Jennifer the H.U.D. An adventure in brain science . JENNIFFER THE H.U.D. - business plan ophgobinipnep
The Howdy partner Information filer trick
Jennifer Chart Module
Jennifer Subpage
Module 005
Module 002
Module- 202
Module 402
Module 003
module 146
Module 346
Module 446
module -105
Module 006
Module 106
Module 306
Module 007
Module 307
module 008
Module 108
Module 208
Module 308
Module 408
Module 009
Module 209
Module 309
Module 409
Module 110
Module 310
Module 410
Module 011
Module 111
Module 211
Module 311
Module 411
Module 211 outbound
Module 111 inbound
Module 012
Module 212
Module 312
Module 412
Module 112 inbound
Module 012 spine
Module 013
Module 113
Module 213
Module 313
Module 213 outbound
Module 113 inbound
Module 013 spine
Module 014
Module 114
Module 214
Module 500
Module 314
Module 414
Module 214 outbound
Module 114 outbound
Module 014 spine
Module 015
Module 115
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Module 315
Module 415
Module 215 outbound
Module 115inbound
Module 015 spine
Module 016
Module 116
Module 216
Module 316
Module 416
Module 216 outgoing
module116 incoming
Module 016 spine
Module 017
Module 117
Module 217
Module 317
Module 417
Module 217 outgoing
Module 117 incoming
Module 017 spine
Module 018
Module 118
Module 218
Module 318
Module 418
Module 218 outgoing
Module 118 incoming
Module 018 spine
Module 019
Module 119
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Module 319
Module 419
Module 219 outgoing
Module 119 incoming
Module 019 spine
Module 020
Module 120
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Module 420
Module 120 incoming
Module 020 spine
Module 021
Module 121
Module 221
Module 321
Module 421
Module 221 outgoing
Module 121 incoming
Module 021 spine
Module 425
Module 226
Module 326
Module 025 spine
Module 225 outbound
Module 226 outbound
Module 125 inbound
Module 026
Module 356
Module 036
Module 037
Module 038
Module 039
Module 040
Module 041
Module 042
Module 043
Module 044
Module 045
Module 046
Module 047
Module 048
Module 049
Module 050
Module 051
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MOdule 066
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Module 436
Module 446-
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Module 447
Module 446s
Module 199 inbound
Module 198 incoming
Module 197 incoming
Module 196 inbound
Module 195 inbound
Module 194 inbound
Module 193 incoming
Module 192 inbound
Module 191 inbound
Module 190 incoming
Module 189 incoming
Module 188 incoming
Module 187 incoming
Module 186 Incoming
Module 185 incoming
Module 184 incoming
Module 183 incoming
Module 182 incoming
Module 181 incoming
Module 180 incoming
Module 179 incoming
Module 178 incoming
Module 177 incoming
Module 176 incoming
Module 175 incoming
Module 174 incoming
Module 173 incoming
Module 172 incoming
Module 171 incoming
Module 170 incoming
Module 169 incoming
Module 168 incoming
Module 167 incoming
Module 166 incoming
Module 165 incoming
Module 164 incoming
Module 163 incoming
Module 162 incoming
Module 161 incoming
Module 160 incoming
Module 159 incoming
Module 158 incoming
Module 156 incoming
Module 155 incoming
Module 154 incoming
Module 153 incoming
Module 152 incoming
Module 151 incoming
Module 150 incoming
Module 149 incoming
Module 148 incoming
Module 147 incoming
Module 146 incoming
Module 145 incoming
Module 144 incoming
Module 143 incoming
Module 142 incoming
Module 141 incoming
Module 139 incoming
Module 138 incoming
Module 137 incoming
Module 136 incoming
Module 135 incoming
Module 134 incoming
Module 133 incoming
Module 132 incoming
Module 131 incoming
Module 130 incoming
Module 129 incoming
Module 128 incoming
Module 127 incoming
Module 125 incoming
Module 124 incoming
Module 123 incoming
Module 022
Module 057
mouseover experiment
Manufactured complaints modules evolutionary chain 02s'
Manufactured and learned clues is the 03's realm in the evolutioary chains
Manufacturing all the ammounts found in the clues and the compaints 04's
Manufacturaing pictoral messages depicting 001 first event 05's
The 05's have a tight evolutionary chain with their own functions
Stop thinking like a dummy the 06's evolution chain
Your doing WHAT? The 007 evolutionary chain
008 evolutionary chain Boring? Not if you like listed things to follow.
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Ophgobinipnep Productions








Prepared by:


Francis A Bonner III



1008 Capouse Ave

Scranton, Pennsylvania 18509

570 877 1769





Ophgobinipnep Productions (referred to from hereon in as the "Company") is intended to be established as a Limited Liability Company at 1008 Capouse Ave, Scranton, Pennsylvania 18509 with the expectation of rapid expansion in the training people to run a business they own. sponsored by contributions. pilot project right now is a cartooning agency that can offer the industry a competitor to high end firms while giving a choice to the client to have the ability to rescue people from poverty while getting a quality product.. industry. The Company solicits financial backing in order to be able to introduce its new product (described below).


Business Description

The Company shall be formed as Limited Liability Company under Pennsylvania state laws and headed by Francis A Bonner III.


Still recruiting


The Company will employ 16 full-time employees and part-time employees.



