The manufactured evolutionary chain module is to add a way for an item a thought of an action or any thought phenomenon in general to be fathomed as you will see all of these modules add some semblance of character to an item of event in the mind and help record their likeness for reproduction storage and playing.
the modules 002 102 202 represent the 3 stages of introduction to a complaint invented about Module 001's event
002 introduces the idea 102 proposes a deliberacy of 500 suitors all different angles of the same complaint or the comlaints have been found to be that numerous in originality each that they neccesitate a way to make this the norm for the style of module.
for example counting to 500 The first number to use can literally be arguably 1 or a zero 500 types of 1' or 500 types of 0's eventually withi nano seconds all this is fathomed out and decided at the speed of a circuit board and we have a chosen suitor for the issue at hand. 201 makes that choice and by function has improved the choice.
The idea of security is paramount in the evolutionary chain where a 302 module waits the process thats been made for event1 a complint has been invented along with a numerous amount of other cycled complaints as well because the event warrents that many to be held. this rounds off the first event so that we might know it better..
302 checks its organized function to filter any versions that violate the structured policies of the priority zomes 309 to 409 all the 10 spots in between that end with the number 9 .
after the first event has a library of look alike events in each of these modules the original is sent on to 402 to launch the most helpful complaint attached to the event.