricity control samples
076freedoms skills talents
078questions and answers
079messaging processor
080library and fact filter
081receiving and receiving to the library
082emoyion input
083advice generator
084what to call attention to
085whats expected
086what could go wrong or fail
087 what is done to insure things go rightdictionary encyclopedia entry glossary
088math translator
089coding generator
090fact announcer
091state of the art announcer
092what happens next generator
094 If then or else translations
095 Labtatory experimentation
096graphic display
Dot matrix supported science using a repeat of the number 3 to make the dots and eventually improves opacity with layers
transparencies can be assured. the images have a way of being constructed out of trigger reactions and be maintained by
a looping 500 part work order called a GUI a general user interface a 500 part orchestra of maintained conditions that play
along with a planned action until the contracted ending of its plan has been met.
097fractal matters
the introductory module for the evolutionary chain and the fractal science tag for the beginning mind this module introduces
fractal communication traffic. from all the Chet levels.
098 Action codes and vote tallies
An introduction of a module function action that monitors voted activity and gives a good mark to best voted streams of activity. "Action Codes."
099 Planning creation of plan for use of event and last minute announcement of actions
a thing can now plan
100 Finalizing culling launching
represents a personality who for the first time has proactive choices to make.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in englis are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in englis are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in englis are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in englis are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in englis are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in english are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in english are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in english are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in english are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
When everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
This module simply makes use of the suitor system and chooses the
most useful copy of the report that comes from its 100 styled partner.
when everything by standard minimum has to have 500 copies of itself even when its 500 are going up against 500 other sets of 500 its kind of hard to make errors here when choosing the best of the best.
words in English are used to express the modules humanity as one would actually go through on the choiced words as a human choosing or in this case as a Pluto form choosing but using human like communication to help illuminate in the brain when the module was doing its thing.
300 Is a culling module to handle the roll call of all personalities who have the prepared tools to govern nd multi task together using all the modules.
the first two of this nature the
100 and the 200 represent first
the training a personality gets
in the beginning the ability to
make proactive decisions and
then the 200 is where the 100
styled personality meets other
personalities and the inter mix
gets governed when all stages
of governing are complete we
are meeting here at the 300
The profile number where we
judge and protect from harm
from any decision
also known as one of the
culling numbers to prepare the
way for individual thoughts
actions in first personality form
of obeying the idea and
enunciating the learned lesson
and consequences so the
Has a more complete robust
structure and the brain can tell
whats going on at any stage..
once the personality lines of
text are layed down for first
person usage from self
description the rest is just
done for you already.
300 is also the main module that
supports the 100 part in a receipt system
of done votes per 500 modules every
200-300 section holds all the votes per
category and voice tracks are laid down
to support the 100% of th module that
happened before them in this case 301
module will report the good works of 300
at being 100% when the report is sent
forward. using a chain link style
300 also serves as an auditor the
preliminary cross referral thought pre
thought report that goes back 500
modules or 500 thoughts and makes an
entire 500 part proactive choice module.
as long as the Benjamin Franklin study is being used for every decision 500 thousand quality versions of your next move.. cant beat it.