Business Mission

Our mission Is to lift the hopes of persons who are underprivileged and make a advertising firm out of its process. By training people on the job funded by charitable contributions we can allow dignity to be a big part of any persons life and no amount of disadvantage can stand in their way.
Francis A Bonner III
570 877 1769


New Product

After a period of thorough trial and error, the Company is prepared to introduce the following product to the market:


Remember Seven: Group training personalities that recruit people train them to be professionals while optioning to allow them to take over or partner in the industry they are trained.
Remember seven ways to make a difference
S take responsibility
E mploy the response
V erify the situation
E xpect a change
N ever quit


I'm the Front producer of this idea..

I'm a poor artist who has been homeless for some time Only recently received a room to stay in by a HUD related agency.. while dealing with the struggles of making money to pay bills and save myself from destitute I discovered a need to partner with people to join in a cartooning effort to become famous and woo the eye of businesses willing to hire us as a full on contractual provider for their advertisement needs in the illustration department Its taking a while to get the word out and contributions to this effort would definitely make a difference.

For now its the model to train the group of students who otherwise are shelter bound or facing homelessness. give them a skill or allow them to show off their skill. and watch their worlds blossom right in front of their eyes. While all along not fearing they would be spending much valued time away from a difficult reality of working a job that wont be able to be ignored. I'm a wall muralist by trade.. I'm used to knowing this world and its lucrative.One of the chief concerns everyone has is can it rescue my financial needs?

A day in the life of this pilot project known as Ophgobinipnep productions I devised a way to sit 5-20 illustrators at a portable desk and to formulate a cartoon as a team and feature it on the internet for the world to see.Its hope is to woo the attention of area businesses that would love to commission us for an advertising contract doing commercials for their company while being funded to teach these people to become a team and uplift their hopes of having a future.

People from all walks of life from disabled veterans to people that just have a deep love for being self employed to the point of loss.

The same model can be used for more than just animation arts. hair dressing Auto mechanics specialists. Computer aided drafting. Business franchising. Life saving services in the case of an emergency etc The list goes on and on.

People always have a story how they wound up on such hard times They all need someone who knows their plight.

I cant think of a more deserving group of persons who need this kind of a chance than people who have been there.

Lifting these people from their poverty is my ultimate goal.. this is just one of my plans of just how to do it.

To have the space to do this is one of the obstacles we face. a room dedicated to a project like this can be donated. Ive worked out a way to convert a pizza box into an illustration board How to use a cell phone as a photography studio.
How to use hand me down computer parts to make a digital processing wing. How to use older software to animate and produce.

Dignity Is what this delivers. While the contributions from persons in the wings of society can rest assure they will be remembered.


Funding Request

The Company requests a total loan of $300,000.00 in exchange for 30%% equity ownership in the Company. The funding proceeds will be used for the following purposes:


Financing labor
Members of the project would be paid a wage to enable the project to be completed.



Loan Amount





Research and development



We expect to break-even within a 1 year. time period following the introduction of our product.




Industry Overview

In the United States, the training people to run a business they own. sponsored by contributions. pilot project right now is a cartooning agency that can offer the industry a competitor to high end firms while giving a choice to the client to have the ability to rescue people from poverty while getting a quality product.. industry presently makes 0  dollars in sales.


Low cost competitive media


Research shows that consumers in this industry primarily focus on the following factors when making purchasing decisions:

Customers expect competitive quality illustration and animation enough to compete with any well known or high end company.
Customers can expect to feel good of having chosen this angle for their animation needs because persons in desperate need are being helped.


Business Goals and Objectives


Short Term:

to have at least a quarter of my expenses met by 3 weeks from today 2/24/2020



Long Term:

To have 10 separate pilot businesses offering other processes to offer the general markets an option to hire persons in need of money and work. This pilot model will succeed as a way to elevate the standard of living for the average person in the US perhaps the world.


Legal Issues

The Company affirms that its promoters have acquired all legally required trademarks and patents.



Target Markets

The Company's major target markets are as follows:


Consumer goods


The estimated number of potential clients within the Company's geographic scope is 3,000.


Pricing Strategy

The Company has completed a thorough analysis of its competitors' pricing. Keeping in mind our competition's pricing and the costs of customer acquisition, we have decided on the following pricing strategy:


lowest bid while working on product people love to work on while hovering around minimum wage per member of team. with option to run the company and compete with better wages after successful model is cemented.


Distribution Strategy

Organizing a you-tube campaigner and bidding on contracts over the internet.

After the competition is saturated with competitive processes much like our own the world would have selfless persons who made a difference in their way to serve humanity.
Political status is insured.


Promotional Strategy

The Company will promote sales using the following methods:


Word of mouth
Direct marketing
Working through the charities that already exist.


SWOT Analysis


People will fund a humanitarian program that helps cure societies ills over hiring a top price company siply wanting to pay off its college debt. See you when your homeless -
Gotta Hava PI ! We will be there for you too.



Small numbers notoriety is week. original plan in one persons strategy. No start up capitol Needs to be advertised.



Work for people who want to do something they like.. and can feel good about.



Pixar might have to retool.




First-rate service is intended to be the focus of the Company and a cornerstone of the brand's success. All clients will receive conscientious, one-on-one, timely service in all capacities, be they transactions, conflicts or complaints. This is expected to create a loyal brand following and return business.




12-Month Profit and Loss Projection


Monthly expense for salaries and overhead (projected):


Revenue and sales for first year of business (projected):


Gross profit for first year of business (projected):




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